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<b>Rha Bel'Sari</b> is a sorcerer of mixed race, being half Hyuran Highlander, and half Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun).
<b>Rha Bel'Sari</b> is a sorcerer of mixed race, being half Hyuran Highlander, and half Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun).

Revision as of 12:24, 23 August 2016

Ul'dah-transparent.png Rha Bel'Sari
Gender Male
Race Hyur/Miqo'te
Clan Highlander/Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Ul'Dah
Age 23
Marital Status Single
Occupation Traveling Mage, Apothecary
Height 6' 3"
Orientation Homosexual

Rha Bel'Sari is a sorcerer of mixed race, being half Hyuran Highlander, and half Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun).

Basic Info


Hot and sunny weather, both dry or humid
Botany and the making/selling of his medicines
Nature, as well as exploring


Snowy regions, (Coerthas)
Discrimination against his mixed heritage
Sand Worms


Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Vice(s): Handsome Men
Favorite Food: Rolanberries
Favorite Drink: Doman Tea
Favorite Color: Gold

Appearance & Personality

Rha is a man of half Hyuran, half Miqo'te descent. He takes after his Highlander father's looks, with tan skin characteristic of Thavnairian men, and wavy dark hair. From his mother's bloodline he inherits, of course, his feline features (namely ears, tail, eyes, and general build). He stands at an impressive 6 fulms, 3 ilms, at almost a mid-way point between his parents, with a muscular frame. His gleaming amber eyes pair nicely with his tan complexion, and his slightly pointed features are framed by long, flowing locks of ebony. He lacks the facial markings that most Miqo'te grow into as they age, perhaps due to his mixed heritage.
When it comes to his choice of clothing, Rha prefers light, fabric clothing that allows him to stay cool in hot climates. Often, this leaves him in outfits that reveal much of his upper body, but he is far from being a shy soul and dresses without care for the opinions of others. In fact, when home alone he often, if not always dresses down to the bare minimum since that's how he feels most comfortable. He likes to wear golds, greens and browns as his favourite colours, often decorating his outfits with a lot of jewellery that he has obtained from his many explorations into desert ruins. He has been known, on occasion, to trade this jewellery he wears to get him out of difficult situations if his enemies can be bribed.
In terms of his temperament, Rha is a fairly calm man who can often come across as blunt or a little too firm. Having little in the way of friends outside his immediate family during his childhood, he can sometimes be untrusting of others at first. He can be very reserved with his feelings, rarely able to tell people how he feels about them unless he is completely comfortable around them. When angered, he is a force to be reckoned with, as those select few who he considers to be his friends are dear to him and will be fiercely protected. Rha still anguishes over the loss of his parents and the lack of closure he has around his sister's disappearance, but he rarely voices his concerns as he is a generally guarded person.


Origin: Blood-Soaked Sand

Years ago, in the southern reaches of Thanalan, a Thavnairian trader by the name of Radhan fell victim to the unforgiving sun and collapsed in the dunes of the Sagolii Desert. He had all but given up when a figure appeared on the horizon - a Seeker of the Jackal tribe, J'Lhene. She shared her water with the weary traveler, and helped him back to her tribe's village, much to the dismay of her elders and her brother J'Grahl. She begged for them to allow him shelter while he recovered from heatstroke, and they reluctantly allowed. However, throughout the short time they spent together, sparks flew between the two and but two moons had passed after Radhan's departure when J'Lhene realised she was expecting his child. She traveled on her own, in the dead of night, to the trading post where the two had said their goodbyes. There, for weeks she waited for him - and he returned, overjoyed at the chance to see his dear Lhene again. The couple returned to the Jackal tribe, where J'Lhene was exiled for what the tribe had deemed an unacceptable love.
Lhene soon accepted her fate as a lone Seeker, settling down in a desert oasis not too far from Forgotten Springs with Radhan. He built a house for her and their child, and the two of them managed to avoid much of the tribal conflict in the area, Radhan's background as a trader proving useful as people passed through the oasis. When their first child Rha was born, the Thavnairian began to sell his wares to be able to provide for his partner and baby, and their small stone cottage grew into a quaint little trading post. Eventually a second child, a daughter named Shara, joined the family and for many years they lived a simple yet happy life. Able to pass as Miqo'te adults by the time they were teens, Rha and Shara often made trips into the nearest towns to trade wares and restock Radhan's goods. The teenage boy loved to stop by Ul'dah's many bookstores during his visits, a promising apothecary and mage thanks to his mother's teaching.
One day, Lhene had received word from her former tribe that her brother, now a high-ranking male among the Jackal, wanted to arrange a meeting to try and repair their broken relationship and meet her children. Radhan was positive, yet skeptical about the proposal, so he sent Rha and Shara off on errands that would take them most of the day to complete. What Rha witnessed upon returning home that evening was heartbreaking. His family home lay in ruin, his parents' lifeless forms half-buried among the rubble. As the young man fell to his knees to mourn his family, he heard a shuffling in the sand behind him and suddenly a knife was pressed to his neck. Overcome with grief, anger and fear, Rha's magical ability manifested and he knocked his attacker to the ground with a blast of strong wind. His hands around this unfamilar Seeker's neck, Rha forced from him the name of the man responsible for this heartless act: J'Grahl. According to this straggler, J'Grahl had arrived with the tribe's males in force, and had slain his own sister and her lover in an act of shame. Shara arrived while the house was being torn down, and managed to make her escape before her murderous uncle could follow.
In his final act before leaving his home that night, Rha summoned up the power to shift the sands and give his old life - and the bandit who had tried to attack him - a proper burial. Two wooden crosses lay planted in the sand, and Rha knew although they would be lost with time, his determination to slay J'Grahl would not fade. He set out on a journey to study, search for Shara, and further his magicks, so that one day he may seek out the Jackal who had wronged him and his own. Six years on, he now roams Eorzea in search of magical knowledge, taking on odd jobs to pay his way.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Bel'Sari? He was a trader who used to pass through here long ago." - Central Thanalan Trader
"That mage who dresses funny? Yeah, I wouldn't bother." - Ul'dahn Courtesan
"The Miqo'te? Yeah, he takes jobs from us occasionally." - Adventurer's Guild Officer
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"I went out on a job with him once. His magic is highly unusual." - Gridanian Adventurer
"Some say that man's 'alf a cat, 'alf Hyur. Bloody disgustin' if yer askin' me." - Pub Landlord
"Somebody said that man's really mean! But sometimes, he gives us food." - Street Urchin
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Half-Hyur, half-Miqo'te... Could it be...?" - Ul'dahn Trader
"Ah, he must be the kid from the old Sagolii outpost! No idea what ever happened to that place." - Desert Hunter
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
Radhan Bel'Sari : Rha's father, who provided for him during his childhood and taught him the ways of trading. Deceased.
J'Lhene Mhaki : Rha's mother, who fostered his love of salve-making and his magicial ability. Deceased.
Shara Bel'Sari : Rha's sister, an energetic yet skilled huntress. Rha has not seen her since the day their parents died. Whereabouts unknown.


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Template by Bancroft Gairn
Theme Song: Azir's Theme
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