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It was through sheer random luck she was thrown together with '''[[Rhen Maverick]]''' during an Adventurer's Guild assignment, and the pair became close. Eventually, this friendship blossomed into more, with the two pledging themselves together eternally as mates, and Rhen taking Shofie's last name as an expression of his love for her. Shofie is utterly devoted to him, and loves him more than anything in life. She goes to great lengths to try to protect him. She is rarely found without him by her side.
It was through sheer random luck she was thrown together with '''[[Rhen Maverick]]''' during an Adventurer's Guild assignment, and the pair became close. Eventually, this friendship blossomed into more, with the two pledging themselves together eternally as mates, and Rhen taking Shofie's last name as an expression of his love for her. Shofie is utterly devoted to him, and loves him more than anything in life. She goes to great lengths to try to protect him. She is rarely found without him by her side.
[[File:Shofie-and-rhen2.png|right|350px|Shofie and Rhen]]
[[File:Shy-whm.png|right|350px|Shofie and Rhen]]
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #99CCB2;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Rumors</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #99CCB2;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Rumors</div>===

Revision as of 10:11, 12 February 2015

 Shofie Mahowyn
"Come on, it'll be fun!"
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Mixed heritage
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 21
Height 4 Fulms 9 ilms
Weight 120 ponz
Occupation Fishercat/Marauder
Alignment Chaotic Good


Shofie is a very short, muscular, dark-skinned miqo'te woman. She keeps her dark red hair clipped very short, as she finds it annoying when it gets in her face. Shofie is of mixed heritage, her mother being a Keeper of the Moon, and her father being a Seeker of the Sun. She has heterochromia, a testament to her father's heritage. Her left eye is blue, her right eye a bright green. From a distance, they look fairly similar; it's not until one gets closer this difference is usually discernible. From her mother's side, she has slightly more pronounced fangs than most Seekers, and a slightly dusky hint to her skin tone.

Shofie has a purple crescent moon tattoo on her left shoulder, and a series of stars of varying sizes that trail over the left side of her body. Some of the stars go as high as her neck, down her left arm, and down her side, onto her belly, and the top of her behind. Unless she is covered fully from head to toe, some of the stars will be visible. See reference sheet, below. She acquired these tattoos at the urging of a former lover who helped her embrace her Keeper heritage, and come to terms with it.

Shofie nearly always wears a wrap around her tail. The wrap is frequently made of cloth or soft leather, and is sure to cover her tail at the base and down as far as it will go, usually leaving a bit near the end exposed. She is hyper-sensitive to this area being touched, so she started wrapping it as a means of protecting it.

Shofie is rarely found without heavy armor that covers her from head to toe. She feels unsafe if she is not covered completely. The exception to this is generally if alcohol is involved, in which case, she seems to have a harder time keeper her clothes on.

Shofie in full armor
Build: Short, very muscular.
Height: 4'9" ulms
Weight: 120 ponz.
Hair Color: Dark red, with black at the ends.
Hair Style: Short, usually somewhat unkempt
Eye Color: Heterochromatic: Left eye is blue, right is green
Skintone: Dark
Distinguishing Features: Has somewhat slightly larger fangs than most Seekers.
Tattoos: Dark purple crescent moon and lots of small stars down her side and arm, extending partially up her neck and collarbone area.

Personality and Behavior

Shofie is fun-loving and adventurous to the point of recklessness. She will dive into something without thinking, frequently dragging her friends along in the process. She thinks and acts with her heart, and is exceptionally passionate in anything she decides to commit herself to. Shofie is often in trouble, and has gotten good at talking herself out of (or sometimes, into even worse) situations as a result.

She is an expressive individual, very animated when talking, very messy when she eats. She lacks manners and tact, and is often blunt when talking to people. Despite this, she's quite adept at lying, or as she prefers to call it, "creatively bending the truth", particularly if it means getting herself out of trouble, or easing her ability to break the rules in some fashion.

Shofie's eyes are very sensitive to light. She possesses the appearance of having eyes like a Seeker, but living most of her life nocturnally has lead to her forming a sort of acquired sensitivity to bright light. She is most active during the evening, preferring to sleep during the day where possible.

History & Relationships

Shofie's mother, a Keeper, fancied a wandering Tia from an island Seeker tribe. Unable to procure any females of his own, he took to a life of adventure, and happened to meet a lovely Keeper. A brief affair ensued, the product of which was Shofie. Shofie's father left well before she was born, and he is unaware of her existence. Shofie's mother gave her a Keeper name, hence the lack of a tribal prefix.

Everyone in her tribe, The Mahina, knew the "secret" that her father was a Seeker, and shunned her, if they just weren't outright mean to her. The Mahina idealize specific physical beauty standards, which Shofie fell very much outside of, leading to her standing out physically from her tribemates. She was taught often and harshly that Seekers were bad, and that by extension, she was shameful merely for even existing.

Shofie grew up painfully lonely, enduring bullying from nearly all the women in her tribe. The Mahina are a superstitious, racist, sexist society, and little kindness was paid her way as a result. She goes out of her way to be kind to the people she encounters, particularly men, because men were treated very poorly in the tribe, as they generally really only served one purpose--as breeding stock. To this end, Shofie feels guilt dealing with her attraction to men; having difficulty reconciling her personal feelings of attraction with her feelings that she is subjugating men sexually, whether true or not.

When Shofie was a teenager, she had an intense but brief affair with the daughter of one of the tribe's leadership, a girl named Rhesh Nbolo. Rhesh's mother disapproved strongly of the relationship. As soon as she found out, she forced the girls apart, and began treating Rhesh poorly, which it turn, caused Rhesh to treat Shofie poorly. Rhesh became one of Shofie's more viscous bullies at her mother's encouragement. The breaking point was the night before a big hunt, Rhesh threatened Shofie's life. This so utterly broke Shofie's heart she fled that very night from the tribe and never looked back.

Shofie has been trying to find her father, but to no avail. She hopes that she might have at least one parent accepting of her. Her mother doesn't talk about him, and Shofie and her mother are not on the best of terms due to her leaving the tribe. She is not even sure what his name is. After she left her tribe, she always passed herself as a Seeker to avoid the hostility she received from others for being of mixed heritage. Her ruse usually falls flat under scrutiny though, as she understands very little about Seekers or their way of life. She finds their ways generally confusing.

Living on her own, she took up more physical-based forms of combat than the kind the Mahina taught her. Finding enjoyment from fist-fighting and swinging an axe, she eventually all but set aside her training as a lancer. She finds immense pleasure from combat with a skilled opponent, caring little for physical pain. She almost enjoys it, as she feels physical pain is a fitting expression for her emotional pain, a means of expressing herself, allowing herself to be hurt without feeling guilty about it.

She is pansexual, not caring much about a partner's gender or sex, but rather, the person individually. However, she tends to generally be uninterested in romantic love of any type. In Shofie's mind, love equals being hurt, so she avoids it, rather than hurt herself or anyone else again. The few times she has fallen in love have always caught her completely off guard, something she generally denied to herself even as everyone else knew. She wears her feelings openly, unable to hide them from most people.

It was through sheer random luck she was thrown together with Rhen Maverick during an Adventurer's Guild assignment, and the pair became close. Eventually, this friendship blossomed into more, with the two pledging themselves together eternally as mates, and Rhen taking Shofie's last name as an expression of his love for her. Shofie is utterly devoted to him, and loves him more than anything in life. She goes to great lengths to try to protect him. She is rarely found without him by her side.

Shofie and Rhen


  • Hailing from her mother's side, she has slightly more prominent fangs than a normal Seeker would have, but not as pronounced as a Keeper's. This is generally not too noticeable unless she is being very animated, but she will get defensive or outright hostile if someone points it out.
  • Shofie has some serious repressed anger issues. She masks this with trying to stay as light-hearted as possible, burying her anger, and steering well clear of anything that might make her angry at all just to avoid it. Part of why she enjoys fist-fighting is because it is a relatively healthy outlet for her to vent.
  • Shofie gets wild in combat, often not realizing that she's been seriously harmed until well after. On at least one occasion, this has resulted in her fighting until she dropped.

RP Hooks

  • She likes fishing and can often be found doing so. Her preferred fishing location is around Summerford.
  • She tends to be more active at night, especially when she's fishing.
  • Several guards in various city-states are familiar with her, she has a penchant for getting into bar fights and landing herself in gaol from time to time. Some of them she's friendly with, in spite of them arresting her.


Art is by myself unless otherwise noted.