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| name = Mina Kyunei
| image = Mina_Kyunei.png
| imagewidth = 300
| caption = "You know, just 'cause I found somethin', don' mean it was stolen."
| gender = Female
| citizenship = Ul'dah
| race = Miqo'te
| clan = Keepers of the Moon
| stat_1 = Age
| stat_1_value = 18
| stat_2 = Deity
| stat_2_value = Menphina
| stat_5 = Occupation
| stat_5_value = Thief - Dancer - Aspiring Sky Pirate
| stat_6 = Nameday
| stat_6_value = 15th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Introduction</div>===
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<p>There were few who could aptly describe the little thief, and even fewer who knew of her in particular by name. The sightings were minimal and the certainty of her presence lesser still, and that seemed to suit her just fine. The less who knew of her, the better. There was a profound sense of comfort in the welcome darkness of anonymity, an opportunity to seize that which was so unwittingly left for the taking. Benefiting off of the unwary and the careless was her way of life, and the sun-soaked streets of Ul'dah were her playground. There was no hidden alley, no rooftop that she could not name nor master, the sands of Ul'dah were as much a part of her as her very own blood, and though the city was often ruthless, she took pride in the part she had to play.</p>
<p>The sands of fate had long since drawn her into the depths of the city-state, carried upon the whims of her merchant mother who was all but lost within the din, claimed some say by the bandits that roam, or the merciless throes of the elements. Nothing more than a child, the small Miqo'te would wait days, weeks, months before she would drift from that hovel where her mother's faithful hands had left her. No more could she depend on the thoughtfulness of passersby, for they were few and far between. Forced to adapt, the young Miqo'te had become prone to gathering lost coins, found in cracks within the cobblestone or those left upon tables in good favor for valuable services. Far be it for her to understand why the good people of Ul'dah would just leave such valuable things out in the open, she would keep them safe... and make good use of them too!</p>
<p>Over the years she had come to perfect her talents, eyes keen and her awareness for valuable goods sharper still. With maturity came the lust for adventure, curiosity driving her outside the city walls and into the surrounding lands but never beyond the borders, for if she traveled too far, she might not make it back in time. Since the day she had left, the young Miqo'te would pass by that small refuge from her childhood and, though she had long since forgotten her mother's voice and gentle countenance, she still held on to the smallest shred of hope that one day they would reunite.</p>
<p>Now, she continues her work in earnest, frequenting the many taverns and winding alleys acquiring new targets and making her own mark upon the city-state and yet, ever does the wanderlust grow, the yearning to see more beyond those walls becoming increasingly difficult to ignore...</p>
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'''Height:''' 4 fulms 10 ilms
'''Weight:''' 80 ponz
'''Complexion: ''' <font style="color:#000000;" size=2">Pale</font>
'''Hair: ''' <font style="color:#000000;" size=2">Raven black</font>
'''Eyes: ''' <font style="color:#000000;" size=2">Crimson</font>
=Connections and Contacts=
'''A thief would be nothing without their connections, and Mina does not pass up a chance to make a valuable contact; as invaluable assets they fulfill a vital role in locating worthwhile targets, trustworthy allies and informative accomplices. In her line of work there is no such thing as too many connections, only more opportunities.'''
<center><font style="color:#cc0000" size="3"> 💑 </font> In a Relationship    <font style="color:#F02311;" size="3">♥</font> Romantic Interest    <font style="color:#000000;" size="3">♥</font> Attraction    <font style="color:#FA70BC;" size="3">♥</font> Platonic Love      <font style="color:#007fff;" size="3">♥</font> Family      <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> Good Standing    <font style="color:#00ffff;" size="3">●</font> New Acquaintance    <font style="color:#8f8377;" size="3">●</font> Neutral    <font style="color:#C24640;" size="3">●</font> Poor Standing    <font style="color:#000000" size="3"> ☠ </font>Deceased</center>
<font style="color:#FA70BC;" size="3"></font>'''    '''  ''  ''
<font style="color:#007fff;" size="3">♥</font>'''[[Rahje'ir Jinjahl]]:''' ''Rahje happened upon the little Miqo'te thief in his youth, and took her under his wing. He remains fond of her, and despite no blood relation considers her as a sister. While they have since been separated, they maintain an interest in each other's well being.''
<font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font>'''[https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Gerunthian_Longblade Gerunthian Longblade]:''' ''Leave it to Mina to find friends in relatively convenient places. Many frequent and often unfortunate encounters brought Mina in the presence of the stalwart Guard Captain, though clearly having less than honest intentions somehow the little thief wriggled her way into his heart. Born of opportunity and circumstance, their relationship serves as one of convenience and compromise. In exchange for pertinent information, the Captain might forego notice of some of her more... inconspicuous transgressions.''
<font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> '''[[O'sena Rhen]]:''' ''Thanks to O'Sena, Mina has been presented with some great opportunities and a place to call home. After spending more time with the woman, meeting new allies, drinking and learning new things, Mina has grown quite fond of her.''
<font style="color:#00ffff;" size="3">●</font> '''[[Cassandra Solidor]]:''' ''Another comrade of O'sena and one that Mina shared some words with over drinks. This Hyur was very intriguing to her, and Mina is interested in learning more.''
<font style="color:#00ffff;" size="3">●</font> '''[[Celia Trestia]]:''' ''A close companion to O'sena and one that Mina can safely say she enjoyed speaking to. After venturing on a hunt with the pair she believes she has formed some great connections, and looks forward to getting to know talented Miqo'te better.
<font style="color:#C24640;" size="3">●</font> '''Amh'sae Bajihri:''' ''After shooting her with an arrow, he swiftly made her shit-list. Enough said.''
<font style="color:#C24640;" size="3">●</font> '''Padilloux Bonacieux:''' ''While also a colleague of Gerunthian and Amh'sae, very little exposure has been given between the two, though Mina takes some enjoyment in offering plenty of sass through any of their exchanges, however few, in order to get a rise out of him.''
A thief's work is never done! With vast ruins, enticing treasures and untold secrets, there is always something worth uncovering, whether for personal intrigue or coin. There is very little that Mina won't do in order to make a profit, but killing is one line that she will refuse to cross unless forced.
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'''Personal:''' Content as Mina can be with her current life choices, there are far too many questions about her past left unanswered. The story has only just begun, and as she delves into the details of how she came to the city of Ul'dah she will learn that all is not quite as it seems.
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(1/1-1/2) ''An Example Table''
('''Status:''' Complete) ('''Who was Involved:''' Person 1, Person 2)
Write about your important event here.
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'''Professional:''' As a Thief-for-Hire Mina takes on many jobs and opportunities from artifact retrieval to scouting and protection.
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(1/1-1/2) ''An Example Table''
('''Status:''' Complete) ('''Who was Involved:''' Person 1, Person 2)
Write about your important event here.
''A compilation of encounters for a bit of insight into the character and her beginnings. Written works posted with the express permissions of those involved, myself included.''
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'''Waiting:''' ''Mina braves the streets of Ul'dah and comes face to face with an intimidating Guard!''
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('''Status:''' Complete) ('''Who was Involved:''' Mina Kyunei, Gerunthian Longblade)
'''Mina:'''There was something about the eve within the reaches of Thanalan, a crisp cool to the air that came in stark relief to some, having endured the warmth of the sun, baking beneath its rays. It was on such a night that the alleys seemed at their darkest, pitch beyond the reaches of the street lanterns and windows aglow, threatening those that would dare glance within their depths with a sense of forbidding. If one knew the maze that was Ul'dah, and how to tread its winding corridors, dodging the miscreants bound to be hidden safely within each nook and cranny, then they knew full well what lied within, and how it was often best to avoid such places, especially now.
The rise of theft was undeniable, and many who wandered into the alleys often found themselves spared of whatever spare coin or goods they might have once carried, some so unlucky as to warrant the use of force if necessary. Such dangers forced the inhabitants of the city to find solace within their homes at night, and guards to patrol the streets well into the morn, and yet there was one. The smallest creature, barely noticeable in the night, was left trembling within the alleys, dark eyes catching the light of the moon, glinting as its gaze darted about swiftly, within its grasp a handful of coins, plucked from the ground or perhaps some oblivious merchant's stores. If one dared to look beyond the dark, challenged the reaches of the unknown, they might chance a look upon the small thing, a girl upon second glance and no more than five if they had to reckon.
'''Gerun:''' While many would fear entering the mazes within Ul’dah proper at night, there was a certain type of man that had to. Then there was another type of man, perhaps more daring or more stupid, that –enjoyed- rooting out the criminals. That was Gerunthian Longblade, the chief of the guards in this sector of Ul’dah. And he was on his rounds, longsword in-hand and torch in the other, lighting the way.
He was known for his swordsmanship, but more known for his size. The highlander stood at a solid 6’5”, boasting a frame that was large with muscle. He’d caught enough criminals and locked enough of them away that people generally knew when to flee the area, especially when they heard his heavy footsteps coming. By then it tended to be too late.
The Longblade continued down the corridor, swinging his torch this way and that to, perhaps, catch an unsuspecting criminal.
'''Mina:''' The little creature did not rely on wits or fear to guide her, the common sense that might encourage others to flee instead keeping her in place, albeit in something of a trembling mess. With every plated step that came closer, and every swing of that torch, whose light burned into her eyes, she seemed to cringe and shudder, shrinking further and further into the small hovel of crates. Tiny hairs stood on end and her eyes widened, small fists clutching a little tighter upon the coins within her grasp, but her hands were so small that they could barely contain them and one coin slipped free. Clinking loudly upon the cobblestone, the coin rolled out from the crates to spin in a quick circle before landing noisily in the center of the alley. Her breath was held, eyes glued upon that single coin, long slender black ears pinned to her skull as she waited, hoping, praying that the approaching behemoth did not see.
'''Gerun:''' Working nights had honed the large hyur’s hearing and vision, but the torch certainly helped. The coin caught the torch’s light and flashed at him for a split second, and his eyes widened. The man spoke, voice a low roar that sent fear into the hearts of many a criminal over the years. “You have five seconds to show yourself,” he barked, and slid the flat of his blade along a shinplate. “You don’t want to know what happens if you waste the opportunity. One…” he began, and his plated steps took him closer and closer to that coin.
'''Mina:''' If she could find her voice, she might have whimpered, or squealed... her wits, she might have darted out from the crates but she remained where she was, shaken and uncertain. Her eyes darted from the coin to the nearing torch light and she slinked back a little further behind the crates until a small squeak escaped her lips, the warmth of the stone suddenly near as her back pressed against the wall. There was no further to go... no place to hide.
'''Gerun:''' “Two…” he said, another step. Whoever this was had either already scurried off, or honed their hiding skills quite well. He’d rooted plenty out before, and this would be just another notch on his belt. “Three…four…” he said, each word growing in ominous, annoyed tones. “Five,” he barked, and tapped his sword against the ground. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he growled, then…he heard it.
It was a tiny squeak, almost akin to a mouse. “What the..” he said, turning toward its source and approaching. What he saw behind the crates wasn’t exactly a hardened criminal, and his brow furrowed. “What in blazes do you think you’re doin’ back here?”
'''Mina:''' As the great hulking man stepped into view, the small girl seemed to shrink all the more, tipping her head down but keeping her eyes on him while her dirt-mottled ears remained pinned. She grew all the more tense, hands clutched closer to her chest and allowing a few more coins to tumble free in a tinkling cacophony as they fell to the stone. Every once in a while a small quiver would be seen coursing through her small frame but she did not speak.
'''Gerun:''' Her fear, the lack of attempt to run away, gave him some time to look her over. She couldn’t have been older than six or seven by her size, and he grunted in disapproval at the clinking of gold. “Far too young t’be startin’ with that stuff,” he said with a head shake. “What’s yer name, little one?” he asked, his voice deep but oddly lacking in reprimanding tones. She was just a little thing.
'''Mina:''' Her eyes widened, the deep crimson color almost indiscernible within the dark. Perhaps she could not understand him, or perhaps she was simply intimidated, but the little girl did not respond, continuing to watch him with a measure of fear. Hands had drifted up to cover her lips and in a brief moment they began to lower, as if she might speak, until another coin slipped and clanged loudly upon the stone. She jerked swiftly, practically jumping out of her skin, hair on end as her hands flew up and the remaining coins clattered to the ground to rest among their fellows.
She blinked once, twice, staring at the coins before glancing slowly up at the man in some shame, and if not for the vibrance of the torch, the blush that colored her cheeks would have been undeniable.
'''Gerun:''' A smirk threatened to cross his lips at the accidental dropping of coin, but he didn’t look to it. No, that coin would stay where it was. It was the girl he needed to keep an eye on. “Where are your parents, girl?” he asked, still holding that softer tone. He didn’t mean to be intimidating, but the combination of lighting, his size, and simply the situation…it was hard for him to be anything –but- imposing. “Where’d you get that coin?”
'''Mina:''' Dirty ears gradually drooped as his questions were put forth and she wrapped her tiny arms around herself tightly. The slightest glint caught upon the light of the torch as tears were swift to line her eyes. Then she squeezed them shut and shook her head vigorously. Though it may not have been prominent in the dark, beneath the light of the torch it was easy to notice how her dress was in tatters, the state of her skin dirty and fingernails cracked, not to mention the sad state of health, for she appeared quite thin. It became abundantly clear that she had been in such a state for quite some time, weeks, if not months.
'''Gerun:''' And he caught sight of all these things. The shambles of her dress, the way her skin stretched just a bit too tightly over her young features. This made the large man’s brow furrow, and his head shook. “Oh no,” he said with another soft sigh. “Not another one…” After a moment of thought he nodded, crouching down to try to be on eye level with the girl. “Are ya hungry?” he asked, and began to pick up the individual coins and deposit them somewhere she couldn’t reach when he stood at full height.
'''Mina:''' The suggestion seemed to make the girl gulp, audibly, and her eyes watched as he plucked the coins from the ground one by one. When he stood once more her eyes followed, up and up he went until her neck was almost craning to watch him and then, in a most subtle motion, she nodded.
'''Gerun:''' He smiled, his lips spreading just a touch at the hesitance. When had being a man of the law meant he was terrifying, even to this young thing? Stolen coin or no, his motto had been to protect and serve who he could, and this young girl needed it more than most he encountered. “I can get ya some food,” he said, raising his brow at her. “If y’promise me ya stop stealin’. Got it?” he asked, stepping backwards to give her room to stand and begin to follow.
'''Mina:''' The girl nodded swiftly, wringing her little hands together somewhat nervously as she rose from her crouch. She had never intended to steal, she had always thought that if coins were left upon the ground or a table in the open that they were free for the taking, she was keeping them safe she was! She wanted to promise that she wouldn't, but then who was going to stop someone else from grabbing them and doing somewhat else with the valuable shinies? Nevertheless she kept her head down, ears low and followed the man where he bid her to go, quickly scuffling after him as his great stride would carry him quite far.
'''Gerun:''' And off they went. He had been at the end of his shift anyway, and could use some food, himself. As his thundering steps echoed against the walls, occasionally he looked back at the girl. She had to be Luhcih’a’s age, if not younger. Then his gaze was forward again, and they arrived at a little eatery.
It was nothing special, tucked away in one of Ul’dah’s many alleyways. It wasn’t well-known except to those who heard it from friends, but the Captain was a fan of the place. “Pick a seat,” he said to the girl as he moved to the counter.
'''Mina:''' Her wide eyes traveled around the establishment, darting from one seating place to another as he moved forward and away from her. She was rigid, her long, semi-fluffy tail, twitching now and again. When her eyes settled upon one that appeared to resonate with her she moved, eyes wary of anything and everything, and found her way up to a seat. The chair was quite large in comparison to her small frame, and she had to size it up for a moment before tackling the challenge. With a series of small grunts of effort she finally clambered onto the chair, plopping down upon it, and from a distance only the tips of her ears could be seen protruding over the edge of the table, swiveling and flicking from time to time as she seemed to wait.
'''Gerun:''' “Black coffee,” he said to the miqo’te girl who took his order. The captain came in often enough that he was known by name, but they always showed him more respect while he was on-duty. “Anything else, captain?” she asked. The girl was pleasant on the eyes, but he had no time for frivolities like that while he was on duty. So he shook his head, glancing back to the table. “Get a sandwich for the girl,” he asked, raising a brow. “Looks like she hasn’t eaten in far too long.” With that he nodded, turned and moved to the table.
At first he didn’t see her, but he caught her ears and snorted. She was a cute little thing, and as he took his chair across from her, he smiled pleasantly to her. “Will y’tell me yer name?”
'''Mina:''' Her legs kicked and swayed beneath the edge of the chair as she took in the man with her large, wary, albeit curious, crimson eyes. Gaze lowering for a moment she took some time before she responded, her voice so soft and light that was even a wonder that she spoke at all. "Mina..."
'''Gerun:''' The chair creaked under him a bit, but he was used to that; there was no danger of it collapsing beneath his form. In the light, his armored form was both more detailed and less intimidating. It was well-worn and scratched up, and almost made him look comically large. When the girl spoke he smiled, removing the half-helm that covered the top half of his head. “Mina,” he repeated, nodding. “Pretty name. What were you doin’ out there alone?”
'''Mina:''' "Waiting..." She murmured, her gaze lowering to her hands that gripped upon the edges of the chair somewhat tightly. "Mum said she would be right back..." She trailed off and her gaze grew distant for a moment as she began to chew on her lower lip, dark ears drooped low.
'''Gerun:''' “How long’s yer mum been gone?” he asked, not certain he wanted to hear the answer, but also needing to do his duty. If this girl had someone with custody over her, and she was alive? He had to find her. The girl that had taken their order was on their way over with a tray of coffee and a nice, thick sandwich for the girl. Likely far too much for her to eat.
'''Mina:''' Mina swallowed roughly, how long had it been? At first it was a few hours, then a few days... and eventually she had lost track of just how much time had passed. With a quiet sigh of resignation the most she could offer was a gentle shrug. "Maybe she's mad..." She continued to chew on her lower lip. "She told me not to move... but I was thirsty. It only took a minute... I didn't mean to."
'''Gerun:''' He almost reached out to pat her on the top of the head, but she was already frightened enough as it is. Fortunately, the waitress arrived. Another miqo’te, this one smaller than the serving girl and with a more cheerful demeanor. “Black coffee for ya, Cap!” she said, sliding the large mug across the table. “An’ a sammich for th’little one,” she said, setting the plate down before Mina. “Glass of water too, to wash it down; sometimes come out a bit dry.” Then she was off, many more things to do in the restaurant.
The captain took a sip, eyes on the miqo’te curiously. How would she react to such a meal? How long had she truly been alone?
'''Mina:''' She watched as the food was set down and promptly blinked at it, perhaps uncertain at first and her eyes darted towards the man as though searching, wary of whether or not she actually had permission to eat it. Only when given the most subtle of cues would she scoot forward upon the chair, but when seeing the difficulty of reaching for the sandwich upon the table she decided to stand instead, placing herself in direct view and prime reach.
Mina tilted her head to the side as she studied the sandwich, clearly beggars were choosers, and she plucked whatever veggies she didn't happen to like from it, settling for basics. Only then did she take a small bite from it, and after a few chews a smile crossed her lips.
'''Gerun:''' Gerunthian simply watched the young miqo’te approach the sandwich as though it were an enemy, lips spreading in satisfaction as she deemed it safe enough. He downright chuckled when she picked off the vegetables, though, and shook his head in bewilderment. “Would’ve thought ya’d eat as much as y’could, with how skinny you are.” Another head shake, and he took a sip of his coffee. The girl smiled, and he smiled back at her.
'''Mina:''' A swift blush was granted at that, and her gaze lowered to the veggies she left on the plate somewhat sheepishly, then she shrugged and promptly continued to take small bites out of the sandwich. When she'd managed enough she set the portion down and grasped the glass between her hands, tipping her head back as she gulped back nearly half of the water.  Then the glass was set back down and a soft sigh of relief was given as she sat back down.
Though the small girl did not finish the ordered portion, she appeared to have had her fill and resumed kicking her feet.
'''Gerun:''' Finally, some color to those cheeks! A smile was given in response, and he continued to watch her eat. She was a cute little thing; he’d always had a soft spot for the miqo’te, no matter the age. The glass was a good size for him, so he was surprised when the child drained nearly half the glass. He whistled lowly, impressed, and nodded. “Must’ve been thirsty, too,” he said, looking over to the passing serving girl and giving her a smile of thanks.
“How old’re you, Mina?” he asked, head tilting as he took another sip of his own drink.
'''Mina:''' She lifted her hands, extending five fingers on one to indicate her age while she picked off a few bits of remaining bread with the other.  Then she settled back once more and looked up at him, tilting her head to the side. "And how old are you, mister?"
'''Gerun:''' He nearly sighed at the cuteness, but stopped himself. If an onlooker knew he had a soft spot, why..he might not have his credibility anymore! All the same he glanced around, then peered back to her with a smirk. “Too old to count on those two hands of yers.” A wink, and he went back to his coffee again.
'''Mina:''' Mina blinked and looked to her hands, lips parting in an 'o' of surprise as she counted her fingers. Then a small grin crossed her lips, however small it might be and she promptly tucked her hands beneath her legs as she continued to kick her feet back and forth.
'''Gerun:''' “That’s right,” he said with a legitimate laugh. It was a pleasant sound, low and booming and loud. “Too old to count on yer fingers.” Then he looked at her again, head tilting. “How high –can- ya count, little one?” The man looked on her curiously. He didn’t look too old, truthfully, but to her he must have seemed a lot older.
'''Mina:''' The young girl shrugged, the subtle sway of her legs slowing before she looked back up at him. "Can I go back now? What if mum comes back, and I'm gone?" The worry that crossed her features was quite plain, she really did not want to get into trouble.
'''Gerun:''' His brow furrowed, worry crossing his young features. “I don’t know..” he said, looking around. “Yer sure ya want t’go out there by yerself? It’s late, and someone might try t’hurt ya.” Another sip.
'''Mina:''' "They don't notice me, mister." She said with another shrug, "I'm good at hiding... mostly."
Shifting forward on the chair she slid over the edge, landing with a soft grunt upon her feet on the floor. "Thanks for the sammich, mister." She said, giving a soft but sweet smile before she turned and started out of the building.
'''Gerun:''' “If ya hadn’t dropped that coin, I probably wouldn’t have found ya,” he said with a chuckle. But then she was off, and instead of chasing after her he left her with these words. “Don’ let me catch ya on another shift, or I’ll have t’take ya back to the guardhouse.”
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'''Stop Thief!:''' ''A young Mina makes a daring escape but soon finds herself cornered by the Guard.''
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('''Status:''' Complete) ('''Who was Involved:''' Mina Kyunei, Gerunthian Longblade, Amh'sae Bajihri, Padilloux Bonacieux)
'''Mina:''' Time passed and the days seemed to darken, shrouded in the layers of deceit and greed that had befallen much of those within the sprawling desert gem of Ul'dah. Time and again over the years he would have sworn that he saw those familiar eyes, the slight twitching of a tail dashing around the corner, but never enough to catch a full glimpse to be certain, at least that was... not until today. Word had rung out of a scuffle in the alleys over some valuable artifacts, some nonsense about a young girl attempting to fence them for coin.
It would seem that a number of guards had been called after the supposed girl had decked one square in the jaw and knocked them out, all in efforts to keep the items in her possession, before dashing off. Various shouts could be heard rising around the city as various guards and, thieves and thrill seekers gave chase.
When had it become so hard to breathe? Dust rose fast from the ground beneath her feet, clogging the air and coating her lungs and yet she did not relent, she would not lose out on her prize, not after all the trouble she had gone through in order to get it... So she ran, darting this way and that down the various alleys she had come to know like the back of her hand, vaulting over obstacles and clambering over walls in order to get ahead of her pursuers. Mina was in for a long day...
'''Gerun:''' Gerunthian Longblade had grown some since last the pair had met. His muscles had grown stronger, his eyes sharper, and his hair longer. It hung down his back in long waves these days, tied into a loose tail to tuck into his armor when he needed to be swift. Today was one of those days.
He stepped out in front of her, his guards at her back. An arrow soared past Mina’s head as Padilloux looked to cripple her, and Amh’sae was slowly gaining on the girl. There hadn’t been that much to do that day, apparently, as the entirety of his Division was after just this one girl. He’d taken a different route, a shortcut—his fellows were doing their best to lead the girl his direction, and when he heard footsteps and Amh’sae’s higher-pitched voice yelling after her, he stepped into the alleyway.
He’d gotten a new suit of armor, and looked imposing. Moreso than normal anyway, and his voice echo’d slightly as it escaped the helm he wore. “And just what d’you think you’re doin’, little Mina?” he asked, crouching down as though preparing to catch her.
'''Mina:''' Imposing as he might be, his presence did not seem to slow her momentum and the young Miqo'te was swift in taking the first opening, be it vaulting over him or sliding over the ground between his legs. She was small but she was a spry and lithe little thing, and as she moved beyond him, one would swear they could see the flash of lengthened canines in a cock-sure grin.
Just as soon as he'd arrived to bar her passage, she slipped right by and continued at a mad dash down the next alley. She knew that if she remained in the city any longer that they were bound to catch her and so she deviated, her path taking her closer and closer to the great walls that surrounded the city.
'''Gerun:''' He lunged for her, but missed by just an inch. Damn, she was slippery! “Stop!” he shouted, grunting and making his way after her. It wasn’t long, though, before both Amh’sae and Padilloux, one in tight and light leathers and the other in a jingling suit of chainmail, made their way past him. With his heavy armor and girth, Gerunthian was certainly the slowest of the group. But good luck if he ever caught you.
The trio made their way through the winding alleyways, chasing the miqo’te as fast as they could. She was almost always in visible range, but never quite close enough to catch. Padilloux aimed another shot and took it, looking to hit the girl in the back of her leg. It wasn’t a barbed arrow, so if it hit, no permanent damage would be done. Padilloux knew the regs, though he didn’t always agree with them.
'''Mina:''' She was nearly there! Within steps of the wall when she felt the sting of metal searing through her skin, clipping the sides of her calf before wedging into a crate just in front of her. The warmth of blood streamed steadily from the fresh wound but she did not give up. Mina knew what would happen if she was caught, and she wasn't about to settle for a stint in prison.
Without hesitation she clambered up the crates and began her steady ascent up the wall, finding various little hand-holds to heft herself up at a swift pace. Clearly she had done this before. Meanwhile the blood continued to mark her trail, dribbling across the stone wall in her wake, falling to the stone and sand below.
'''Gerun:''' “Pad!” Gerunthian called out, spying the blood on the ground and the arrow that was very much –not- lodged in the back of the girl’s leg. “Wake up! Your aim’s off t’day!” he barked and, to the disgust of the elezen, was right. He’d been out too late with a cute little miqo’te, and his antics were affecting his shots. Granted he wasn’t normally firing at a full sprint toward a target nearly as small as Amh’sae, but he could do better.
The elezen just grunted, but Amh’sae teased him as they followed the blood trail. He was a few steps away, practically dancing along either side of the street. “Yeah –Pad-, whatcha doin’? Want me to try for a little while?” That got the miqo’te troublemaker a scathing glare, but Padilloux said nothing. He would get the little shit back later. “Enough!” Gerun barked, noting how the trail was now creeping up the wall. “Pad, Amh, after her! Keep your eyes peeled; I’ll try to keep her trail from down here.” And so they split, the miqo’te and elezen clambering up the wall while the hyur lumbered his way around the city’s main floor.
'''Mina:''' She could hear the shouts from below, but despite the rush she was making decent time. While tempted to glance over her shoulder, she decided not to risk it and continued the perilous climb. The great wall measured well over ten stories, but heights were not something that she had a problem with, she wondered how her pursuers might fair.
One hand over the other, she pulled and hefted herself up further and further. One wrong move, one slip and she was a goner. She knew the risks and had the scars to prove it, a few broken bones with which to entertain the tale and she was determined not to add to that, not today.
Tilting her head a bit, Mina spied the top of the wall nearing closer and closer, could feel the strain in her arms and the throbbing pain of her leg. She had to keep going... she had to make it.
'''Gerun:''' While logically Amh’sae was the one for the job, the young boy found his stomach turning as his eyes moved up the wall. The girl was in plain view now, but he didn’t think he could do it. “Uh…Pad…” he said worriedly, face paling slightly. The boy found his hands full of a bow and quiver, and Padilloux patted his shoulder. “Not all of us are man enough to climb,” he said. And with an amused, wicked grin, the elezen turned.
He’d grown up here, spent years climbing and getting himself into quite a bit of trouble before Gerunthian whipped him into shape. So the walls of Ul’dah were nothing for Pad, and soon enough he was up on the wall as well. Hands and feet found the notches in the wall that made climbing possible, and he was gaining.
Meanwhile, Amh’sae’s hands were shaking. He hated when Pad climbed like that, and his face was red. “I’ll show him who’s man enough..” the boy grumbled, and nocked an arrow on the bow. He pulled the string back and aimed higher…higher…
'''Mina:''' On and on she went, up until the air seemed to grow thinner and her limbs ached and burned, fingertips become raw beneath the rough stone. Bits of dust and drops of blood continued to trail after her, falling below before disintegrating into the air. They were so high up now, and she could not risk looking back to see how far the man had come, not unless she wanted to lose her balance, but she could hear the sounds of his approach.
Clenching her jaw, Mina gritted her teeth together, bearing down and using what little strength she had left to muster. The top was but three stories away now...
'''Gerun:''' Padilloux was hot on her trail, relishing in the wind as it blew through his thick hair. The dust he didn’t mind either; if he did, he would have moved to Limsa. He felt the burn in his own muscles, smiling and almost laughing at the chase. It was exhilarating, being up this high and knowing it was only a matter of time before he caught her.
Amh’sae had other plans. The string was pulled back tight, and the little fingers that held it back released. An arrow soared up, and he squinted against the sky to try to see whether he struck his target…
'''Mina:''' As high up as the young Miqo'te was, she hardly expected an arrow to find its way so far, and yet it did. She could feel the sting and see the blood as it struck through her left arm and a sharp cry echoed out in the air. From such heights she would not be heard from below but her pursuer, so close in quarters would have a front row seat. The timing could not have been worse, having been mid-reach for her next hand-hold and she hung there, the one good arm straining to keep herself latched onto the wall.
Her jaw clenched once more and she closed her eyes, cursing under her breath as she struggled to hold on.
'''Gerun:''' The arrow surprised him. Padilloux didn’t think Amh’sae was that good a shot, let along that he would be so stupid to risk killing the girl, and possibly sending her toppling down onto him! The scream sent him into protection mode, and with a few more reaches and push-offs, he was up next to her. It was bleeding at a decent pace, and they were close enough to the top that it would be a long journey back down. Pad reached across, still having a good foothold, and did his best to support the girl.
From below, Amh’sae had both hands over his mouth and was sitting on the ground, stunned. He didn’t think he’d hit, didn’t think anything through. To add to his dread, the thudding footsteps of their Captain rounded the corner. “What’d y’do, Amh??” he asked, cupping his mouth and calling out. “Pad! Y’got ‘er?”  The elezen didn’t look around, but responded while focusing. “Trying, sir!”
'''Mina:''' Despite her injury, Mina still attempted to make use of her arm, fingers scratching at the surface of the stone as she intended to at least make her way up to the top before she passed out. The blood that streamed from her wound made it all the more difficult, dribbling down and coating the stone, causing her boot to slip and she lost her footing entirely.
There was no scream, only a whimper and a muffled series of, "No, nononono..." as she held on for dear life, her feet dangling beneath her with only her arm and the questionable support of the man that had caught up to her.
'''Gerun:''' “Damn!” Padilloux cursed aloud, trying to get a grip of the young girl’s waist. He had no idea how long he could keep her from falling, let alone if he could even manage to bring her down from the wall. But they –could- get back up to the top. “I need you to take a breath,” he said in a softer tone than before, clearly more concerned with bringing her to safety than bringing her in for a crime.
From below, Gerunthian could only watch as one of his best friends dangled from the wall, clutching the girl he’d saved years ago. “Shit,” he cursed, shaking his head and rumbling off. Amh’sae simply watched, utterly transfixed and horrified. This was exactly why he didn’t like climbing.
After a few moments, the Captain thudded his way to the path atop the wall. Padilloux was doing his best to coerce Mina to start climbing, and with any luck, Gerunthian planned on helping the pair make their way up safely.
'''Mina:''' If she weren't in such a perilous situation, she might have considered kneeing the man in the groin, or at the very least elbowing him in the face, but that wouldn't help either of them. "I'll bloody well breathe when I feel like, yer not the one bleedin' out two places." She mumbled, swallowing back the anxiety as she chanced a look down, far far below them.
"Y'just had to follow me." She said with an exasperated sigh, "Can' jus' let the little girl off to track her down later, no..." With a grunt she adjusted her grip with her good arm, and pushed up with her good leg as well, making her way slowly up with his support.
'''Gerun:''' There was a definite flash of annoyance on Padilloux’s face at the girl’s attitude, and he just grunted. No sense in arguing with her, and eventually they made it high enough that Gerunthian could help. With a hand for either of them and a loud groan of effort, the highlander yanked Mina and Pad up to the safety of the wall’s top.
Pad didn’t waste any time, looking over the ledge and yelling down. “The hell were you thinkin’?!? You could’ve killed us both!” Meanwhile, Gerun was looking Mina over with concern and a good deal of annoyance. “Still stealin’,” he murmured disapprovingly.
'''Mina:''' "Still bleedin'." The young girl replied, sprawled out on the stone pathway with her eyes closed as she breathed in heavily. Dust and flecks of blood mottled her pale skin, and her dark hair was somewhat tangled, but despite the bored wounds and remaining arrow left in her arm she at least appeared to be in one piece.
Her eyes opened, the dark crimson noticeable in the light of day and she gave the Captain a knowing grin.
'''Gerun:''' A shadow of a smirk crossed his lips, but she was right. She was bleeding, enough that it could be serious problem if it wasn’t taken care of. Gerunthian removed his helmet and crouched down, taking that arm in his large hands. “Damnit, Amh…” he cursed, head shaking slightly. “This’ll hurt some,” he said while looking right into Mina’s eyes. Then, without waiting and without warning, he pulled at the arrow.
It had been lodged pretty nicely into that pale arm, but Gerunthian was strong enough and the arrow wasn’t barbed, so the exit was made without much trouble. Deftly, as though he’d done this before, Gerun yanked a strip of cloth from a small pouch tied firmly through the thick cord about his waist. “Salve,” he barked, and without hesitation Pad handed the poultice to Gerunthian. “Trust me?” he asked the girl, brow raising.
'''Mina:''' "I ain't trust nobody." The young Miqo'te retorted, and handled the pain surprisingly well all things considered. She did not cry out or gasp when the arrow was wrenched free, though a wince or two was easily given. Judging by the various small knicks and bruises across her skin, the young girl was likely accustomed to such things.
"But yer welcome to it anyways." She added, glancing off to the side and at Pad in some curiosity, avoiding the likely judgmental and disappointed looks of the man who tended to her.
'''Gerun:''' There wasn’t judgment in the gaze Gerunthian had on the girl. It was almost analytical as he swept those cool blue eyes over her, checking for changes. There were many, but they were all summed up simply as the changes that brought someone closer to being a woman, and further from being just a little girl. There weren’t a surplus of inappropriate thoughts, but simply an observation. She was cute.
Padilloux, on the other hand, looked quite annoyed. “Got a mouth on you,” he said with a grumble as he tied the poultice to the open wound. Blood stained the pseudo-bandage just a bit, but only enough to show that there was a reason for the tied band of cloth, and it wasn’t for fashion. “Best make sure it doesn’t get you into trouble,” he warned with an authoritative look.
“Pad’s got a point,” Gerun said as he looked to her face. “What’d ya take this time, Min?”
'''Mina:''' "You know, just because I found something, don' mean it was stolen." Mina grumbled, and once her arm was free of their grasp she peered down at their handiwork. Beneath all that grime and sass was a budding woman, beautiful in her own way with a pert little nose and full lips, though they were cracked and dry. If she deemed to put any stock in her appearance, she might have cleaned up quite well.
"I found 'em myself, and came to see what they might be worth." She continued, frowning as she spoke. "Jus' cause I'm me they gone and figured I stole 'em, that or them grubby bastards was tryin' to nab 'em for themselves."
For a moment it seemed as if she was going to leave it at that, but after a sigh she slipped one hand beneath her shirt and pulled free a chain. There about her neck hung a lackluster copper chain, but looped upon it was a pair of very fine rings, albeit fairly aged in their own right. One was of a delicate gold, embellished with a single cut ruby, the other silver plated and speckled with tiny blue sapphires. The rings were in quite a state, fine engravings caked with rock and dirt, bits smudged away to reveal the treasure beneath.
Taking them in her palm she extended them out to Gerun with a soft sigh, "I didn' steal them."
'''Gerun:''' Gerun extended his hand toward hers, and his dwarfed hers in comparison. He was large, had been large for his age when first they met years past. He took the rings in his hand and looked on them. They were definitely of a finer quality, or at least they were in their hay-day. “Pad,” he said with authority, looking to the elezen. He’d just finished tying the poultice, and was standing a few feet off, looking on. “Go find Amh, and give th’little bastard a talkin’ to. Explain t’him why we don’ shoot people climbin’ the walls of Ul’dah.” With a silent nod and a curious glance at Mina, Padilloux was off, swift as he’d come.
That left the pair alone, and Gerun sighed, looking over the wall into the city. “What’m I gonna do with you,” he wondered softly, a huff of a laugh escaping his lips. “Years later, you’re still gettin’ in trouble.” Then he looked at her, brow furrowing. “Now Mina, I wan’ ya t’tell me straight. Didja steal these?” he asked, gesturing to the rings. “Between you an’ me.”
'''Mina:''' "I didn' steal them from no one." Mina said quite forcibly, crimson eyes narrowing slightly upon him. "I wasn' even in the city, outside the walls I was when I found them, far, far east out near Drybone."
With that she reached to snatch them back, for all they were worth she might as well have left them in the dirt, lest they get her into this mess, but she wasn't about to let them get confiscated either, they were her meal ticket.
'''Gerun:''' The way she spoke had him smirking for a half-second, but he wiped it away and put the role of Guard-Captain on his face again. He didn’t resist her snatching the rings back, though a brow did raise. “No need t’be so hostile, Mina,” he said simply.
He gave her another glance-over while he had the time, and smiled more pleasantly. “Y’filled out better’n I expected,” he said. “Not skin’n’bones anymore.”
'''Mina:''' "Well I ain' about to wither away an' die, too many things that need finding out there." She replied with a smirk, stringing the rings back upon the chain before tucking them safely away beneath her shirt once more.
Pursing her lips she looked up at him and wriggled her nose, "So, whatcha gonna do then? You gonna lock me up for doin' nothin', or ya gonna keep starin' at me."
'''Gerun:''' The eyeroll she got was almost for show. Almost. “Long as you’re not causin’ trouble in th’walls,” he said. With a grunt he pushed himself up at her question, though he was still looking at her. “Jus’ makin’ sure you’re in good enough health. How’s your arm?” he asked, moving to the edge of the wall and peering into the city.
Below, Padilloux and Amh’sae were going at it. No weapons, but there were some fists and a few pained grunts. “Idiots,” he sighed exasperatedly, running a hand over his face.
'''Mina:''' "What with bein' holey and all... I suppose I can't complain though, coulda been worse." She lifted her shoulders in a shrug and drew herself up to stand, albeit with a little hobble before she followed his gaze over the ledge. "I coulda been a nice red stain on the stone, right aboooout there," She indicated with one finger, near where his two companions were. "Least I woulda left a mark then."
Propping her chin up on her good hand she glanced over at him, a brow perked to see if she might have coaxed a laugh out of him or not.
'''Gerun:''' She didn’t get a laugh, but he didn’t sneer at her either. He tried not to take death too seriously, with how often it happened. But on the same token, there was nothing comedic about it to him. All the same he huffed and nodded, chuckling as Amh’sae got a good hit on Padilloux’s chin. “Glad he was there t’help ya up,” he said, patting the girl on the head once.
Then he turned, about to start moving away, before looking back at her. “Should get that looked at,” he said simply. “We have a medic, if our day’s not too busy.”
'''Mina:''' "Sounds like a mighty crafty and roundabout way o' gettin' me locked up, mister." Mina responded with a quirky grin, brow perking as she shrugged at him. "Don' worry about me, I got it covered." Using her good hand she waved him off, "Go on then, before your boys make 'emselves easy targets."
'''Gerun:''' Gerun simply chuckled at that, shrugging. “Just don’ let I’ get infected, or I can’ do anything about i’.” He smiled at her, oddly soft, and inclined his head. “Stay outta trouble, Mina. I’m no’ th’only guard t’patrol th’city, an’ no’ many would trus’ th’word o’ someone with your rep.”
'''Mina:''' "What, and risk not meeting you again? Hah." She gave him a cocky grin, "You think me gettin' caught 'round your route is jus' a twist o' fate, hmm?" A soft laugh escaped her lips and she wriggled her fingers at him. "Catch you later, mister."
'''Gerun:''' He opened his mouth to say something, and just..blinked at her for a moment. A brow quirked just slightly in some confusion, but he turned anyway. What was –that- supposed to mean? Regardless of the girl’s confusing words he made his way down into the city, to find his guards and knock some proper sense into them.
* '''Long Story Arcs - Long Term Role Play''' With a history of developing many long term storylines, some going back as far as 10 years, these tend to be my absolute favorite, and I am always looking for those of a similar mind looking to make a lasting tale.
* '''Short and Sweet''' While long term may be my preference that will not keep me from enjoying the welcome diversities that short term acquaintances have to offer! From tavern escapades to bumping into someone in an alley, all provide fantastic opportunities to make great connections.
* '''Mature Content''' As one interested in leading some dark and dramatic tales I would be remiss not to mention that I am open to such things. Content of a graphic nature from violence(gruesome battle, torture, abuse etc), language and romantic relations are fair game so long as they make sense for the storyline. Have any concerns whether or not something will fly? Feel free to ask me first!
* '''Theft/Skullduggery''' Mina will take any jobs related to theft, artifact recovery, treasure hunting and scouting/spying. Also as a thief herself, Mina would easily be open to receiving the same treatment and would likely take it in stride. Simply message with your intent and we'll see how it plays out!
* '''Nonsensical''' I will not RP that which does not make sense for my character or for the storyline at hand, if it is out of realistic boundaries within the setting or character and preferences.
* '''Perma-death/Maiming''' Unless the details have been previously discussed on an OOC basis, I will not accept nor recognize any attempts on the life of my character, or those that would result in permanent injury.
===Audio Inspiration:===
''Often-times music will inspire a storyline or remind me of a character and as such I will link some of my favorites here whenever I come across them. Enjoy!''
* '''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toPm-L7Ib44 Becoming a Legend]''' Artist: John Dreamer
* '''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc9nTcROQtw Norwegian Pirate]''' Artist: Two Steps From Hell
* '''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlNawWM4Hlg&index=1&list=PLyhG11_Sjj_UfdAbPT1Na5NLhPa4_aigX All Is Hell That Ends Well]''' Artist: Two Steps From Hell
This template created by [[Rihxo Matoi]] with the help of [[Nanagi Nagi]] and has pieces from the templates of [[Unnamed Mercenary]], [[Roen Deneith]], [[Cyrus Wolfe]], and [[Coatleque Crofte]].
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-position:center;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;"><center>Art Gallery</center></div>===
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Revision as of 01:11, 12 November 2016