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<div style="padding:2px 5px; background: #3B3328;">◢ Spear Combat</div></b>
<div style="padding:2px 5px; background: #3B3328;">◢ Spear Combat</div></b>
More known as a Dragoon in her line of work, Kyverra thoroughly enjoys using spears when in combat. They seem safer to her than using pugilist weapons, and much less cowardly than being an archer. She owns a rather impressive collection, and is always eager to expand it, though she only uses a select few at this point in time. She can still use swords, daggers, and other melee weapons, but she definitely prefers a spear of some kind.
More known as a lancer in her line of work, Kyverra thoroughly enjoys using spears when in combat. They seem safer to her than using pugilist weapons, and much less cowardly than being an archer. She owns a rather impressive collection, and is always eager to expand it, though she only uses a select few at this point in time. She can still use swords, daggers, and other melee weapons, but she definitely prefers a spear of some kind.
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<div style="padding:2px 5px; background: #3B3328;">◢ Magic</div></b>
<div style="padding:2px 5px; background: #3B3328;">◢ Magic</div></b>
Something she's less likely to use, she's still very skilled in the art of magic. She's studied both healing and the art of a Black Mage, intending to know as much as she can so that she's useful in more than one sense. Her healing capabilities aren't half bad, but she won't use them without a good reason to, seeing no reason to reveal that she can save a life as well as end it. Her magic is not nearly to the extent of someone who has studied it for years, but she can put up a fight using it if she absolutely has to.
Something she's less likely to use, she's still very skilled in the art of magic. She's studied both healing, particularly scholar, and the art of a black mage, intending to know as much as she can so that she's useful in more than one sense. Her healing capabilities aren't half bad, but she won't use them without a good reason to, seeing no reason to reveal that she can save a life as well as end it. Her magic is not nearly to the extent of someone who has studied it for years, but she can put up a fight using it if she absolutely has to.

Revision as of 08:11, 23 April 2015


Miqo'te | Female | Twenty | Mercenary
Server: Balmung

Memory Lane

◢ Childhood
"Do you know who you're talking to? We own you. If you fuck up...we have every right to kill you. Don't act like such a princess. You're not going to survive here like that...and we won't care if you don't."

"Why are you doing this to-"

"Shut the hell up and don't talk back."

A dark skinned Keeper flinches slightly, her fists clenched. The monster talking to her little sister made her blood boil; it humiliated her to know that she couldn't save her from this animal treating her with disrespect. It takes all of her effort to not scream at him, knowing she'll just be beaten senseless if she does it. This situation made her sick her to stomach, but she had to survive somehow. Pale yellow eyes look up to examine the male...someone she once considered her brother, who was now simply a husk. A follower. Unworthy of living.

The earliest memories this Miqo'te has revolve around the patriarchy destroying her tribe. She still couldn't guess as to why it happened...she only assumed that the males of her tribe were sick of the women being in charge. They took over, and made the females suffer more than they could ever imagine. Some were beaten to death. If you were obedient, you were lucky enough to survive. Prettier females were treated with more respect, but were often sexually abused.

Due to growing up under such circumstances, Kyverra never adjusted to the real world too well. Her only friend was her little sister. She hates herself for being unable to save anyone aside from herself from this awful event - suicide was something she briefly considered before realizing that it would be useless, and wouldn't change the past in the end. Living with her mistakes was something the Miqo'te struggled with for the longest time.

"Everyone must understand that we don't mean any harm. We simply want you to handle our tasks. If you can't listen to simple requests, how do you expect for us to be happy with you and treat you the way you want to be treated?" A young Miqo'te, not older than three, is pulled into view. Bruises nearly cover every part of her visible body as she trembles and flinches, absolutely mortified. "This is the result of being unable to listen to directions. Even the youngest must learn to obey."

Every word spoken by the males of her tribe seemed to echo in her mind. She never forgot how they spoke about females, how they treated them like objects. It was hard to get past that and the fear of dying if she was caught escaping. Fueled by hate and fear, the Keeper found a chance to escape when one of the males failed to lock her cuffs properly.

The endless screams of the females always seemed to be haunting her in some way. Kyverra flinched at every little noise, her body nearly constantly trembling. 'Be a good girl. They'll leave you alone if you do what you're told,' she thought to herself repeatedly. The males came in, taking random females. Sometimes, they came back. Other times, the young Keeper could only assume that they had died due to disobeying.

She flinches back as another male comes in, grabbing her and shoving out the door. At the age of seven, they did unmentionable things to her body as she screamed. But she didn't dare ask for them to stop, fearing for her life if she so much as said anything negative about the attention. This became a routine that she tended to be ignored for mainly due to age, but she wasn't always saved from it.

Getting her to speak about her childhood is a hard thing to do. Perhaps she'll mention bits and pieces, such as the deaths, or how the males decided to suddenly take over. More often than not, mentioning it is an attempt to scare people off; most people dislike to talk to someone with such a presumably horrible past. But she never once would mention what she personally endured, unless she completely trusts the person asking about it. It takes a lot of effort to get her to fully open up, despite her open book appearance to most people.

◢ Present

Wanting to get far away from Ul'dah, Thanalan, and what happened to her, Kyverra eventually found herself in Gridania. At a young age, she lived on the streets, refusing to seek help. She was terrified of anyone who approached her, the smallest of noises making her scatter and hide. She worked on becoming invisible to others, hoping to never be noticed by others as a result. It worked quite well, and she got by this way. She slowly worked on making a home in the Shroud, eventually making a cabin inside a small hill. It blended in like some Shroud homes do, and worked well for her needs.

Realizing she needed to make money outside of the petty jobs she already took, she approached a select few people who had substantially more dangerous jobs. The clients, quite desperate most of the time, didn't think of her age; she was lucky in this sense. At fifteen, she became a mercenary; she had learned how to use a spear shortly after escaping in case she ever had to defend herself, and used this knowledge to her advantage. Her targets hardly ever expected someone so young to be after them, and as a result, she managed to get the jobs done somewhat easily.

It took her a couple years to finally travel back to Ul'dah. She fell for the city's charm, particularly with its impressive market. She visits the city occasionally, not having much fear for the things that happened in Thanalan anymore. She realized this was a mistake when she saw a very familiar Miqo'te male that had successfully ruined her childhood shopping. The same, deep hate seared through her as she made a rash decision to stalk to him.

When her father ended up in an alleyway, Kyverra decided to attack, knowing that trying to in the open Thanalan desert wasn't going to be the best idea. She knew it wouldn't change the past, but getting revenge for her sister was something that she had pined for ever since she had disappeared. It disgusts her that his blood was on her hands at some point, but she doesn't regret it, even if it doesn't make up for the things that had happened to her or her family.

Leaving behind everything she knew, she currently makes a living off of assassinating people who are deemed worthy of death. She mainly targets rapists, murderers, and abusers. However, money talks, and she will just as easily accept jobs that pay a large sum of money without many questions. She considers herself extremely lucky to be alive, but feels regret every day about being unable to save her family. Presumably dead, she has made no effort to track down her sister and mother, scared of the truth.

Somewhat recently, she had become attached to a Keeper of the Moon male, despite her past. It's caught Kyverra herself off guard, but she doesn't regret being friendly towards him. Varicar Rhylas currently lives with her in her home, and is the first sign of positive social interaction from the Miqo'te in quite awhile. She's protective of him and is extremely thankful that he decided to stay around with her. He's currently the only person able to chip away at her shell, slowly getting her accustomed to how the real world truly works.


◢ Sadistic
Kyverra specializes in torturing her targets until they break. Naturally, she is quite sadistic, to the point where it might be unhealthy. She believes that torturing people who deserve it isn't a bad thing, even if the things she does are downright cruel to the people unlucky enough to become her next target. Her past only influences her terrible opinion on these people. Her clients typically are unaware of how she treats their targets. If she gets a request to be swift, she will, trying to hide her sadistic nature as well as she can.

◢ Secluded

She does not like people talking to her or approaching her for any reason. She would much rather watch people be idiots and laugh about their sheer lack of intelligence. Confronting her often makes her become distanced, and she nearly always tries to find a way to duck out of the conversation. Trying to get to know her is quite unlikely, unless she's with Varicar; he tends to make her much more vocal by being around, simply due to being someone she can trust in case something bad happens.

◢ Honest

She's incredibly honest with people and is more or less an open book, though she is quite picky about what she'll tell people, especially when it involves her past. Of course, honesty doesn't come with just her past. She can be taken as a harsh person when asked about most things due to her deciding not to sugarcoat anything for anyone. She's pissed off a few people by giving her opinion when they ask her basic questions...not that she cares if people are angry with her. It's not recommended to ask Kyverra if she approves of an outfit you have on if you're self conscious.

◢ Protective

It's rare for her to be upset when it comes to her unless her life is being threatened, but hurting someone she loves will cause Kyverra to be quite hostile. She becomes extremely cold towards the person, trying as hard as she can to keep them away from the person they were hostile towards. However, if this fails, she'll quickly resort to violent measures. She holds no remorse for people that get on her bad side, and if she has to, she'll kill without a second thought of how it'll impact her in the end.

◢ Cheerful

Despite being secluded, she tries to keep up a cheerful persona, no matter what she happens to be talking about, unless it's intense details about her past life. If someone does approach her, she won't just turn her back on them, finding it rude. She doesn't see a point in seeming constantly angry at the world, though she sometimes takes it too far, keeping up her happy front even when being harsh and blunt with someone.


◢ General Appearance & Memorable Features

KyvAppearance.pngKyverra is a dark skinned, fair Miqo'te. Her hair is a rich burgundy, and cut somewhat short due to preference. Her eyes are pale, a hint of yellow in them barely visible. She doesn't consider herself to be anything special, though she isn't a bad looking Miqo'te. Scars litter her body, most barely visible, while there are others blatantly obvious that she has hidden from view, save for a few lashes across her back that are sometimes hard to completely hide from the view of others.

Her body is petite in build, not unlike most female Miqo'tes. Her features are quite similar to the average, nothing special about her aside from the scar littered body. From first glance, you'd assume nothing special about her, due to her looking very much like the average Miqo'te. She's a bit short, but she doesn't seem to care about her height, deciding that it could easily mislead people into underestimating her capabilities and make her career that much easier as a result.


The scars on her features are easily the most memorable part of Kyverra. If you were to run your hand across her entire body, it'd be unlikely that you'd find a place that feels genuinely smooth. Her chest and back seem to have suffered the most, however; deep lacerations that still are quite visible litter these two parts of her body. She doesn't like wearing shirts that expose too much of her torso as a result, and tries to hide them as much as she can. Swimming is out of the question.

"Dead" Gaze:

Her eyes are not eerily yellow, with a piercing gaze...rather, they look almost dead due to how diluted they are. She seems uninterested in conversation most of the time, often able to make people a bit uncomfortable due to her lack of emotion shown in her eyes. The moment the conversation hits something she does (or doesn't) want to talk about, though, her eyes can lose this look due to them brightening in interest. She's well aware of how intimidating her gaze can be, but certainly doesn't seem to mind.

Strengths & Skills

◢ Spear Combat

More known as a lancer in her line of work, Kyverra thoroughly enjoys using spears when in combat. They seem safer to her than using pugilist weapons, and much less cowardly than being an archer. She owns a rather impressive collection, and is always eager to expand it, though she only uses a select few at this point in time. She can still use swords, daggers, and other melee weapons, but she definitely prefers a spear of some kind.

◢ Magic

Something she's less likely to use, she's still very skilled in the art of magic. She's studied both healing, particularly scholar, and the art of a black mage, intending to know as much as she can so that she's useful in more than one sense. Her healing capabilities aren't half bad, but she won't use them without a good reason to, seeing no reason to reveal that she can save a life as well as end it. Her magic is not nearly to the extent of someone who has studied it for years, but she can put up a fight using it if she absolutely has to.

◢ Torture

Naturally speaking. Her past gave her a cold outlook on how to deal with particular targets that disgust her, such as rapists. She tortures as a result, keeping them on the brink of death until they finally die by her hands. She doesn't take it lightly when she finds out she's dealing with these kinds of targets, and her methods of dealing with them show it. She has a disturbing amount of notes about new methods. Most of her contracts are unaware of this side of her; she's aware that she'd most likely lose business, and keeps it hidden as a result.

Weaknesses & Faults

◢ Confrontation

Preferring to avoid people altogether, confrontation is something she despises. Approaching her makes her wary; throwing accusations around will make her upset. She's a coward at heart when it comes to accusations, especially when she's already living with so many burdens from her point of view. If she does something that is upsetting, it is advised to tread lightly in approaching her, or else she may easily panic and try to run off before much else is said. When she tries to specialize in being ignored, she has a fight-or-flight response.

◢ Socializing

A sheltered and hurt Miqo'te, socializing certainly isn't her strong suit. It takes effort to get her to open up, which is why Varicar being around makes it much easier to approach her - someone she already trusts being there makes it much easier for her to socialize. She will often avoid a social event outside of being on the outskirts to eavesdrop just to avoid having to socialize. This does, however, have a potential to change as she slowly adjusts to having a normal life. Avoiding people for many years doesn't help her be any friendlier towards strangers.

◢ Hand to Hand Combat

Something Kyverra has never wanted to learn, oddly enough. She can fight if it's a life or death situation, but she is by no means good at defending herself without a weapon of some kind. She knows how to kill with her bare hands, and the weak points of a typical body, just strongly prefers to avoid it due to not being the strongest Miqo'te. She taught herself magic just to have another way to try and survive, mainly due to the fear of being caught without a weapon and dying as a result.

Likes & Dislikes

◢ Likes
• Battling
• Being ignored (unless she wants your attention)
• Reading
• Animals (though she won't admit it)
• Practicing new combat methods
• Learning about others
• Eavesdropping
◢ Dislikes
• Keeper of the Moon males (sexually)
• People prying about her past
• Confrontation
• Ignorance
• Sexism
• Patriarchy
• Compliments
• Cooking

◢ Hobbies & Talents
• Hunting
• Learning how to handle new weaponry
• Extremely quick learner when necessary


Lover Platonic Love Ex Lover
Close Friend Friend Neutral Enemy Deceased

◢ Tribe

Xau Moui

Kyverra's little sister. She loved her with her entire heart, and regrets never being able to save her from the hostility they went through. It's rare for her to go a day without her sister at least crossing her mind once, the pain of leaving her something that never truly leaves her mind. Having Varicar around has helped her depression some, but Xau still crosses her mind.

Zana Moui

Her mother. Kyverra always looked up to Zana, knowing that her mother was a strong person who wouldn't back down through the worst. She protected her children with her life; something she eventually paid for. Kyverra was unfortunate enough to watch her mother eventually fall to the terrible hands of her tribe's males...she can never forgive them for killing the person she looked up to for all of her life.

Zana'to Moui

One of her brothers. She doesn't like to acknowledge their existence, much less talk about them. She calls her brothers "sheep", often referring to how they blindly followed in the footsteps of the rest of the males. She holds no respect for them; she doesn't know if they're alive or not, but she has no intention of finding out.

Zana'a Moui

Her older brother. She originally looked up to him, and is especially hurt that he fell into the same brainless act that the rest of the younger males did. She despises that she couldn't help save them; it depresses her that she let them turn into the sheep that they were. She does question how they function in society, if at all.

Xau'zi Moui

By far the most disgusting being to Kyverra. Her father, coming from a large family, was a bitter person due to lack of attention. She's not even sure if he loved her mother. However, the twisted part of him was the name he convinced Zana to give Xau. He abused Xau nearly exclusively, taking out his frustrations about his mother on the young Miqo'te. Kyverra eventually came back to kill Xau'zi in particular, but she refuses to talk about it. His blood on her hands still is a sickening thought.

◢ Family

VariIcon.png Varicar Rhylas

Someone about as dumb as she is sometimes. The two met through coincidence; both signed up to test a potion that made the two have a physical bond, causing them anxiety if they went too long without it. While Kyverra is unsure of how long the potion will last, she's quite thankful that it bonded her with such an intriguing person. She opened up to him rather quickly, and while the two have had some rocky discussions already, she doesn't regret it. Everything about his views just proves to make her even more excited to talk to him. She's grown used to his presence and cares for the Miqo'te greatly, something relatively surprising, due to her dislike of male Keepers.


A lovable baby dragon Kyverra found while travelling in Coerthas. Against her better judgement, she took the dragon in. She cares for him, trying very hard not to think about where she'll hide a full grown dragon in the years to come. For now, she tries to take care of him to her best capabilities. Hunting for him has proven a bit difficult due to a pretty large appetite, but she's managed so far. She keeps him hidden at all costs, fearing the consequences of having the dragon around, but refusing to just let him die.

◢ Friends & Foes


Rumor Has It

◢ Common Whispers
"Kyverra? Ah...she's a bit odd, but she's not completely unapproachable."
"She always seems to be happy."
"I see her with a Keeper male pretty often now. Wonder where she found him."
◢ Rare Whispers
"She cares for her own race quite a bit...she's defended other Keepers on multiple occasions."
"The girl hardly seems to be there most of the time."

◢ Unheard Whispers
"Shayde isn't her last name."
"I see a hooded figure around occasionally that enters houses...and doesn't come out for hours."
"She uses her past as a barrier half of the time."
"Her father is dead...I wonder who helped accomplish that."

◢ Player Made Whispers

(Feel free to add onto this)

Themes & References

Shinedown - Sound of Madness

Celldweller - Tainted

Shinedown - Cry For Help

Kyverra's voice is similar to that of Mikasa's from Attack on Titan (English Dub). (link)

Creator's Notes

Kyverra's real name is Khloe Moui. She changed her name to forget her past and hide it.

As a result of her past, Kyverra is quite harsh and distant. Keep this in mind when interacting with her. It's encouraged to approach her if Varicar is around or if you have a job to give her. It's much more likely for her to interact and be genuine in either of these cases, and much easier for her to drop her cheerful demeanor and be more like herself.

Will accept most jobs depending on pay
Particularly friendly if she has people she's comfortable with around her
May be distant with Keeper males, but tries not to show it