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'''Height:''' (need to check)
'''Height:''' 5'6" (tall for her race)
'''Weight:''' Around 180 ponze, mostly muscle weight
'''Weight:''' Around 180 ponze, mostly muscle weight

Revision as of 15:52, 16 March 2016

Ul'dah-transparent.png O'sena Rhen
Osena rhen portrait1.png
"...you're odd."
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 26
Nameday (need to check)
Occupation Mercenary
Guardian (need to check)
Alignment Neutral Evil
Relationship? Single

Demographical / Physical

Character Name: O'sena Rhen

Nicknames, if any: Red

Race & Subgroup: Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun

Gender ID: Female

Age (or human approximate): 26 (human approximate)

Nameday: (Oct. 31 - need to edit for setting)

Height: 5'6" (tall for her race)

Weight: Around 180 ponze, mostly muscle weight

Hair: Jet black, shoulder blade length

Eyes: Pale green, an unusual color

Skin: Naturally tan

Fashion Style: Gothic. Sena tends to wear black clothing, occasionally accented by small amounts of white if it results in a pattern, such as her black and white striped stockings that she often wears. Her clothing is generally feminine while not "girly", usually practical with very little flair.

Other Appearance Details: Her eyes are ordinarily ringed by black eyeliner, which accents and emphasizes the unusual pale green color of her eyes, lending them an intense and nearly creepy appearance. Sena's face is often expressionless, seeming almost as if she's bored, moody, or perhaps irritated, and the dull, flat tone commonly carried by her squeaky voice doesn't help that impression. It's a good thing she doesn't play poker... or does she?

Psychological / Mental

Morality / Alignment: Neutral Evil

Guardian Deity: (need to check)

Attitude: Generally, Sena's demeanor is even-tempered, though she is a fiercely independent and headstrong type who can quickly become disagreeable towards others who treat her poorly - but even when cross, she tends to seem almost disinterested, given her subdued expressiveness. Inwardly, she is a very passionate woman whose pursuits are ambitious, and has little use for those she considers weak, useless, or incompetent, nor does she care if they become aware that she has judged them thus. As she would say, if they don't like that opinion, they can change so her opinion changes.

Positive Traits: In addition to her tendency to be passionate (though externally conservative about showing it) about things that matter to her, Sena is very resourceful and cunning, with sharp and observant senses and a dynamic presence that seems, in spite of her lack of charisma, to draw others in. Those whom Sena chooses worthy will find her to be a loyal and protective friend.

Negative Traits: Her unyielding, no-negotiations nature can make her a challenge to deal with. In some respects, her observant nature can also be a negative quality, for she can seem suspicious of others, and her cunning combined with that can make her come across as manipulative (which she sometimes legitimately is). Towards those she chooses as her wards, or in whom she cares about, she can be obsessive and jealous, for they belong to her, as does anything she sees that she decides she wants.

Quirks: Aside from what has already been mentioned and may be considered quirky by some, Sena has various minor methods of expressing her dominance over others. Keep an eye out for them, they can be amusing!

In-Character Job: Leader of the Tunnel Cats gang, whose turf is the building of and neighborhood surrounding Wayfarer's Rest (Goblet, Ward 6, Plot 58). The gang primarily engages in sellsword, bounty hunting, and bodyguard work, while maintaining a watch over the inn and stewardship over the people there, albeit in an unofficial capacity (the inn does have official guards, though limited in number and presence, and what gang doesn't protect their turf).

Professional Skills: Fighting. Lots and lots of fighting. Sena is also skilled at tracking, wilderness survival, climbing, swimming, and humanoid anatomy.

Amateur Skills / Hobbies: She's skilled enough at leatherwork and blacksmithing to maintain her own equipment, knows enough first aid to get by in the field, and is fairly talented at falling asleep where ever she darned well chooses (comfort be damned). Sena has dabbled in various hobbies over the years, but nothing stuck.

Likes / Wants: To crush her enemies, to see them driven before her, and to hear the lamentations of their women. That aside, she's also a fan of skillfully cooked meats and hearty foods such as popotos, favors drinking brandy, and lounging about when she isn't fighting.

Dislikes / Avoids: Excessive sweet foods (small and occasional amounts are okay), obviously attention-seeking clothing or mannerisms from others, liars, weaklings, cowards, and gender or sexuality driven insults.

Family, Friends, & Love

Location of Home, if any: Wayfarer's Rest, in the Goblet.

Place of Birth: Mole tribe, somewhere around Thanalan.

Relationship Status: Polyamorous with L'Raha Nunh and Celia Trestia. Sena is the alpha of the relationship group, regardless of the Nuhn's title.

Orientation: Doesn't care.

Favored Traits: Honesty, loyalty, and devotion towards Sena. She favors those who are obedient and eager-to-please without being pushovers or submissive due to personal ineptitude (since these people are weak). Rather, those whom she would consider to be close to her must themselves be strong and capable of self-determination and leadership of others, yet still recognize her as superior.

Disfavored Traits: Although other races may have personalities, individual to individual, that Sena may find intriguing, she is less drawn to their physiques than she is to that of her own kind (though would not necessarily reject them on that basis alone). Waffling types can be irritating to Sena, who herself is very decisive. She also finds frustration in those who arbitrarily act out in defiance for the sake of trying to be 'forced' to submit to others, for this feels pointless to Sena - either a person wants to be a leader or they want to be a follower, requiring force is a waste of time.

Living Relatives: O'bahk Tia

Friends / Allies: L'rinhi Kett, Arietty Moonfall, L'koliwe Tesh, A'Lina Raha, Cassandra Solidor (if I missed you, let me know!)

Rivals / Enemies: Stroud Forscythe, Magdalena Delacroix, Sylvara Starseeker


(to be written soon!)



Misc. Notes

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