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===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Misc. Information</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">History key points</div>===
<div align="justify">
- Born in Gridania to Ancele DuBois, and Charlotte Wolfswift.<br>
- Several days after being born Ancele and Charlotte abandoned their daughter at Open Arms Orphanage in the East Shroud. The head matron inquired as to why, and all they said is their daughter is a monster. That is the last time they were ever in Cora's life. She was nameless when she came to the orphanage, but over the course of a few weeks the staff took a poll on what to name. Cora won the vote.<br>
- Six years were spent in the orphanage, and her hopes of being adopted dwindled with each passing day. There had been many families that came to see her, but after learning more about why her parents didn't want her they all shied away. All her friends she watched get loving, safe homes, and she ended up alone.<br>
- One evening in early spring she fled the orphanage while the staff were switching night rounds. Cora didn't want to go to Gridania for she feared someone might recognize her, and send her back. In her mind being on her own, surviving in the wilderness, was a lot better than feeling the aching pain of loneliness. She had heard of a grand city in the desert called Ul'dah. That is where she felt it would be best to go. <br>
- Along her travels south she encountered two companions. A little Chocobo chick began following her around along the road to the city of Ul'dah. Despite her trying to chase it away it kept following her rather faithfully. She named him Aelis. Venturing further down the road to Ul'dah the two encountered an angry Ziz whom desired Cora for a meal. Both ran for their life, the girl screaming out loudly for help. Tripping over a rock she fell hard onto the ground, and as the Ziz approached it was pushed violently aside. When she didn't feel it atop her the orphaned girl looked over to notice an adolescent Coeurl exposing his fangs, and hissing. The feline predatory successfully chased the beast off, protecting the Highlander girl and her young chocobo. Since then he became a vital part of her life, getting the name Rayner after showing his loyalty by hanging around like Aelis did.<bR>
- After a week they found their way into the city's bustling streets, but life was far from perfect as Cora had believed it would be here. People were more cruel to orphaned children, calling the homeless kids street rats. Merchants often chased her away from their stalls so her presence wouldn't drive off potential customers. Shop owners refused to allow her in their stores, and parents would keep their kids away Cora. Living like this caused her to grow rather cold, and cruel, and she resorted to a life of stealing. Aelis, and Raynar, helped her thieve from food, and clothing stalls. <Br>
- For three months she survived by robbing merchant's, and shops. Law enforcement in Ul'dah was growing tired of this thorn in their side. They couldn't very well through the kid in jail a few free paladins banded together, and kept watch on the wild child. Ensuring that she didn't steal, but was still taken care of. Bringing Cora sacks of goods like blankets, and food. Finally a Highlander man by the name of Almeric Whitetaker, a free paladin, had enough of seeing Cora suffer like this. He was the one who kept watch over her the most often. In her eyes he saw a fighter. A girl who refused to give up, despite the odds stacked against her. Wanting to give her purpose in life he proposed the idea to her about adopting her as a daughter. Cora turned this down for weeks, but every day when he gave her lunch he would ask, rather persistent to help her. Finally she ended up caving.<br>
- Sir Almeric Whitetaker did indeed give her purpose. Living with him didn't come for free. First he made Cora do some charity work to pay off her crimes against Ul'dah's merchants. Afterward she was expected to do chores at home. That little girl didn't give up, not once. Each day she worked hard, and seeing her determination Almeric took her to the Gladiator's guild, and called in a favor. Here is where she trained every day after her house chores. Learning how to use a shield, and sword. How to fight, and defend, effectively in a heavy set of armor. Becoming a paladin like her adopted father is what she aspired to become. (more coming soon)
:coming soon
===<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Footnotes</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Footnotes</div>===

Revision as of 17:14, 23 November 2014

Ul'dah-transparent.png Cora DuBois
Ffxiv 11122014 001632.png
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age Twenty-nine years of age
Marital Status Single
Occupation paladin looking for work
Orientation She is a person who loves all genders based on personality
  • (Father)
  • (Mother)


Basic Info

Coming soon

Favorites expanded
Favorite season; winter due to the fact the desert was cooler in those months, which made living there slightly more bearable.
Favorite time of day; night time because the temperatures are cool then.
Favorite weather; thunderstorms.
Favorite clothing; something loose fitting, soft, and comfortable.
Favorite drink; cheap wine, juices, and lassi.
Favorite foods; buttons in a blanket, stew made from either buffalo or antelope, bread with aged cheese spread over it topped with a basil leaf, salted meats, jerky


Cheap wine
Mushrooms, cabbage, and salted meats
Cool summer nights
Finely crafted swords and shields
The desert


People who are bad parents, or abandon their offspring
Public submission, shamming, humiliation, etc
Wealthy snobs


Alignment: Chaotic good
Vice(s): Brawling, gambling, buying prostitutes
Fighting with a shield and sword (trained for twenty-two years)
Cooking (novice)




Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Her father use to be the head guard at my estate. Nice man, but when she was born her parents disappeared." - Wealthy snob Elezen in Gridania
"Yea I once knew her. She was apart of the orphanage I was in when I was little. When she was five years old she ran away from the place. Don't really know what happened in those years, but she's not the girl I once knew." - Male Highlander in Gridania
"Oh Cora! She was a common sight when she was wee lil' in Ul'dah's markets. Cora was always gettin' into trouble with the law. Often kicked the guards in the shins." - Jewel merchant in Ul'dah markets
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Her mother, and father, came to the orphanage awfully frightened. Said their daughter was a beast, and dropped her in our laps." - Head matron at Open Arms Orphanage based in the East Shroud
"One of the free paladins, Sir Almeric Whitetaker, took her in when she was six. After that kid started to fill out, and wasn't so scrawny anymore." - Citizen of Ul'dah
"Wicked little bitch she was with a wooden sword. Beat the shit out of my son when he was scolding a street rat for trying to take a bite of his frozen rolanberry cream." - Uptight wealthy mother in Ul'dah
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Things are not always what they appear to be. She's one of them." - Weary merchant in Ul'dah
"When Almeric was murdered she disappeared. Considerably suspicious." - Free paladin in Ul'dah
"Whispered rumors say she killed Sir Whitetaker, but don't believe it. Why would a kid kill the man who saved her?" - Concerned Gladiator in Ul'dah
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love
Close friend Friend Poor Standing † Deceased
Xaio Ito : A beautiful Keeper of the Moon whom she happened upon while wandering Ul'dah's streets. Xaio had been sitting on a bench, and complimented her while she passed by. From that day the two have encountered each other several times, but Cora is hesitant to allow the woman any closer to her heart for a multitude of reasons.

History key points

- Born in Gridania to Ancele DuBois, and Charlotte Wolfswift.
- Several days after being born Ancele and Charlotte abandoned their daughter at Open Arms Orphanage in the East Shroud. The head matron inquired as to why, and all they said is their daughter is a monster. That is the last time they were ever in Cora's life. She was nameless when she came to the orphanage, but over the course of a few weeks the staff took a poll on what to name. Cora won the vote.
- Six years were spent in the orphanage, and her hopes of being adopted dwindled with each passing day. There had been many families that came to see her, but after learning more about why her parents didn't want her they all shied away. All her friends she watched get loving, safe homes, and she ended up alone.
- One evening in early spring she fled the orphanage while the staff were switching night rounds. Cora didn't want to go to Gridania for she feared someone might recognize her, and send her back. In her mind being on her own, surviving in the wilderness, was a lot better than feeling the aching pain of loneliness. She had heard of a grand city in the desert called Ul'dah. That is where she felt it would be best to go.
- Along her travels south she encountered two companions. A little Chocobo chick began following her around along the road to the city of Ul'dah. Despite her trying to chase it away it kept following her rather faithfully. She named him Aelis. Venturing further down the road to Ul'dah the two encountered an angry Ziz whom desired Cora for a meal. Both ran for their life, the girl screaming out loudly for help. Tripping over a rock she fell hard onto the ground, and as the Ziz approached it was pushed violently aside. When she didn't feel it atop her the orphaned girl looked over to notice an adolescent Coeurl exposing his fangs, and hissing. The feline predatory successfully chased the beast off, protecting the Highlander girl and her young chocobo. Since then he became a vital part of her life, getting the name Rayner after showing his loyalty by hanging around like Aelis did.
- After a week they found their way into the city's bustling streets, but life was far from perfect as Cora had believed it would be here. People were more cruel to orphaned children, calling the homeless kids street rats. Merchants often chased her away from their stalls so her presence wouldn't drive off potential customers. Shop owners refused to allow her in their stores, and parents would keep their kids away Cora. Living like this caused her to grow rather cold, and cruel, and she resorted to a life of stealing. Aelis, and Raynar, helped her thieve from food, and clothing stalls.
- For three months she survived by robbing merchant's, and shops. Law enforcement in Ul'dah was growing tired of this thorn in their side. They couldn't very well through the kid in jail a few free paladins banded together, and kept watch on the wild child. Ensuring that she didn't steal, but was still taken care of. Bringing Cora sacks of goods like blankets, and food. Finally a Highlander man by the name of Almeric Whitetaker, a free paladin, had enough of seeing Cora suffer like this. He was the one who kept watch over her the most often. In her eyes he saw a fighter. A girl who refused to give up, despite the odds stacked against her. Wanting to give her purpose in life he proposed the idea to her about adopting her as a daughter. Cora turned this down for weeks, but every day when he gave her lunch he would ask, rather persistent to help her. Finally she ended up caving.
- Sir Almeric Whitetaker did indeed give her purpose. Living with him didn't come for free. First he made Cora do some charity work to pay off her crimes against Ul'dah's merchants. Afterward she was expected to do chores at home. That little girl didn't give up, not once. Each day she worked hard, and seeing her determination Almeric took her to the Gladiator's guild, and called in a favor. Here is where she trained every day after her house chores. Learning how to use a shield, and sword. How to fight, and defend, effectively in a heavy set of armor. Becoming a paladin like her adopted father is what she aspired to become. (more coming soon)


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