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<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:14px;color:#d29030;font-family:Georgia;">▼ Vital Records</div>
<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:14px;color:#d29030;font-family:Georgia;">▼ Vital Records</div>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Full Name:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Full Name:</b> Ehz'ir Nhoko
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Citizenship:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Citizenship:</b> Working for Limsa Lominsa
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Nameday:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Nameday:</b> 13th Sun of of the 4th Umbral Moon
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Place of Birth:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Place of Birth:</b> The Shroud
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Alias:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Alias:</b> None
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Guardian Deity:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Guardian Deity:</b> Menphina the Lover
<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:14px;color:#d29030;font-family:Georgia;">▼ Physical Traits</div>
<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:14px;color:#d29030;font-family:Georgia;">▼ Physical Traits</div>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Hair color:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Hair color:</b> Black
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Eye color:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Eye color:</b> Blue
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Complexion:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Complexion:</b> Soft
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Piercings:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Piercings:</b> None
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Marks or tattoos:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Marks or tattoos:</b> None other than his face
<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:14px;color:#d29030;font-family:Georgia;">▼ Other</div>
<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:14px;color:#d29030;font-family:Georgia;">▼ Other</div>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Alignment:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Alignment:</b> True Neutral
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Key Items:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Key Items:</b> His staff and a personal trinket he keeps hidden in his satchel
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Vice(s):</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Vice(s):</b> Fidgety, poor social skills, low empathy
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Favorite Food:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Favorite Food:</b> Rolanberry anything
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Favorite Drink:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Favorite Drink:</b> Juices
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Favorite Color:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Favorite Color:</b> Purple
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Additional info:</b>
: <font style="color:#8a1e0e;" size="3">■</font> <b>Additional info:</b>
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===[[File:redtrinket.png|left]]<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #ffffff;font-size:16px;color:#270b09;font-family:Georgia">▼ APPEARANCE & PERSONALITY</div>===
===[[File:redtrinket.png|left]]<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #ffffff;font-size:16px;color:#270b09;font-family:Georgia">▼ APPEARANCE & PERSONALITY</div>===
<table style="position:center;" width="75%">
<table style="position:center;" width="75%">

Revision as of 00:38, 5 September 2016

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png 
Ehz'ir Nhoko
"All we are is a light into the darkness."
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Nickname Ehzi
Age 29
Occupation Mender
Height 5 fulms 8 ilms
Weight 145 ponzes
  • Ehz Nhoko (Mother)
  • Ahwu'a Jhule (Father)

Character Name is whatever. Write a short introductory blurb about your character here.




▼ Vital Records
Full Name: Ehz'ir Nhoko
Citizenship: Working for Limsa Lominsa
Nameday: 13th Sun of of the 4th Umbral Moon
Place of Birth: The Shroud
Alias: None
Guardian Deity: Menphina the Lover
▼ Physical Traits
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue
Complexion: Soft
Piercings: None
Marks or tattoos: None other than his face
▼ Other
Alignment: True Neutral
Key Items: His staff and a personal trinket he keeps hidden in his satchel
Vice(s): Fidgety, poor social skills, low empathy
Favorite Food: Rolanberry anything
Favorite Drink: Juices
Favorite Color: Purple
Additional info:


▼ Likes:
▼ Adores:


▼ Dislikes:
▼ Loathes:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a lacus quis metus scelerisque tristique eu id magna. Aenean a lectus et diam sagittis rhoncus. Nam finibus ullamcorper aliquet. Aliquam fringilla auctor nulla, ac venenatis enim commodo eget. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras malesuada eu dui consectetur imperdiet. Vivamus nec egestas quam, ac tincidunt tortor. Praesent lobortis dui et bibendum sodales. Praesent rhoncus pretium quam, tempor placerat magna aliquet quis.
Nunc at pharetra eros, at aliquam erat. Praesent nec consequat mauris. Etiam urna leo, porttitor nec ullamcorper at, aliquet at est. Nunc enim neque, gravida sit amet euismod eu, cursus quis metus. Fusce aliquet, urna eu posuere sollicitudin, quam eros iaculis massa, ut cursus nunc ex at elit. Curabitur id rutrum est. Quisque eleifend nec nisi a vulputate. Sed volutpat nunc quis fringilla congue.
Sed mattis posuere tellus, sit amet fringilla quam pharetra ut. Etiam suscipit turpis nisi, non venenatis nulla iaculis nec. Nunc porttitor est ultricies, volutpat nisl id, venenatis leo. Sed rutrum bibendum nunc ac tempus. Aenean bibendum vitae nisi nec bibendum. Nam placerat sollicitudin nisl nec fringilla. Nam mattis sagittis nisi quis ultrices. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam magna quam, scelerisque vel urna ac, viverra euismod tellus.









SKILL NAME - Skill description.

SKILL NAME - Skill description.

SKILL NAME - Skill description.



Where to find this character with whom.
(Knowledge accessible to all with IC research done on the character unless stated otherwise.)


Unknown (high probability)
Unknown (medium probability)
Unknown (low probability)




Eorzean encounters.
(Make sure to check the 'color keys' tab.)

  Character Name Color Keys Character's Nicknames
► Summary of the relationship.
  Character Name Color Keys Character's Nicknames
► Summary of the relationship.
  Character Name Color Keys Character's Nicknames
► Summary of the relationship.
Affection: The character is having a particular feeling of want and desire for this specific character. It might be simply friendly, romantic or physical, two of these options, or all three. It might not be reciprocal.
In a relationship: The character is romantically involved with this character. The characters might not like each other. It is reciprocal, or at least the person explicitly made them believe it was.
Muse: The character is attracted to this character. It usually is not be reciprocal.
Potential Muse: The character is slightly attracted. It is not reciprocal.

Platonic Love/Family: The character considers this person family, and that goes above friendship. It is usually reciprocal.
Friend: The character considers this person her friend. It is reciprocal, or at least the person explicitly made her believe it was.
Friendly Acquaintance: The character considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally. It may not be reciprocal.

Good Standing: The character has no specific feelings about this character. They left a good impression, though.
Neutral: The character has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: The character has no specific feelings about this character. They left a bad impression, though.

Dislike: The character doesn't want to consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them. It may not be reciprocal.
Hate: The character consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen. It is often reciprocal.
Fear: The character is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost. It can not be reciprocal.
Rivalry: The character considers this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time they gets to meet them. It is reciprocal, or at least the person explicitly made them believe it was.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to the character.
Colleague: This character is one of the character's colleagues.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but the character isn't fully aware of it yet, in denial, or overlooking it.

Deceased: This character has passed away.


Some of these rumors might be untrue or greatly exaggerated.
(Knowledge accessible to all with IC research done on the character unless stated otherwise.)
Gdiamond.png Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Enter your rumor here."

Gdiamond.png Uncommon Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Enter your rumor here."

Gdiamond.png Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Enter your rumor here."

Redtrinket.pngGdiamond.png Rumors from the characters of other players Gdiamond.pngRedtrinket.png
"Feel free to add yours!" - Character Name
"Feel free to add yours!" - Character Name
"Feel free to add yours!" - Character Name







This template and its icons were created by Lucaell Tareth'eian. Please do not use and alter the template without explicit permission of Lucaell Tareth'eian. Do not claim the artworks and icons as your own. If you do alter it heavily, please state in the footnotes. Based on Bancroft Gairn's.