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Revision as of 15:51, 23 September 2013

Gridania-transparent.png Kuranes'sae Dremr
487px Kuranes-sae Dremr profile picture.png
Wandering Monk
Gender Male
Race Miquo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridanian



Kuranes'sae Dremr is a wandering miquo'te monk of generally cheerful disposition unlike most of his kind, but he suffers fools not in the least. Fiercely loyal to his friends Kuranes'sae will face down even the primals themselves to aid his compatriots all while laughing in the summoned deity's face from thrill of the dance and joy of the battle. He's usually accompanied by his other half, Yumiko Shirohane, the arrow that pierced his heart. An odd pair to be sure her sharp wit and sarcastic bite more in line with their Keeper heritage than Kura's playful banter.


Kura is a dusky grey skinned Miqo'te, youthful yet slightly scruffy in appearance. Dark grey hair with darker grey streaks offset his golden eyes. Of late the need for more protective armor in these troubled times have necessitated his wardrobe but he longs for the flowing robes of his monk training. Exceedingly short for miquo'te in general he was picked on by his brothers as the runt of the family. Even Yumiko stands above him, thankfully, she doesn't hold this against him. Height aside it is actually an asset for him in that opponents tend to underestimate this monk who's body's his temple; speed and agility are his forte


Where most of the diurnal miqo'te of Hydalyn tend to be moody or standoffish Kuranes'sae has a personality 'flaw' as far as most of his family could tell. Unusually cheerful, occasionally loud and boisterous, capable of a fiery temper but usually of a laid back attitude he was always more like the day to his brothers' night. That in itself is part of his black karakul status; 4th son to a battle driven dragoon diva of Gridania who bore an unusual amount of sons and no daughters to carry her name on. Years of dealing with his brooding, older brothers wore on him that he felt the need to try and cheer everyone up which remains to this day through unease and the fires of Bahamut.



Attunde to the land, Kuranes'sae has spent his time traveling the land training as a monk of Rhalgr. Where his 3 brothers followed in their mother's footsteps he was always vaguely bored with the ways of spears of Halone. The quick footwork almost like dancing and the peace he felt the more he practiced the way of the fist with it's shifting stances exhilarated Kuranes'sae, much to his mother and sibling's disappointment. Where his runt-like status growing up amongst his battle-eager family was considered a disadvantage as he grew and accepted that it became a boon to him in that it keeps him light on his feet and able to shift quickly as needed in the ebbing flows of combat…something he was never comfortable with in the heavier scale armor beloved of dragoons.



  • Beautiful landscapes
  • Exploring new places and sharing them with his friends
  • Apkallu (seriously adorable, not like as a dish)
  • A good brawl; he's eagerly awaiting the opening of The Wolves' Den to test his abilities against and with his friends


  • Apathy
  • Those that are out for themselves
  • Malboro (seriously disgusting monsters; completely not ok for anything)


  • A bit of a scatterbrain and easily distracted, Kura tends to try many different activities all at once. currently he compares cooking to alchemy in their magic and has briefly enjoyed the practicality and art involved in goldsmithing and leather crafting. He'll eventually settle in on an art to share the things made by his own hands.


  • While fiercely loyal and enjoys aiding his long time friends Kura occasionally is struck with odd, introverted times when he will be found practicing trade arts or new combat styles on his own. It's usually best to let these times run their course or risk a prickly interaction with the moody miquo'te.
  • He dreams of saving enough to have his own estates to visit occasionally when visiting the home of his heart, Ul'dah. While raised in the forests of Gridania, the bustle of the city is always a joy to him and while he is unlikely to place any kind of roots Kura would love to be greeted with a house full of the minions he's met on his travels.



Mihlia Dremr, mercenary dragoon of Gridania, and 3 older brothers who followed their mother's footsteps as dragoons of a moody personality. Kuranes'sae never knew his father as he moved on once his mother settled into the training calls of Gridania to train her offspring instead of following him to battle.


(coming soon)


(coming soon)


Common Rumors

(coming soon)


The great lance of Gridania, Mihlia Dremr - pride of her family, was a dark hellcat mercenary on the field harassing the encroaching Ixalli until Gridania's defeat at the Battle of Griffin Crossing. At this time she decided to settle down and train her sons in the arts of war to follow in her footsteps as she would never have a daughter to do so. Shortly after her return home to the boughs of Gridania she gave birth to her 4th, yet again, son…Kuranes'sae. While she wished a daughter to carry on her family name she loved her sons ferociously even if she never understood her runt of a 4th. Kuranes'sae never knew his father as shortly after his birth he wandered on not caring to settle down in sleepy Gridania. His brothers were all just slightly older than him and had spent much of their early days separated from their mother hearing stories of her valor on the field with starry, determined eyes to be great dragoons like her. While focused on that path and always slightly cranky, as far as Kuranes'sae was concerned, he never felt the same drive to swing a heavy pole arm and spent his days bouncing around and harrying his brothers with his overly cheerful attitude. Where they saw everything as 'very serious' he'd do everything in his power to get them to lighten up. His greatest victories were always when he'd manage to get one of his siblings to crack a smile knowing, while slightly odd, his behaviour was just right to him. Time passes and while a bumbling youth in his mid-years the rage of Bahamut was unleashed on the lands. His family took up lances to the Fields of Cartaneu to protect Gridania and Kura while he was to stay behind, untrained as he was. Fearful and for the first time in his life unable to keep up his cheerful heart he prayed at the Sanctum of the Twelve for his mother and brothers, but his prayers were only partially heard. While his mother and eldest brother were returned to him after the bloody fields…the other two were lost in the upheaval wroth by the elder Primal and believed killed in the slaughter. While it appeared his brothers and he never saw eye to eye, Kuranes'sae loved them dearly and was devastated by this loss. Between this and the unrest of the land after the breaking of Dalamud his resolve was hardened to seek out his path.

As the way of the lance was clearly not for him as he approached adulthood and was the last of Mihlia's brood to leave home she took her son by the shoulders one day, stared him in the eye…and told him a joke. It was a horrible joke to be sure, but she tried to be funny no matter how ill it suited her to try and send her last son off in respect to his heart. While she always harbored the hope he'd pick up her lance from the armory she hugged her son and sent him out to find his way wherever it may be.

He spent a short while wandering before he found the steps of Ul'dah. Quickly he was lost in the bustle of the city, the shout of the crowds, the energy of the arena and fighters who filled her walls. While wandering about like a country bumpkin he stumbled into a hall of training where he watched fighters dance and shift and swing their arms…their weapons their fists themselves. After meeting the guild master shortly afterwards, a man of humor and skill…if rusty from long disuse….he knew he'd found an art that spoke to his heart on the field. After many trials learning the ways of the pugilist and assisting his guild master he spent time learning from a monk of Ala Mihgo furthering the joy and connection he found through the land and the dance of combat.


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea