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: He traveled to Ishguard, where the Soul Crystal had originally come from in hopes of finding a replacement. Instead, he found the legacy of his father; A package left for him by Rihan. In it was a letter, tell him of his father's past, and of House Avesnes, which had framed him for Heresy in order to protect themselves from an inquiry headed by his father. In the package was his father's last legacy: A Soul Crystal of a Dark Knight, and his father's sword, Subduer.
: He traveled to Ishguard, where the Soul Crystal had originally come from in hopes of finding a replacement. Instead, he found the legacy of his father; A package left for him by Rihan. In it was a letter, tell him of his father's past, and of House Avesnes, which had framed him for Heresy in order to protect themselves from an inquiry headed by his father. In the package was his father's last legacy: A Soul Crystal of a Dark Knight, and his father's sword, Subduer.
: With little alternative, Hirilonde began to train to use the Soul Crystal. His 'trainer' was a bound demon named Charon, who claimed to have been an enemy of his father's who he sealed away in the crystal. Fearing corruption, but wanting resolution to the mysteries he was uncovering about his family. He struggled with darker impulses, and an anger he had never felt before, and he feared that his father ''had'' been a heretic, and that using the dark Soul Crystal had driven him mad.
: Finally, he confronted Charon and learned the truth; The apparition was no demon, nor remnant of his father, though he masqueraded as both. He was simply a reflection of himself. Darkness he had denied had existed, buried deep and forgotten, paved over with the facade of the 'Good Man' he had become. The Calamity had robbed him of that, and set it free. His resentments against his parents for dying and abandoning him when he needed them, against Rihan for doing that same years later, even against his own wife and daughter. Petty, childish, selfish, an ugly part of himself he was forced to face.
: He fought against Charon for hours, never able to gain the upper hand, until his body ached from fatigue. Charon did not tire or weaken. he taunted Hirilonde, bade to sleep, and let him rule his life, as he had always wanted. It whispered to him that without that darkness, he would never have paused and listened to his future wife's tale. It was from the darkness that the goodness in his life sprang. Without that darkness, he was nothing.
: In the end, Hirilonde realized that neither was the answer. He neither had the strength to fight his darkness anymore, nor could he allow it to swallow him. So he did the only thing he could. He accepted it. He dispelled Charon's last hideous visage, and was left looking at only himself. And he accepted that it was what he had been looking at all along.
: Reconciled, he confronted Harvcient Avesnes, and recovered the evidence clearing his father's name, placing it with the Temple Knights. With the name of Turuphant cleared of wrongdoing, he felt his daughter's legacy secure, and having resolved his fear, he opted to introduce himself to her, believing fully that she would not know him. To his shock, however, she remembered him fully. Endowed with the Echo, his daughter was unaffected by the magicks that had burned him from every other brain, and he was surprised to discover he was not as alone as he had once believed.
: For a time he put away his helm, and attempted to be Hirilonde Turuphant again. However, the role felt strained to him. He was not the man his daughter remembered, and he knew it, and felt guilty for betraying many of the ideals she still upheld in his time seeking the truth. He found himself wandering still, anchored, but with a long line, still unsure of his proper place in the world.
: Before he could find it, his daughter was grievously wounded during the assault on Rhalgr's Reach.

Revision as of 21:36, 7 January 2018

 Hirilonde Turuphant (Havenfinder)
Hiri profile.jpg
Gender Male
Race Hyuran
Clan Midlander
Citizenship None
Server Bahamut
Age 46 (51 including Timeskip)
Marital Status Widower
Occupation Sellsword
Height/Weight 6 Ft
Orientation Heterosexual
  • Anardil Turuphant (Father - Deceased)
  • Erendis Turuphant(Mother - Deceased)
  • M'ahayi Sodachi(Wife - MIA, presumed Deceased)
  • Isilme Turuphant(Daughter)

Put a brief overview of your character here!

Basic Info


■ Honorable People
■ Misfits
■ Fresh driven snow
■ Moogles


■ Dishonorable or deceitful people, especially Oathbreakers
■ Arrogance or Entitlement
■ Being reminded of his past, hearing his real name used
■ The Garlean Empire


Alignment: Chaotic Good (Previously Lawful Good)
Vice(s): Gridanian Beer
Favorite Food: Spaghetti Carbonara
Favorite Drink: Beer or Ale
Favorite Color: Blue

Appearance & Personality

Hirilonde has always appeared younger than his actual years, and though pushing into his 50's, his face could be mistaken for that of a man twenty seasons his junior. However, his face and body bear numerous scars that speak of a hard life, and he typically hides his face behind a mask, only rarely showing his face to anyone.
His build is lean and powerful, honed over decades of training and combat. On his back he has the brand of those who were caught up in Louisoix's Flow at Carteneau, though he hides this as well, uncomfortable with the implications it raises.
His hair is reddish, though more and more grey has appeared, especially near his temples and in his beard. His eyes are blue, and surprisingly expressive, given he hides the rest of his face most of the time.
He wears black armor, a Chivalric coat matched with a few other random pieces he's picked up on his travels, as well as a Titanium helm he has worn since assuming the identity of 'Havenfinder'.
He once wielded a large darksteel blade called Subduer, but has recently switched to a blade of unknown design called Cruadin. It's also known he has a katana that he has gained some proficiency with, though he rarely uses it.
Before the Calamity, Hirilonde was bright, optimistic, and jovial. He would often seek to lighten the mood with a joke or an observation.
Afterwards some remnant of that remains, but his humor is more wistful now. He encourages others to be optimistic, but seems to have difficulty finding such optimism within himself, substituting grim determination. His observations are few and far between and only in the company of those he feels comfortable with.
He often seeks a mentor role with the younger people he encounters, shades of his former days as an instructor and trainer showing through.
Hirilonde is often dismissive of such concepts as his own future, as he believes he has none. He insists his purpose is to take the fight to Garlemald, and act as his daughter's shadow to ease her own burden, until the 'Day Hydaelyn realizes her mistake." However, his fatalism is simply a mask for the guilt he carries for having failed to protect his wife or foresee the hardships his daughter would endure once he was erased from common memory. He desperately seeks connection with a world that has forgotten him, even as he stoically renounces it. To that end those who do become his companions he will defend with a fervor that can sometimes cloud his better judgement.



Hirilonde was born in Ishguard, the son of Anardil and Erendis Turuphant. His father Anardil was a Temple Knight, a lowborn who had managed to prove himself enough to join the ranks of Ishguard's elite knights, while his mother was the daughter of a minor noble house.
Not long after his birth, Anardil was accused of Heresy by a rival Nobleman. Fearing for his family, Anardil sent Erendis and Hirilonde into exile, under the care of a loyal subordinate of his, the Keeper of the Moon miqo'te Rihan. Anardil died in Trial by Combat trying to clear his name.
Hearing of Anardil's death, Erendis succumbed to depression and malaise, ultimately taking her own life.
Rihan adopted the boy and raised him as her own, taking him to Limsa Lominsa, where they would be far from the seeking eyes of the Inquisitors, or the schemes of Ishguardian nobles.
Despite Limsa being far more lawless than today, a haven for pirates and thieves, Hirilonde took no interest in seamanship or piracy. Instead, raised on the stories Rihan told him of his father, and of the nobility of knights and heroes, he set out to be just that. Taking his father's Soul Crystal, he began to learn the ways of the Paladin

Before the Calamity

As an adventurer, Hirilonde was possessed of an idealistic righteousness that bordered on naivete. Having grown up in a city almost bereft of the rule of law, he was quick to see the benefits that such order brought. He often chafed against corruption and lawlessness, even when it was not prudent for him to do so. Still, his martial skills carried him through, and he made a great many stalwart friends, such as Dyterium Zelorius, the Gridanian Lancer, or Ruro Kuro, a skilled caster and arcanist. He became part of a band known as Crystalline, and for the first time felt a sense of belonging.
Things change, however, and as time passed, he grew apart from his friends. They found love, created families, and had lives outside of adventuring. WEhile Hirilonde had his mother, he felt... empty.
The answer came to him as many things in his life did; Someone tried to kill him. Specifically, a miqo'te assassin named M'ahayi. Raised to be an amoral killer, Hirilonde was just a bit of incidental collateral damage. But... she hesitated, and he defeated and captured her. Talking with her as his prisoner only raised more questions; She was not the monster he expected, but rather someone who was angry, alone, and felt bereft of choices. She later escaped him, but the questions she had raised remained.
He clashed with her again, repeatedly, and surprisingly ended up on the same side once or twice, particularly when she attempted to escape the leash of her masters. They caught up to her, and though she escaped again, she was sorely wounded and vulnerable. Surprisingly, she elected to trust him. A trust her served faithfully, though it clashed with his previous ideology, and strained his friendships. He felt that she was someone who could be saved, if only there was a door opened for her.
His mother, Rihan, had contacts with the Rogue's Guild in Limsa. She helped him get the girl to safety. Hal;f-expecting her to betray his trust as soon as he gave her an opening to flee, he was instead shocked when she declared her love for him. It took some time for his skepticism to pass, and for her to prove her sincerity, but it seemed for once his naive ideology had proven correct.
There was a price, of course. The choice to save and shelter the girl opened a rift between him and Dyterium that never fully healed, and alienated many other friends besides. And to secure her a new life in Limsa, a clean slate, there was a debt that needed to be addressed, and that he would address through service. And so he came to join the Knights of the Barracuda, and his days as an adventurer ended.
He and M'ahayi had a daughter, Isilme, though the birthing was not easy. The girl's half-blood heritage had left her with an aetheric defect that made her sickly and weak much of the time. For a while, Hirilonde and his family lived in Gridania, in hopes that the conjurers of Stillglade Fen could cure the ailment. He and Dyterium reconciled, though their friendship never returned to the easy camaraderie they had once had. Fortunately, his daughter was cured, and life returned to normal.
When Captain Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn made her run for the Trident, he put his support behind her, and was rewarded when she won, securing a promotion to Captain and greater responsibilities. He settled into his new purpose of training the next generation of Knights of the Barracuda, and focused on his daughter's training as she seemed poised to follow in his footsteps. When she came of age, he denied her application to the Knights of the Barracuda, telling her instead to go out and see the world as an adventurer first, then decide.
The world did not give her the chance. The Garleans renewed their aggression, and Dalamud began to swell in the sky. His uniform changed from Yellow to the crimson of the Maelstrom, but he remained tied to the training grounds as the young men and women he trained ran off to fight and die. The final breaking point was when his own daughter came home to visit in a Maelstrom uniform. A second lieutenant on her own merits.
His wife, normally the impulsive one, counselled him to avoid rashness, but as the plans for the final battle at Carteneau were drafted, Hirilonde knew the mission was suicide. He pulled every string he had, called in every favor, and had his daughter assigned to escort refugees, while he quietly changed his own assignment. He would not sit safely at home as his former pupils died on the twisted plains of Mor Dhona!
And so Hirilonde met his end at Carteneau. When the call for retreat came, the runners delivering orders to the front had all fallen. He sent his own unit back to safety and plunged forward, directly under the baleful red moon, to ensure the Foreign Contingent, the Adventurers who had already fought and bled and accomplished so much, would have a chance to reach safety. But as history knows, he never made it. The moon cracked apart, and as he watched, horrified, a great Wyrm tore itself free, unleashing a storm of fire and brimstone upon the land. He watched, as the Adventurers watched, as Bahamut inflicted his rage upon the land, crossing the distance between nations with but a few beats of his massive wings, and raining fire down upon them. There was nothing they could do. There was nothing they could conceive of doing. His sword hung loosely from his nerveless fingers, his mission forgotten.
And then, a challenge. The Sage Louisoix, calling upon the power of the Twelve. The plan!
And just as quickly, that brief hope was snuffed out. And as the dragon roared, and the heat and light of it's final attack filled the air, his fear left him. He would never see his wife again. He would never see his daughter again. He gripped his sword tighter, and cried out an oath of vengeance against the beast, swearing one day he would find the strength to lay the Wyrm low. And then all was white, and Hirilonde Turuphant was no more.


Five years after the Calamity, Hirilonde awoke in the Sagoli Desert with no memory of how he got there. He wandered lost until he succumbed to the heat and dehydration, and would have died if he had not been happened upon by Miqo'te hunters. They nursed him back to health, believing his frantic inquiries about Bahamut to be due to delirium and memory loss brought on by Sand Fever. They also noticed an odd tattoo on his back, between the shoulder blades, but no one knew the significance of it.
Once his health was restored, he set out to return home. None of his old linkpearls worked, and none of the Brass Blades or Immortal Flames he talked to knew who he was. He had to work to pay for his passage, finally getting aboard a ship to Limsa.
When he arrived, he was relieved to find the city intact. His relief was short lived as soon as he saw what had happened to Lower La Noscea. The small homestead he had built was at the bottom of the bay, along with the rest of the cliff. Oddly, no one seemed concerned, and he began to piece together that somehow five years had passed since Bahamut had broken free, and no one knew what happened.
When he attempted to report in to Maelstrom command, he was thrown out as a beggar and an imposter. Old friends, fellow officers, and even men he had trained had no recollection of him.
Attempting to find his family ended even more poorly. Seek his wife, he found only her grave, and an inscription stating she had died trying to save others.
Hirilonde felt as if a ghost; Forgotten and unnecessary. Someone who had 'forgotten to die when the time came.' He stayed in the area a few more days, learning of his daughter's residence in Mist, a Free Company named The Celestial Forge that she had founded with others. He verified from a distance that she was hale and whole... but he could not bring himself to go speak to her, fearing she had forgotten him as well.
With little to tie him to his own home, he once again took up the profession of a sellsword. He began wearing a face-concealing helmet and calling himself 'Havenfinder' as a way to try and distance himself from his old life. He remained watching over Isilme for a time, mirroring her activities, but in time he felt the need to move on.
Alisaie Leveilleur provided the distraction he needed, gathering adventurers to venture into the remnants of Dalamud to seek out the truth of what happened five years ago. He joined the expedition, fought alongside the Warrior of Light, as they were coming to be called, and found some measure of satisfaction in helping to slay the Great Wyrm. However, in taking his vengeance, his Paladin Soul Crystal cracked, and summoning the blessings of the soul became more and more difficult for him.
He continued to work behind the scenes, working in the shadows as his daughter fought in the light. However, after a foray into the World of Darkness, his Paladin Soul finally shattered, too corrupted and broken to hold together any longer.
He traveled to Ishguard, where the Soul Crystal had originally come from in hopes of finding a replacement. Instead, he found the legacy of his father; A package left for him by Rihan. In it was a letter, tell him of his father's past, and of House Avesnes, which had framed him for Heresy in order to protect themselves from an inquiry headed by his father. In the package was his father's last legacy: A Soul Crystal of a Dark Knight, and his father's sword, Subduer.
With little alternative, Hirilonde began to train to use the Soul Crystal. His 'trainer' was a bound demon named Charon, who claimed to have been an enemy of his father's who he sealed away in the crystal. Fearing corruption, but wanting resolution to the mysteries he was uncovering about his family. He struggled with darker impulses, and an anger he had never felt before, and he feared that his father had been a heretic, and that using the dark Soul Crystal had driven him mad.
Finally, he confronted Charon and learned the truth; The apparition was no demon, nor remnant of his father, though he masqueraded as both. He was simply a reflection of himself. Darkness he had denied had existed, buried deep and forgotten, paved over with the facade of the 'Good Man' he had become. The Calamity had robbed him of that, and set it free. His resentments against his parents for dying and abandoning him when he needed them, against Rihan for doing that same years later, even against his own wife and daughter. Petty, childish, selfish, an ugly part of himself he was forced to face.
He fought against Charon for hours, never able to gain the upper hand, until his body ached from fatigue. Charon did not tire or weaken. he taunted Hirilonde, bade to sleep, and let him rule his life, as he had always wanted. It whispered to him that without that darkness, he would never have paused and listened to his future wife's tale. It was from the darkness that the goodness in his life sprang. Without that darkness, he was nothing.
In the end, Hirilonde realized that neither was the answer. He neither had the strength to fight his darkness anymore, nor could he allow it to swallow him. So he did the only thing he could. He accepted it. He dispelled Charon's last hideous visage, and was left looking at only himself. And he accepted that it was what he had been looking at all along.
Reconciled, he confronted Harvcient Avesnes, and recovered the evidence clearing his father's name, placing it with the Temple Knights. With the name of Turuphant cleared of wrongdoing, he felt his daughter's legacy secure, and having resolved his fear, he opted to introduce himself to her, believing fully that she would not know him. To his shock, however, she remembered him fully. Endowed with the Echo, his daughter was unaffected by the magicks that had burned him from every other brain, and he was surprised to discover he was not as alone as he had once believed.
For a time he put away his helm, and attempted to be Hirilonde Turuphant again. However, the role felt strained to him. He was not the man his daughter remembered, and he knew it, and felt guilty for betraying many of the ideals she still upheld in his time seeking the truth. He found himself wandering still, anchored, but with a long line, still unsure of his proper place in the world.
Before he could find it, his daughter was grievously wounded during the assault on Rhalgr's Reach.




Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
■ His face is terribly disfigured under the mask
■ He is a wanted criminal/Owes a debt to the moneterists, which is why he hides his identity
■ He sold his soul and his family to a voidsent in exchange for power
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
■ He was responsible for the deaths of several of the more corrupt Ishguardian nobles
■ He's worked for the Scions of the Seventh Dawn before, doing missions that are too 'morally grey' for more prominent members
■ He lost his family in the Calamity, and seek vengeance on the Garleans for it
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
■ He has a daughter who is still alive
■ He has a mark on his back that marks him as an original Warrior of Light, which is why no one knows who he is
■ He is actually a Revenant, a dead soul who has refused to pass on until her has gained the vengeance he seeks
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
Isilme Turuphant : Hirilonde's daughter, and his only surviving relation. He believed she had forgotten him, as did all the rest who knew him due to the effect of Flow, but because she possesses the Echo, she remembered him fully. He still finds it difficult to be a part of her life, feeling like an outsider, and typically stays to the periphery, intervening only when he is needed. When she was injured at Ralghr's Reach, he set out to avenge her on the Garlean solidier who nearly killed her, and took a more direct role in her life.


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