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I'zumyn will appear disarmingly shallow and cavalier, driven by the pleasures of life -- sex, money, more sex, with a flirtatious attitude toward anyone who catches her eye. In truth, she is anything but, usually feigning interest for as long as it is useful to her. She will be civil and pleasant, and even charming until it serves it's purpose, or she otherwise bores of keeping up the facade. It may be quite apparent that I'zumyn would rather be anywhere else, particularly in the midst of heavily-populated areas, and would much rather return to whatever else she has her mind currently set on. She is prone to capricious moods and worse, if her ire is stoked.
I'zumyn will appear disarmingly shallow and cavalier, driven by the pleasures of life -- sex, money, more sex, with a flirtatious attitude toward anyone who catches her eye. In truth, she is anything but, usually feigning interest for as long as it is useful to her. She will be civil and pleasant, and even charming until it serves it's purpose, or she otherwise bores of keeping up the facade. It may be quite apparent that I'zumyn would rather be anywhere else, particularly in the midst of heavily-populated areas, and would much rather return to whatever else she has her mind currently set on. She is prone to capricious moods and worse, if her ire is stoked.
However, she changes drastically amongst people who interest her (which can be any number of criteria), or those whose opinions she values or looks up to. I'zumyn becomes far more relaxed, open and teasing, and often likes to relax with others in a hot springs or bubbly bath. For those that she looks up to, she is much more likely to strive to impress them, however subtly, rather than outright tell them. Even as she opens up, I'zumyn is like to remain very guarded and secretive about herself.
However, she changes drastically amongst people who interest her (which can be any number of criteria), or those whose opinions she values or looks up to. I'zumyn becomes far more relaxed, open and teasing, and often likes to relax with others in a hot springs or bubbly bath. For those that she looks up to, she is much more likely to strive to impress them, however subtly, rather than outright tell them. Even as she opens up, I'zumyn is like to remain very guarded and secretive about herself.
Despite her outward persona, I'zumyn is a rather reserved, introspective woman, driven by the pursuit of magic to an end that may hurt her more than it benefits. Her actions are carefully deliberated, and she is not one to act without due consideration - until her emotions get the better of her. They usually do.
Despite her outward persona, I'zumyn is a rather reserved, introspective woman, driven by the pursuit of magic to an end that may hurt her more than it benefits. Her actions are carefully deliberated, and she is not one to act without due consideration - until her emotions get the better of her. They usually do.

Revision as of 17:25, 1 September 2017

I'zumyn Sazhi

Birth Name: I'zumyn Sazhi (Zumyn)

Gender: Female

Race & Clan: Miqo'te, mixed-clan

Age: Twenty-something. She's not counting.

Height 4 fulms 10 ilms

Weight: 120? ponzes

Nameday: 32nd Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon

Guardian deity: Menphina, the Lover


Birth Place: the Dravanian Hinterlands, the Answering Quarter.

Citizenship: Dravanian.

FC and residence: OOC: 893. IC: None yet, chronic wanderer.

Marital Status: Unmarried.

Sexual Orientation: Polyamorous/sexual.

Job: Huntress and tribe head.

Hobbies: Magical and magical historical research, reading (primarily non-fiction), travelling.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral leaning ever-so-slightly toward good.

Recently... I'zumyn is travelling frequently across Abalathia's Spine, journeying between the South of Eorzea and the Lands to the North, often busy with tribal errand-running, organization and scouting Gyr Abanian lands to the East, usually in the company of another hunter or scout from the tribe. Whispers tell of activities in the black market, inquiring after hard-to-find artifacts and things best left forgotten. It has been many years since I'zumyn made any appearance in Eorzea's shady underworld, and those she once knew are watching and waiting...

I'zumyn is a Miqo'te of mixed heritages, who lived her childhood in the shadow of Sharlayan's abandoned Idyllshire colony, enchanted with the world of magic and history, and all the knowledge that could be so easily lost to the annals of time. It would seem she harbours a checkered background, one that threatens to catch up with her -- if only she could outrun it.

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Miqo'te of the Buffalo tribe are typically of dark skin and darker fur, hinting at a once desert-based way of living. Their eyes are bright, jewel-like colours, and often as they grow of age, they wear similarly bright paints across their cheeks and body. I'zumyn, unfortunately, looks little like her tribe's brothers and sisters. Born of an unlucky tryst between her mother, of the tribe, and a wandering Keeper of the Lunyr'ravi tribe, she took after her father's looks, giving her the typical colouring that the Lunyr'ravi are known for. Bronzed skin, and blonde hair that borders on near white under the sunlight, messily framing dark, unnervingly sharp eyes. I'zumyn looks every bit the wild child.

Scars & Markings: Most noticeably, one will see that I'zumyn's hands bear intricate networks of scars, more so on the right hand palm. Due to repeated injury, she lacks finer motor control in the fingers. There is never not a week, day or a moment when I'zumyn does not look tired, and the circles under her eyes are especially pronounced. On days that she chooses to bear her midriff, one would see a pair of matching tattoos span her ribcage and hips in bold lines - the sun and the moon. One scar - faded, sits across her left side, under the tattoo of the Sun, and another thin line strikes up across her jaw.

Voice: Quiet, soft yet coarse. Feminine, speaking and pronouncing quite deliberately, but a northern accent (Icelandic - think Fran of FFXII) nonetheless bleeds through in her speech. Will resort to huntspeak among other tribal Miqo'te, but rarely.

Clothing: Fond of loose light tribal-wear, I'zumyn's taste for clothing ranges into the expensive; intricate, beautiful and rich in design and colour, often exotic fashions from Thavnair or the like. Prone to exuberance rather than function, though she may shed it for a middle ground for ease of travelling and combat.


  • Long, hot baths.
  • The many piles of books strewn across her floor.
  • No-strings relationships. Sex, and lots of it.
  • History.
  • Stormy weather.


  • Sweet foods.
  • Harsh sunlight.
  • Authority, perceived or otherwise.
  • Romance. Nope. No. No Thank You.

Distinctive Features

  • Control/losing control or autonomy.
  • Disembodied voices.
  • Halone, the Fury (imagery, mostly).
  • Rejection/exclusion.
  • Parenthood and the idea of herself as a parent or older sibling figure.


  • Favorite food: miqa'bobs, meaty/salty foods
  • Favorite drink: tea.
  • Favorite colour: deep red and black.
  • Vices: Sex, violence, smoking, illegal/taboo magic practise

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I'zumyn will appear disarmingly shallow and cavalier, driven by the pleasures of life -- sex, money, more sex, with a flirtatious attitude toward anyone who catches her eye. In truth, she is anything but, usually feigning interest for as long as it is useful to her. She will be civil and pleasant, and even charming until it serves it's purpose, or she otherwise bores of keeping up the facade. It may be quite apparent that I'zumyn would rather be anywhere else, particularly in the midst of heavily-populated areas, and would much rather return to whatever else she has her mind currently set on. She is prone to capricious moods and worse, if her ire is stoked.

However, she changes drastically amongst people who interest her (which can be any number of criteria), or those whose opinions she values or looks up to. I'zumyn becomes far more relaxed, open and teasing, and often likes to relax with others in a hot springs or bubbly bath. For those that she looks up to, she is much more likely to strive to impress them, however subtly, rather than outright tell them. Even as she opens up, I'zumyn is like to remain very guarded and secretive about herself.

Despite her outward persona, I'zumyn is a rather reserved, introspective woman, driven by the pursuit of magic to an end that may hurt her more than it benefits. Her actions are carefully deliberated, and she is not one to act without due consideration - until her emotions get the better of her. They usually do.

Skills & Abilities

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

I'zumyn is a mage of no small talent, despite her origins. Her mother, I'sonjha, was Archmage to the tribe, with the responsibility of passing down their traditions to their children. This would be where I'zumyn learned the basics in each school of magic - at the very least, if she could not cast them, it would be required that she understood them. Since then, of course, I'zumyn has broadened her horizons, seeking tutelage from learned mages; one of her longest tutors would be Arismont Vainchelon, having studied overseas in Sharlayan, and who danced with high-level Black Magic owing to some unfortunate events.

  • Blood Rites: Blood Magic is an ancient form of magic which teaches that, as the life-giving liquid that flows through our veins, blood is the essence of life, aether, and thus, power. The mage spills their blood in sacrifice, that they might use it to fuel their spells. For I'zumyn, it typically accompanies her Thaumaturgy to lethal levels.
  • Thaumaturgy: I'zumyn possesses a natural flair for wielding fire, ice and lightning in battle, bending the three elements to her will as it pleases her. Her bladed staff is enchanted in such a way that it hums with lightning in battle, making for both an effective weapon both magically and physically.
  • Black Magic: A dangerous form of spellcasting, lethal if one is not careful. I'zumyn has only recently acquired a soulstone for this purpose, and she is but comparably a fledgling still; despite this, certain events in the past have more than once forced her hand into using it, at the risk of her own life. As yet, she has been lucky, but it is unknown the effects it may have had on her lifespan or health.
  • Weaponry
    Bladed Staff
    A staff almost as tall as I'zumyn, wrought into an intricate design. A gem nestled between the blades denotes it as a Thaumaturge's staff.
    Engraved Dagger
    A dagger of delicate design, that once belonged to someone else. Mostly ceremonial in design, but I'zumyn keeps the blade sharp.
    Portable inventory
    Ethers & Potions
    Any mage worth her salt carries a few potions around. Ranges from mana or health restoratives to other various purposes.
    What it says on the tin.
    Various Books
    Ranging from one to a few books; usually a non-fictional book on the subject of magic or history.
    A curious trinket
    An earring, modified to serve as a linkpearl to the Order of Ouroboros.
    A Black Mage's soulstone. A necessary trinket for the casting of black magicks without the side effect of almost certain death.
    Personal Room


    💗 Romantic Relationship
    Romantic Interest
    💗 Casual Promiscuity
    Sexual Desire
    💘 Crush
    Trusted Friend
    Lost contact


    I'sonjha Khah ( ) - Mother
    Position: Tribe Archmage. A stern, bull-headed, but motherly woman, with romantic tendencies.
    Sazhi'to ( ) - Father
    I'zumyn knows very little of this man, and can't decide whether she wants to know or not.


    blank ?? ? ? ?



    Common rumours & quotes

    • ¦ "Why, she managed to get herself kicked out of Mealvaan's Gate and banned from the Guild within one day!" Mealvaan's Gate assessor.
    • ¦ "I saw her eat a bug once." Ishgardian Soldier.
    • ¦ "No good, angry little brat, bad luck for anyone involved, Sazhi. Now get gone." I'kalkaya Jinh.

    Rare rumours & quotes

    • ¦ "Therrre was a Miqo'te looks like herrr, leavin' the Rrred Labyrrrinth with some otherrr folks... Was a malevolent airrr in the winds afterrr that night." U tribe huntress.
    • ¦ ""Sazhi? Crazy! Her highborn suitor tried to have me killed! Meant for each other, both of 'em!" Upset Arcanima tutor.

    Players rumours & quotes

    • ¦ "Zumyn? She's a royal pain in the derrière, to be perfectly honest. Can't control her temper, doesn't learn. I'm wasted on her, truly." Arismont Vainchelon
    • ¦ "Please feel free to add rumours!" xx

    the Dravanian Hinterlands

    farts WIP.


    the biggest goddang wip.

    I'zumyn Sazhi

    OOC Information

    Stances on RP: I like slow-paced RP around slow-burning, fun, character development. I like fantasy, magical, horror, mature kinda themes that explore grey areas. Cool with lore-bending, not outright breaking, and I ask that IC/OOC boundaries are not crossed and that discussion of plot happens. I love to talk plot things. Please talk to me about our characters. I want to RP.

    Hooks and relationships: Feel free to ask about things in this wiki as a hook -- but please do ask. I can probably help give more information or ideas to make RP more fun! I'm open to half-familial relationships, pre-existing connections, and making new friends, acquaintances, rivals, and even enemies! Also open to implied Lovers, but this does not extend to romantic RP or ERP. It ain't happening.

    RP combat and injuries: Chill with most injury -- anything grievous please ask me about it so we can discuss, but usually I'm probably down for it. Death is a nope. Attempts are cool, but please know that my character will respond in kind. She may also respond with violence in the event that she is riled up enough, but I ask first. Random rolls or other systems are okay with me! Mostly, communication is super key here.

    Miscellaneous: Unless we have specifically talked about RP hooks or ideas, this wiki page is OOC information (aside from the rumours page). Unless my character speaks of it in RP, or alludes to it, it is OOC. You are, of course, welcome to notice physical things like her hands or bladed staff.

    Please let me know if you are uncomfortable with any aspect of RP or anything at all, and let me know if there is anything I can do to accomodate - I will do my best! However, there are things about my character(s) and writing that may be uncomfortable to some people, and if this is not your jam, that is totally ok, and I won't begrudge anyone for not RPing with me for those reasons. (things like: self-injury, abuse, grey morality, dark/violence).

    Server and Timezone

    Player Info: UK player. In-game: I'zumyn Sazhi. Usually on in UK evenings. This wiki is a big ol' WIP.

    Server: Balmung

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    Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template and my layout is inspired by Rixo and Nanagi's template for its simplicity and clarity. Thanks to the authors!