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<div style="font-size:11px;color:#000; background-color: #cc99cc; line-height:1.5em; letter-spacing:0.9ex"><center>'''Appearance'''</center></div></div></div>
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{| class="infobox" style="float:center; clear:left; width:600px; font-size:12px; background-color: #fff; color:#000; padding:10px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center; font-size:24px; background:transparent;" | '''{{{name|Kaerana Dawnstryder}}}'''
| rowspan="22" colspan="1" style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Kae-sch.jpg|left|280px]]
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center; color:#000; background:#cc99cc;" | '''Information'''
! Name:
| ''name|Kaerana Dawnstryder (Kaena)''
! Species:
| ''species|[[Lalafell]] - 'Dunesfolk' ''
! Alignment:
| ''Alignment|Neutral Good''
|''dob|28th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
! Age:
| ''Age|26''
! Height:
| ''height|2'8"''
! Weight:
| ''weight|32-34ponz.''
! Eye Color:
| ''eyes|Light Pink and Light Blue''
! Hair Color:
| ''hair|Varies - Current: Light Blue''
! Marital Status:
| ''marital|Single''
! Base of Operations:
| ''Base|[[Ul'dah]]''
! Guardian:
| ''Guardian|[[Rhalgr, the Destroyer]]''
! Job:
| ''Classes|[[Monk]], [[Warrior]], [[Scholar]]
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<div style="font-size:11px;color:#000; background-color: #cc99cc; line-height:1.5em; letter-spacing:0.9ex"><center>'''History'''</center></div></div></div>
==== -=:Meeting of the Parents:=- ====
Her father, Kenorana Hinorana, used to be a strong contender in the gladiator arena until his own father grew ill. It was at that point that he took on the Rana family business, transporting goods along their established trade route. It would be during this time that his old sparring partner, Kaede Dawnstryder, contacted him about a job she'd taken on that proved to be a little too much for her. Eager to swing his sword in battle again, he took his old friend up on the job. A two other members showed up at the meeting place, whom Kenorana could only assume were other well trusted associates of Kaede. One was a skilled archer by the name of Tyrinaux Rhyneheart, an elezen man who stood towering over him. Intimidating at first, the man was actually quite soft spoken and would become a close family friend to the Hinorana clan. The other was a tomboyish looking Lalafell, clearly a Plainsfolk with the way she carried herself, Kenorana was turned off by her harsh tongue and rough demeanor. Rinene Rine was her name, standing shorter than most Lalafell, she was a scholar by trade, sporting a rather thick set of glasses due to the hours she'd spend buried in her books.
As the two Lalafell worked side by side, Rinene would soon acknowledge Kenorana's ability in combat, though still finding him a bit brutish in his technique. After several months on the road, both would slowly grow to become more accustomed to each other's quirks and eventually, come to cherish them. It was during this time that Kaede made Keno aware that Rinene was actually an orphan who'd grown up on the streets of Limsa. When Kaede had found her, she was engaged in somewhat frowned upon occupation. Giving her a home and a purpose was all she could do for the Lalafell. He would simply nod, thanking his long time friend for letting him know.
Following the completion of the job, Kaede and Tyrinaux would head back to their respective homes. When Kaede beckoned for Rinene to follow, Kenorana offered the young Lalafell an alternative choice. And it was then that the two returned to Keno's family home together, Kaede blessing their decision. Two years later, Rinene would be with child and nine months later, their daughter Kaerana would be born into the world.
==== -=:Early Life:=- ====
Born to a family of no significance, Kaerana grew up without worry to the events surrounding Eorzea during the Seventh Umbral Era. Her parents ran a small trade route between Ul'dah and Gridania, so she would hear little tidbits as her parents conversed with their contacts, but nothing a small Lala child would need to worry over. She wasn't named typical of the Dunesfolk tradition, her mother a Plainsfolk while her father a Dunesfolk. The couple would settle on Kaerana Kaena as her full name, a nod to the mutual friend that they both shared who'd brought them together.
Kaerana had a blessed childhood, her parents both loving and the flow of gil decent. They weren't rich by any means, but they weren't poor either. Living in comfort without the stigma of excessive wealth could best describe it. As she grew up, she'd learn much about the world, but was shielded from the reality of the situations that circulation through the nations.
It wouldn't be until her 16th year of age that she would actively take interest in the strife that plagued the land.
==== -=:A few entries from Kaerana's Diary:=- ====
'''6th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon, 1563'''
''"Mom and dad have left me behind with my Aunt today. They're worried that the beastmen have become too aggressive in our lands and that taking me on trade runs isn't safe. The stories of a Primal being summoned, that can't be true right? Its just a story they use to scare me into being good... I know dad used to be a gladiator in his youth. He'd often share his stories with me, especially the one about how he saved mom from a wild Basilisk. Dad is still strong I think so I shouldn't worry. Right? Anyway. Enough about that! Today I met the cutest boy...he's taller than me, most guys are these days. I'm short, just like mom..."''
'''20th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon 1566'''
''"My Birthday's coming up! Soon I'll be 16, 16 long years I've been around. Where does the time go? Mom and Dad sent me a letter from Gridania, they said the flowers this year are beautiful. Maybe I'll ask them to bring me some. Dad sent a small package with a few odd colored stones in them. He said that he'd received them from a few nice travelers who'd joined the caravan for their trip this time. I do feel a little more at ease knowing Mom and Dad aren't alone on the roads these days. But there's no chance... I cant worry about these things! I need to find a nice case for these stones dad sent me. I've also gotta find the dress I want to wear for my party...Oh why are decisions so hard?!"''
'''27th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon, 1566'''
''"I... I can't... "''
'''13th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon, 1566'''
''"Its been 18 days since...18 days since my aunt told me...I still have a hard time coming to terms with the reality of this...this awful world. She says I should write my feelings out if I cant speak of them. So here. I hate everything. Those stupid beastmen, the stupid Garleans, monsters, people, everything. Its not fair...Why did mommy and daddy have to die? What did they do to deserve it? Its all just so screwed up... I haven't left my room at all...I just don't want to see anyone..."''
'''2nd Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon, 1567'''
''"Every day has been a struggle...But little by little I've picked myself up. I've come to terms with it. My parents passing, it still hurts. Being a sacrifice to summon the Primals, they must have been so terrified...They were picking up a shipment of crystals from a barge that had come from Limsa. The dock guards... they gave their lives trying to protect my parents. I wasn't the only one who lost family that day. But...Still...I've met some of the other children. Talks of a band of heros forming to bring down the newly summoned primals have been swirling around town. I hope its true... I'm not strong, or brave... But I want to be..."''
==== -=:After the Fall:=- ====
She would drop her old name, taking up the surname of her parent's friend Kaede Dawnstryder, who until their passing, had been on a pilgrimage to learn of new arts and styles of combat. She'd travel with her new step-mother, learning the ways of the mercenary and aiding in jobs and missions that the woman would take up to provide.
Danger was ever present in their lives, as the years passed, each job grew more dangerous and political.
With the reappearance of the Warriors of Light, Kaerana found a new path to follow in life. Joining with other adventurers, she would put her years of training to use in order to grow and protect the things that mattered to her. She never wanted to feel as helpless as she did the night her parents were abducted. Never would she want to look back and wish that she'd done something different, taken a different road, followed a different path. No, from the day she took up arms, she swore an oath to herself that any failure on her part would never be because she lacked the strength and will.
During an unfortunate run-in with the Garlean army would prove to be fatal for Kaede, the woman falling to the blade of an unknown Lieutenant during a scouting mission in Castrum Centri. Experiencing the loss of another parent figure caused Kaerana's mind to crack, her persona shifting to adjust for the experience of lost. Her emotions were shut off for nearly a year, taking jobs that had a high rate of death in a subtle hope that her existiance would be snuffed out. It wouldn't be until she met Tyrinaux Rhyneheart again during a hunting mission, that she'd be snapped to reality through his guidance.
To this day, Kaerana continues to study, train, and struggle, looking for a cause to make her own.
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<div style="font-size:11px;color:#000; background-color: #cc99cc; line-height:1.5em; letter-spacing:0.9ex"><center>'''Additional Information'''</center></div></div></div>
==== -=:Professions:=- ====
Kaerana has dabbled in many of the crafting paths available to Eorzeans today but finds herself more proficient in the art of Leatherworking. As for combat, the stones given to her as a child proved to contain the souls of the fallen, granting her knowledge upon their awakening in the disciplines of the Monk and Warrior, as well as the wisdom of past Scholars. Though she's acquired more stones like these in her journey, they don't hold any special meaning to her like those given to her by her father.
==== -=:General Style:=- ====
Kaerana is an odd one when it comes to taste in dress. More often than not, she prefers to have clothing that allows for freedom of movement, leaving more skin exposed than most would prefer on a Lalafell. She does however, keep a set of garments available for colder weather and more formal occasions. Her Scholar Attire is more that of a reserved appearance, a complete opposite of that of her more physically demanding roles. Color wise, she prefers darker blues and blacks, as well as red.
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<div style="font-size:11px;color:#000; background-color: #cc99cc; line-height:1.5em; letter-spacing:0.9ex"><center>'''Likes'''</center></div></div></div>
* - A wide variety of sweets
* - Soft fabrics
* - Shiny objects (Non-monetary, just shiny)
* - Swift resolution
* - Problem solving
* - Protecting others
* - Lavender
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<div style="font-size:11px;color:#000; background-color: #cc99cc; line-height:1.5em; letter-spacing:0.9ex"><center>'''Dislikes'''</center></div></div></div>
* - Injustice
* - Abrasive people
* - Sour things
* - Waiting
* - Kobolds
* - Parrots
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<div style="font-size:11px;color:#000; background-color: #cc99cc; line-height:1.5em; letter-spacing:0.9ex"><center>'''Relationships'''</center></div></div></div>
Kaede Dawnstryder (Deceased) - The adoptive mother of Kaerana following her parents' death, Kaede took the young Lalafell in, sparing her the hardships of falling into streets of Ul'dah. The woman would educate and guide Kaerana until she was 21. An unfortunate run-in with the Garlean army would prove to be fatal for Kaede, the woman falling to the blade of an unknown Lieutenant during a scouting mission in Castrum Centri.
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<div style="font-size:11px;color:#000; background-color: #cc99cc; line-height:1.5em; letter-spacing:0.9ex"><center>'''Rumors'''</center></div></div></div>
((Feel Free To Leave Any Rumors You Might've Heard About Kaerana. They Will Be Sorted Appropriately As The Page Is Completed!))
==='''Based off the template used by Aoife Cree'''===

Revision as of 06:10, 30 August 2015
