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:<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">■ '''''ERP/Mature Content''''' </div></div>
:<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">■ '''''ERP/Mature Content''''' </div></div>
:<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">■ '''''Dark Themes (depending)''''' </div></div>
:<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">■ '''''Dark Themes (depending)''''' </div></div>
:<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">■ '''''Violence''''' </div></div>
:<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">■ '''''Story driven plot''''' </div></div>
:<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">■ '''''Story driven plot''''' </div></div>
:<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">■ '''''Oneshots''''' </div></div>
:<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">■ '''''Oneshots''''' </div></div>

Revision as of 09:26, 27 March 2019





Syrin Kisaragi often spends his time lending a hand to others and is quite rare for him to be in one place for an extended period of time. When no assistance needed and there is a brief break from the errands, he takes to the books or wanders around in order to learn more about life. It is his purpose to do so, he’ll tell you. However, despite these acts of genuine kindness, there is a faint air around him that is more dangerous.


Syrin is a bit on the shorter side for a 21 year old, coming up to about 5’5”. He has a mop of light pink hair that he keeps somewhat tamed, his bangs framing his fair toned face and slightly hiding his grey eye. Syrin seems to always have some sort of head wear to cover his eyes. His head sits atop a lean, lightly muscled frame. Due to constantly extending his aid to people, his hands are fairly scarred and lightly calloused. Outside of combat, he will wear his scholar outfit since it gets him into the studying mindset. In combat, he will usually take the role of dragoon or samurai.
Aspects That Stand Out:
Long scar down his back.
Grey/Yellow eyes.
Navel piercing.


Up until the age of 10, Syrin and his family resided comfortably within Kugane. His father, a merchant, spent a lot of his time away from home while his mother, a former sailor, remained by Syrin’s and his sister’s side. Often they would visit the markets, engaging in familiar faces with glee as children are prone to do, but they would also hand out fresh bread baked by Sy’lia to the workers. With Sy’lia, he found Althyk and clung to her belief to him more so than his sister did. If his mother’s teachings were misinformed, Syrin was none the wiser given she was his only source to rely on. Sy’lia tells him that those who follow his steps are given the duty of using their life experience to further the god's knowledge of mortals and current status of the world and to keep track of current events. In doing this successfully, they return to their true home, a home besides Althyk as a loyal record keeper for future events to record. It is here that Syrin finds motivation at the cost of losing his self worth- only viewing himself as a tool.

One night, both parents came scrambling through the door and hoisted their children up and out of the home and made way to the docks. Upon a stolen boat, Sy’lia seeps back into her sailor roots and sails them towards Horizon and seek shelter with a former crew mate of hers. At around 11, Syrin and his family are visiting his father’s stall when an arrow met for Norimoto strikes Sy’lia’s heart. In the middle of all the panic that ensues, Syrin and Vye are whisked away by Noromoto and taken out of the city walls.

It is here his already distant and fairly strict father becomes even more detached. Words were limited to strict demands, any tone of affection for the children was gone like their mother. When Norimoto takes Vye to gather supplies and help run his stall in other places to bring in money, Syrin is left to himself for an extended period of time. If he finished polishing his father’s wares, sometimes he would feel brave enough to go outside and see what he could find or do. Often, he would find old travellers or an animal that he couldn’t help but feel the need to assist and felt all the better for doing so.

Incident at Forgotten Springs

At around the age of 12, Norimoto did something fairly different; he left Vye home and had Syrin come with him on his trip instead. Strange as it was, Syrin wasn’t really in a position to ask questions or even refute the plan. Leaving 10 year old Vye at home alone didn’t sit right with him. It was a long trip, which he didn’t find unusual. Probably business as always. Unknowing of what would come later, the young boy fell asleep.

He would be awoken by the sounds of battle and a frantic Vye urging him to get up with her small hands. As Norimoto and Syrin settled in the carriage, Vye must've crawled in and hid herself in order to pursue them. It was also by her doing that she and alerted men at Forgotten Springs, near where he was dropped off, that her brother was in trouble.

Unbeknownst to Syrin, Norimoto had given him to a shady group of mages that were looking for a vessel to host some kind of voidsent. The reason is lost to Syrin. Hell, to this day Syrin is unsure of what happened to him that night.

After this event, the two siblings find themselves in Mor Dhona. Closer than ever, they struggled to feed themselves and never stayed in one place for very long, scared that the figures in black robes would somehow follow. Along the way, they would meet kind enough people that would house them for a short time, to which they repaid their kindness by lending their hands towards any errand of theirs.

After traveling parts of Gridania, Syrin and Vye found themselves back in Mor Dhona. While he knew stealing was bad, he didn’t want Vye to get in trouble again, so he went off to fetch bread. It wasn’t unusual for one of them to wait out in their hiding place while the other went off. What was strange was the fact Vye was no longer in their spot once he returned. Despite his long and thorough searches, she was nowhere to be found and he was left alone.


16 and a budding lancer, Syrin was stationed in Gridania when Dalamud descended upon them and broke open. The disturbance in aether seemed to have some sort of effect on him and caused him to fall unconscious for an entire day. This disturbance was enough to tap into the slumbering being within Syrin whose form was left incomplete due to Vye’s interception of the dark ritual years prior.

It can be noted here that his right eye dims in color.

Lover's Betrayal

18 years old and one year into an established relationship, Syrin’s coming along rather smoothly. His time spent with the Lancer Guild has provided him with many experiences and prompted him to start keeping a journal to document it all. His partner, Jir’a, was part of those experiences. His time with him made Syrin feel something he hadn’t felt in a long time, to be truly wanted and loved entirely. With Jir’a, Syrin felt new things, good and bad. All of which he took note on in his journal. For awhile, they were happy.

One day, the two met at Bentbranch Meadows to do some patrolling. The air around Jir’a, usually light and welcoming, seemed more tense. He smiled and went about business as usual, but there was strain behind it. His usual adoring tone when regarding him seemed to be lacking. At the time, Syrin didn’t notice; too consumed by the fact he and his partner were out together. Not known to Syrin, the older Miqo'te had been tipped off what laid dormant within his companion weeks prior and became uneasy.

Upon reaching the Tam-Tara Deepcroft entrance, Jir’a pointed out he thought he saw something within and followed Syrin through the entryway. Here, with his back turned, Syrin was met with sharp, exploding pain across his back and was followed up with a stab that only added to the burning sensation he felt assaulting all senses. From the ground, Syrin was able to catch Jir’a and towering form before fading into unconsciousness.

He awoke back in Gridania with a healer tending to him, having explained how he wound up at the gates before falling limp. Syrin had no memory of having ever gotten up. He did remember Jir’a, though. Oddly enough, or perhaps not odd at all, Syrin hasn’t seen or heard from him again. This is enough to worry him to his core, but an odd, new whisper in the back of his head, tiny as it is, tells him things have been taken care of.

This is where his right eye noticeably changes its color to grey.


Syrin enjoys being useful to others and often gets anxious when he is standing idle. Strangers who meet him are met with timid kindness and a gentle voice. With friends, he can be caught being more animated and expressive. In any case, he is rather easy to read since he can’t help but keep himself open and can get easily flustered. His enthusiasm at wanting to help runs him down sometimes, but he sees no fault with that; it is all part of his learning experience after all. Due to lack of self worth, he doesn't find himself very appealing and often times is rather oblivious to any signs of flirtation towards him; thinking they are just being friendly. Mistakes made run in his mind for a long time, thinking about what to improve moving forward. Emotional as he is, he rarely dips his toes in feelings of anger or the like. He forces himself not to.
He doesn't know how or why it triggers, but when his split personality takes over things tend to get messy or at the very least violent. This side of him is prone to biting out snide remarks, his tone usually condescending. Anger and hate roll off of him in waves, but his eyes are what tends to capture those who come into contact with him. Unlike Syrin's typical soft, warm looking eyes, this Syrin's is sharp and constantly in a state of glaring scornfully. Though fires of resentment burn through him, his eyes and general feeling towards people are cold. This part of him is aware of the kinder half and regards him with disdain, thinking him as pathetic. This half of Syrin prefers wielding the samurai blade, opposing the other half's choice in a lance, but if there is no sharp object in immediate sight, he doesn't mind throwing his fists. He cares little of what people think and decides on things based on how relevant it is to him.


Food. He can't cook, but boy can he eat.
Naps. Sometimes constantly being social and running errands wears him out and he'll find a warm place to settle for a moment.
Stargazing. Night life fascinates him. The specks of brightness in the sky draws him in.
Dragooning. He feels at ease when he is able to wield his lance. It is one of the few things he is proficient at and is fairly proud of himself for it.
Shows/Plays. He enjoys attending many forms of live entertainment to show his support.
Being pet. It soothes him. While he is still self conscious about his back, a gentle glide of the hand over it or his head will make him purr.
Diary Keeping. He'll call it a journal, but it is basically a diary. We writes everything in it, no matter how mundane. While he feels Althyk keeps track of events through experience, Syrin feels like this is good training and helps cement his thoughts and experiences.


Ocean. He has an unreal fear of sharks and seaweed. Beyond that, he just does not trust deep waters. While he does know how to swim, he avoids this completely.
Voidsent. Aside the fact they do evil, Syrin feels very uncomfortable around them for another reason he can't quite explain. Being near one makes his skin crawl.
Himself. Him and "Him" do not get along. Syrin doesn't like how bad things tend to happen when "He" takes control.
Spicy Food. Ow, ow, ow. Can't feel tongue.
Cold Weather. Syrin doesn't like the feeling of becoming physically numb.
Birds. One of the few things Syrin doesn't trust. He'll tolerate chocobos, but that's about it.


Dancing. He doesn't know if he is any good since he only ever does it in private, but he once saw some dancers when he was younger and just thought it looked so fun to try.
Wandering. Sometimes he'll let himself wander just to see if he comes across anything new.
Studying. He takes his record keeping duty seriously. Even if he has not yet tried something, he still would like to learn about it.
Helping Out. It's a win-win. He is being useful to others while also learning more about the world around him. Making someone's life just a tad easier makes him feel warm.


Eager. Even if he doesn't know how to do something, Syrin still wants to learn or assist in any way he can.
Attitude. Has a friendly, optimistic attitude that usually serves him and others well.
Attentive Listener. Someone can spill themselves open to him and know their words are trusted to be kept private. It's a form of help Syrin comes across and readily leads his ears and shoulders to those who wish to vent.
Stamina. He does well keeping at something for a long time. If nothing interrupts him from his business, he could go on for hours.
Seeing good in everything. This is a good and bad thing. More often than not, Syrin's trust in people doesn't go to waste. However, when someone has ill intent, he usually doesn't catch it until he is already burned.


Anger. Syrin will not allow himself to dabble on this emotion as he feels like it is connected to "Him".
Himself. He doesn't know where to begin on how to solve himself. He has no sure idea on how "He" triggers or how to get rid of "Him".
Stubborn. Persistence becomes stubborn when the negative effects start kicking in. If he does not get something right, he will try, try again. And again. And again until he passes out.
Opening Up. Being that Syrin is unsure of himself, he finds it difficult letting people in past arms length.
Drinking. He tries not to do this often. One drink is never just that. When he drinks, he will not stop until he is drunk.
Crafting. For some reason he just cannot get the hang of it and manages to always injure his hand(s) in some way.
Cooking. Something he would really like to get good at one day. As it is, any food he sets in a pan will promptly burst into flames.
Jumping. He has trouble landing jumps. The Kugane Tower? His worst nightmare.


Althyk. The god that his mother preached to him. The reason for Syrin's thirst for knowledge is because he wishes to fulfill his duty as a record keeper for Althyk and doing so would bring him "home" to him.
Easing Weight. Helping others usually means having them worry about one less thing.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Norimoto Kisaragi, Father. (
) - Au Ra.
Character's Thoughts: "I never really knew him."
Even prior to his mother's death, he had always been a distant man and became even more detached when he relocated them to Ul'dah. Conversations usually lacked any sort of feeling. Little affection came from him and he was typically strict when making demands. In Ul'dah, Norimoto would take his sister and leave Syrin for a long period of time. Syrin believes the only reason why he wasn't abandoned outright was because of his resemblance to his mother. This thin relationship became nonexistent when his father handed Syrin to a group of mages. Since this, he has never seen him again.
Sy’lia, Mother. () - Miqo'te.
Character's Thoughts: "She was everything my father wasn't."
She adored her children and even stopped working as ship sailor to be with them. When she was around, Norimoto was noticeably happier, too. She was someone who cared for her children and the general people. The people she met seemed to adore her, too. There would be many times where Syrin has helped her in the kitchen to bake goods to hand out later. Their bond was warm and loving... Which is why when she died, Syrin was heartbroken.
Vye, Sister. () - Au Ra.
Character's Thoughts: "I need to find her."
Vye is probably the reason Syrin is still alive. Though she is the younger one of the two of them, Syrin remembers her as fierce. When their mother was alive, she was more clumsy and obnoxious; her voice always loud. After she passed, after the countless tears shed for her, Vye became more quite and almost reserved.They spent all their time together when their father didn't split them apart. After the Forgotten Springs incident, they were closer than ever until the day she vanished. He believes she wouldn't have left of her own free will.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Such a sweet young man! He was a bit clumsy with the gardening, but he was eagerly listening and following directions." - Peaceful Miqo’te in Lavender Beds
"If you are looking at getting into something dangerous, you can rely on him.” - Young Cowardly Kugane Merchant
"Bet he visits the bed often. People like him well enough.” - Nosy Hyur at Golden Saucer
“What kind of… services does he provide? They can’t all be innocent can they?” - Forgotten Knight Visitor
“With all the running he does, you’d think the lad would drop from exhaustion!” - Cargo Handler at Limsa Ferry Decks

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
“I wonder if he has a twin. He didn’t look quite right the other day. His eyes were not as they usually are.” - Observant Lalafell at The Drowned Wench
“Waaah! I felt my blood run cold with that stare!” - Startled Miqo'te at Horizon
“Buy 'im one drink and he will keep drinkin' until he can’t keep his tail up, bahaha!” - Camp Drybone Drunktard

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
“No, no… The couldn’t be him. Perhaps he had a brother he sent instead and…” - Alarmed Soldier at Camp Dragonhead
“So violent. I feared for my life in that moment.” - Shaken Ishardian Woman
“Had we not been in public, surely he would have killed me.” - Costa del Sol Beach-Goer
“Syrin? That Syrin? Kami, I haven't seen him since his father got into some dirty business.” - Wise Old Kugane Merchant
“He has not been quite the same since the attack made on him.” - Mentor at Lancer Guild


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"None yet." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
While I have being rping for awhile, I’m still relatively new to ffxiv/in game rping so please let me know if there is anything I’m doing that I need to improve on! My timezone is EDT and I’m currently enrolled in college. I play FFXIV daily, but that may change as workload gets heavier. That said, I am available on FFXIV and discord if you see those fit for rp. C: You can also find me on Tumblr as PinkSyri! It is also worth mentioning I'm a PS4 user using a keyboard to type.
Personal RP Limits
Walk ups are welcomed! I am up for just about anything ranging from simple rps to complex, story driven rps. If there is something I come across that I don’t know how to feel about, I’ll be sure to let you know so that we can talk about it.
I Will Play
ERP/Mature Content
Dark Themes (depending)
Story driven plot
Romance, Drama, Tension
I Won't Play
Rape for fetish
Permanent Death (usually)
Little Tidbits.
Syrin's other half is violent and might attack your character depending on circumstances. However, it is unlikely he/I will KILL anyone unless given explicit permission.
Just about everything is up for grabs but we might have to talk about certain topics (like rape) first before proceeding.
I do spend a lot of my time helping to manage a fc, but that doesn't mean I would like to rp with you!


Potential Plot Hooks
Here are some possible jump off points to start something if you happen to see me around! It is certainly not limited to these.
Syrin is a man who likes to keep busy and is often helping others when he can, dangerous tasks or not. He is most certainly someone who would jump to a stranger in need.
Syrin does not remember much or at all from when his other personality takes over. This doesn't happen often, but when it does it usually leads to an uncomfortable period of quite that worries Syrin or it gets him into sticky situations with people wanting some kind of pay back.
Always wanting to learn and improve, Syrin would do well meeting with a mentor... Especially with cooking or any crafting.
He always keeps his journal for event tracking on him. Always. If it were to be stolen or lost somewhere, he would be in a state of panic. Warning: depending on how this plays out, his other half might make an appearance and throw fists.
His father got into shady business. It wouldn't be surprising if that came back to bite Syrin.
Character Lore Adherence
I don't think I would be too strict to following the lore. While it is nice to have a premade set up at ready, I'm sure I wouldn't mind drifting.
Not a particular need, but I wanted to play on "Syrin" as "Siren," so that's how the split personalities came into play.

Name - Syrin Kisaragi
Race - Miqo’te, Keeper of the Moon
Age - 21
Name Day - 10th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Deity - Althyk

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Citizenship: Eorzean, former Kugane resident
Occupation: Dragoon, Record Keeper
Hair color: Light Pink
Eye color: Grey/Yellow
Complexion: Fair
Piercings: Navel, ears
Marks or tattoos: Scarred back
Alignment: Neutral Good/Neutral Evil
Key Items: Headgear, diary/journal
Favorite Food: Onigara-Yaki
Favorite Drink: Hot Chocolate
Favorite Color: Purple
Template made by User:Abelia Kir Armiger and free for use!