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* [[Averill Rooks]] : These two did not get along at first. Still don't, at times. However, Eaubront has a certain, if reluctant, respect for Averill, going so far as to consider him a friend. Even though he's a bit of an ass.
* [[Averill Rooks]] : These two did not get along at first. Still don't, at times. However, Eaubront has a certain, if reluctant, respect for Averill, going so far as to consider him a friend. Even though he's a bit of an ass.
* [[Vicette Chevaliaux]] : Eaubront met this Duskwight alchemist in the Quicksand one afternoon. He finds her adorable, and her politeness and eagerness to use her trade to help others have Eaubront absolutely smitten. Vicette also has a bit of a secretive nature, which only adds to his intrigue with her.
* [[Vicette Chevaliaux]] : Eaubront met this Duskwight alchemist in the Quicksand one afternoon. Kind, polite and adorable to boot, he was quickly smitten with her, but he hasn't seen her in quite a while, much to his lament.

Revision as of 20:44, 18 July 2016

 Eaubront Shopont
Eaubront art.png
Birth Name Eaubront Shopont
Pronounced /oʊbrɒn/ /ʃoʊpɒn/
Nickname(s)/Alias Carrion, Stretch, Big Green, Mr. Tall
Age Mid-20's
Nameday 26th Sun, 4th Astral Moon, 1554
Birthplace Gridania (Reluctant to admit)
Race Elezen
Clan Ambiguous/neither
Alignment Chaotic Good [Type 2]
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Guardian Althyk Icon.png Althyk, the Keeper
Height ~ 6', 10"; tall for an Elezen
Weight ~ 230 ponze, probably
Physique Broad-shouldered with toned musculature; bulky for an Elezen
Hair Medium brown
Eyes Honey brown
Skin Light, cool complexion
Noteable Features A long scar along his left cheek, a crook from having broken his nose
Typical Garb Various coats and shirts, always green
Occupation Freelance mercenary
Combat Style Improvised, self-taught
Non-combat Gambling, drinking
Primary Weapon Broadsword
Armor Preference Lightly padded mail, if anything at all
Transportation His chocobo, Gerik
Username Shoshopu
Time Zone EST (UTC - 5)
Server Balmung
Additional Characters Shoshopu et al.
Free Companies Aetherial Warriors ⟪AW-RP⟫
Pathfinders ⟪d20⟫
RP Preferences I very much like OOC discussion! Feel free to hit me up OOC if you have any ideas or things you want me to know about.
  • Light to medium
  • Adult themes are fine
  • I sometimes ERP but I'd really rather talk about it in advance, if it's right for the characters, that whole thing
  • No harming or mutilation unless discussed in advance either. That could mean 'several minutes in advance' or 'we make a plot that leads up to this point'. Just... in advance.

**Infobox template adapted from: Infobox-TMI by [MoenMoen]

Basic Info

Eaubront Shopont is a drifting, wandering swordsman, who is known to travel only with his chocobo (the acquisition of which is a mystery), although he is apt to make friends or at least leave a positive impression wherever he goes. He is generally friendly and has a penchant for gambling. No one can tell you what clan he is, although other Elezen are most likely to see him for what he is; having a facial structure reminiscent of a Duskwight and the warm, natural coloration of a Wildwood, it is difficult to pin down which he might actually be. He is quick to tell anyone that he is neither; he simply is himself. That's good enough for him and he thinks it should be good enough for anyone else.


Eaubront has a playful nature; he's friendly and conversational, and while he can be argumentative and sarcastic as well, he is rarely unkind. He's also a shameless flirt towards women. It's all in good fun, for him, even the arguments. Actually, especially the arguments. Because he finds joy in debate and bantering, he sometimes goes overboard and can come off as overly argumentative or insensitive. (Which, honestly, is probably pretty standard for an Elezen.)

Belied by his sometimes impulsive behavior, Eaubront is a clever man, although he has perhaps not yet found the best applications for his wit. He can quickly size up a situation and make a decent judgement of someone's character. He has used this to find reputable work, survive said work, and garner a relatively positive reputation for himself. He can also find creative solutions to unusual problems. However, he is more interested in having and sharing ideas than he is in the upkeep and maintenance of those ideas.

He's a pleasure seeker who values freedom, but also values the happiness and well-being of others. Others should be allowed to pursue freedom and their own happiness as long as it is not at the expense of others' freedom and happiness. These values sit at the core of his moral and political beliefs.

Finally, he has a particular fondness for gambling and games of chance, often offering wagers to people in the form of a simple coin toss. Coin-tossing is his favorite way to make decisions. He proclaims that he has naturally good luck and places a lot of stock in it, often attributing his successes and failings to luck instead of skill. Whether he truly believes this, or is trying to disarm people by convincing them that he believes it, is hard to say.


Eaubront does not openly share the details of his past. He does not consider it important-- at least, not as important as the present, for the future. He will usually tell people that Ul'dah is the closest thing he has to a home, although his habit of referring to the Black Shroud as "the Twelveswood" may give his true origin away to the sharp listener. At most he will tell people he is from Gridania and left to seek his fortune in Ul'dah. He has no permanent residence anywhere.

Lately he has made a living for himself wandering the lands between Thanalan and the Black Shroud, making gil by performing odd jobs, taking guildleves, and gambling. He usually has enough gil to feed himself and his chocobo, and put himself up at cheap taverns most nights. He spends much of his free time wandering from place to place and socializing in said taverns. Though he enjoys the freedom this lifestyle affords, with no obligations or commitments, he's beginning to tire of the day-to-day style of living and has started to keep an eye out for opportunities for more long-term employment during his travels.


  • The Pathfinders : Having finally grown weary of working wholly independently, Eaubront was happened upon by one Zigovali Rigovali and propositioned to join this free company. He liked the cut of its jib- free room and board (and booze) in exchange for being available to help fellow company members in their own pursuits, up to and including freelance mercenary work. This is apparently enough to keep him around in spite of all the difficulties that come with being in a company full of rowdy adventurers and free booze, but perhaps there's something more to it. However, the company has recently moved to a larger base of operations in La Noscea, and Eaubront has yet to follow. Though he visits, he's currently returned to staying in his regular inns in Thanalan.
  • Zigovali Rigovali : This talkative Lalafell convinced Eaubront to join the Pathfinders in the first place. They have friendly banter, though Eaubront is annoyed from time to time with his impulsiveness and the way his mouth apparently can move faster than his mind.
  • Aulsoix Claimane : A presumably rich, Ishgardian professor that Eaubront is not very fond of. He'll suffer his company, but from their first meeting Eaubront has had a bad feeling about him. The two shoot snipes across the room at eachother whenever they're together.
  • Averill Rooks : These two did not get along at first. Still don't, at times. However, Eaubront has a certain, if reluctant, respect for Averill, going so far as to consider him a friend. Even though he's a bit of an ass.
  • Vicette Chevaliaux : Eaubront met this Duskwight alchemist in the Quicksand one afternoon. Kind, polite and adorable to boot, he was quickly smitten with her, but he hasn't seen her in quite a while, much to his lament.


Common Rumors (Easily overheard)

  • "He says he's from around here, but I bet he's from Gridania. That's where a lotta them Elezen are from, right? That or Ishgard. He ain't no Ishgardian though."
  • "Aye, I often see him poring over guildleves. I think he admires the pretty glass more than anything, but he always returns to the guild looking so pleased with himself."
  • "Oh, honey, he says that about all the girls. But don't make that face. He just thinks we're all beautiful."

Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)

  • "He's a sight, inn't he? I think he must be part Duskwight and part Wildwood. 'S why he's so good with the sword. He's got the Duskies' hearin' and the Wildwoods' eyesight."
  • "I think he must spend all of his gil on clothes or something. That's a nice-arse coat for him to be a drifter."

Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)

  • "He must not have any family. He never talks about them, or where he comes form."

PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters of other players)

Feel free to add to this section!
  • Averill Rooks: "Who, Carrion? I guess that's enough said about him, if he pushes his luck too far."

Other Notes

Character Music


TV Tropes: The Charmer The Gambling Addict Heroes Prefer Swords Heads Or Tails