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<font style="color: #8ca1c5;"><b>SCARRING :</b></font>  Given that she is far from a front line fighter, Nasri's collection of scars is minimal, but not nonexistent.
<font style="color: #8ca1c5;"><b>SCARRING :</b></font>  WIP
: <font style="color: #000;"><b>Forehead Scar . . .</b></font>  <font style="color: #565656;">Above her left eyebrow sits a scar that cuts diagonally down her forehead. Surprisingly deep and well defined, Nasri obtained it after she purified a tainted sword in the field, causing the blade to shatter. She was, unfortunately, caught in the consequential shrapnel.</font>
<font style="color: #8ca1c5;"><b>JEWELLERY :</b></font>  WIP
<font style="color: #8ca1c5;"><b>JEWELLERY :</b></font>  Nasri often wears many different pieces of jewellery, though there are those that she treasures above all others.
: <font style="color: #000;"><b>Crowsplume Clasp . . .</b></font>  <font style="color: #565656;">A dark purple clasp that signifies a member of Crowsplume. Despite her exile upon leaving for Gridania, she wishes to honour her mother and the aunts and sisters who helped raise her, now more so than ever.</font>
<font style="color: #8ca1c5;"><b>CLOTHING :</b></font>  WIP</font>
: <font style="color: #000;"><b>Fang Necklace . . .</b></font>  <font style="color: #565656;">Given to her at birth from her mother. The necklace is made from a length of leather, with five polished fangs separated by beads of silver. Though it looks fragile, the attention and love put into crafting it has ensured it has never once shown signs of needing replacing.</font>
: <font style="color: #000;"><b>Moon Earring . . .</b></font>  <font style="color: #565656;">A traditional piece of jewellery in Crowsplume, Nasri crafted this earring herself in the hopes she would earn the favour of Menphina, and carry the Mother with her wherever she goes. She also makes similar trinkets for friends and loved ones, each with a different meaning and blessing applied to them. To earn one is to know you've a solid place in her heart.</font>
<font style="color: #8ca1c5;"><b>CLOTHING :</b></font>  Preferring clothing that flows, Nasri often dresses herself in long skirts and sashes, decorated with accents of gold or silver. She finds herself drawn to the silk fabrics of Ul'dahn fashion, and seems to have adopted a variety of the desert city-state's style into her wardrobe. For work, however, she prefers simplicity—cotton and leather, with long gloves and boots so that she can move with ease.</font>

Latest revision as of 08:43, 4 May 2019

Y'rho Tia (/ˈɪ'roʊˈtiə/ (silent/hissing H) is a young Seeker miqo'te arcanist, hailing from the marine city-state of Limsa Lominsa. Former customs official of Mealvaan's Gate, Y'rho now finds himself pursuing a career as healer and medic, buoyed with undeniable talent, natural flair and an insatiable desire to learn absolutely everything.



BIRTH NAME : Y'rho Tia

SEX : Male

RACE & CLAN : Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun.

AGE : Twenty-three.

HEIGHT : 5 fulms, 3 ilms

BUILD : Small but toned

NAMEDAY : 10th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon

PATRON DEITY : Llymlaen the navigator


BIRTHPLACE : Limsa Lominsa

CLAN NAME : The Y Tribe


COMPANY : Crystal's Call


ORIENTATION : Homosexual.

OCCUPATION : Medic/Healer and Red-tape Navigator

ALIGNMENT : Neutral Good


Y'rho Tia (/ˈɪ'roʊˈtiə/ (silent/hissing H) is a young Seeker miqo'te arcanist, hailing from the marine city-state of Limsa Lominsa. Former customs official of Mealvaan's Gate, Y'rho now finds himself pursuing a career as healer and medic, buoyed with undeniable talent, natural flair and an insatiable desire to learn absolutely everything. Competent, smart and with a good eye for improvisation and calculations-on-the-go, there's little he's found he can't fix - be it with stitches or arcanima.

The Battle of Carteneau shaped Y'rho more than he cares to accept; standing with the Eorzean Alliance there by accident more than anything has now spun the miqo'te wildly off-course onto the path of would-be protector of the realm. With allies and friends in the Crystal's Call, he might just get there.

"I attribute my success to this - I never gave or took any excuse."
— Florence Nightingale










  • READING : The primary form of learning! Y'rho loves to read and recommend books to those around him - whether they want the recommendation or not. His apartment is full of tomes!
  • LA NOSCEA : There is no region as breathtakingly beautiful, as awe-invokingly rich in lore and story and tradition, as the southern half of the isle of Vylbrand. At least to this miqo'te. He will fight you on it.
  • HEALING : Y'rho just enjoys fixing people! From bandages, stitches and medicine to the more magical methods, he counts himself lucky to have a job he actually likes doing.


  • CENSORSHIP : Unsurprisingly, as an avid reader, Y'rho is not a fan of book burning or any sort of initiative that locks knowledge away from him. Emphasis on him - less so for Joe the Pirate.
  • HEALTHY FOODS : Y'rho isn't the biggest fan of healthy food, eating his vegetables begrudgingly. Popotos are cool, though, especially with battered fish.
  • UNNECESSARY RISKS : Part of his job at Mealvaan's Gate was to think ahead, calculate and hypothesise paths of action that reduced the need for him to heal people in the first place, often strategising well-timed aetheric barriers. People who throw themselves into danger where they didn't have to irritate him no end!

Distinctive Features

  • ARCANIMA : Y'rho has been practicing the art of arcanima with particular emphasis on the manipulation of aether for shielding and healing purposes for the majority of his (albeit young) life and it shows. Steady hands, unwavering willpower and natural talent make getting any injuries to stick more difficult with this miqo'te around.
  • CHIRUGEON : Magick cannot be expected to solve every problem. Sometimes aether runs out, or a single spell simply won't do. As a result, Y'rho has made sure to learn how to tend to people with more conventional means. He's a decent physician in his own righ and continues to study the profession with the same dedication as he does anything else.
  • EDUCATED : Y'rho is a smart cookie - and not only thanks to an excessive amount of reading. His work in the Lominsan arcanist guild put him in contact with a wide variety of exotic knowledge and well-travelled folk.
  • LOYALTY : Without a doubt, his loyalty to his companions - be they work colleagues, or just friends - forms a key facet of his principles.


  • MELEE : Forcing Y'rho into a situation where he must fight for his life with melee is the most likely way to ensure his defeat. Although he has some mild experience in utilizing a dagger, he relies overwhelmingly on his allies and his magic to ensure this does not come to pass.
  • A NEED TO BE LIKED : Y'rho really doesn't like it when people don't like him and will overcompensate in situations where he thinks this is happening. Frequently, he can get caught up in his own feelings on this.
  • SHORT-SIGHTED : Who would have guessed, this miqo'te needs reading glasses! This can end up being an hindrance in combat or in situations where he needs to go from long to short-sighted viewing fast.
  • AGGRESSIVE : Sometimes Y'rho can be a little more aggressive or short-tempered than the situation calls for, usually as a result of acting out of fear, anger or from trying to make up on a perceived slight or bias against him.


  • DROWNING : Hearing the stories of krakens and ocean storms has, over time, created a fear of drowning in Y'rho. Whilst not afraid to swim generally, in shallow waters or pools, travelling by boat in stormy conditions is something he will try to avoid.
  • LOSING : Sometimes you can do everything right and still lose. This is not something Y'rho accepts, particularly when it comes to healing or combat.
  • TAIL DOCKING : Y'rho is terrified of this, due to past experiences.


  • COFFEE ADDICT : He loves coffee. A lot. You can win him over quickly with a mug of it (black, one sugar please).
  • PAPERWORK : Y'rho seems to have a natural affinity for administration, able to navigate his way through red tape that would make your average Eorzean cry out in frustration and reach for the hard liquor. He actually seems to enjoy it!
  • FOOD-STEALER : Once you're good friends with him, your food is fair game. Around Y'rho, the fries are never safe - and neither are the biscuits.
  • LEFT HANDED : Y'rho is left handed. This only makes his "doctor's handwriting" an even worse scrawl.

Combat Skills & Abilities
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

In short? Magick. Y'rho is no joke when it comes to arcanima, skilled at manipulating his aether through complex mathematical equations and geometric imagery of his own design. He's capable of bringing this magic around offensively, but his preference and innate talent lends itself more acutely to defensive and restorative measures.

In addition to this, Y'rho possesses both a sharp intelligence that at first his cheery demeanor may not initially seem to suggest, and an almost frightening determination to do what is right and above all - help people. Given the opportunity, he's more than capable of deploying stratagems of startling effectiveness.

When on a field of battle, Y'rho will naturally fill the slot of healer, field medic and medical tactician. Left untouched, he's able to weave his aether with remarkable speed and potency into a number of not only defensive spells - protecting anyone he deems in need of his attention - but restorative ones too. Barriers and heals are the order of the day here. Combined, his defensive and healing magicks are more often than not second to none, particularly when accented by his insightful studies into more traditional physical medical practices. He can and will dart around the field to ensure everyone makes it back to their homes at the end of the day.


Lominsan born and raised, Y'rho found himself enamoured by three things growing up; the interesting folk who came and went through the ports, books both big and small and magick. Unsurprisingly, Y'rho was destined to begin his adult life as a customs official at Maelvaan's Gate. He was a fast study, getting to grips with the red-tape and paperwork necessary to do the job and showing a natural flair for the academic-based arcanima - albeit with a heavy lean towards restorative healing. So intrigued by healing magick he demanded training in medical practises to everyone and anyone until he eventually got it.

Despite being a relatively young miqo'te, Y'rho has seen more than his fair share of the conflict that has rocked Eorzea for almost his entire life. No more is this apparent than the invasion of Eorzea VIIth Garlean Legion. Wanting to help, he did just that - signing up as a volunteer field medic for the Eorzean Alliance. That he survived the Battle of Carteneau at such a young age is something he attributes to a 'miracle 'mid the din of violence' and though he witnessed terrible things, he does not regret it.

Y'rho found it difficult to return to the Gate and the duties there-in. He knew Garlemald would return, which they did. He plodded along with discontent, more than frequently running of to stick his book into the affairs of the Alliance when he could. Come the liberation of Ala Mhigo, hearing about it through word-of-mouth, he put down his customs paperwork for the last time and left for good - seeking out some Free Company who he could help achieve some good in the world.

In A Relationship: Romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Physically interested in this character.
Lost Attraction Was interested in this character before, but no longer is.

Platonic Love/Family: Considers this character family.
Trusted: Considers this character a close/best friend.
Friend: Considers this character a friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Considers this character mostly friendly, or an ally.

Good Standing: Character left a good impression.
Neutral: No specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Character left a bad impression.
? Uncertain: Uncertain about this character, possibly confused.

Dislike: Doesn't consider this person a friend; will talk if needed, but tries to avoid them.
Hate: Annoyed by this character, may clash with them.
Fear: Terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all costs.

Family Member: This character is related by blood.
Business: This character is either an employer, employee, or coworker.
Missing: This character's whereabouts are unknown.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
Roric Steele ( )
Roric is the man who yanked Y'rho by the collar onto the path of realm-saviour. Or so Y'rho reckons Roric likes to think! Y'rho is thoroughly charmed by Mister Steele nonetheless and is glad to stand and fight at his side. That he's easy on the eyes is just a bonus.
Y'rho finds Nasri simultaneously annoying and enjoyable, which confuses him no end. On the one hand, she's easy to talk to (and easier to wind up) and usually seems happy to be in his company. On the other hand, she's as Gridanian as they come and her magick snobbery is overbearing and rubs Y'rho entirely the wrong way.
Common Rumours & Quotes

  • ■ "Y'rho? The one from the Gate? He did me a solid in getting my brew through! I owe him a drink." — A barkeep
  • ■ "Way too happy, usually for no reason. It's simply distasteful." — A Rude Lady
  • ■ "There ain't no better healer, I swear on it. He patches me up 'n' puts me back together monthly I reckon - an' all for free. Take advantage of that if ye ask me." — Lominsan Sailor

Rare Rumours & Quotes

  • ■ "He saved me at Carteneau. Dramatic as hellfire too. Thought I was down and out, especially with the flash of light - only it turned out to be that small little bugger protecting me with his magick. Twelve bless him." — Free Company Adventurer
  • ■ "That waif of a miqo'te had the nerve to reject my advances, even though I offered twice as much gil as the previous man." — Vile Ul'dahn Merchant

Player Rumours & Quotes

  • ■ "..." — ...
  • ■ "..." — ...
  • ■ "..." — ...

Artwork & Edits


Personal RP Limits
I consider myself a flexible player who tends to go with the flow of the RP as long as it's plausible. For some events I prefer to use /random and let RNG take it away, but I also like to talk about it beforehand to ensure things stay reasonable. Thank you for your interest in me!

DO - From dark and mature themes to the light-hearted and easy-going themes are welcomed, whether they be short or long. Conflicts, friendships, rivalries, violence, and drama are strongly encouraged. I prefer romance to happen organically and Tiergan Vashir said it best, "I do not actively search for RP romances. I really enjoy romantic tension and romantic feelings as a source of conflict for a story, but romance RP itself is not necessarily the main focus of my RP."

DON'T - Character death is not allowed unless I feel the time is right. Nothing that prevents him from living his life independently is allowed without my consent. Please do not push this, I will ditch the RP if I feel this is being forced.

ASK - While I am not opposed to any disfigurement (scars, missing limbs, etc) I do ask that we discuss it beforehand as they may have a drastic change or negative impact on my enjoyment of my character. TL;DR if you aren't sure, ask.


I'm always happy and excited to meet new people and to RP! There are times where I am slow getting back to you due to my schedule but I will always do my very best to give you a response in a timely manner.

Y'rho loves listening to other people's stories!

Fellow arcanists of Limsa Lominsa or frequent importers/exporters who might have interacted with a customs official in the city.

Healers and medical professionals.

Any pre-established relationships from Y'rho's past.

Layout inspired by Rihxo and Nanagi's Template, coded by Sune Szihu, attributes by Fancy Template, code adjustments by Nasri Betwanhe.
Please keep the credits intact if you intend on using this specific code!