Difference between revisions of "Oni De'phor"

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Line 157: Line 157:
- "I'm pretty sure I saw that boy droolin' blue on my counter the other day." - A Limsan bartender
- "I'm pretty sure I saw that boy droolin' blue on my counter the other day." - A Limsan bartender
- "Oh, he's such a nice man! Quirky, but ask him anything and he'll help you out!" - A smiling maiden
- "Oh, he's such a nice man! Quirky, but ask him anything and he'll help you out!" - A smiling maiden
- "I've been up and down this trade route 3 times a week and every time I'm passing by he's out here hunting something." - A skeptical lalafell.
- "I've been up and down this trade route 3 times a week and every time I'm passing by he's out here hunting something." - A skeptical lalafell.
Line 163: Line 165:
- "I heard'em speakin' to hisself. Betcha it's to them Imperials. Dun believe me? Open his metal arms and see proof starin' you in the face." - A gruff roegadyn
- "I heard'em speakin' to hisself. Betcha it's to them Imperials. Dun believe me? Open his metal arms and see proof starin' you in the face." - A gruff roegadyn
- "I-I swore once I saw him drag a hempen bag out of a field. It was squirming and pushing hands out! I-It was from far away but I know what I saw!" - A neurotic hyurian woman
- "I-I swore once I saw him drag a hempen bag out of a field. It was squirming and pushing hands out! I-It was from far away but I know what I saw!" - A neurotic hyurian woman

Latest revision as of 13:25, 11 October 2017

Gridania-transparent.png Oni De'phor
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Gridanian
Follow this character https://onidephor.tumblr.com/

Basic Info

Name: Oni De’phor (AH-nee de-FOR)

Age: 27

Orientation: Heterosexual

Marital Status: Engaged to Aimee Peltier

Religion: Recognizes the Twelve, but not very religious.

Patron: Halone, The Fury

Birth date: 12th sun of the 4th astral moon. (6-23)


Height: 6'2"

Weight: 340lbs (154kg)

Build: Compact, muscular.

General Details:

Oni appears to have grown up malnourished. Though his height is above average for a midlander, his musculature is subpar for a warrior class. Since arriving in Limsa, he has since developed a more defined tone, but stunted either way. Additionally, he has a long scar up both legs, from ankle to slightly above the knee. He gets his unusually heavy weight from the amount of metal implanted into him, but even removing his prosthetics, he is abnormally heavy for his size and build. This is not counting the spear he always carries around, of course. Though its permanence may as well include it, as he cannot put it down. He has an nonremovable collar about his neck, which holds a dragoon's soul crystal in the fitting. His right-side metal arm is also inscribed on the inner cover with "Combat Model #0168" to mark him as one of the subjects from the Colossus Project.

He has snowy white hair that is particularly pure. The natural sheen gives it an almost blue undertone. He has eyes equally as icy blue. On his face, left side, is a blue mark running along his temple and cheekbone. In times of duress or when his aetheric concentrations grow too high, the marking has been known to change to a red hue.





Oni is a friendly, slightly introverted man who keeps to himself in crowded places. He is the type that would insist on refusing aid for fear of getting in the way or being a burden, even if he was in dire need of said care. He’s passionately loyal to those he cares about. He watches life flow by from the corners of the alleys, having a habit of only coming forward willingly when someone is in need of assistance or defending. He is also an avid hunter and often brings in his game to clean or consume. Sometimes, what exactly he caught is unknown. Closer friends and allies would describe his comfortable behavior more animalistic than not, as being chased, licked, or bitten by him is not out of the ordinary. His movement at night can be a bit creepy, as he will climb furniture, or walls, to perch in odd places. He's harmless, however.


The primary thing anyone will notice about Oni is that he spends much of his time with his head turned to the side muttering to himself in full conversation. He uses "we" and "us" with a grammatical consistency that suggests more than just an error of speech. When referring to his personal thoughts or physical body, he will say "I/my/me", but when it refers to himself as a whole, the plural is used. This is because he includes the spear on his back, named "Raiden", within that "we." Only when he believes the spear and himself agree on a thought or concept will he use "we/us" when referring to more internal opinions.

His relationship with the spear is not objective. He fully believes the spear to be alive and speaking with him constantly. At times, should the topic of conversation among others tend towards harm coming to him, or doing something otherwise bad for his health and well-being, his demeanor will change from the quiet neutrality he often shows to a sharp-tongued and protective personality. In this state, he never refers to himself as “I”, but “the kid” or “him." In this state, he claims the spear to be controlling him.


Oni is extremely observant and clever. He’s also a rapid learner. His ability to pick up on his surroundings and translate them into usable information, be it personal or environmental, is superior. Even with his eyes shut he still seems able to get a feel and read those around him. This makes him an excellent fighter with deadly results. As far as the magicks? He claims he knows of them, specifically conjury, but has been unable to practice them since the loss of his forearms. His quick wit and keen observation allow him to focus in on emotional cues people give off, and even uses that to his advantage when trying to manipulate someone. His failures are in basic social intelligence and an inability to relearn how to behave normally in company of others. This isn't a mark against his intellect, but more a deep rooting of a culture he came from.

There's one thing I admire most in this world and that is the mind. Not because it binds body and soul, but because it is the world's most fantastic liar.-Raiden

Raiden, the Spear

Dealing with Oni means dealing with an entity he refers to as “Raiden.” When doing so, he is referring to the spear he carries. When under this mania, he claims that the spear is controlling him, and will even change memories and perceptions based on who is controlling his mind at the time. The mania is graduated, in that at times of lucidity, Oni’s body may twitch or snap in oddly unrealistic ways that he is apparently not controlling on his own. They are most recognized by their reflex-like jerk motion, and can be anything from a kick to a punch. In deeper versions, Oni may even appear to be fighting against himself from walking to a location, acting as if his body is dragging him along against his will.

Regardless, the personality Raiden brings forth is much different than Oni's. His demeanor changes on a whim to a proud, sharp-tongued warrior who claims to be an avid dragoon. Raiden states that he is an ex-warrior of Ishgard, and his only reason for being alive right now is because the Fury permitted him to return within an object. He believes his penance for life is protecting Oni. Raiden takes an semi-inferior role to Oni and is fiercely protective of him. Given his situation, he may be more protective of the body, rather than the person. When Oni's opinion comes into the mix, he tends to care a little less. He will even force Oni into situations he'd rather not do so long as he won't be harmed.

The spear appears to function on lightning aspected aether. This electric affinity supports the theory that the spear acts as a circuit closer to keep Oni's mechanics functioning. The electrical influence also explains how the spear can control only Oni's metal components, such as his arms and legs. If the soul crystal is in Oni's possession, Raiden can use this ability to vibrate Oni's mechanics finely enough to cause the spear to reverberate. This is how it is capable of producing speech without using Oni's mouth as a surrogate. These electrical stimulations can be fine-tuned enough to produce a hallucination effect for anyone who decides to touch the spear. It can be assumed that this effect is occurring with Oni at all times. The most common effect is a visualization of an elezen and a disjointed sensation of touch or sound that feel real. An outside onlooker would simply witness someone holding a spear and reacting to nothing, so the effect is only shared by those grabbing the lance with bare or lightly clothed flesh.

Despite appearing to be a being capable of "reading minds" because of this effect over the brain, Raiden cannot read thoughts, which is why Oni must verbalize all communications to the lance. The lance then picks up the vibrations in the air caused by the voice and is able to translate that in a form of crude hearing. Oni does appear to hear voices caused by the lance, but they are not thought based. He complains frequently that Raiden shouts in his right ear. Implanted into his right ear is a Garlean linkpearl, which originally was used for communications, that the spear has figured out the frequency to and can vibrate to said frequency to create a rather staticked vocalization that is not heard by those connected to the com line. Since it required learning the correct frequency, Raiden cannot communicate to others through other linkpearls.

When Raiden "takes over", it's most noted by the change in Oni's eyes. Normally a crisp, icy tone, his eyes will haze over and dilate from the electrical interference Raiden causes in order to push his way into control. Depending on how deep the control is, Oni may or may not recall what was said or done by himself or others during that time.

Seen on right is an image of who people will tend to see when in contact directly with the lance. He's described as a dark-skinned wildwood elezen with black hair, blue highlights, and vivid purple eyes. He also has red tattoos on both sides of his face, is of tall height, and typically wearing an Ishgardian habergeon.



Oni's city state of origin was Gridania, where he was raised by the conjuror's guild to follow their path. Around 1570, when Garleans had made an unprovoked attack on Gridanian civilians, Oni was among those taken. Prisoners kept from multiple locations, ages and races would be used for what was code named the "Colossus Project" tasked with discovering new methods for engineering prosthetics that could go on to develop the Empire's mechanical giants of the same name. Using a living body to find the most natural balance of weight and motion was the theory, however; the aetheric abilities of Eorzeans showed that even more could be done with the test subjects.

Oni was one among 300 or so. He was used primarily for small-group combat and one on one combat. When not on active duty, he was among the very few who were capable of ending the lives of his now experimental brethren. He resided here for the next 8 years, where he became exceedingly good at his job. The three hundred he lived with developed a vast culture within this time, attributing to the behavior he shows today.

When he reached his twenties, he silently began to turn on his handlers. He waited for a time, performed exceptionally well, and acquired admiration from his officers. With this miniscule amount of trust, he took action one day on a transport airship. He stole some supplies, clothes, and turned on his commanders. Using Raiden's lightning-based aether, they disrupted the airship's aetheric power enough to send controls offline. In this confusion, he acted against those on the ship. Specifically, he cut the tendon in their ankles to prevent them from chasing him down. Free to jump, he lept overboard. The impact with the water knocked him unconscious and caused his soul crystal to come lose from his prosthetic. Without the mechanical support to maintain his vitals while submerged, he may not have made it to shore.

The currents carried him to a crystal beach just outside of Moraby drydocks, where Belila Tineniel discovered him. She managed to lift his head above the waters, resulting in an immediate expelling of water from his lungs and a revival. She helped him back to the small port, where he was able to recover somewhat, but still remained weakened. With his first task of escaping the Empire accomplished, he is now faced with the reality he's thrust himself into. He has no family to return to, no energy supplies for his prosthetics, and a lackluster relationship with an enemy nation. With no where to turn, Belila took him in and found him new life in Eorzea.


Currently, Oni has been living with the Order of the Sword and Rose for three years and acts as their leader. He received the group upon the announced leave of the company's former founder, Konner Kinkaid. Through the care of countless friends he has made, he has grown into a powerful fighter and close ally to many. He has not fully escaped the Empire, for it still follows him to tempt him into returning.

He has also received numerous upgrades and devices from many engineers across Eorzea, making his prosthetic arms weapons of their own.

Other Information


Oni typically has a level head and sharp focus. However, seen right, when Raiden is controlling his body, his mannerisms become proud, boisterous, and uncaring.

He is an experienced warrior and hunter. He also tinkers with weaponmaking and armorcraft and seems to have a very good handle on making both products. He also has basic knowledge of alchemy and goldsmithing. As previously mentioned, his sense of surroundings is hyper-aware. Often he says his spear acts as an extra set of eyes.

His combat abilities are rooted in assassination-style attacks meant to be swift and deadly. Unless intending to kill someone, he will purposefully strike at limbs to cripple a foe than kill them. The reason he does this is unknown.

Oni also has a unique quality that prevents some aetheric spells from doing damage. He is entirely immune to lightning aether, as it is absorbed into his frame easily. He can also tolerate exposure to ceruleum much longer than a normal person due to the prosthetics, which each carry a ceruleum vial that infuse the substance into his bloodstream 24/7, or be seen openly drinking it from a canister. While this is beneficial in the short-term, the long term effects can be detrimental. (see additional explanation in weaknesses below)


Physically, Oni's strength never reaches its fullest due to his dismal endurance and inability to keep up with his own weight. Dragging out a fight with him is a sure way to win, as he'll become winded much quicker even though he is a fit fighter.

Additionally, Oni's mechanics also require Garlean sources of energy, like magitek cores and ceruleum. Each arm holds a core and a ceruleum vial, giving him a source of back up energy. All together he has about a month total before he has to replace anything, but typically he tries to replace a core every 2 to 3 weeks, making sure he always has one healthy core in the other arm. The core and ceruleum will not deplete evenly. He selects which arm is the "main" power so in times of changing cores and vials, he doesn't shut down all together. If starved of these resources, he will collapse similarly to losing his spear. Revival depends on replacement of these materials. This means someone handy enough could remove both cores or vials from the arms and render him a ragdoll.

His manic episodes can be considered a weakness as well. They often happen at inconvenient times and cause him to do things he wouldn’t otherwise do. Igniting an episode is an easy way to dismantle the icy focus. Not to mention, bringing out Raiden causes him to have poorer judgement and crippling stubbornness. Anyone capable of exploiting this will always have an edge over him.

Finally, Oni has retained his ability to take in aether from his surroundings, but lost the ability to focus it. Physical aether, like wind, water, or earth, have normal effects on him. Plasma-like aethers such as lightning, any form of ceruleum, or corrupted aether radiations are still absorbed readily into his systems. This makes him extremely sensitive to aetheric flow. With no way to vent out excess, the aether load can grow to a life-threatening level very quickly. A strong enough burst attack is capable of giving him aether-poisoning almost immediately.



- Helping others

- Making new friends

- Quiet time to himself

- A good fight and a good hunt

- Sweets and meats


- Deep waters (his dense frame makes it difficult to swim)

- Spicy food

- Watching others get bullied or harmed


- Receiving injections (needles)

- Losing Raiden

- Losing his dragoon soul crystal

- Losing Aimee


Easily heard:

- "I'm pretty sure I saw that boy droolin' blue on my counter the other day." - A Limsan bartender

- "Oh, he's such a nice man! Quirky, but ask him anything and he'll help you out!" - A smiling maiden

- "I've been up and down this trade route 3 times a week and every time I'm passing by he's out here hunting something." - A skeptical lalafell.

Difficult to find:

- "I heard'em speakin' to hisself. Betcha it's to them Imperials. Dun believe me? Open his metal arms and see proof starin' you in the face." - A gruff roegadyn

- "I-I swore once I saw him drag a hempen bag out of a field. It was squirming and pushing hands out! I-It was from far away but I know what I saw!" - A neurotic hyurian woman


- "Oi, c'mere. Ever wonder why the kid wants a free company so bad? Ever notice it's got no lalafells? They say he recruits them in, then eats them." - A shady highlander man

Images And Other Notes

Updated 6/16/17