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| stat_5_value = Unknown
| stat_5_value = Unknown
| stat_6 = Relatives
| stat_6 = Relatives
| stat_6_value = Seilix Neapins (Adoptive Father), Mika Saitama (Like a mother and Sensei), Sae Lucif (Half-Sister)
| stat_6_value = Seilix Neapins (Adoptive Father), Mika Saitama (Like a mother and Sensei)

Revision as of 16:54, 10 July 2018

 Rae Misha
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Female
Race Xaela, Au Ra
Clan Unkown
Citizenship Nomad
Age Uknown
Marital Status widowed
Occupation Mercenary
Height/Weight 5'2.4"/ 153 lbs
Orientation Unknown
Relatives Seilix Neapins (Adoptive Father), Mika Saitama (Like a mother and Sensei)

Rae Misha (pronounced /REY M ee - sh aa /) (16th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon(June 16th)) is a Nomadic Au Ra working as a mercenary captain. Raised by a Ishgardian scholor by the name of Seilix Neapins. Doesn't like to talk about her age and is very stubborn. Likes finding simple ways to do things, but is still willing to put the work in. She can go from listless to energetic with the flip of a switch. Captain of Mercenary group Črna Zinnia, with her childhood friend Astri Mercer as her second in command.

Basic Info


Fighting/ Martial Arts
Cute Things




Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Vice(s): Sweets, Alchohols, Cute stuff
Favorite Food: Sachertorte
Favorite Drink: Hot Chocolate
Favorite Colors: Black, Blue

Appearance & Personality

With shoulder length hair, as white as snow, she appears pure. Until you notice the tint of black in her hair, that she got during an accident. Her blood red eyes are always scanning the crowds as she walks, looking for her missing father. Her soft and light colored lips are always talking people into doing things for her or getting her out of difficult situations. And on the rare occasion when remembering the happy memories of her past, you can see a gentle and soft smile.
Because of how she was raised she feels safe with a weapon on her at all times. Arguing with her Father all the time has made her extremely stubborn. But because he was strict with her all the time, she became listless and energetic at the same time. Due to an incident when she was a teenager she as a fear of men, so unless she has business with a male she will ignore them.
She took up every profession she could to make sure her mercenary group was self-sustaining. During the time she was learning the professions, she enjoyed cooking the most to the point that she cooks in her time off.


She was found by a mercenary company, that was on mission in the Azim Steppe. They found her in the plains under her dead mother and father, covered in blood. She was adopted by the Ishgardian scholar in the mercenary company. From the age when she could walk, she was trained by her adoptive father in all disciplines. While training she was paired with another mercenary's child named Astri, she was a female Hyur. Astri followed Rae around everyday and wouldn't stop bugging her. She kept ignoring Astri, until Astri snuck a cake into their training grounds and gave it to Rae, trying to become friends. After they became friends Astri would come and treat her to sweets everyday. During one of Rae's combat lessons, Astri was waiting in a corner where Rae knew she would be. While rushing the lesson Rae missed blocking a spell from her father, normally she'd ignore the spell if she missed but the spell was heading right for the spot Astri was waiting. Rae rushed to block the spell but missed and got hit by the full force of the spell, she was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground in front of Astri. Rae was in a coma for 4 months, when she woke up she was greeted by a dirty and tired Astri. Astri started bawling and Rae's father walked in the room and the frist thing he did was bonk Rae on the head and start yelling at her while crying. During the time Rae was in a coma her hair turned completely black due to uknown reasons, but as the months passed her hair slowly lost the deep jet black color and returned to her pur white hair color. Unfortunately or fortunately some of the jet black color stayed as permanent highlights.
By the age of 15, she gravitated towards the martial disciplines, but showed an aptitude towards the magic disciplines. By the age of 16 she was captain of her own platoon by passing an exam where she had to fight 1 of the other 10 captains. She instead told the ten captains to fight her all at once, she won without taking a hit. She made Astri her second in command, because she could trust Astri with her life. Astri declined her offer for 6 months. And 6 months later Astri proposed to Rae, Rae not thinking about how she felt about Astri said yes. After 3 years of taking on all kinds of jobs and lots of help from Astri, she started to have similar feelings for Astri. Then on while on a job, Astri was captured while scouting a bandit camp. Right after hearing this, Rae rushed into the bandit camp bare handed and beat to death every bandit in her way. She found Astri in a cell with two bandits hunched over her. In a blind rage she ripped the two bandits off Astri and dragged them out of Astri' sight. She then proceeded to torture and beat to death the two bandits. When she came out of the bandit camp she was carrying Astri, while covered in blood and completely calm. A year later her father went on a job with his platoon, only the platoons captain came back. The captain told her that her father is missing in action. Astri took leave from the platoon a few years later, then disappeared as if running from Rae. Three monthes passed without any word or news of Astri, and one day, one of Rae's subordinates rushed into her office saying they found Astri. Before the man could utter another word Rae darted out the door and ran out the entrance of the building, the frist thing she saw when she got out of the building was Astri's body laying there unmoving. In a fit of rage she asked where Astri was found and after finding out that she was found laying there outside the group's mission camp with only a few seconds to live. Rae the proceeded to run out of the camp towards their mission objective, an hour later her subordinates finally caught up to her but all they see was Rae on her knees crying into the heavens, covered in blood and surrounded by bodies in the middle of a bandit outpost. When Rae got back to their camp she went to Astri's body to see how she died, but neither her or the group's medic could find out how. While collecting Astri's things, Rae realized there were a few things missing. One of Astri's boots was missing along with her wedding ring and Rae's father's necklace, she had given Astri.


Eight years have passed and she is still looking for her father and Astri's wedding ring. She remembered that during her teen years her father talked to a young miqo'te. She wondered if this miqo'te knew where her father disappeared too. She decided that on her next day off she would track down the miqo'te that her father met back then. She found the miqo'te in the Ruby Exchange of Ul'dah. She watched him from the shadows for a day and then left to return to her mercenary group, to check up on the current job.

(... Backstory & future story currently in progress, will update as it continues.)



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"The captain is always smiling while she swings her sword."
"They say that captain Rae became captain at 15 by beating 100 elite mercenaries."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Last major job the captain was smiling while covered in blood."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I heard she killed her father with her bare hands."
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
None Yet


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing
 : Astri Mercer - Got married to her and lost her to an unknown way of death.
 : Seilix Neapins - loving adoptive father and trying to find out what happened to him



Theme Song: TBD