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It was in this way that Subetei found himself sailing to Limsa Lominsa.
It was in this way that Subetei found himself sailing to Limsa Lominsa.
Personal remorse did not hit Subetei immediately, or if it did it was particularly muted. He was more wounded by his own failure and the fact he lacked the skill, the power, to command the beasts as he wished and as was his task; This punishment was only an extension of that failure and the lives it cost were a consequence of that. So instead of delivering the news as he was bidden, Subetei instead wandered into Limsa Lominsa seeking something beyond redemption and forgiveness by his tribe or the families of the men lost, he went searching for something inside himself. He had been given only scarce provisions for what was intended to be a brief journey so he did not have anything much in the way of food or drink, nor did the Noykin lend him much in the way of coin either. So he put himself to work, hiring himself out as a hand on ships at first, then as a guard or an armed escort when the time came for it; It was not difficult. Au'ra of his caliber were rare and he was quite intimidating, silent and large, it made finding money easy but it did little to ease the hole inside him, until the day he found himself with a new title; Marauder, protector of Limsa Lominsa.
Personal remorse did not hit Subetei immediately, or if it did it was particularly muted. He was more wounded by his own failure and the fact he lacked the skill, the power, to command the beasts as he wished and as was his task; This punishment was only an extension of that failure and the lives it cost were a consequence of that. So instead of delivering the news as he was bidden, Subetei instead wandered into Limsa Lominsa seeking something beyond redemption and forgiveness by his tribe or the families of the men lost, he went searching for something inside himself. He had been given only scarce provisions for what was intended to be a brief journey so he did not have anything much in the way of food or drink, nor did the Noykin lend him much in the way of coin either. So he put himself to work, hiring himself out as a hand on ships at first, then as a guard or an armed escort when the time came for it; It was not difficult. Au'ra of his caliber were rare and he was quite intimidating, silent and large, it made finding money easy but it did little to ease the hole inside him.
There he found himself embroiled in the problems of a world reeling from destruction and though he did his best, he became entangled in various petty affairs and more he found himself unable to attach himself to more than the work itself, his ventures pitting him against all manner of creature and this time, instead of taming them, he was to strike them down and so he did quite handedly. Each swing of his axe, his sins seemed to slip a little further off until one day he found revelry in the fray itself, the work of his axe providing a balance to the turmoil inside that finally let him truly feel free of his weight for the first time since he'd arrived in Eorzea, but those feelings would swiftly leave when the battle was over. He'd return and find more reports, more talking, more words with those who sent him on his tasks and soon he started leaving for extended periods, long term assignments and duties to the city and finally, he would not return from one. He did not meet his end, of course, but rather finally realized that he had no real home or love for his city and he had paid any debt he felt he owed for the clarity it had given him, and so he turned his attentions to the wilds of the world...
His life finally changed and filled in some of the holes in him when he was recruited by a group called the Wayfarers; At first a group of simple traders and merchants, Subetei was soon thrust into their world of intrigue as something akin to criminals, though only in the law's eyes...Goods taken from mercantile caravans and funneled into the hands and mouths of refugees and displaced peoples, provisions smuggled from places they were non-essential to the victims of Primal attacks and in some cases, even to beastkin tribes after episodes of Garlean invasion. Good people, good intentions, methods that defied every law meant to keep the wealth and power in the hands of those it 'belonged'.
His initiation into the group came when he signed on to be the guard of a small shipment that was passing through Thanalan territory when mercenaries, paid by the 'rightful' owner of their cargo, confronted them. The Wayfarers had taken the goods from the storehouses of a merchant known for counterfeiting and poaching from places earmarked only for the hunting of game for Ul'dah's citizenry, but in the eyes of the laws it was still a crime to take these goods and attempt to place them in the hands of those who needed them, those who would not profit from them and only benefit. Of course Subetei learned what was going on quickly and the onus fell on him to either assist or help turn them over to the 'authorities', a decision that a cutthroat would have made in a heartbeat to save his own skin...But perhaps it was some spark of compassion or a heart, the chance to test his mettle against the mercenaries or the simple fact one of his companions was an Au Ra like himself, a beautiful and quiet woman who seemed to look to him with a silent plea for help.
Axe in hand, Subetei crushed down on the mercenaries and allowed the caravan to make good it's escape, blockading the ill-prepared thugs until he had a chance to take his own leave. Since that day he has become embroiled in many conflicts on behalf of the Wayfarers, both public and private, with his membership being finalized only recently due to his somewhat aloof nature, but he had proven his intentions to the group some time ago, driven by a spark of connection between him and the beautiful Au Ra Aisuri...
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Revision as of 02:05, 4 January 2016

 Subetei Noykin
Subetei Noykin-v1.png
Gender Male
Race Au'Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Vagabond
Age 29
Marital Status Single
Occupation Berserker
Height 7'1
Patron Deity Althyk, the Keeper
  • Father: Ahnbahai Noykin
  • Mother: Yuhal Noykin

Born on the plains of Othard among the beasts and the tribes of the Xaela Noykin clan, Subetei is now an exile from his clan and a vagabond of the land of Eorzea, doing little more than fighting and raging his way to an end that will be both impressive and sudden, should he get his unspoken wish.




Towering over even most Xaela, there is a certain likeness to a behemoth in Subetei in appearance. Royal purple skin with ebony scales as well as horns, he projects the appearance of one of those great destroyers just by sight alone and it is his towering physique that completes the image with a mess of sinewy muscles noticeable. Tested and tempered by the rigors of combat and life in the wilderness Subetei has a worn, rough look that makes his skin dull and his hands calloused but it has done nothing to lessen the incredibly sharp look to his face, the intimidating cut his scales and horns give to his silhouette. With this look it is not surprising that he shows the marks of wild combat and forsaken defense, carrying an assortment of battle scars and often at any time a collection of wounds, patched crudely or not at all and it is not rare to see some fresh graze carried on him, save for his arms and legs which are strangely kept heavily armored by the man. His face is markedly blank most days, alternating between 'unconcerned', 'grim', 'excessively grim' or the default expression during his moments of rage, 'bloodsoaked grin and screaming'.

His hair is an appropriately untamed mess of bramble-like knots and curled waves barely restrained by his horns and the sheer exertion of gravity and braiding, swept back but with spiked and feathered tails as well as a quartet of iron-locked braids danging against his neck and over his shoulders. The color is quite unique, the roots and most of the length an charcoal black but rapidly lightning to a beautiful platinum blonde , especially in the braided sections. Subetei's hard face is set with two rather strange eyes, both fitting in their own way; His right eye is a beautiful azure blue color, radiating a sort of calm that belies his general state but truer to form, his right is a haunting pale white that is in fact damaged, a cloudy orb where a clear mirror should exist. His scales cover his face and his horns protrude wickedly, each one tipped with traditional Au'ra battle decorations meant to protect them if needed to be used as weapons.

While many would expect Subetei to be garbed in traditional war vestments, he instead garbs himself simply in most situations and his casual attire is often the same as his battle attire. A simple set of harnesses and straps over his chest, bare plating and reinforcement, while his leggings are some variety of tanned hide and cloth for comfort. He disdains excessive vanity and does not often wear much in the form of jewelry or decoration even at the most formal of times. One of the only things that change are that when he is ready to go into battle, he discards simple boots and bare hands to strap into exceedingly heavy gauntlets and plate greaves, often wearing full thigh and shoulder covering armor that makes his combat style seem more like four bulwarks around a mobile core. He carries a variety of axes but rarely keeps one for long, often burying one too deeply in some unwitting foe and replacing it with another spare to suffer his abuse anew.



When pressed his most sociable activities are often those where some pretext can limit conversation or interaction; Feasting, drinking, hunting or other events involving focus on an object or a goal rather than another person. He is also much more personable when out in the field either in battle or gathering from the land itself, he is often quite knowledable about terrain and survival techniques as a product of his experience in those areas though he is sometimes a bit unused to the flora and fauna of the lands he now inhabits, having a less than perfect understanding of Eorzea's more niche environs as he is, after all, an immigrant of sorts to the land.

He is quite used to manual labor and when pressed to a hard task or physicality this usually is some of his most humored moments, the strain and stress of it somewhat peeling back his demeanor to reveal he is genuinely somewhat intelligent and though a bit brash and quick to judgement, he has a rather genuine heart and is incredibly honest in a practical way. He's almost naive with his honesty in a sense, speaking plainly and freely whenever he does but only insofar as to speak his mind and perhaps have a few genuine comments. His honest is always tempered with an immediate reaction to shut down when pressed or tested and he rarely argues or fights with someone, preferring to simply let himself be talked over than argue and he is not above lying or spinning a tale if it will avoid a confrontation, though never to harm another. His moral code is at best incredibly grey and while a good man, he is an extreme pragmatist who will take the road of maximum reward no matter how dark that path is, though he often does not shy away from risk even if it would make more sense.

Self-destructive is another label one could apply to Subetei and for that one, they would be utterly correct in many ways. While not flashy or a risk-taker in the traditional sense, Subetei is incredibly keen to prove himself to others especially in matters of honor or in some cases sheer masculinity. He will take even the most insane of mission to heart and launch into it with vigor, all but literally throwing himself into the fray without hesitation or concern for the consequences and in this aspect he is often at his most alive when he is in such situations. More animated, more active and even speaking during the midst of such situations more readily than normal though this often comes with a loss of filter and at his most taxed moments he will often devolve into short bouts of cursing in lieu of actual words, let alone coherent conversation. He takes matters of honor and pride very seriously and because of his past especially, any attempts to denegrate him or mock him based on something he has accomplished is an incredibly quick way to jump past his cool exterior and get his blood boiling. Such action is, however, not incredibly wise.

Complicating this already taxing personality is that Subetei practices a form of martial trance during combat that emphasizes battle rage and dissasociation of the conscious mind, also known as 'Berserking'. Incredibly unique and tapped into by very few warriors who have survived it, Subetei is able to achieve this feat during moments of duress and it turns him into a whirlwind of anger and destruction that is not easily subdued, even by those he trusts or is allied with. In such a state it is best to point him at an enemy and stay several paces behind, let one fall victim to it.

What drives Subetei is hard to pin down by most people who meet him, but spend enough time around him and one realizes that all Subetei seems to want is to live without regrets. Perhaps due to his past or perhaps due to his attitude in general, he exhausts himself in everything he does, his heart and soul poured into even the smallest things he does and he does not easily form ties because he seems to not wish to be restrained by that, nor to burden others with his actions and activities. He has lived alone now with his thoughts and regrets so privately that it seems perhaps impossible for him to share them with others, but he does seem to hold some small spark of contact with others, even if he does not display it.


  • Socially Isolated, Nomadic
  • Rough exterior, good heart, morally grey
  • Warrior by blood and choice, falls into battle trances
  • Competent hunter and survivalist
  • Member of the Immortal Flames by virtue of his time around Ul'dah
  • Strong ties to Limsa Lominsa, travels between it and Ul'dah routinely
  • Exiled from the Noykin and the Xaela tribes for transgressions against the tribe
  • Skilled with metalworking as a byproduct of his self-reliance, good at mending equipment
  • Somewhat quiet and cold but can be brash and is easily provoked by matters of honor or pride
  • Has issues befriending others but is a loyal companion
  • Alpha-male tendencies around others, ingrained from tribal life
  • Incredibly good with animals or creatures, excellent Chocobo Tamer
  • Has something of a dramatic flair when comfortable around others
  • Will easily shut down in verbal altercations when feeling pressed, but will react more and more aggressively during physical confrontation until he has either won or been rendered harmless
  • Secretly keeps a menagerie of creatures and monsters at his home, all well tamed and with multiple names; Extreme soft spot for creatures
  • Does not talk about his life before coming to Eorzea and when pressed will abandon the conversation
  • Difficult to coax out, but has a certain dark and sarcastic wit when comfortable and actually talking; usually must be drunk first
  • Protector, willingly placing himself in harms way for others when the situation calls for it if he knows them or not; Has nothing to do with virtue or chivalry, he willingly places himself in the situation for simple machismo's sake
  • Does not refuse free food or free drink and will readily join any competition of strength or skill
  • Stubborn when offended or pressed, otherwise quite rational
  • Incredibly pragmatic, but with some honor; Will not cheat at a contest but will give himself every edge possible, for example, nor would he attack an unarmed man but will not hesitate to strike low blows.
  • Simple tastes in most things, but is not above enjoying a luxury when provided for him. Rarely seeks them out himself


Glass-sword.png Abilities



Adversity has been something of a constant in Subetei's life and as such he is incredibly resillent compared to most men; Emotionally, physically and mentally, he can shrug off all but the most devastating of circumstances fairly readily and keep walking which makes him an ideal man to have at the head of the pack, something he excels at in many respects. Despite his aloof demeanor he is a dependable leader and coordinates well with others on tasks, though this has nothing to do with any noble desire to lead and has everything to do with the 'Alpha' mindset, putting those who follow him in the position of needing protection and support from him. An able hunter and craftsman of small items as well as a reliable woodworker, he spends much of his time maintaining his own equipment and will extend that to others should the need arise.

He is also quite adaptable to situations and will often be the first to suggest a new tactic or idea should one fail, but will also defend his idea should it come under fire unlike other situations. This is one of the rare times he will, in fact, willingly argue with another person.



Despite all his good qualities that offset it, Subetei is still a fiercly isolated and independent person who will rarely volunteer to work with others and is not easily pressed into group activities that do not involve some kind of reward or mutual benefit, preferably to his overall benefit. He does have a selfish heart and will place himself ahead of others often and this does not mesh well with his pragmatism in group settings, especially when frustrated or angered. While relatively rational and passive if not peaceful, challenging his alpha tendencies or insulting him is likely royally piss him off and end terribly as he does not cool down until the object of his anger is sufficiently dealt with; His temperatures run from absolute zero to solar flare with little inbetween and he could be accused of 'mood swings' if they were not so predictable. Furthermore, this applies doubly in battle and when in one of his battle trances, aside from the obvious care his allies need to display to prevent from being in the path of his rampages, if a person in the midst of his trance has angered or insulted him then it is liklely he will turn his wrath on them when foes are exhausted.


War is in his blood and he does not shy away from melee combat, wading into the fray with steel and a grin. He is a skilled combatant with years of professional fighting experience in addition to simple brawling, hunting, bar fighting, mercenary work and an assorted skillset that makes him quite a dangerous combatant who is not afraid to use nearly any method to achieve victory. When in simple fights or hunts he is usually a level-headed combatant who can think on his feet well and prefers to end it quickly, but when pressed or in an all-out fight, he quickly taps into his berserker trances and will easily become a roaring beacon of fury and steel. In most situations he will fight best at the thick of the battlefield in close combat with his foes. Forcing him to fight a mobile battle or, worse, harrying him at range is quick to expose the flaws in his style and despite his incredible self-reliance, he is far from a perfect combatant. Because of his injured eye he also over-guards his left side during combat, relying on his close-in mobility and high pain tolerances to make up for the blows he can see coming.

People & Places

Glass-people.png People & Places
Romantic Attraction Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Relations (NPC)

Relations (NPC)
Ahnbahai Noykin ( ) - Father
Relationship : Subetei has not spoken to or thought of his father in many years and, truthfully, the feeling is mutual. Subetei will never forgive him for the ease in which he and the tribe abandoned him, while Ahnbahai believes his son to be a stain on the Noykin tribe
Yuhal Noykin ( ) - Mother
Relationship : Subetei never really had a great opportunity to know his mother as she died shortly after he was born and he has few memories of her that have any context or meaning to them.

Relations (PC)

Relations (PC)
'x ( ) - X
Relationship : x.



Common Rumors

  • "Subetei? Good lad, got a strong aft and a cutlasarm for miles, but not t' most social o' folks. See him when he comes in t' town for a drink and that's it." - Baderon Tenfingers
  • "Hah, you mean that sulky giant who wanders in? Lad's never spoke more than two words the entire time I've known him." - Yellowjacket Guard, Limsa Lominsa
  • "Thing that sticks in my mind about that one is the time he helped save a few of my boys outside the city, was like he didn't even care he was doing it. After it was said and done he just walked off and didn't look back." - Yellowjacket Captain
  • "I tell my men to give him a clear berth in battle. Once he really gets going, I'm not sure he knows who or what he's sticking his axe in, or if he cares." - Flame Commander Swift
  • "I have great pride for Subetei, even if I cannot always agree with his methods. He has found a way to take my teachings and mold them to something unique to him, and for that he has my respect." - Curious Gorge

Rare Rumors

  • "Hm. When he first came to us, Subetei was angry. Bitter. Whatever the cause of it, it burned a hole in him and it was not until he took up the axe under my direction that he found a focus for it." - Guildmaster Wyrnzoen
  • "I have seen him cut through waves of the enemies of Ul'dah, but I have never seen him rest even a single night inside it's walls. He is a strong man, but I see him lost and without a place he calls home." - Flame Commander Swift
  • "A more steadfast man I've never met, and I trust him completely, but I get the feeling even he isn't sure where his loyalties lie." - Flame Lieutenant Mimio Mio

Near-Unknown Rumors

  • "Master Noykin is a frequent patron of ours and has played many a deft hand of Triad, but I must say, he much prefers the Chocobo Races." - Golden Saucer Attendent
  • "I don't think he's the kind of man who wants his business known, but I do know this; Whenever he returns from an extended stay in the wilderness and he visits Ul'dah, he slips out in the refugee camps." - Wymond, Ul'dah
  • "I see him a bit when he's in Ul'dah. He's a good hunter, but he's not a city man. He stays out in the camp in a tent when he's here and he pays us for keeping it up out here in meat and wares; He's a good man." - Berwelf, Ul'dah Refugee Camp
  • "You did not hear this from me, but I've seen him out in the sticks sometimes, near the Sahagin territories and sometimes I think he's protecting some of the filthy things, but then I see him cut others down like wheat. Damned confusing, it is." - Gregory, Limsa Lominsa Tavern

PC Rumors

  • ---


Glass-hourglass.png History
Weight. That is the first thing that comes to the man Subetei when he thinks of his past and often what he describes his life before his arrival Eorzea when asked, often in that exact word before he allows the conversation to move on promptly to a more speakable subject. If his current status in Eorzea is any indication, it is a weight that he let go of some time ago and his intentions to return to the tribal life of his birth seem to be non-existent. Like all Xaela, the Noykin roam the western Orthardian steppe in tribes and in this tribe of beastmasters, Subetei grew up under the inauspicious care of a horsewife and her mate, a male Xaela who was not a warrior like so many others but a battle drummer, one of those who drew the tribe to war, to feast or to celebrate and as such most of Subetei's life can be traced to those drums; His tenth year celebration, his first day handling a beast, his first fight, his first battle. Subetei had no chance to become something peaceful as a Xaela, much less a Noykin, but his father's spirit pushed him forward into pulse-pounding battle day in and day out, driven to embody the spirit of the Noykin.

He broke horses for a time, as was the way of the tribe, before he then moved into the almost universally fatal position of beast wrangler, handling the large or dangerous predator animals of the plains. Some were broken for battle animals, but more were broken for displays of strength and contests of honor between factions of the Noykin clan. Eventually even this became a drive for Subetei and he pushed into the work, working his creatures and his own senses until a tragic failure. The Noykin were the hosts of a few outsider guests, men from Eorzea proper who were visiting the tribe, sailors who came to see the famous sights of the eastern lands. During such a time Subetei was tasked to lead his animals in a display to impress the visitors, as was something of a custom, when one of Subetei's newer tames decided it liked the scent of one of the visitor's meal and lunged for it. Unsuspecting sailors were no match for a plains beast and despite his best effort, Subetei could not bring the beast under control until after it's rampage. Disgrace was enough of a burden, but the fury of his tribe's elder was worse; He was to take the remains of the men back to their port and ship, banished until such a time as he returned with his trasngression forgiven by the foreigners.

It was in this way that Subetei found himself sailing to Limsa Lominsa.

Personal remorse did not hit Subetei immediately, or if it did it was particularly muted. He was more wounded by his own failure and the fact he lacked the skill, the power, to command the beasts as he wished and as was his task; This punishment was only an extension of that failure and the lives it cost were a consequence of that. So instead of delivering the news as he was bidden, Subetei instead wandered into Limsa Lominsa seeking something beyond redemption and forgiveness by his tribe or the families of the men lost, he went searching for something inside himself. He had been given only scarce provisions for what was intended to be a brief journey so he did not have anything much in the way of food or drink, nor did the Noykin lend him much in the way of coin either. So he put himself to work, hiring himself out as a hand on ships at first, then as a guard or an armed escort when the time came for it; It was not difficult. Au'ra of his caliber were rare and he was quite intimidating, silent and large, it made finding money easy but it did little to ease the hole inside him.

His life finally changed and filled in some of the holes in him when he was recruited by a group called the Wayfarers; At first a group of simple traders and merchants, Subetei was soon thrust into their world of intrigue as something akin to criminals, though only in the law's eyes...Goods taken from mercantile caravans and funneled into the hands and mouths of refugees and displaced peoples, provisions smuggled from places they were non-essential to the victims of Primal attacks and in some cases, even to beastkin tribes after episodes of Garlean invasion. Good people, good intentions, methods that defied every law meant to keep the wealth and power in the hands of those it 'belonged'.

His initiation into the group came when he signed on to be the guard of a small shipment that was passing through Thanalan territory when mercenaries, paid by the 'rightful' owner of their cargo, confronted them. The Wayfarers had taken the goods from the storehouses of a merchant known for counterfeiting and poaching from places earmarked only for the hunting of game for Ul'dah's citizenry, but in the eyes of the laws it was still a crime to take these goods and attempt to place them in the hands of those who needed them, those who would not profit from them and only benefit. Of course Subetei learned what was going on quickly and the onus fell on him to either assist or help turn them over to the 'authorities', a decision that a cutthroat would have made in a heartbeat to save his own skin...But perhaps it was some spark of compassion or a heart, the chance to test his mettle against the mercenaries or the simple fact one of his companions was an Au Ra like himself, a beautiful and quiet woman who seemed to look to him with a silent plea for help.

Axe in hand, Subetei crushed down on the mercenaries and allowed the caravan to make good it's escape, blockading the ill-prepared thugs until he had a chance to take his own leave. Since that day he has become embroiled in many conflicts on behalf of the Wayfarers, both public and private, with his membership being finalized only recently due to his somewhat aloof nature, but he had proven his intentions to the group some time ago, driven by a spark of connection between him and the beautiful Au Ra Aisuri...

OOC Information

Glass-heartlock.png OOC Information



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Hooks & RP Favorites

