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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Person Name,</b> <i>relationship</i>.  <b>(</b> <b>)</b> - <b>Title.</b></div>
! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Zakrin Aier,</b> <i>Husband</i>.  <b>(</b><font style="color:#ae0016;" size="2">♥</font><font style="color:#F02311;" size="2">♥</font><font style="color:#000000;" size="2">♥</font><b>)</b> - <b>Dearest.</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>" ."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"Twelve knows what I'd have done without him...I love him, dearly. I don't know why he stopped that day, but, I'm eternally grateful."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;">Description of their relationship.</div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;">Lahn met Zakrin outside her old Company Hall, sobbing as she scratched at her healing burns. He sat by her, listening as she spilled her fears and worries, offering her his aid and support. They grew close quickly, both afraid to make the first move until Topaz, Lahn's Carbuncle pushed them together, quite literally! Now, 2 years on from their marriage, they have two children, and she couldn't be happier. Both were convinced they would never find someone, but now they have, neither would give it up for the world. She loves him deeply, trusts him implicitly, and does her best to try and show others the side she gets to see, beneath the prickly exterior. She's his moral compass, and he her protector.</div>
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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Isabelle and Mikael Aier</b> <i>Children</i>.  <b>(</b><font style="color:#54b5eb;" size="2">♥</font><b>)</b> - <b>The Twins.</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"My dearest children. I will ensure you have a happy and safe future. No matter what."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;">Now a year old, Lahn dotes upon her children, and along with Zakrin, they are the most important people in her life. Between them, they ensure their children want for nothing, especially after the 3 months of separation for their safety. Mikael, the elder by a few minutes, takes after his father in stature, but more after his mother in appearance, with dark purple hair and her bright blue eyes. He lags behind his sister's physical achievements, but, has taken to speech like a fish to water. Still wary of strangers, he prefers to watch them from afar. Isabelle, the younger, is loud, boisterous and fearless, with a shock of blue-black hair and bright green eyes, inherited from her father. She shows her Elezen heritage in her height, towering over her brother, and in her pointed ears. Not the best with her words yet, but she can walk, climb, and get into all sorts of trouble if left unsupervised</div>
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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Isone Flaval</b> <i>Mother</i>.  <b>(</b><font style="color:#54b5eb;" size="2">♥</font><font style="color:#C24640;" size="2">✖</font><b>)</b> - <b>Ma.</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"Ugh... Ma is...She is a reprehensible, selfish woman, but...She's still my mother. And I know she loves me"</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;">Lahn and Isone have always had a tumultuous relationship, ever since she was a child. Lahn loves her mother, but, she's also well aware her mother uses her, manipulates her and lies to her, mostly for Isone's own enjoyment. She's also well aware though that her mother would do anything for her, and has seen it in action, numerous times. This leaves the relationship seesawing from negative to positive and back again, depending on how behaved Isone has been of late.</div>
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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Revisoix Gallais</b> <i>Adoptive Father</i>.  <b>(</b><font style="color:#54b5eb;" size="2">♥</font><font style="color:#6B8E23;" size="2">✔</font><b>)</b> - <b>Pa.</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"I may not be related to him by blood, but, Pa's treated me nothing less as his own. I aspire to be like him.."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;">Revisoix did most of the raising of Lahn when she was a child, and was a major role model for her, growing up. The youngest son of an Ishgardian merchant family, he was kidnapped and held for ransom. Being the youngest, his family never bothered to pay, and so he was sold to slavers, and eventually, freed by the customs officers of Mealvaan's Gate. Calm, educated and reasonable, he was responsible for the majority of Lahn's education and subsequent morality. Of her parents, Revi is the one who who she keeps in the closest contact with, and the one who commands the most of her trust.</div>
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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Nayette Beaupierre</b> <i>Adoptive Mother</i>.  <b>(</b><font style="color:#54b5eb;" size="2">♥</font><b>)</b> - <b>Mother.</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"Nay. is, honestly, an enigma. But, she's fiercely protective of us, of us all."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;">Nayette is an imposing woman, taller than most Elezen men, silent near all the time, and near always dressed in armour or leathers. While she never did much 'mothering', she's always been a protector of the family, and a provider with hunting. While Lahn and her never really got close, like she had with Revi, growing up under her care, and subsequently fighting alongside one another, has developed a deep trust. At some points, she's honestly closer to an aunt, than a mother.</div>
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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Arault Lopucair</b> <i>Adoptive Father</i>.  <b>(</b><font style="color:#54b5eb;" size="2">♥</font><font style="color:#000000;" size="2">✝</font><b>)</b> - <b>Father.</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"I...I'd rather not... I'd prefer to talk about something else."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;">Arault was an immensely cheerful, but scatterbrained man, who was always the instigator of Lahn's playtime as a child. He may not have really every got exactly why Lahn left, or the magical studies she undertook, but, he supported her in whatever she chose to do unconditionally. He was the second closest to Lahn of her parents, before his untimely death. Lahn still hasn't properly coped with his death, refusing to talk about him, or go near to his gravesite in the North Shroud.</div>
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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Person Name,</b> <i>relationship</i>.  <b>(</b> <b>)</b> - <b>Title.</b></div>
! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Person Name,</b> <i>relationship</i>.  <b>(</b> <b>)</b> - <b>Title.</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>" ."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>" ."</i></div>

Revision as of 03:29, 3 February 2017

Lahn Aier
~ ~


Lahn is a 24 year old Duskwight, hailing from the Twelveswood, and skilled in the arts of arcanima. She left the Twelveswood after the Calamity, ending up in Limsa working as a customs assessor at Mealvaan's Gate, refusing to return until the death of one of her fathers. After that incident, she returned to take his place in her family's mercenary business, until a job gone messy had her set out alone, seeking answers. She joined a number of Companies, meeting her husband in one such Company, before together they made their way to Pathfinders. She's a proud mother of two, and works to balance out her mercenary work and her family life (Though, her family life wins near every time)





The Twelveswood.
Helping Out

People Smugglers


Too Trusting.
Rather Wouldn't Fight.


Lahn was the product of a one night stand between her mother, Isone, and a pirate captain in Limsa who was due to set sail the next day. Not trusting this captain to want or care for this child, Isone instead turned to those she worked alongside as a mercenary to be the girl's family, Revisoix, Nayette and Arault. As such, Lahn grew up with two fathers and two mothers, within a cave system deep in Rootslake. The four took turns in raising her (to varying degrees of success) while continuing to work as mercenaries to support themselves. Sometimes, this meant she would be left alone, and she was left with the instruction, if her family wasn't to come back, she was to go to the city, and ask for Mother Miounne's help. As Lahn got older, Isone would bring her along to be an unwitting participant in their jobs, listening in on conversations, crawling into small spaces the adults couldn't reach and such. This became less so when Lahn went to learn conjury at the Fane (After finding she had no real aptitude for the bow or the spear, much to Isone's disappointment.). Lahn continued to work at the Fane for a number of years, despite her teachers ignoring her for her race, until the night of the Calamity. Poor 16 year old Lahn couldn't cope with the scenes of trauma, injury and death working as a mender during this time, and for every person who died under her care, she assigned blame to herself, no matter how hopeless of a case they were. It was only a few months before she broke, unable to stand being under the boughs of the forest, and set away her wand, smuggling herself onto an airship, anywhere but Gridania.

She landed in Limsa Lominsa, still in her conjurer's uniform, wide-eyed and naive of the world. This was, unfortunately, taken advantage of. A Miqo'te pirate captain, needing a healer for his crew, had her sit down to drink with him, showered her in affection. And Lahn, desperate for it after living hated for so long in Gridania, fell head over heels, following him around like a lovesick puppy. These were not feelings he returned, but, seeing the opportunity, he put on the act. He told Lahn all about his 'salvaging ship' and how he wanted her to come with them on the seas. She fell for it hook, line, and sinker, as he built a prison room for her on the ship, to force her into mending his crew when they needed it, whether she wanted to or not. It took a moon for her family to track their wayward daughter down, the night before they were to set sail, and they immediately saw this for what it was. They took Lahn back by force, and Isone took an axe to the Miqo'te's tail, chopping it clean off, and tossing him in the harbour. Lahn, however, still refused to return to the Twelveswood with her family, and fought tooth and nail to stay in Limsa. Ultimately, Revisoix recommended her to Mealvaan's Gate, where he had worked when he was younger, and she took up arcanima, and customs work. She preferred to be in the field than be back doing paperwork, and spent a lot of her time at work out on the docks, or on ships, sniffing out illegal substances and people smugglers. A clerical error during this found her in possession of a soulstone, though, she thought it just a standard issue emerald, and used it to summon her Carbuncles. Here she remained, quite happily, until news reached her of Arault's death. He'd died on a solo job, to Ixali in the North Shroud. She tendered her resignation, and returned to the Twelveswood for the first time in 5 years.

She threw herself into the mercenary work of her family to avoid dealing with Arault's death, taking his place on jobs, both as a group and by herself, until the group was hired as part of a contingent to escort a group intended to kill a summoning of Garuda, up in the snows of Coerthas. She wasn't expected to be very powerful, but, she wasn't supposed to get near either way. Her job was to harry the Ixal to keep them from intervening. Snowblindness, poor sense of direction, and getting caught up in the fights worked against her here, and she wandered too close. Unawares, winds meant for someone else struck her, cutting her to ribbons, and she collapsed in the snow. She was dragged back out, barely alive, once the fight was done, and brought back from the brink. Being there when the primal had been struck down, however, the next time after her recovery that she had tried to summon her Emerald Carbuncle, an egi came instead, making attempts on her and her family's life. Not knowing what this was, and not wishing to cause her family more hurt, Lahn set out alone, to try and find out more.

She first worked with the 81st Foreign Levy out of the Mists and had been happy there, until during the Moonfire Faire festival, an attack was made on the Company Hall, by men after the leader's pregnant girlfriend. Lahn fought fiercely to protect her, despite not knowing who or why these men were here, but, the attacking group's thaumaturge set her aflame. With no healers about, she was left to smoulder in the garden, the incident leaving her with deep burn scars across her arms and torso, a fear of flames, and an anger towards the Company's leadership. It was while healing from these wounds that she met Zakrin Aier, a swordsman from a neighbouring Company, and fell for him. In the end, her wish to be with him outweighed her wish to remain with the 81st, and she took leave after a battle...only to not return.

She then moved to work with Zakrin with his Free Company, work that took them all across Eorzea, with people from all walks of life. It was here that she learned what summoning was, and was helped in completing her Trial of Wind so that she could control her egi. She took a mentoring role to other arcanists in the Company, and she herself became a student of astrology to the head of the Company. Things did not always go so well, though. During the Company's tussle with Leviathan, Lahn's lifeline to the boat snapped, and as it tipped, she fell off the side into the ocean, as the Company's secret weapon, a cannon that would shoot lightning aether, went off. Lahn was electrocuted, and was dead when they pulled her from the ocean. They were able to resuscitate her, but she lost her memory of the previous two weeks, and spent the 2 months in a wheelchair recovering as her nerves recovered. It was after this Zakrin and Lahn realised how dangerous their lifestyle was, and how quickly they could be taken from one another, and so they decided to be wed. A number of months later, Lahn fell pregnant, and so she removed herself from the battle lines. It was while she was pregnant she found out, from others, that assassins after the head of the Company could also be after her, and so she left, going into hiding until after the twins were born. It was a little after that that they joined with Ironsong, and eventually, took on major leadership roles within the Company (Albiet somewhat unofficially, in Lahn's case). She once again, took a step back after a group threatened her children, moving to protect them from any attacks, but, they never came before the company collapsed under the weight of its debts.



Lahn is very much a bleeding heart, caring deeply and quickly for those around her, always showing kindness and believing the best in people. This has, on numerous occasions, come back to bite her, and yet, she persists. This can make her easy to manipulate, a trait her mother Isone takes full advantage of. She's an intelligent woman with a voracious appetite for any type of knowledge, and can easily be distracted from say, teaching someone division, by being told stories. Her maternal streak has only strengthened since she had children, and many have 'adopted' her as a mother figure. She's extremely easily embarrassed by sexual talk, enough so people have questioned how she managed to have children. Alas, growing up Duskwight in the Twelveswood has left her with little self-esteem, if any, and she struggles with seeing herself being worth anything. She simply accepts any insults thrown her way, accepting them immediately to be true, will put everyone else before herself even at her own detriment, avoids receiving praise, abhours having the 'spotlight' on her, and often is self-depreciating. She's a very poor liar, and it's easy to tell when she is, either by tells, or by her not answering, or trying to deflect.
Short for an elezen, Lahn only just touches 6 fulms tall, with icy blue eyes and curly lavender hair she keeps pulled back, in either a ponytail or a bun. She's a bit chubbier than she used to be, the natural side effect of having children, but has been working to get back to her pre-pregnancy level of fitness. She's stronger than people usually expect of her, a scholarly mage dressed in robes, thanks to years of hand to hand self-defence training with Zakrin. She always seems to dress well, in well maintained robes, most often than not, and always with long sleeves or long gloves to hide the burn scars covering her upper body, and she requires her glasses to see. Even as tall as she is, she often holds herself smaller, to try and draw less attention to herself, and will only rarely draw herself up to her full height
Aspects That Stand Out:
Uses makeup to appear older than she is
Ice blue eyes
Pale burn scars across arms and torso


Family Involved

Romantic Platonic Physical Friend

Acquaintance $Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure


Zakrin Aier, Husband. () - Dearest.
Character's Thoughts: "Twelve knows what I'd have done without him...I love him, dearly. I don't know why he stopped that day, but, I'm eternally grateful."
Lahn met Zakrin outside her old Company Hall, sobbing as she scratched at her healing burns. He sat by her, listening as she spilled her fears and worries, offering her his aid and support. They grew close quickly, both afraid to make the first move until Topaz, Lahn's Carbuncle pushed them together, quite literally! Now, 2 years on from their marriage, they have two children, and she couldn't be happier. Both were convinced they would never find someone, but now they have, neither would give it up for the world. She loves him deeply, trusts him implicitly, and does her best to try and show others the side she gets to see, beneath the prickly exterior. She's his moral compass, and he her protector.
Isabelle and Mikael Aier Children. () - The Twins.
Character's Thoughts: "My dearest children. I will ensure you have a happy and safe future. No matter what."
Now a year old, Lahn dotes upon her children, and along with Zakrin, they are the most important people in her life. Between them, they ensure their children want for nothing, especially after the 3 months of separation for their safety. Mikael, the elder by a few minutes, takes after his father in stature, but more after his mother in appearance, with dark purple hair and her bright blue eyes. He lags behind his sister's physical achievements, but, has taken to speech like a fish to water. Still wary of strangers, he prefers to watch them from afar. Isabelle, the younger, is loud, boisterous and fearless, with a shock of blue-black hair and bright green eyes, inherited from her father. She shows her Elezen heritage in her height, towering over her brother, and in her pointed ears. Not the best with her words yet, but she can walk, climb, and get into all sorts of trouble if left unsupervised
Isone Flaval Mother. () - Ma.
Character's Thoughts: "Ugh... Ma is...She is a reprehensible, selfish woman, but...She's still my mother. And I know she loves me"
Lahn and Isone have always had a tumultuous relationship, ever since she was a child. Lahn loves her mother, but, she's also well aware her mother uses her, manipulates her and lies to her, mostly for Isone's own enjoyment. She's also well aware though that her mother would do anything for her, and has seen it in action, numerous times. This leaves the relationship seesawing from negative to positive and back again, depending on how behaved Isone has been of late.
Revisoix Gallais Adoptive Father. () - Pa.
Character's Thoughts: "I may not be related to him by blood, but, Pa's treated me nothing less as his own. I aspire to be like him.."
Revisoix did most of the raising of Lahn when she was a child, and was a major role model for her, growing up. The youngest son of an Ishgardian merchant family, he was kidnapped and held for ransom. Being the youngest, his family never bothered to pay, and so he was sold to slavers, and eventually, freed by the customs officers of Mealvaan's Gate. Calm, educated and reasonable, he was responsible for the majority of Lahn's education and subsequent morality. Of her parents, Revi is the one who who she keeps in the closest contact with, and the one who commands the most of her trust.
Nayette Beaupierre Adoptive Mother. () - Mother.
Character's Thoughts: "Nay. is, honestly, an enigma. But, she's fiercely protective of us, of us all."
Nayette is an imposing woman, taller than most Elezen men, silent near all the time, and near always dressed in armour or leathers. While she never did much 'mothering', she's always been a protector of the family, and a provider with hunting. While Lahn and her never really got close, like she had with Revi, growing up under her care, and subsequently fighting alongside one another, has developed a deep trust. At some points, she's honestly closer to an aunt, than a mother.
Arault Lopucair Adoptive Father. () - Father.
Character's Thoughts: "I...I'd rather not... I'd prefer to talk about something else."
Arault was an immensely cheerful, but scatterbrained man, who was always the instigator of Lahn's playtime as a child. He may not have really every got exactly why Lahn left, or the magical studies she undertook, but, he supported her in whatever she chose to do unconditionally. He was the second closest to Lahn of her parents, before his untimely death. Lahn still hasn't properly coped with his death, refusing to talk about him, or go near to his gravesite in the North Shroud.
Player Name. ( ) - Nifty Title
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship or interaction.



Lahn Aier


Race: Elezen
Clan: Duskwight
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Nameday: 14th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Citizenship: Gridanian
Occupation: Mercenary
Free Company: Pathfinders


Hair Color: Lavender
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6 fulms
Weight: ???
Complexion: Grey
Age: 24
Piercings: Earclasps & earrings
Marks or Tattoos: None
Alignment: Chaotic Good


Server: Balmung
Timezone: AEST

What I Will Roleplay

Grim and Dark:
Slice of Life/Comedy

What I Won't Roleplay

Character Death:


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