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[[File:shelfofbooks.png .jpg|left|frame|"Those who defy His Grace are no more than cattle...aimlessly they wander about, destroying whatever is in their path. No longer! Surrender now, and I will make this quick. Deny me, and it will only make my next meal more interesting."]]<div align=justify><div style="padding:0px 10px; font-size:16px;color:#5F5F5F;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;border-bottom:1px;border-bottom:1px dotted;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-variant: small-caps;">'''Personality'''</div></div>
[[File:shelfofbooks.png .jpg|left|frame|"Those who defy His Grace are no more than cattle...aimlessly they wander about, destroying whatever is in their path. No longer! Surrender now, and I will make this quick. Deny me, and it will only make my next meal more interesting."]]<div align=justify><div style="padding:0px 10px; font-size:16px;color:#5F5F5F;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;border-bottom:1px;border-bottom:1px dotted;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-variant: small-caps;">'''Personality'''</div></div>
::<div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:13px; color:#585350;">Evee Weaver was, according to her, born right after the Garlean Empire took Ala Mhigo, and brought to Eorzea some several summers past. Raised in a traveling caravan, her only comforts were her Chocobos, her father, and the songs of their people left stale in their mouths by the times of old. She is an emotional creature, often tearing up at her own songs, and is passionate enough to care about anybody's problems, no matter how trivial or trifling they might seem. Evee is often seen in public spaces, strumming along on her lute and doing her best to bring some semblance of joy to the smallfolk's lives. The labors she performs are small, to say the least—fetching a parcel from someone, collecting flowers for an alchemist, or chasing away bothering creatures from a nearby settlement. Locals know her as a shy, sweet woman who takes care of the little things—to her, such grand adventures like the ones the Warrior of Light has are not her cup of tea; better to be sung by her than achieved.<br><br><br>Velox Wir Saevios is not that woman. Indeed, Evee Weaver is but an incredibly clever ruse to further her own ends, and to that, the ends of her beloved Emperor. Saevios is viciously, slavishly, and almost fanatically loyal to Emperor Varis Zos Galvus. Intensely sadistic and brutally violent to those who oppose her way of thinking, the difference between “Evee” and Velox Wir Saevios is night and day. <br><br>Cold, violent, and without tolerance for failure, Velox formerly stood vigil over the Vith Imperial Legion's IVth Cohort for nearly five summers, where her operations and tactical performance allowed for Imperial forces to stomp uprising after uprising in the recently-captured territory of Doma. She is intelligent and crafty without equal, pouring every detail of everything she sees and hears into her tactical applications, carefully planning around every possibility. Her careful and deliberate execution of her strategies allowed for the IVth Cohort to have the lowest casualty rating in the entire Legion, a feat of which Velox took immense pride in doing. Her flawless methods earned her respect from both the common soldier and her superiors, eventually earning her the nickname “The Forseer”. A natural-born leader both by blood and personality, Velox is quick to take command and has little trouble stirring the hearts of those who are uncertain. <br><br> In spite of her accomplishments however, Wir Saevios has several flaws to her. She is incredibly arrogant, having never lost a confrontation (excluding to Bahamut, which she doesn't count) and having never found an equal to match her cunning. Boastful and proud of her heritage and long list of achievements, being pureblood Garlean doesn't help the matters much—she considers herself better than most people around her, whether they are pureblood or not. Velox is also passionately vehement—she considers non-Garleans to be tools, used to further the purposes of the true backbone of the Garlean Empire; the purebloods. She places herself far above those who share neither her sentiments nor her heritage (or both), treating them like Beastmen—and treating Beastmen far, far worse. <br><br> Even worse than this are Velox's...habits. More often than not during her service to the Empire in the military, hostages and prisoners who had served their purpose were not executed, but set loose in an empty compound and hunted down by a blood-hungry Rem Saevios for entertainment. Being hunted, however, was far from the most horrible thing which the daughter of the Saevios house has been rumored to do—it is widely mentioned by commonfolk that Velox so loathes those who have failed or defied the Emperor that they are little more than animals in her eyes, and so goes out of her way to hunt, cook, flavor, and consequentially EAT her victims. Commenting that those who do not fulfill their purpose to the Garlean Machine should be slaughtered like the beasts they are, and that beasts are meant to be devoured. “Simply killing them does not teach them,” she would reply to curious officers. “Animals can only be trained, not taught. Rebellion is in their nature. It would simply be a waste to kill them over and over again. The very least we can do is make some use of them if they won't serve willingly. I could hardly call it 'Cannibalism' as you so call it...after all, that would mean we were putting them on the same level as ourselves.”<br> Many Garleans tended to avoid Velox due to these rumors (they were well founded,) associating with her only if absolutely needed. (Cannibalism seems to be beyond their tolerance levels.) In fact, Wir Saevios's tenancies seem to have no boundaries at all; she isn't beyond flaying her own subordinates if they fail to please her. Much to the horror of anybody who cares to listen, Velox comments that Lalafell, Elezen, and Hyur are her favorite.
::<div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:13px; color:#585350;">Evee Weaver was, according to her, born right after the Garlean Empire took Ala Mhigo, and brought to Eorzea some several summers past. Raised in a traveling caravan, her only comforts were her Chocobos, her father, and the songs of their people left stale in their mouths by the times of old. She is an emotional creature, often tearing up at her own songs, and is passionate enough to care about anybody's problems, no matter how trivial or trifling they might seem. Evee is often seen in public spaces, strumming along on her lute and doing her best to bring some semblance of joy to the smallfolk's lives. The labors she performs are small, to say the least—fetching a parcel from someone, collecting flowers for an alchemist, or chasing away bothering creatures from a nearby settlement. Locals know her as a shy, sweet woman who takes care of the little things—to her, such grand adventures like the ones the Warrior of Light has are not her cup of tea; better to be sung by her than achieved.<br><br><br>Velox Wir Saevios is not that woman. Indeed, Evee Weaver is but an incredibly clever ruse to further her own ends, and to that, the ends of her beloved Emperor. Saevios is viciously, slavishly, and almost fanatically loyal to Emperor Varis Zos Galvus. Intensely sadistic and brutally violent to those who oppose her way of thinking, the difference between “Evee” and Velox Wir Saevios is night and day. <br><br>Cold, violent, and without tolerance for failure, Velox formerly stood vigil over the VIIIth Imperial Legion's IXth Cohort for nearly five summers, where her operations and tactical performance allowed for Imperial forces to stomp uprising after uprising in the recently-captured territory of Doma. She is intelligent and crafty without equal, pouring every detail of everything she sees and hears into her tactical applications, carefully planning around every possibility. Her careful and deliberate execution of her strategies allowed for the IXth Cohort to have the lowest casualty rating in the entire Legion, a feat of which Velox took immense pride in doing. Her flawless methods earned her respect from both the common soldier and her superiors, eventually earning her the nickname “The Forseer”. A natural-born leader both by blood and personality, Velox is quick to take command and has little trouble stirring the hearts of those who are uncertain. <br><br> In spite of her accomplishments however, Wir Saevios has several flaws to her. She is incredibly arrogant, having never lost a confrontation (excluding to Bahamut, which she doesn't count) and having never found an equal to match her cunning. Boastful and proud of her heritage and long list of achievements, being pureblood Garlean doesn't help the matters much—she considers herself better than most people around her, whether they are pureblood or not. Velox is also passionately vehement—she considers non-Garleans to be tools, used to further the purposes of the true backbone of the Garlean Empire; the purebloods. She places herself far above those who share neither her sentiments nor her heritage (or both), treating them like Beastmen—and treating Beastmen far, far worse. <br><br> Even worse than this are Velox's...habits. More often than not during her service to the Empire in the military, hostages and prisoners who had served their purpose were not executed, but set loose in an empty compound and hunted down by a blood-hungry Rem Saevios for entertainment. Being hunted, however, was far from the most horrible thing which the daughter of the Saevios house has been rumored to do—it is widely mentioned by commonfolk that Velox so loathes those who have failed or defied the Emperor that they are little more than animals in her eyes, and so goes out of her way to hunt, cook, flavor, and consequentially EAT her victims. Commenting that those who do not fulfill their purpose to the Garlean Machine should be slaughtered like the beasts they are, and that beasts are meant to be devoured. “Simply killing them does not teach them,” she would reply to curious officers. “Animals can only be trained, not taught. Rebellion is in their nature. It would simply be a waste to kill them over and over again. The very least we can do is make some use of them if they won't serve willingly. I could hardly call it 'Cannibalism' as you so call it...after all, that would mean we were putting them on the same level as ourselves.”<br> Many Garleans tended to avoid Velox due to these rumors (they were well founded,) associating with her only if absolutely needed. (Cannibalism seems to be beyond their tolerance levels.) In fact, Wir Saevios's tenancies seem to have no boundaries at all; she isn't beyond flaying her own subordinates if they fail to please her. Much to the horror of anybody who cares to listen, Velox comments that Lalafell, Elezen, and Hyur are her favorite.

Revision as of 13:22, 1 March 2017


"What is unfit to rule, perishes. That is the way of life, and if you defy me, such will be your fate."
Vital Information

Vee lawks Say Vee Ohs

Evee Weaver (alias), the “Forseer”

Pureblood Garlean.


Appears in late 20's or early 30's

4th Sun, 4th Umbral Moon

Entirely Uninterested

Other Statistics

BIRTHPLACE... Garlemald



Garlean Spy, 'Wandering Minstrel'.

None. (Will reply with Oschon the Wanderer if asked.)

6 fulms, 6 ilms. 148 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Lawful Evil

General Information
A Garlean Zealot, completely and almost mindlessly loyal to the present Emperor, Varis Zos Galvus. Born to one of several royal lines in the Garlean extended Royal Family, Velox was brought up as a staunch supporter of all things Imperial, and sees both herself and her race as superior in every way—a justification for one of her quirks; the fact she eats those who have displeased or defied her.

After achieving the status of “Rem” and losing her division in the Calamity due to falling debris, Velox was relieved of her duties in a period of near-exile, banned from returning until she had proven her worthiness to return to the line of duty and to Garlemald. Presently portraying herself as the wandering minstrel, Evee Weaver, Velox's eyes are ever-searching for a weakness to the Eorzean's stalwart resistance.
Powerful, confident, somewhat playful Ambidextrous. N/A.
Hair & Eyes
Bright blue, almost icy eyes make up the mark of the Saevios branch of the Garlean Royal line; the same sort that Velox's father, brothers, sister, and she all share. They are complimented by a great many of her features, the most notorious being the pureblood third eye in the center of her forehead. Like many of her race, Velox uses this addition to better herself in combat.

Saevios, like many of her kind, shares the pearly white hue in her hair that her mother's side, a woman from the Fortis line, has seen a great deal of. While she trained in the military, Velox had it short and out of her field of vision to allow better performance in the field, however as someone intending to blend into Eorzean society, she has had to allow it to grow several ilms, covering her forehead and sprouting into a ponytail at the back of the head.
Physique & Markings
While normally women of pureblooded Garlean sort, particularly in the royal family's line, are not the physically strenuous sort, Velox fully intended even from a young age to defy her normal role. Refusing to become a silly token of arranged marriage, she applied to the Garlean Military academy and in so doing, gained a rather stunning physique. Velox is incredibly strong, her years of training showing in the taut, stiff size of her muscles and the hardened glint in her eyes when she's out of “character.”
Hygiene & Attire
Velox Saevios is an incredibly tidy creature, though she will forego some luxuries if the situation deems it absolutely nessicary. She bathes often, as most royals do, and often smelled of the finest perfumes when she wasn't out in the field. As “Evee Weaver” she tends to wear alluring scents and keeps herself, as she puts it “mostly clean”, doing her best to give off the portrayal of a wandering minstrel to the best of her ability. One might notice some scant dirt under her fingernails or on her clothing, which she more than likely put onto her person before arriving in a public space.

"Public" Attire – “Evee Weaver” : Normally the clothing she is most commonly seen in, “Evee” wears a simple cotton tabard, a set of thigh-high boots, and a feathered cap. A modest choice of attire for a supposedly shy, quietly strumming bard.

"Formal" Attire – “Evee Weaver” : A plain, blue dress. Usually worn for special events by “Evee”.

"Imperial Operative" Attire: Velox Wir Saevios commissioned this particular set of clothing after achieving “Rem” some several summers past. Custom-made with a synthetic Garlean weave, the armor was created for her unique form of stealthy, long-ranged fighting using her bow, with a mask covering her lower face in order to both allow her third eye some breathing room and hide her identity. Comes with voice modifier.

File:Shelfofbooks.png .jpg
"Those who defy His Grace are no more than cattle...aimlessly they wander about, destroying whatever is in their path. No longer! Surrender now, and I will make this quick. Deny me, and it will only make my next meal more interesting."
Evee Weaver was, according to her, born right after the Garlean Empire took Ala Mhigo, and brought to Eorzea some several summers past. Raised in a traveling caravan, her only comforts were her Chocobos, her father, and the songs of their people left stale in their mouths by the times of old. She is an emotional creature, often tearing up at her own songs, and is passionate enough to care about anybody's problems, no matter how trivial or trifling they might seem. Evee is often seen in public spaces, strumming along on her lute and doing her best to bring some semblance of joy to the smallfolk's lives. The labors she performs are small, to say the least—fetching a parcel from someone, collecting flowers for an alchemist, or chasing away bothering creatures from a nearby settlement. Locals know her as a shy, sweet woman who takes care of the little things—to her, such grand adventures like the ones the Warrior of Light has are not her cup of tea; better to be sung by her than achieved.

Velox Wir Saevios is not that woman. Indeed, Evee Weaver is but an incredibly clever ruse to further her own ends, and to that, the ends of her beloved Emperor. Saevios is viciously, slavishly, and almost fanatically loyal to Emperor Varis Zos Galvus. Intensely sadistic and brutally violent to those who oppose her way of thinking, the difference between “Evee” and Velox Wir Saevios is night and day.

Cold, violent, and without tolerance for failure, Velox formerly stood vigil over the VIIIth Imperial Legion's IXth Cohort for nearly five summers, where her operations and tactical performance allowed for Imperial forces to stomp uprising after uprising in the recently-captured territory of Doma. She is intelligent and crafty without equal, pouring every detail of everything she sees and hears into her tactical applications, carefully planning around every possibility. Her careful and deliberate execution of her strategies allowed for the IXth Cohort to have the lowest casualty rating in the entire Legion, a feat of which Velox took immense pride in doing. Her flawless methods earned her respect from both the common soldier and her superiors, eventually earning her the nickname “The Forseer”. A natural-born leader both by blood and personality, Velox is quick to take command and has little trouble stirring the hearts of those who are uncertain.

In spite of her accomplishments however, Wir Saevios has several flaws to her. She is incredibly arrogant, having never lost a confrontation (excluding to Bahamut, which she doesn't count) and having never found an equal to match her cunning. Boastful and proud of her heritage and long list of achievements, being pureblood Garlean doesn't help the matters much—she considers herself better than most people around her, whether they are pureblood or not. Velox is also passionately vehement—she considers non-Garleans to be tools, used to further the purposes of the true backbone of the Garlean Empire; the purebloods. She places herself far above those who share neither her sentiments nor her heritage (or both), treating them like Beastmen—and treating Beastmen far, far worse.

Even worse than this are Velox's...habits. More often than not during her service to the Empire in the military, hostages and prisoners who had served their purpose were not executed, but set loose in an empty compound and hunted down by a blood-hungry Rem Saevios for entertainment. Being hunted, however, was far from the most horrible thing which the daughter of the Saevios house has been rumored to do—it is widely mentioned by commonfolk that Velox so loathes those who have failed or defied the Emperor that they are little more than animals in her eyes, and so goes out of her way to hunt, cook, flavor, and consequentially EAT her victims. Commenting that those who do not fulfill their purpose to the Garlean Machine should be slaughtered like the beasts they are, and that beasts are meant to be devoured. “Simply killing them does not teach them,” she would reply to curious officers. “Animals can only be trained, not taught. Rebellion is in their nature. It would simply be a waste to kill them over and over again. The very least we can do is make some use of them if they won't serve willingly. I could hardly call it 'Cannibalism' as you so call it...after all, that would mean we were putting them on the same level as ourselves.”
Many Garleans tended to avoid Velox due to these rumors (they were well founded,) associating with her only if absolutely needed. (Cannibalism seems to be beyond their tolerance levels.) In fact, Wir Saevios's tenancies seem to have no boundaries at all; she isn't beyond flaying her own subordinates if they fail to please her. Much to the horror of anybody who cares to listen, Velox comments that Lalafell, Elezen, and Hyur are her favorite.
❄ Fine Wines
❄ Being Pampered
❄ Being Praised/Recognized
❄ Tormenting weaker people
❄ Formulating Schemes
❄ Hunting (people.)
❄ The sound of an arrow going through someone's vitals
❄ Defiant prisoners
❄ Imperial idealism
❄ Executing orders perfectly
❄ Low-Class persons.
❄ Interruptions
❄ Cold
❄ Intimacy
❄ Insubordination
❄ Defiance
❄ Sloppy execution of orders. (Sloppeeeeeeeh)
❄ Traitors
❄ Plays the lute
❄ Excellent sense of danger
❄ Blending into crowds
❄ Magitech (minor.)
❄ Archery
❄ Excellent Tactician


Lengthy Combat Experience
Willing to sacrifice self for the good of her overall goals
Literally Insane
Becomes viciously violent if things go wrong.
People are terrified of her.

"A cool head. A keen mind. These are things I keep at my disposal, Rem Rivos. That is how I succeed."
Basic Statistics
High: Dexterity, Speed
Above Average: Intelligence, Charisma
Average: Strength, Mind
Extremely Low: Defense

Combat Skills
Mastery: Long-range combat, Sniping, Subtle Assassination
Expert: Tactical insertion/extrusion
Average: Basic Survival skills
Poor: Defensive capabilities: Wears very little protective armor. Specializes in not getting caught, therefore little priority on defenses.
Trade & Field Crafts
Mastery: N/A
Expert: Bowcrafting and maintenance
Average: Botany
Novice: Everything else

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Why, Evee Weaver? What a sweet girl, that one; she chased away the jackals what were bothering my aldgoats some while back." -- Elderly woman.
"She's here all the time, playing folk songs. Not much to her 'cept she's a kindly sort." -- A merchant in Ul'Dah
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I do seem to recall one incident where she had to fire her weapon at a bunch of Lominsans what couldn't take the hint t'leave...Never seen someone 'nock an arrow and loose her so quick a'fore." -- A passerby of Ul'Dah
"She never drinks, she never sleeps about...a rather pious minstrel, that one. A good example, if you ask me." — A conjurer near Hawthorne Hut.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Ah, Evee Weaver. She has a habit of vanishing for a while, but she always comes back....always." — Loitering Bodyguard.
"Hm? Oh, the Minstrel. Never takes off her hat, that one. Says it was a gift from her departed lover and to remove it would be sullyin' his memory. Poor lass. But poorer still is the bloke what tried to swipe it from her...last I heard he were still in the infirmary tendin' to his shattered arm." — Payo Reiyo.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

Relationship Status Legend



'Galvis Van Saevios: First born of the Saevios line within his generation, Galvis was already positioned for greatness. His line well known in being skilled researchers and scholars, the heir of the family decided against such a trivial life, longing to become a great hero of the Empire. And so it was, that he joined the Garlean Academy, much to the dismay of his family. Knowing his father, Flavius Wir Saevios, yearned to grant his House the power and standing it deserved, Galvis knew it would take more than breakthroughs in the scientific field to gain an equal footing with their peers. Though Flavius died long before he ever got to see his grandchildren, he would have been incredibly joyful to see his line now. Years thereafter his induction into the militia, he became a highly decorated officer of several campaigns, to include aiding in taking the land of Dalmasca as a vassal to the Empire shortly before the Calamity had come to pass. Within the span of a decade, the Saevios line had become not only a force of high intelligence, but now attracted the militarily influential, raising the eyebrows of more powerful and larger houses. A serious, cold, and ruthless man, he quickly climbed his way to his present position with both a silver tongue and incredibly potent results in his campaigns--a process he instructed all of his children well in the methods of. Though he was hard and incredibly violent to those who crossed him, his love for his family was without equal. He treated all but Valens with kindness and equality, favoring the boy only due to his first-born status. Galvis and his youngest daughter spent little time together due to their duties, however, he often expressed a great deal of adulation and pride for his children.

Terra Wir Saevios'': Born as the 84th in line for the throne of Garlemald, Terra never had any disillusions of holding power in the highest seat. Rather, she decided to settle for ruling over the lesser branches of the mighty royal tree, and married the then-budding Galvis Sos Saevios in order to strengthen bonds between her family and his. The result was a powerful, even loving relationship in which she brought forth several children. She was quiet and reserved, a soothing side to her husband's more blunt and icy nature, and a talented musician—often she gave lessons to children of other houses and performed at galleries when present company had grown tired of court musicians. However, Terra Wir Saevios was killed shortly after a banquet honoring the rise of Varis Zos Galvus to the throne—a move which the remaining children of the Saevios line believe was the doing of Valens.

Valens Tol Saevios': The firstborn of the Saevios line, and naturally the first choice to lead their family into a new era of prosperity and influence. Privileged and pampered, Valens saw himself not only better than non-Garleans, but his own family and much of the other branches of the royal house. Naturally, he was given quite more opportunities than his other siblings, giving him plenty of time to make a name for himself and amassing a great deal of power both politically and socially. He joined the Garlean Military to spite their father, and when threatened with being removed as successor to the Saevios name, sabotaged his younger brother Vistus, crippling him for life. Eventually, his ruthlessness inside of his home translated to a war-hungry savagery to his military career—one that was overshadowed quickly by the rise of both his sister and rival members of the Legion. One critical point in underestimating the abilities of his young sister Velox has landed him in a permanent position as Tol of the IInd Imperial Legion, where he sits as little more than a leader of a tactical police force.

Vistus Dus Saevios'': The second born of the Saevios children, Vistus has always been much like his mother; calm, quiet, and reflective. He loathes Valens for his boastful, vain, and selfish nature, and does his best to keep out of the limelight and as far away from him as possible. Vistus studies the War of the Magi and hopes to further unlock the potential in pureblood Garleans to allow them to cast potent magicks. He is a scholar and a non-violent man by nature, but his disdain for stupidity and Eorzea are plain in how he speaks. An “accident” when he was twenty-eight summers has left him permanently crippled from the knees down.

Ventis Wir Saevios'': Velox's younger brother, and the person closest to her. He died twelve summers young when trying to complete an aetherial amplifier, trying to prove Vistus's theories on the possibility of pureblood Garleans casting magicks true. The amplifier, however, malfunctioned, and thus exploded, taking everybody within several yalms around it with it. A genius in magiteck engineering rivaling that of Cid Nan Garlond himself, the genius tinkerer was a bright, lighthearted lad with a penchant for gambling and taking things easy. While his siblings would find this nature to be his downfall, little were any aware that the amplifier had been sabotaged by an unknown individual. Velox will admit, if ever brought to such a point, that part of her died alongside him when fate took Ventis from the world.

Valliatie Wir Celtian (Saevios)'': Eldest daughter of the Saevios line. Valliatie was groomed by her mother, back when she still lived, into becoming a perfect liaison and blood tie between their own family, and that of whoever best suited their interests. If Valliatie ever had any qualms on the matter, she never showed it, happily obeying Terra's commands until, finally, at the age of sixteen, she was married to the first son of the Celtian family; Alban Het Celtian. Her husband now the adviser to a small province in Ala Mhigo, Valliatie serves her new family in every way she is able--already after five years of marriage, she has borne three children to tie their roots together. The typical product of aristocratic, high-society breeding, Valliaite is far more concerned with the socio-political nature of the Garlean Empire, rather than the military aspects. If questioned of the relationship between them, Velox will often compare her sister to a sentient doll--beautiful, calm, flawless, and utterly devoid of personality or thought.


"It is we who are destined to conquer this star, and it is by the Emperor's righteous hand that we shall do it!"
Early Age, Sixth Astral Era


Born to Galvis Van Saevios of the IVth Imperial Legion, (known by most to be the Legion responsible for bringing the former Kingdom of Dalmasca into the Garlean fold) and his wife Terra, it was already expected that Velox would become as important a member of Garlemald high-society as her mother and older sister before her. As a youth, Velox adored both women with all of her heart, and in a childish picture of what the world around her was like, strove to be as beloved and respected as they. Her time was typically spent holed up in her playroom, practicing her curtsy to dolls and throwing lavish imaginary parties with invisible guests. Brimming with joy that her youngest was so keen on following the 'proper' path of a high-born lady, Terra Wir Saevios spent no small amount of time doing her best to ensure young Velox was well on her way to becoming the perfect gem of a woman that Valliatie, her eldest daughter, had blossomed into.
It became apparent, however, that destiny had other plans. As it so happened, while playing together in one of the many halls of their estate, Ventis and Velox came across their father's study as he spoke with some of his guests--several of which were other officers of the military fold. Their exchanges were of brutal battles, the glory of conquest, and the thrill of battle; while Ventis was more enthralled with the zeal in which Gaius Van Baelsar described the then-ongoing Project Meteor, it was Velox who became enamored with her father's legacy and abandoned her thoughts of becoming a lady of the court almost instantly. Wrought with frustration at her daughter's sudden turn of character, Terra forbade Velox from pursuing the matter and continued with her education in higher society. As expected, young Velox resisted and complained, sneaking off when lessons were done to the library in order to find written documents on tactics, battle styles, and historical conflicts from every corner of the world she could get her hands on. In the evenings, after supper and after family time together in the study, Velox lurked off to her private chambers, where she bribed and threatened any member of her staff foolish enough to report to her mother that she was training to become stronger physically.

Velox was far from the only one of the four with sights set on becoming a military triumph; the family's eldest son, Valens, believed that garnering the same might and respect as their father would ensure prosperity for their houses' future. Galvis, however, would see none of it--he was to be kept safe from harm and mature to become a wise and powerful man without the need to use brute force. Where he had risen to his position because he had felt there was no other choice, Galvis could sense his eldest only pursued the path for glory and fame; a passion that would ultimately see himself killed. He denied Valens' request to join the Military Academy, and threatened that if Valens should leave the estate to disobey him, that his second son, the scholar Vistus, would become the heir to the Saevios line. Valens however, argued that Vistus was too soft and too weak to hold the family's power and influence on his own--garnering a physical response from his father as he struck him across the face. All of his children, Galvis told him, were more than capable of leading the Saevios line to glory and influence; Valens had merely been lucky he'd been born first.
Seething with fury at being denied his wishes, being struck in the face, and being threatened with removal of his birthright, Valens stormed off, his mind broiling with hatred towards his father and younger brother both. Weeks later, Vistus was found in the Main Hall of the royal estate on the floor, his legs splayed and shattered. According to those who had first arrived on the scene, Vistus had fallen down the massive staircase, though nobody claimed to have seen any sort of reason as to the incident occurring. While the best of the Royal Houses' medici tended to his injuries to the best of their abilities, there was no manner of magitech that could render him able to walk on his own ability; Vistus Wir Saevios was paralyzed from the knees down permanently.

Velox was more than a little suspicious of her older brother's sudden misfortune. The timing was too good. Ventis was already attending the Garlean Magitech Academy, leaving him completely out of the picture to lead the family should something befall their father, or worse yet their mother, and Valliatie was soon to be married to an advisor to an Ala Mhigan province, rendering her unable to take a position of leadership. Valens was completely unchallenged--unless of course, she stepped in. Against Terra Wir Saevios's wishes, Velox pleaded with her father to allow her into the Military Academy, citing her suspicions of Valens and claiming that if she could bring glory to herself and the family that she would do her utmost to protect it from harm. She was a daughter of the house, valuable in marriage, but Galvis noted some potential in her understanding her position. As the second youngest, she had no claim to the position of the family's head, and no interest in severing power from Valens; Galvis was also quite aware that, while uncommon in higher houses, women who served their Emperor in more than merely marrying off and bearing children were as much an attractive prize as those who were. Seeing no downsides to the proposition, Galvis permitted Velox to leave the estate and begin enlistment into the Academy at once. It would earn Terra's ire for some several summers, but it was well worth the gamble. Her father left her but three piece of advice to put her through her coming ordeals:
"Love your Empire with all your being. Do not dishonor your family by any means. And if you should find some manner of proof to your claims, that your older brother has tried to commit murder against his own kin...by all means, daughter, bring down a swift blade of justice. Unless you find some piece of truth to back your proposal...I would not see my children rend themselves to pieces. I hope I am making myself transparent."

===Teenage Years===
Velox Wir Saevios swiftly and effectively carried out her father's wishes. Eager to garner revenge for Vistus and bring glory to her family's name, she charged through the Academy with speed seen only in some of the brightest of students in their history. The sleepless nights of study and physical effort had paid their dues in how forcefully she had ascended in ranking amongst her peers, and in but half a summer, Velox had graduated from the Academy with marks in the top ten percentile of her class. (2nd overall.) Though many of her fellow graduates were eager to see where they would be sent for their first position of duty, Velox was looking for only one station: The VIIIth Imperial Legion, stationed in newly-conquered Doma, where her older brother Valens had been placed. As fortune deemed it, that was precisely where she was sent.

It was not easily that Velox made herself stand out amongst a sea of low-ranking soldiers. The feat took but an entire summer of obedience and staying low as to not attract her brother's attention, but soon after an incident involving a group of Doman freedom fighters, Velox's efforts were made plain to both her superiors and her peers. With her former squadron commander having been struck down by a loosed arrow, the ranks of their small patrol had been reduced into a near-panic, and it was she who had regained their focus and coordinated their efforts. Soon thereafter, Saevios was promoted to squadron patrol leader, and but two summers afterwards, had earned the title of "Rem". Still then, it was not nearly enough to sate her hunger. The Domans still resisted, still fought, and to the frustration of their leader, Teltanos Van Braevos, none of the Castrums had made much headwind in securing Doma indefinitely.
The rub came with dealing against the Doman Shinobi, masters of blade and stealth alike. They dodged patrols, and hid themselves in plain sight in the most simplistic but effective of hiding places, trading blows with their forces, before vanishing into thin air. Magitech, ambushes, elaborate traps, even chemical sprays seemed not to effect them, and very few of their number ever fell in combat. Those who did and were sequentially left behind either killed themselves rather than risk capture, or simply passed away under torture. A stubborn people, Velox was more than aware of how effective the Shinobi were in conflict: both Ninja and Samurai more than capable of taking on Garlean patrols. However, it seemed their targeting was biased towards smaller patrols, and those straying furthest from reinforcements...They were getting information from the inside.

Taking a gamble of her own life, Velox presented her findings to Van Braevos in the middle of a meeting between the six Sas of Doma...a game of chance she ultimately won, given the response from the Van. Soon thereafter, the six Castrums of the Doman nation: Ouranos, Callis, Planum, Impes, Gaelus, and Portus filtered their staff for the next fortnight, discovering twelve different agents who had been secretly leaking plans to Shinobi of the Doman Freedom Fighters. Their bodies were mutilated after their executions, and hung prominently outside of the Castrum gates to send warning to the rebelling Domans: We found your agents. Abandon your hopes.

===Adult Years, Seventh Umbral Era===
It would not have come to pass however, if Saevios had not spoken up--a detail Teltanos hadn't overlooked...nor had Valens Tol Saevios. Furious of his younger sister's sudden rise to form, Valens seethed and plotted, making pains to ensure that she would come no further to gaining favor with the Van. Teltanos Van Braevios was growing older; rumors of his retirement from the Emperor's service had spread amongst the Legions like wildfire. While it was ultimately up to the Tribunal to appoint new leaders for Imperial Legions...the accounts and recommendations of the former head commander were taken into heavy consideration. Valens eagerly and hungrily eyed the position of Van, much like so many other within the VIIIth, a fact that Vraevios was painfully aware of. Still, the elder man was not without his reasons for having yet picked a sure favorite to fill the position...and so he continued to bide his time, carefully watching the whole of the competition. Valens, keenly aware it could be his last chance to gain the title, was more than willing to do whatever it took in order to secure his glory and be on equal at last with his father. With the title of Van, none in his family would even dare think to challenge him. Knowing full well that, after aiding in ridding the ranks of traitors, Velox was positioned to usurp him from his supposedly rightful place, Valens began to concoct methods to slander his sister, or better yet, rid himself of her entirely.

Meanwhile, Velox continued at her normal pace, commanding her Cohort with pristine efficiency and slowly but surely combating Doman opposition. Without their information leaks beforehand, the Shinobi were but slightly less formidable, and the Garleans still holding a heavy disadvantage. It was through sheer numbers that the Empire's forces still held their territories...a fact that displeased not only Van Braevios, but the Tribunal as well. Without properly taking grip of the land and her people, long-term problems would soon arise, and precious resources would ultimately be wasted combating them. The Shinobi were quick, able to close distance rapidly, and cut through magitech with astonishing ease...By this point, they expected gunblades and mages, practiced disciples of war, and the mechanical opponents that the six castrum had been throwing their way. They were able to quickly fight off any enemy in sight, and vanish just as quickly. Their weapons and tactics were already known to the enemy...so it would be prudent to ultimately change them.
Once again, Velox took a risk, and began studying Doman history. Which tribes, she wondered, had conquered whom, and how? With Shinobi being so prominent a force, how did one combat them? They were a staple of the nation's forces, the most effective of all in terms of sabotage and espionage...How did one defeat them? The answer eventually came in a text retelling an ancient battle, where an enemy clan's dominantly ninja forces were decimated with a hail of arrows--hiding, even effectively, couldn't protect one from a well-placed shot to the leg. The Shinobi were well-versed in the faster, but far louder gunblades the bulk of their forces used...but a bow and arrow, if created properly, would generate no noise and kill just as effectively. Itching to test her theory, Saevios placed an order for a custom-made bow and twenty arrows to be made for her. While well-trained in the use of a gunblade, as most officers were, using a bow was by no means the same feat--it required upper core and arm strength that she had not expected. The weapon itself however, was perfect for her proposition; lightweight and compact, sturdy and silent, the arrows capable of storing poisons and chemical compounds and able to be seen in the darkest of nights...a perfect tool for battling stealthy Shinobi.

It would take Velox a half summer to feel fully confident in her abilities to demonstrate to Van Braevios her plans to draw up a specialized task force to ambush and combat their enemy; an amount of time that proved suitable to convince the aging man of the merit her idea had. In spite of protests from a handful of the Sas in other Castrum, Teltanos agreed to have two squadrons of trained archers with these weapons positioned near every point in which they'd been attacked previously. Sure enough, when the patrols made their rounds, the Shinobi showed themselves, and were consequentially shot down on sight. Of the estimated twenty who had ambushed them that day, all but four had been subdued. Velox's second gamble had paid dividends; she was promoted to Sas...now sitting in near to equal standing with her older brother.
Seething with rage at his sister's continued success, Valens became consumed by his anger and began rushing out a plan to end her campaign of victory--either by forcing her to become with child, or botching up one of her missions so badly that it would ultimately warrant her removal...or death. Knowing all too well that if he were caught with the traces of either on his hands, it would spell the end for him and his title of Van, Valens instead elected to use their mutual childhood friend, Primus Sas Eros. Sas Eros had, for the longest time, been infatuated with Velox, and had long been Valens' friend as they shared the same tutor, leaving her without suspicion that Valens had been behind the deed. Primus would ultimately get what he desired...and Valens would get his sister out of the picture for good.
Neither of them, however, had accounted for Velox's wishes or just how far she was willing to go in order to exact her revenge on her brother. The next morn, during formation, Primus Sas Eros had mysteriously gone missing...and Velox had arrived, on time, with nary a fingerprint on her features. When questioned where the Sas had gone, the only reply was from Velox: "I do believe he retired to his chambers, citing that he was ill, sir." Much to Valens' horror, Primus was indeed still in his chambers; naked as his nameday, and securely bound and gagged in a chair. While this did little to nothing to deter Primus, Valens on the other hand knew he could only entrust the downfall of his sister to himself. Time and time again, he attempted to have her die in accidents, fail in her tasks, and slander her name...time and time again, he would come up short and get away with no trace of the deed being connected to him.

Not even Valens Tol Saevios could have predicted the coming of the Calamity, however, and with the chaos that ensued, the Shinobi of Doma took to action. Laying siege on their own homeland, they fought back with extreme ferocity, taking down four of the Castrums before word could even reach Van Braevios. As Primus Sas Eros aided Teltanos Van Braevios to an airship to seek safety, their position was beset by the enemy, and the pair were promptly killed, leaving Valens in sole charge of the entire facility...


"Tol Saevios! Your orders sir!?"
Valens whirled around, his demeanor both agitated and flustered. A single throwing kunai zipped over his head as he winced, slightly, his gaze locked onto the Rem who had addressed him.
"My orders? Do as bloody Sas Eros said and continue to lead them off while Van Braevios leaves! Must I explain this to you, fool?!"
"B-But sir!" The Rem stammered, his face twisted into a look of horrified despair. "Both Van Braevios and Sas Eros...th-they were ambushed, sir! They're gone, sir! Y-you're in command now, what are your orders?!"
The expression upon Valens' face showed both eager glee and a hint of nausea as he moved from his cover to fire a shot at a passing Doman, who toppled to the ground in an agonized scream of pain. As he fell, the Garlean stomped, forcefully, on the struggling body of his foe as he turned around to face the panic-stricken Rem. "You will order every unit to continue fighting within Castrum Callis until every one of these mongrel Domans are dead! Do I make myself clear?!"
"A-As you command, sir!" The other replied, ducking beneath a flurry of throwing knives as he moved away to spread the message.
Valens snarled under his breath, taking but a tuppence of his fury out on the oncoming onslaught of Doman forces pouring into the Castrum--his Castrum. How dare these filthy lizardmen and these disgusting Hyur strike at them at the pinnacle of Operaton: Meteor? The blasted creatures had already taken out their communications tower...rendering direct orders from him to the other officers nearly impossible. For all the negative going on in his mind and in his life at the present, one thing did bring him some comfort...He was in charge now. While far from in title to be certain, he was Van, at this moment! This was his chance now, his chance to decimate these simple-minded lower lifeforms and finally earn his place as Valens Van Saevios! A victory here would ultimately assure his place, without a doubt. Unless of course...he didn't gain a victory here. No, failure at this point would surely ruin him; he would never recover from losing an entire Castrum, one of the most important, to the enemy. Surely he could come up with a plan to fall back on if these forces proved incapable of repelling the enemy...surely...
His eyes fell on the parapet above where several of the Special Operations Squadrons were firing down a hail of arrows upon incoming forces. Ah. He knew what he had to do now...If they were successful and fought back, he could take credit for commanding their forces to victory, despite issuing no orders. If they failed to hold the Castrum, the blame would fall on the next in command under him; Velox. Carefully, Valens began to leave his position, away from his men in the fray. Stepping over bodies and pools of blood, discarded weapons and the charred remains of ruined Magitech soldiers, he maneuvered himself to one of the less populated areas. Kneeling over the remains of a dead Doman, he plucked a single arrow out of the wound he held, replacing the arrow with one of the throwing knives on the corpses' belt before moving on towards the storage facilities. He simply had to wait out the fight. If he played dead, the Domans would simply gloss over him and move on. If his allies found him, they would rush him to safety once they discovered he was alive. The storeroom was locked up tightly; he'd be safe, for now. If they failed to hold the Castrum, he could escape through the ventilation systems to freedom, and tell his unit he'd escaped from capture after being wounded in combat...he would be blameless if he explained he'd been struck in the chest and nearly bled out...

Meanwhile, on the northwest tower, Velox scanned the field of battle below them, holding her breath as she aimed her weapon. As she lined up with her target, the arrow was loosed, and with an agonized groan, another ninja fell onto the cold steel ground, only to be skewered by a lancer not too far from his landing point. Her gaze fell along the buckling front lines, lips pursed with annoyed displeasure as she turned to Gaeta Rem Yaltae, her second-in-command, jerking her chin at the commotion.
"What in the Emperor's name is Primus Sas Eros thinking? And has there been word from communications yet?"
"Can't be sure, Sas Saevios," Rem Yaltae muttered, loosing another of her own arrows at an armored Doman with a sword. "There's been no word. It's possible they've been captured, or worse. Communications may well be down."
"I am well aware of that, Yaltae," the other replied, sharply. "But in that instance, a runner would be sent. He's yet to arrive. We'll have to split the squadrons we have up here into segments and bring support as needed. I have a sneaking suspicion the runner has been gunned down in some manner and is unable to contact us." Velox tucked away a lock of her hair behind her ears, sliding her bow onto her back. "We need Communications up immediately if we're to take back this fight, Rem Yaltae. Take a party and assess the situation. The rest of us will split up and support the ground from different angles. I will remain here so you know where to find me once you've looked over the area."
"At once, Sas Saevios."
Velox frowned as Gaeta and three others left the tower, looking down at the carnage below. She found it passing strange that she could not locate the glittery, golden armor of her so-called brother, the supposed Tol of this Legion. Was he really somewhere safe while communications were down? Worse yet, had he been with Van Braevios when they'd been attacked? Even if they'd gotten out safely, there was no possibility of getting orders from either Van Braevios or her brother with their tower down. Reorganize and regroup. The enemy was surely to overtake them without numbers if their own were disorganized. Idiots! What on earth made anybody believe that a counterstrike wouldn't occur during Operation: Meteor? The skies alone, dark and filled with terror as they were, were enough to be a distraction for another attack. She ought to have recommended bolstered defenses...but she hadn't thought to believe the Domans would be so stupidly brash. If her superiors were nowhere to be found, was she meant to take up the torch? Again, she could issue no orders until the tower was back online...
A rather well-placed throwing knife found its way into one of the railings of the northwest tower with a sharp, metallic 'CLANG', breaking her from her thoughts only momentarily as she saw the perpetrator, and loosed an arrow into the ninja's thigh. With a shout of surprised pain, the Doman toppled off her carefully balanced position on one of the banisters and fell into the ensuing chaos below, likely impaled on someone's weapon or hopefully fallen on one of her useless allies.
"Sas Saevios! Word from the Communications tower!"
Velox let loose another arrow into the arm of an armored Doman gladiator, and glanced over her shoulder. "This is not the time to wait for an invitation to SPEAK, Oen Bradvius!"
The Miqo'te paled slightly, but nodded fervently. "Y-yes Sas Saevios. Rem Yaltae has fallen. Our squadron was unable to recapture the position. It's rather well guarded, at least fifty or so Domans have it surrounded at all sides."
"Hm. They're keen on not allowing us to regain our footing I see," Velox muttered, casually aiming off one more shot before commenting over the scream of her victim. "Do we still have signal smoke, F'hatra?"
"We do, Sas Saevios." The Keeper of the Sun replied, with another nod.
"Then give one to me," the commander stated, putting out her palm, "Has there been word from Tol Saevios, or anybody else in higher command?"
"None, Sas Saevios," Oen Bradvius informed her, his tone laced with nervousness, handing her the flare. "Th-there's been no commands issued since the Airship landing was attacked."
"That leaves me with few to no options, then. If Van Braevios and Sas Eros have been taken down along with my brother, that leaves me in charge," Velox told him, tying off the flare to the shaft of her arrow, and motioning for him to follow her. "Without the tower, we cannot act as a group. I cannot be certain if our superiors are dead or alive, but we must establish who is still in action before we make our next move. I'll need you to cover me as I launch this."
"Sas Saevios, with all due respect, there's no air support for some several yalms--"
"I'm not using this for air support," she replied. "I'm going to use this to clear out those worthless, thankless wretches from my Communications Tower."

As the conflict continued to rage, Velox could tell their forces were beginning to collapse on the furthermost front, Domans pouring in around their held position like water around an island. Some stray hands struck down a few of their forces, but for the full part, it seemed the ungrateful creatures were more keen on taking objectives rather than lives. To more credit than she normally gave them, this enemy was at least focused on a singular task. It was not however, entirely clear what they were intending to go after...she was in half a mind to figure out, precisely, what it was. With a hand raised, she pointed to the spot below their feet.
"Keep an eye on where these gutless blackguards are moving," she instructed the Oen, sharply. "I will come back to this position after I've cleared the Tower of those filthy vermin, and will expect a report shortly."
"Of course Sas Saevios. But, should you not come back?"
Velox exhaled, loudly. "If I fall to these filthy Doman dogs, what chance says it about your survival, F'hatra? Eyes out."

The Sas crept quietly along the parapet, doing her utmost to become invisible among the bloodshed. Searchlights, now unmanned, stared blankly down at the crimson dotted steel below as the cries of battle grew evermore dim as she moved further and further away from the front gates. By the Emperor, had these damned bastards truly breached them this far? How in the name of all had the XVIIIth been taken out so quickly? It was likely, she mused, that the Domans had taken after her own team, and formed a special party specifically to either destroy or hold the Communications Tower...possibly both. Velox was more than aware her failure would spell the end of the Castrum, perhaps even the entire Legion, if not carefully avoided. With no information on where her superiors were, or even if they were alive, it was now her sole charge to repel the enemy invasion, or ensure they gained nothing of true importance in their so-called victory. Nobody had expected the locals and the resistance to become so bold on a day that clearly demonstrated their might against the struggling rebellion of Eorzea...it had been a rather clever move, to strike today of all days; she could give them at least that much credit.
As she peered over the partition, Saevios felt her stomach sink slightly. Just as Oen Bradvius had said, there were close to fifty, possibly more of the enemy on nearly every point of entry around the tower...which ultimately meant there was someone covering the position she was about to approach. Grumbling in her own mind, Velox let a slow, quiet breath out. The way the bulk of them were grouped together would make them easy to take out, but a handful of them would possibly get away, and perhaps even move in on her position. There was no other option however; the longer she waited to act, the more casualties her forces would suffer, and the less likely she would be able to pull off a victory. Slowly, she secured her mask over her face, making sure it was tight around her head, and removed her weapon from her back holster. The Sas was more than aware she only had one flare, and thus, one shot in order to properly hit the Ceruleum tanks powering the main generator. Without the tanks, the entire Castrum would fall dark for a few moments before the emergency power systems kicked on...enough time for the doors of the facility to go into lockdown, and more than enough time for her to properly dispose of any Domans not caught in the blast...or killed by inhaling the toxic Ceruleum gases. Methodical breaths were kept in order to steady her nerves. A bead of sweat slowly ran down her back, almost causing her to shudder. The space she now aimed her mark through was at the most the size of a Roegadyn's finger, between a set of barrels and the partition itself...narrow a slit to say the least. Velox kept her chest still, carefully letting her fingers away from the bowstring--

The explosion shook the entire Castrum, as both Doman and Garlean forces paused in their fighting but for a brief moment, before the entire facility went dark. The bulk of Garleans, knowing full well what that darkness meant, struck first in the confusion, their doubts now routed with the sudden turn of the tide; someone had destroyed the generators, meaning the Communications Tower was under siege. Velox peered over the railing, her visor glowing eerily in the pitch blackness as its night vision kicked in. She could see the poisonous gases rolling over the trapped Shinobi who had been inside the Communications Bay, as those outside of the now locked doors attempted to break through, in vain. It likely would have troubled even a Primal to break down the emergency lockdown barricades, let alone flimsy magicks...a feat demonstrated in fruitless efforts to save their choking brothers-in-arms. By her estimates, Velox concluded at least thirty or so had been locked and killed in the Com-Bay, and the remaining twenty were likely scouring the area to find where the explosion had come from. She merely had to enter the bay without alerting them to her presence and turn on the Tower again. Mere child's play, she would tell herself, but deep down, Saevios felt her heart beating wildly out of control. Out of every conflict she'd ever had with the Domans, this was by far the most trying...
Carefully, Velox pushed her body over the rail, landing with hardly a sound onto the enforced glass roof of the Communications Bay. There was little time to waste as she felt the eyes of prowling Domans searching for her all around. There ought to have been an emergency hatch--her breath slowly released as her eyes fell upon it, gingerly approaching the keypad. It was liable to make noise as she entered the code... Taking another slow inhale to steady her nerves, Sas Saevios notched another arrow, aiming it this time at one of the unmanned spotlights to the west. Wincing as she released and the arrow zipped across her right thumb, Velox held back a grunt of pain as the head of her projectile smashed into the fragile glass of the light, shattering it and rendering it dark. That was likely to get their attention enough for her to enter the code, as her bleeding hand fumbled with the numbers. With a slow hiss, the port opened, releasing a billow of the toxic gas, but not deterring Velox from slipping in. The maintenance shaft was narrow, but not impossible for her to get through with her weapon on her back, though Velox was concerned with the far more pressing task of saving the Castrum. She nearly gasped aloud as her foot touched the soft, still-warm body of one of the enemy, who had no doubt perished in her first strike. Noiselessly, the Garlean woman navigated towards the Communications Tower screen, her eyes searching for the system reboot option. For a few moments, her gaze would shoot back upwards towards the ceiling, where she could see even from her distance that the broken searchlight had only occupied their attention briefly. Velox could easily count at least ten or so enemy forces scouring the area for her. With a sigh of relief, Saevios finally located what she was looking for, jamming her hand onto the command panel as the Communications Tower hummed back to life. There would be no shutting it down this time, the Sas thought to herself as the butt of her bow came slamming down onto the screen, shattering it to pieces. The woman highly doubted the savages would be able to do any manner of manual overrides without a traitor amongst their numbers.
Putting a finger to her communications piece, Velox cleared her throat.
"All officer units, this is Sas Saevios. The Comm Tower is back online. Status reports, now."
"Praeus Quo Qeltros. IVth,and VIIth Cohorts are still fighting along the main entryway, Sas Saevios. Enemy reinforcements seem to be waning."
"Pyr Telfus. We lost Quo Hvalas and Quo Oltui. We're pinned in the Barracks. We'll need support immediately if we're to flank. The Xth, VIth, and VIIIth are still intact however."
"Oen Gradel...we've lost all our commands but Rem Elbat, and she's too injured to do much ordering, Sas Saevios. We've got Cohorts I, III, and VIII here locked down in the Courtyards."
"Oen Bradivus, Sas Saevios. The enemies you alerted me to track are headed towards the Airship Platform. I'm following suit to--Oh...oh no..."
Velox rubbed her temple in annoyance, hearing the sounds of footsteps up above. It seemed she'd finally been spotted. "Oen Bradivus, open your mouth and SPEAK to me."
"M-My apologies, Sas Saevios...Van...Van Braevios, m'am, and it looks like Sas Eros...they're dead...somehow...somehow they're dead!"
Saevios swallowed, hard. "Does any Cohort have a visual on Tol Saevios?"
"Quo Qeltros. No sign of him."
"Pyr Telfus. Negative."
"Quo...erm...Quo Gradel. Not a trace."
"Rem Bradivus. Nothing here."
"I've not seen him since the attack began, Sas Saevios," Oen Bradivus replied, his tone betraying he'd not quite recovered from seeing the carnage. "Your...your orders?"
The Sas paused a moment, before moving to re-enter the maintenance shafts, as she climbed back up the ladder. "Quo Queltros, hold your position until further notice. I will be sending Telfus to aid you shortly. Quo Gradel, I will be giving orders to have the Special Operations team give you some room to flank Pyr Telfus's position in the Barracks and eliminate them post-haste. You are to double back to the airship platform and tend to the rest of the blackguards while the Special Operations forces return to the parapets and aid Quo Queltros. I've lost Rem Yaltae and will be sending another in her place." With a moment to contemplate as she wriggled through the vent systems, she put a hand back to her communications link. "Oen Bradivus, withdraw from your position. You've done more than enough for me for now. I'd have you settle somewhere to recuperate yourself before returning to the fold."
"Y-Yes, Sas Saevios. Thank you."
Velox scoffed. It was hardly for his sake; a soldier that was shaken up in such a manner, weak as he was, would serve no purpose on the battlefield. He'd merely get in the way, die, or far worse. This pathetic excuse for a man had made his way through the screening process to become a conscript? Sometimes she wondered how it was the overseers of the program were so painfully incompetent.

Moving her attention back to her current situation, Velox continued to scale the ladder, pausing every so often to listen to the movements of her perusers. She could hear their footsteps further away from her atop the glass dome of the Communications Bay, and several voices speaking (in Doman, to her dismay,) likely planning out some manner of tracking her down. It had been made clear she was inside the bay to her enemies, it seemed. Saevios was more than aware she could simply command from her present position, being safe at the moment from ambush thanks to the deadly gas still lurking in the dome, but the more beneficial choice was to command from the front. Any idiot could give orders from the safety of a bunker...no, it was better to see the conflict with her own eyes; verbal communications could only tell her so much, and there was a chance her subordinates could miss an important detail that she could spot. At the very least, if they were forced to fall back and abandon Castrum Callis, she would be able to grasp some responsibility as Sas...at the present, the only commanding officer available. Velox rummaged around in her quiver and in her pockets...Naturally there was nothing on her person, no flash powder or manner of explosive, when she needed it to clear away any foes near the emergency hatch. She highly doubted it had been left alone by these particular Domans...if they'd been able to take out the IInd and Vth Cohorts stationed around this area, it was likely they were a more advanced force than the swarms of fighters at their front gates, harassing their reinforcements. This attack had been astonishingly well-planned...someone had tipped them off somehow about Project: Meteor's date...or perhaps word had merely spread from Eorzea? It seemed rather unlikely that one of their own had betrayed them.
Shimmying back down the ladder, the Sas peered around the gas-filled chamber for something to deter her opponents from striking her while she was attempting to escape. A pity there hadn't been a more experienced Cohort available...at the present, Rem Yaltae's death was rather a nuisance in this situation. She would contemplate the loss after her work here was done however....for now, there was too much to get through to mourn. Her eyes caught the silhouette of a collection of unscathed Ceruleum canisters, as a smirk formed behind her mask, kneeling down to hold the Lalafellan-sized container in her arms. Staring up at the exit from the Communications Bay floor, Velox judged the distance between where she stood and the entry shaft. It would be a narrow margin, but... With a grunt of effort, the pureblood hurled the container up into the air, quickly drawing her bow as she notched an arrow, aiming her sights and releasing the tail end of the projectile all within a matter of moments apart. Once she'd let go of the arrow from her fingertips, Sas Saevios scrambled away from the mouth of the exit, knowing full well what would happen once the canister was split open. She knew that she'd moved much too slow however, when the massive roar of exploding gasses shook both her eardrums and the ground around her. The reinforced glass of the Bay in most places cracked or shattered from the force and the proximity of the blast, as panels from the wall clattered and fell to the ground. The sheer power was enough to throw Velox several feet, the heat from the blast searing at her backside.

The sniper was more than aware she'd been severely damaged when she finally came back around from her shock, ears still ringing and her flank still quite warm. Velox could already smell burnt cloth and metal, and realized part of her clothing had been caught ablaze, patting it out almost frantically as she checked her surroundings. The air had been nearly cleared of Ceruleum gasses, but now was almost twice as thick with it now that the other canister had gone off. If there had been any enemies around her waiting to ambush her location, there certainly weren't now...the air was likely afoul with not only gases, but the stench of burning flesh. Velox did not want to wait to find out. Gingerly, she lifted herself from the ground, wincing as she stood upright. It was clear she'd done some self-harm by being too close to the opening, but she'd had little choice in the matter...Her calves and back were singed, harshly, but it was nothing she could not surmount. A shard of metal had managed to pierce through her armor, leaving a long, nasty cut akin to a sword wound along her torso...it was bleeding quite heavily, but was nowhere near deep enough to warrant an emergency. They would need to be patched up, but it was hardly worth benching her, and she could certainly still fire a bow and give commands even in this state. Taking care not to further her condition, she prodded at the sideboard command panel at the front doors leading to the Bay, squinting through the vapor as they opened with a slow hiss. There was no sign of any sort of enemy around the area...and those who had decided to wait in ambush would be welcomed with a not-so-healthy dose of Ceruleum lung. Making haste, she hobbled along, weapon at the ready...the longer she took to return to the IXth, the more problems they were likely to face.

Valens seethed, gritting his teeth as he rested on the ground. Propping his back onto the wall, he clenched his fists, gripping the arrow shaft in his hand so tightly he nearly felt it through his gauntlets. Of all the impossible tasks that she could have accomplished, his presumably perfect younger sister had managed to recover communications? If he stepped in now to override her, people would question where he'd been this entire time, and why he hadn't spoken up when lines had come back online. Worse yet, if he destroyed his communications link now, it was likely to be picked up in the records later on...every earpiece was carefully monitored to ensure there were no...incidents... Someone would know he'd broken it after it had been made clear that lines were back on, and people had come looking for him.
The Tol slammed his knuckles onto the metal flooring, with a harsh 'CLANG'. What was he to do now?! Even a hoard of Domans seemed impossibly to overcome his impossible nuisance of a sibling. There was no possibility of him sabotaging her without getting himself or the entire Legion killed...or without someone noticing—the parapets were crawling with the Ist Century; Velox's personal group of highly-trained, anti-Shinobi 'snipers' who were more than capable of spotting him, in his armor, from their positions. Emergency power had been turned on, meaning he couldn't even black out the Castrum in order to pull off some manner of dirty trick. He was more than aware if he took command now and failed, it would be his entire career up in smoke...and he would surely lose his birthright in the process. Crippled or no, Valens was certain that cretin of a father he had would give the title to Vistus if he proved to be incapable of bringing prosperity and glory...Surely there was something! Surely, there was something he could do in order to bring this into his favor...
Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind as a smile slowly began to appear upon his lips. Ah, but how better to get rid of his sister than an unexpected turn of events? And he would have to do nothing but sit here in the safety and comfort of the storage facility. He hadn't heard Rem Yaltae, or any of the other Quos from the Xith Cohort speak up...the Rem was almost never out of his sister's sight, and would be completely unable to vouch for her location if she had been killed. He could tie up that loose end after the Domans had been cleared up and the wounded had been taken up if she hadn't been slain. It would be an incredible gamble, but no more dangerous than any other idea that had come into his thoughts. Yes...this was his best option. Now to sit and wait for little Velox to save the day...or fail...

Velox Sas Saevios wiped the sweat from her third eye, narrowing her other two as she aimed and loosed an arrow at what she deemed an enemy officer of some sort. With a sickening, meaty 'SMACK', her target toppled to the ground, motionless and dead. It did not sit well with the victim's partners, who screamed in panic and fury, charging fruitlessly at her position. Before she could even position her bow for another round, Quo Queltros had already thrust his gunspear into the first, and fired a shot into the second without a moment's hesitation. The Hellsguard mopped the blood off of his uniform, clicking his tongue with annoyance.
“Damned filthy Domans.”
“A good maneuver regardless,” Velox replied, shrugging her shoulders as she stood back up again, pointing a pair of fingers in the other direction, towards the airship landing. “It seems we're nearing the end of this charade of rebellion, Quo Queltros. Make up a makeshift medical bay, and begin deploying your squadrons to look for survivors. I'll have the IXth covering your positions along the parapets.”
The other nodded, with a wry smile. “That was nearly a compliment, Sas Saevios. My thanks. It will be done.” A salute, as the hulking gentleman turned and began barking orders at his subordinates.
Saevios rolled her eyes at the comment, her free hand moving up to her communication link. “Quo Gradel, Pyr Telfus; assemble your squadrons and converge on the Airship Platform. That is the last place we've yet to enter, and it can only be assumed the last of our would-be rebels are hiding in there, or attempting to escape. I will be there shortly.”
“As you command, Sas Saevios!”
“S-Sas Saevios,” Rem Elbat, still perched on her sorry excuse for a gurney, grunted, “My recommendation...is to send a scouting party...before the main squadrons, in c-case...there is some manner of trap...They've been holed up in there this entire conflict. It's l-likely they're the last ditch effort in case something goes wrong.”
Velox nodded, thoughtfully. She hadn't considered that for a moment, but now that Elbat mentioned it, such a plan would be best for their foes should things have come down to what they have. With the number of airships and volatile chemical compounds (including plenty of Ceruleum,) inside the Airship Bay, there was little doubt they were planning to spring a trap, even if it meant killing themselves. Noble, but stupid and brash. Putting her hand to her link once again.
“Ixth, report in. All squadron commanders, come in.”
“Pyr Uranos. Your orders?”
The other grumbled under her breath. Of all her commanders, Pyr Uranos was one of the most promising with a bow, but far from her favorite. That title had belonged to Rem Yaltae, and secondly to Quo Galtivus, but both of the only people even close enough to consider as friends had been taken from her in this bloody, pointless conflict. It had taken every ounce of her control in order to keep the rage and disgust for these pitiful, wretched Domans to overtake her as she gave orders...she hardly wished to allow it to do so now. No, there was one last push to be had before she could grieve alone...and she would see it done.
“Pyr Uranos. Send a squadron along the parapet in the Airship Bay to scout out for a potential ambush. Ensure you scan the area THOUROUGHLY, Pyr Uranos...if I hear we've lost a single hair on the remaining Cohort's head because you've failed me, I will personally see to it your punishment fits your incompetence.”
There was a stiff pause. “Of course, Sas Saevios. It will be done.”
Velox highly doubted it...but he was one of the Ixth, so the odds were better than any other group she may have sent in their place. If nothing else, she had earned her current position as Sas for not simply her blood, (though it certainly played a factor,) but her dedication to this particular Maniple. Before she'd taken command, the IIIrd Maniple of Xith Legion was little more than an average group of soldiers, a waste of time and space in her opinion to have so many of the sort. After taking command as Rem, the change from regular Maniple to that of a special task force was far from overnight, but astonishingly quick for someone with no prior experience. She had, somehow, managed to teach every single one of the men and women in her Maniple, (in both Centuries) her unique manner of killing from a distance, and had paid for the expenses of new weapons and training facilities out of her own pocket. It had been an incredibly risky gamble to make, betting her entire career on the hunch she could whip these ordinary soldiers into a fighting force like none other...but it had paid off in dividends. Velox was more than aware how favored she was with the former Van Braevios, and now envious her precious brother had become with how quickly she'd done it...favor and praise that was sure to earn her an even higher title now that she was so close to leading the previously scattered Legion to a victory. With Castrums Planus, Oranos, and Gaelus broken through, their Cohorts had flooded into Castrum Callis, leading the Doman enemy right to their gates...and it had been she who had successfully brought order, and in turn victory, to their Legion. They were beaten now, certainly, but it would only be a fortnight at most for her to turn things around and lead their forces to recover the lost facilities. It, in her eyes, was more than enough to get her promoted to at least Tol...perhaps even more. As a woman, there was a snowball's chance in the fires of damnnation she could surpass her older brothers and become the family head...but it was quite the stretch. She would have to go above and beyond, even what she had accomplished now...But Velox was more than happy to do so, should it mean getting revenge for Vistus.

“Sas Saevios, Pyr Uranos. We've done a sweep of the area. Several hostiles were taken out in the process. It seemed your suspicions were well founded; targets were confirmed to be setting up several traps using remaining fuel sources. It appears they were attempting to take out the entire Castrum with themselves.”
Saevios nodded, thoughtfully, as her gaze went momentarily to Rem Elbat. The woman was incapacitated, likely passed out from the blood loss from her right side where she'd taken a rather gruesome strike from a katana. If she had not spoken up and been so insightful to the situation, it was likely Velox would have commanded her forces recklessly to their deaths, and managed fail holding the Castrum altogether. She would have to remind herself later on, if she had the power to do so, to promote her immediately.
“Commanders, report in.”
“Quo Gradel. In position. Awaiting orders.”
“Pyr Talfus. The same.”
“Quo Queltros. Med Bay is operational. We're sweeping the barracks for survivors presently.”
“Continue, Galtivus. Pyr Uranos, I want you to take the Second Century and have them support Quo Galtivus from the parapets. The last thing I wish is for our rescue and recovery to need rescuing themselves.”
“At once, Sas Saevios.”
Velox sighed, audibly, as she moved away from Rem Elbat, marching out of the makeshift medical bay and towards the airship hanger. The smoke from behind the emergency blast doors was likely to be seen even from several malms away, and the ash and soot from whatever was causing it swallowed everything in its path. It had been fortunate that Pyr Uranos had been so quick in his elimination of hostile forces; she doubted the Castrum could take another blow as large as what their airships might have granted should they have all exploded. As she approached the doors, both Quo Galtivus and Pyr Talfus snapped into a salute. It was more than clear they'd both seen their fair share of work today—both of the men were caked in smoke, blood, and dirt, as was most of their employ. Of course, she was little better, having been burnt rather well from her own escape route, armor worn and torn and dripping with sanguine liquid. She wasn't entirely sure if it was her enemy's blood, or her own, frankly. Sensing the exhaustion in the air that mingled with soot, Velox cleared her throat and elected to try and rally her forces.
“The end is in sight. You've all done great services to your country, your family, and your homeland today. I feel myself lightheaded with the pride I feel for you all now,” Sas Saevios stated, calmly. “Tonight, we have given our all to see our lives continue, in spite of the wishes of these filthy Doman dogs. They have desired our destruction on a day which the Empire seeks to triumph. I have not, and will not ever, stand for the slaughter of men and women I have come to see as more than mere soldiers. You have proven today that the might of the Empire is not in her dominance, but in her willpower. Show me now your wills, and stand with me in this final push. We apprehend or slaughter they who would see us executed, and we will have our victory.”
Though there was no cheering, the mood seemed to have brightened slightly. It was rather rare to have a joyful word from a commanding officer, let alone a rousing speech, and certainly not what some might have considered a compliment. But Velox knew all too well of what an unmotivated soldier was capable of—absolutely nothing. In this way, she differed slightly from most officers...though she was hardly kind for their benefit, or her thoughts of what others saw from her; Velox was kinder to her forces because it brought results, and was three times as vicious when mistakes were made. It instilled a working nature to the Cohort—do well, and your officer will treat you well...do poorly, and you'll wish you'd died instead. It was a simple method...but effective. Nodding to Quo Galtivus and Pyr Talfus, the doors opened, smoke and fire billowing out as the final push for the Castrum began. Velox readied her bow, putting her mask back over her face, and looked for something to aim at...

Plopping down onto the medical gurney, Velox stripped off her armor, wincing as each piece came off her body. Lux Tayuun shrugged her shoulders as she sighed, taking several medical supplies from the rations containers, glancing over to her commander.
“You ought to have taken it easier, Sas Saevios. T'will take quite the miracle to have you in fighting shape if you still plan to retake the other Castrums.”
“And had I not taken action, it is mere fact Castrum Callis would have been overrun,” Velox replied, plainly. Perhaps she was being too lax...some of her subordinates were beginning to quip a little too much for her liking. “Has there been word from Imperial Command?”
“None that I've been privy to, Sas Saevios,” the Keeper of the Moon replied, shaking her head as a bandage dipped in salve made contact with the Garlean's burnt skin. Saevios jerked from the pain, slightly, but said nothing. “'Tis passing strange we've heard nothing though. I admit I find myself worrying what could be more important than a direct attack on an enemy positioned Legion.”
“Odd indeed,” Velox muttered to herself, clenching her teeth as another set of wraps touched her flesh. “You make a strong argument...though I see no possibility as to how something could be more a priority than this. It is utterly impossible that Project: Meteor has had some manner of problem, but perhaps there was an attack in another area...I would not put it past the Ala Mhigans to rebel in key with the Domans.”
Suddenly, the sound of ripping fabrics and crashing metal filled the room, as Lux Tayuun gasped in surprise. Velox found herself too exhausted....physically, mentally, and emotionally, to process what was happening before she realized a hand had closed around her neck and arm. Gripping her tight enough to close off the air to her body, whoever now had their hands on her was dragging her out of the medical ward with vicious force. As quickly as she'd been grasped, Sas Saevios felt the world around her spin before the sharp, stinging agony of the metal flooring met with her still-ginger wounds. A collection of soldiers had appeared seemingly out of nowhere to investigate what had happened, the ring around her packed with astonished faces. Everything in her vision was slightly blurry, but Velox had no trouble mistaking the shape and color of the leg that stood in her gaze—a set of glittery golden armor that could only belong to Valens Tol Saevios.
“Thought you'd gotten rid of me, Sas Saevios?! Thought you could save the day after your betrayal, you snake?! It takes more than a mere arrow to fell me, wretch!” Her brother snapped, his tone laced with a vicious hatred. There was a silence that even the dead would have envied from the gathered crowd of Imperials.
“Velox Sas Saevios, you are hereby accused of an attempted coup through murder,” Quo Queltros's voice, solemn and disgusted, called out. “Someone get this wretch to a prisoner's ward immediately. Lux Tayuun, get someone to nurse those wounds before they fester...it would not do to have her perish before her trial.”
“T-Trial? What madness...is this, Tol Saevios?” Velox muttered, doing her utmost to stay conscious. Truly, the only thing that still kept her eyes awake was the newly formed fury and outrage that blossomed in her chest. “Explain...y-yourself...”
“Don't,” Valens hissed, stooping up to grasp her by her hair, lifting her upright in spite of her grunts of pain, “play coy with me! Or did it perhaps slip your mind that you fired your arrow upon me so that you might seize the glory of leading our Legion to victory against our foes?!”
There was another long pause, as soldiers began to look skeptical. She could feel the doubt beginning to blossom in the atmosphere.
“If there is any manner of doubt amongst you all, I ask if any of you saw Sas Saevios before communications were restored,” Valens Tol Saevios continued, motioning towards the mob of people around him. Each of them looked at one another as whispers began to circulate. Nobody stepped forward.
Where was he, Velox wondered? Surely a whelp like him would not be so spinelessly meek at a time like this— “O-Oen...Bradvius...I gave him orders...to follow a g-group of the enemy before I...went to communications to re-restore...”
“Oen Bradvius?” The Tol scoffed, his tone dripping with a mannerism Velox knew she'd heard before. “Oen Bradvius is dead, Sas Saevios. He has been dead for some while.” The man leaned down to level his face with her own...a telling ghost of a smirk hidden along his features. “Oen Bravdius is dead.”
That expression was more than enough to confirm that Valens had plotted this move out in advance...another one of his devious ploys to rid himself of his competition. It had been in poor taste enough to involve their childhood friend, Primus Sas Eros, before...but she was more than aware that her brother had killed what was overall a decent soldier for the sake of furthering his own little schemes...and it left a nauseating, churning hatred in her stomach. He'd went out of his way to kill Oen Bradvius before he could vouch for her...it was likely he'd been listening in on the communications and recalled of Bradvius's mission... Valens had mulled over her downfall in the same manner he had done to Vistus before her, and perhaps even Ventis, too. He was not content with competing against his family...he would have rather seen them die than do so, that much was apparent. He had waited for her to do his work for him, bringing him a victory on a silver platter all while removing her entirely from the picture. The realization hit her with the full force of a freight train.
“Take her away, Quo Queltros,” Valens commanded, spitting on the ground with distaste. “Get this plotting, backstabbing wretch out of my sight.”


===Seventh Astral Era===
A moon later, Velox Sas Saevios was put before the Military Tribunal to make one last ditch effort to save herself. Valens had made the argument that she had stabbed him with her arrow in order to capacitate him and take command, winning herself victory and glory. In retaliation, he claimed to have struck her with his own weapon, testifying that the wound on her torso was from his gunblade...a weapon that had mysteriously vanished in the conflict. Rem Yaltae and Oen Bradvius had been the only ones who had seen her before she'd went to recapture the communications tower...a feat to which Valens attributed to the fallen squadron the Rem had led before the explosion of Ceruleum tanks claimed their lives. With no witnesses, it was near to impossible for Velox to find any manner of testimony against her brother. With no manner of evidence, it seemed that she was chained to whatever fate it was the Tribunal deemed fitting for attempted coup through a murder...doubtless it would be death. Galvis Van Saevios, however, watched from the sidelines during the trial, his eyes fixed upon his eldest son, and knowing full well what had truly transpired. Unable to provide a semblance of proof however, he could do nothing but observe in heartbreak as his children tore one another asunder.
And it was on the final day of the trial that Velox finally saw the man whom she would dedicate her whole being to--Varis Van Galvus. In spite of her supposed crime, the would-be Emperor saw no merit in Valens' claims, reminding the remainder of the council that it was far from the first time he had made accusations of others who threatened his position, wondering aloud what could possibly bring so many to warrant such hatred towards one man. It was a point in which Valens' mask of victorious calm wavered, ever-so-slightly, enough to confirm to the wise heir of what had happened...but without proof, it was impossible to proclaim Velox innocent, and there was no method in which the truth could be pried without resorting to harm. Knowing this, Varis Van Galvus passed judgment then and there; that Velox was to be given an impossible task and, should she complete it, would be not only absolved of her supposed crimes, but given her brother's position. Velox would be expected to procure a method to which the Eorzeans could be brought to heel, and demonstrate that method on the city-state of Gridania, closest to the Empire in boarders. With her sentence given, the former Sas Saevios was given but a fortnight to prepare for what most considered her exile. Velox however, saw something in the situation others clearly did not...
"Vistus...Van is not a title befitting that man. Mark me now, Varis Van Galvus is beyond his title...he is beyond being called a mere man. I shame myself for even thinking to address him as such... Know this now, you will remember this day...Varis Van Galvus will become not merely an Emperor, but a being destined to rise above all other things in this world. He will lead our people to glory and wonder beyond any of our imaginations...and I will follow him to the end of this very star. Remember this day. I've told you now...we were in the presence of a creature who will surpass even the most heathen of gods."

Velox Sas Saevios departed the lands of the Garlean Empire through an unmarked shipping vessel, with little more than her bow, a week's worth of provisions, and the weight of an impossible task upon her shoulders. Despite this, her zeal for her would-be Emperor vastly surmounted her desire to see revenge, or her woe of being banished. Trekking out to the foreign lands of the Black Shroud, Velox changed her identity, adopting the moniker of "Evee Weaver" in order to blend in with Hyur populating the area. Doing menial tasks for others in the aftermath of the 'Calamity', Evee Weaver went from stranger to local wandering face in a mere matter of moons, earning trust from the people of Gridania in the span of a year. Knowing full well that the four city-states differed greatly in personality and power however, Velox was unsatisfied with merely observing the weaknesses of Gridania alone...and thus did Evee Weaver become a wandering minstrel, playing wherever her "heart" should take her.
===Seventh Astral Era===
Evee Weaver often visits taverns and places where people gather, playing joyful tunes and performing minor tasks to help the locals wherever she can. No job, it seems, is too small for her to care about... Velox Sas Saevios, on the other hand...is hunting out rumors of a Garlean bioweapon who has been let off his leash...
Location & Probability
Velox travels all across the world, and can be found in a variety of locations, though a few stand out more than others.
The Shroud: Moderate
Ishgard: Low
Dravania: Low
Coerthas: Low
Mor Dhona: Moderate.
Thanalan: High
Limsa Lominsa: Low
La Noscea: Low
Player Information
Player Note
First, thanks for taking the time to read my wiki! I'm the voice of reason and terrible creative mind behind Velox. I've been RPing for over half my life (12 years now and counting), and love the hobby. That said, I do have a few extra things to note. First and foremost is that I know Saevios is opinionated and has some pretty extreme viewpoints, but that's not necessarily reflective of me as a person. I always expect and try myself to maintain a clear IC / OOC division in RP. Velox's feelings and my feelings are separate. I prefer clear lines of communication with whomever I'm RPing with, and those I'm RPing with should always feel free to send a /tell to clear up any questions.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt.
Miscellaneous Information
Concept: I actually didn't draw from anywhere for this one. I just thought “What's more intimidating than a Garlean? An actual cannibal Shia La-Garlean.”
Claims: Voice: N/A
Classes: 50 Bard
Server: Balmung
Timezone: US Player; MST (UTC -7)
Acceptable is all RP themes from dark, serious and mature (violence, sexuality, torture, murder, conflict, drug / alcohol use) to the more light-hearted, humorous and simplistic, as long as it makes sense in the course of the RP. Plots that range from long-term to one-shots, elaborate and large-scale to minor and frivolous. Serious injury. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary captivity or imprisonment. Combat, ambushes, assassination attempts, rivalries, friendships, romantic or sexual tension, coarse language and morally unclear subjects are all welcomed.
Ask about mutilation, permanent scarring or symbolic markings, long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment. Temporary character death. Significant mental tampering or programming. Anything dramatically character-changing or that might render her unplayable for a prolonged period of time.
Unacceptable is permanent character death. Permanent maiming or any crippling that prevents her from functioning independently. Random ERP that occurs outside of organic interactions.
■ I follow the lore to the T. I won't jump off it, but I am lax on certain things.
