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<div style="padding:10px 25px; background: #000000; color:#ffffff;font-family:Georgia;font-size:12px;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black"><b>◢ Player Character Rumors -</b> ''Anything PCs might gossip about.''</div>
<div style="padding:10px 25px; background: #000000; color:#ffffff;font-family:Georgia;font-size:12px;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black"><b>◢ Player Character Rumors -</b> ''Anything PCs might gossip about.''</div>
: <div style="font-family:Georgia;"><font style="color:#1e1f41;" size="2">■</font> "He's actually really nice. Let me keep a ring I nicked from him once, even told me who to sell it to when he caught me. That's never happened to me before. People are usually real angry when I steal from them. He's nice, I just always.. feel like there's somethin' more there. Somethin' I don't know about." — ''[https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Jess%27a_Vaati Jess'a Vaati]''. </div>
: <div style="font-family:Georgia;"><font style="color:#1e1f41;" size="2">■</font> "He's actually really nice. Let me keep a ring I nicked from him once, even told me who to sell it to when he caught me. That's never happened to me before. People are usually real angry when I steal from them. He's nice, I just always.. feel like there's somethin' more there. Somethin' I don't know about." — ''[https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Jess%27a_Vaati Jess'a Vaati]''.  
: <div style="font-family:Georgia;"><font style="color:#1e1f41;" size="2"></font> "My silver lion," she purred with delight. "I adore the male. So playful and yet so nice. It helps that his apartment is practically next door to my estate. I can come pester him whenever I want~." - ''[[Parvaneh Shadi'ra]]''</div>

Revision as of 09:50, 14 December 2016


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You cannot afford me.

Eyvindr Koltrast


BIRTH NAME... Eyvindr Koltrast


BUSINESS ALIAS... Blackbird, Silver Lion

RACE & CLAN... Hyur, Highlander

GENDER... Male

HEIGHT & BUILD... 6 fulms, 6 ilms, Muscular

AGE & NAMEDAY... 30; 16th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon

ORIENTATION... Homosexual

RELATIONSHIP STATUS... In an open relationship



RESIDENCE... Limsa Lominsa

GRAND COMPANY... Maelstrom

FREE COMPANY... Black Lotus


OCCUPATIONS... Thaumaturge, Merchant

CHOCOBO... Vitorn

TUMBLR... Tumblr


ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Neutral

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I'm carrying the mead. Your arguments are invalid.


Tall even for a Highlander, Eyvindr towers above crowds at 6 fulms 6 ilms. Lightly tanned skin suggests a significant amount of time spent indoors, though Ul’dah’s blazing sun still found a way to leave its mark. His natural hair color is jet black, and he has started going grey early. One of his more striking features is his heterochromatic eyes – one sapphire blue, the other emerald green. Coupled with his muscular build, Eyvindr is an imposing, if not intimidating, presence.
Eyvindr has a deep voice that lends itself to extremes, from a sultry purr to a commanding boom. His accent suggests he was either born in Ul’dah, or has spent a significant part of his life in the city.
Eyvindr favors dark colors such as black, dark purple, and dark blue in his attire. When not dressing for adventure or battle, he has taken to wearing luxurious clothing made of fine materials – silk, velvet, and soft leather, all in dark or rich colors. Each hand bears at least three rings and each wrist a varying number of thin bracelets. The jewelry doesn’t seem to have any sentimental value as he rotates between pieces every few days. Eyvindr's wardrobe is sizeable and frequently updated.


Tattooed on Eyvindr’s back are a pair of outstretched bird wings, the details of every feather outlined in black ink by an expert hand. The wings stretch from mid-torso all the way up to his shoulderblades.
A multitude of piercings adorn Eyvindr’s head and body. Both of his ears are pierced five times each – twice along the top cartilage and thrice in each lobe – and decorated with small loops and studs of silver, gold, and precious gems. A small silver bar is pierced through his left eyebrow, and a small golden stud adorns his right nostril. When seen shirtless or in a thin shirt, it is easy to see that both of his nipples have been pierced with bars of silver as well.


To phrase it bluntly, Eyvindr is a greedy man. Every decision in his life he has made thus far, from the trivial to the momentous, has been driven in large part by what he can obtain from it. Eyvindr’s greed makes him particularly susceptible to doing unethical or immoral things if the profit is high enough. Eyvindr has softened slightly as he's matured, and is not as selfish as he once was. Though still greedy and quick to judge, he does have his gentle moments.
Whether it be gil, personal possessions, power, or even people, once Eyvindr wants something he will rarely stop pursuing it. He is quick to get angry at anything standing between him and something (or someone) that he desires. Sometimes, this anger leads to violence – and an angry Thaumaturge is not something anyone wants.
Eyvindr should not be mistaken as a miser; he spends much of what he earns and is quick to grin and make jokes – even if his humor is dry, snarky, and sometimes teasing. He is also a vain man and is careful to make sure he looks as desirable as possible at all times. Who he is trying to impress is hard to discern.
Eyvindr has little, if any, respect for the law. He sees the laws of any city he visits as something to be followed when it benefits him, and something to be broken if it doesn’t and he can get away with it.
Eyvindr is a patient and intelligent person with great attention to detail. These strengths have made learning the art of thaumaturgy his forte and a clear life calling. This trait also lends itself to learning the ways of conjurors and arcanists, but as of yet he has spent significantly less time on those schools of magic.


■ Cats
■ Flirting
■ Rain
■ Drinking and Smoking
■ Fire


■ Spiders, Bugs, and Insects
■ Grapefruit and Melons
■ Lack of Intelligence
■ Lalafell
■ Airheaded Women


■ Reading
■ Swimming
■ Sparring


■ Intelligence
■ Attention to Detail
■ Patience


■ Greed
■ Obsessiveness
■ Lust
■ Holds Grudges
■ Allergic to Flowers


■ Coin
■ Power
■ Affection


As a Thaumaturge, Eyvindr specializes in manipulating the elements of fire, ice, and lightning into weapons of deadly effectiveness. He is no stranger to physical combat and is known to always keep at least one dagger hidden on his person at all times – just in case.


A bastard born to a Ul’dah whore and a philandering merchant, Eyvindr grew up in the part of Ul’dah that most people try to forget exists.

Although his mother attempted to contact his father once she learned she was with child, the man expressed zero interest in her condition and in his future child’s life – expressly ordering her to never contact him or his family again. He paid Eyvindr’s mother a paltry sum of gil and instructed her to “deal with the problem permanently”.

Not having the heart to end the pregnancy, she gave birth to Eyvindr, naming him after her grandfather that she had been so dearly close to as a child and young girl. The madam of the whorehouse she was employed by gave her some time off to care for the new child, but it was not for long. He was raised in that whorehouse, a ramshackle building at the dead-end of an alley, directly across from a disreputable and chaotic tavern.

Eyvindr’s youth was a strange and tumultuous time. He was not just raised by his mother, but by all the girls of the house, as they would take turns watching him when his mother was “busy”. The women would fawn over him, praising his every accomplishment and pouring on the compliments.

Though Eyvindr was never left wanting for attention or affection, he was still exposed to the darker side of this life. He witnessed countless episodes of the women being abused by customers, spat on by passerbys in the street, mocked by city officials, and heard all their woes about their lack of money, respect, and a future. In this environment, Eyvindr has come to see everything reduced to being a commodity – time, bodies, even dignity can be bought and sold if the price is right.

Eyvindr never did meet his biological father, though he heard a little about him from his mother. He was a wealthy merchant with a reputation for sleeping around, disregarding the feelings of his unattractive but wealthy wife. Eyvindr has never made contact with the man, but believes he may be dead.

Eyvindr’s mother passed away only a few months prior to the Calamity from an unknown sickness that left her weak and bedridden.



Just Another Mage
Prior to the Calamity, Eyvindr was but a young student of thaumaturgy who used his business proceeds to fund his studies. Specializing in locating, obtaining, and identifying magical trinkets, his studies were a natural expansion of his business.


Preparing for the End
Eyvindr had just returned to Ul’dah from a short trip to Gridania when the Calamity struck, and so he witnessed the death and destruction in Ul’dah first-hand. In an uncharacteristically selfless move, Eyvindr helped some fellow merchants who were caught vulnerable in the streets get to safety. The Calamity has spurred him on to study thaumaturgy with more zeal as he has become convinced something like it will happen again.


Recent Times
■ Eyvindr has reconnected with his old friend R'mehro.
■ Eyvindr has agreed to take Mandy Arixan on as a student.
■ N’aomi, R’mehro, Mandy, and Eyvindr form their own nameless group of sell-swords.



The truthfulness, accuracy, and veracity of these rumors cannot be confirmed.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard rumors to use freely.
"Aye, Eyvindr? I know the man. Tall fella, common sight in Ul’Dah, especially the Quicksand. He’s got a table in the corner all to himself most days. Adventuring types are always coming up to him, talking to him in hushed tones, gil and such exchanging hands. He must be a merchant of some sort, dealing with trinkets." — Tavern girl at the Quicksand.
" Oh, him? Harmless. He seems to stare at the male patrons now and then, and I’ve no idea why. They never notice, and he never approaches them. Maybe they remind him of people he’s lost? It’s sad, really. Twelve know we’ve all been there. I do that myself whenever a Midlander lass with short auburn hair walks in…." — Bartender at the Quicksand .
◢ Uncommon Rumors - Use sparingly.
"Odd man, that one. He'll never answer questions about his family. Dodges every single one of 'em, especially if you ask about his parents." — A textile merchant in Ul'dah..
◢ Rare Rumors - Sensitive rumors. Ask before using!
"The man in the cowl in the Quicksand? I suspect that he deals in more than just trinkets and magical know-how for adventurers. I saw him one night slip a little pouch o’ something to a shady looking lady. The next day, a man came in, handed him a pretty heavy-looking coinpurse, then left. Not a word exchanged between ‘em." — Drunken homeless man on the street of Ul’dah .
"A shopkeeper who jipped him on a ring later turned up dead. I wouldn't be surprised if Eyvindr killed 'em. Got no proof though." — A delivery girl in Ul'dah.


New rumors welcome.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Anything PCs might gossip about.
"He's actually really nice. Let me keep a ring I nicked from him once, even told me who to sell it to when he caught me. That's never happened to me before. People are usually real angry when I steal from them. He's nice, I just always.. feel like there's somethin' more there. Somethin' I don't know about." — Jess'a Vaati.
"My silver lion," she purred with delight. "I adore the male. So playful and yet so nice. It helps that his apartment is practically next door to my estate. I can come pester him whenever I want~." - Parvaneh Shadi'ra



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Player Note
Mature RP welcome (including but not limited to ERP) as long as it makes sense ICly.
Tell-friendly, open to questions, and walk-ups welcome!
Although I’m often not IC when out questing or killing things, I’ll do my best to drop into IC if approached.
Personal RP Limits
If ever in doubt, ask.
I will roleplay themes involving sexuality, violence, drug/alcohol use, light to moderate gore/blood/torture, vulgarity, temporary injury and incapacitation, temporary imprisonment.
I’m looking for more friends, they are always welcome!
I am not interested in roleplaying themes involving permanent character death or incapacitation, permanent disfigurement/maiming, extreme torture, or permanent imprisonment.
Almost all weekends, and for brief periods of time weekday evenings.


Potential Plot Hooks
The following types of people may have heard of Eyvindr. These are only suggestions. If you have other ideas, feel free to send a tell!
Merchants and traders who work in Ul’dah, especially those that deal in magical items.
Regular visitors to the Quicksand in Ul’dah.
Fellow thaumaturges.
Anyone who deals with obtaining or selling illicit contraband or morally questionable goods.