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<div align=center>[[File:Glio_coinpurse.png|300px|thumb|center|"Everything always moves forward. You'd be an idiot to think you can stop progress."]]</div>
<div align=center>[[File:Glio_coinpurse.png|300px|thumb|center|"Everything always moves forward. You'd be an idiot to think you can stop progress."]]</div>
<div align=justify><div style="padding:0px 10px; font-size:16px;color:#5F5F5F;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;border-bottom:1px;border-bottom:1px dotted;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-variant: small-caps;">Early Age, Sixth Astral Era</div></div><br><br>
<div align=justify><div style="padding:0px 10px; font-size:16px;color:#5F5F5F;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;border-bottom:1px;border-bottom:1px dotted;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-variant: small-caps;">Early Age, Sixth Astral Era</div></div><br><br>
Ul'Dah...a land where sand turned to gold, and gold to power. It was here, for some several of tens of generations that the Sandstone family had established itself as a prominent force to reckon with. As implied by the surname, its name to fame stemmed from the waves of sandstone the first of its namesake came across as but one of many humble miners to grace the early ages of the lands...and with the boom of use in the rock, the Sandstone line grew in wealth and influence as time passed.
Rogue Ox was far from an exception in this case; having spent the bulk of his years doing his utmost to keep his family name in the forefront of the business and competing against the likes of Amajina & Sons for the vast majority of it. As the Chairman of the Sandstone Sorority—an operation whose reaches included the likes of the Sapphire Avenue—it fell to him to keep the miniature empire their line had cultivated in check. However in the twilight of his years, Ox and his wife ultimately knew retirement was soon at hand, and the torch was slowly being passed to their eldest son, Stone Elm.
Joyous was, simply put, an accident. She'd certainly not been expected, and when it was found she was on her way, the family was rather estatic. Whence it was she came, Rogue Ox aptly named her after the flowers blooming outside their estate window.
Spoiled beyond all belief, and raised to be what one might expect of a rich young lady, Joyous found herself an object of beauty, grace, and perfection by the time she'd reached her teenage years. It was by this time however that the family's influence and wealth had slowly begun to dwindle. With the Garlean Empire looming overhead, having but just taken Ala Mhigo for their own, the sandstone they'd been so well known for was beginning to dry up. As panic and unease took hold of their workers, progress slowed to a grind. Demand lessened. Profits were beginning to dry up. Determined to keep themselves afloat, Singing River and Rogue Ox did what—at the time—seemed like the only viable option...to attempt to secure trade with the ever-growing Empire.
The result drew front pages of every paper in print at the time; two members of one of the wealthiest families in Ul'Dah, not only shot down in their proposition, but in cold blood to boot. To the merchant world, it was a clear sign that the Garleans were incapable of making peace in terms of monetary means, but was ultimately overlooked by most. Surely, many thought at the time, that they'd done something to offend them—alas, it was but a prelude to the ever-violent nature the people of Eorzea would soon come to know firsthand. With the heads of the Sandstone family lost to tragedy, Stone Elm took hold of the wobbling company reigns, and began his painstaking work keeping things in one piece.
:Joyous, however, did not take this message with such lightness. To her, they'd been her parents, people she loved and cared for. Whereas her brother had been coddled and raised by nursemaids, River had kept rather close to her daughter, and had all but taken care of her on her lonesome. The Empire did not need a slap on the wrist, as she viewed the new sanctions against them, but a knife to the gut. Where she had once, much like many of the wealthy around her, ignored and guffawed at the plight of Ala Mhigan, Doman, and Dalmascan invasion, seeing it as a problem that didn't belong to them, now it had become personal. They had taken two of the people she had loved the most...cut her family into half, and wounded the confidence of people in the Sandstone Sorority to boot. As though Stone Elm had nothing else to worry over in addition to mourning the loss of his parents, with the news came an even harsher strain on their wealth and power in the city-state...a condition Joyous loathed seeing it in.
:Fueled by bitter anger and mournful loss, the daughter of the Sandstone line elected to begin plotting her revenge against the Empire through whatever means. Faking a letter from a false suitor in Sharlayan, Joyous convinced her brother to allow her to travel to the city-state, in hopes she would find a hand in marriage. However, Joyous's sights were set on learning more practical things...such as magic.
:Upon arriving to Sharlayan however, Joyous soon learned the hard way that wealth was not the language the native people spoke, but wisdom—a feature she realized she lacked quite a bit of even sooner. Finding most of the populace rather unfriendly to outsiders, particularly Eorzeans such as herself, Sandstone struggled to seek out a teacher to aid her in her ultimate goals. It was by sheer happenstance that she eventually ran into Zazaro Zulzazo—a professor in the arts of Aetheric Tactics.
:Zazaro was rather unimpressed with Joyous at first, seeing her as little more than a spoiled child demanding justice and throwing a tantrum. Frankly, he was not far from the truth. He was a pragmatist, a man who believed in hard work and dedication over all other things would see the day through, and was a battered student in the school of life. He viewed Joyous with a great deal of disdain upon their first meeting, the grizzled old veteran of Sharlayan simply telling her to go home and get over her parent's death. Revenge, he informed her, would simply not bring them back, and investing into it was a waste of time. Eventually however, becoming ever-so-sick of seeing the girl sitting on the ground every day on his way to work, the Lalafellan took her under his wing—a rather harsh and unforgiving one. What lessons of prim and proper etiquette of nobility were almost immediately flushed out overnight; Zulzazo was a man who did not beat around the bush, and was intolerant to it in kind. Days and nights were spent grueling over textbooks, practicing livithiomancy (Zazaro's calling card) and brawling on the floor of rather unsavory taverns. (“Fighting in a safe space is absolute shite. You're not safe in combat, now do as I say, and go punch him.”)
:Shortly after Doma's occupation by the Garlean Empire, Zulzazo admitted there was little left that he could teach his pupil, her skill at the arcane having reached their peak. Sensing there was no more she could gain from remaining in Sharlayan, though loathe to leave it as she'd become used to its charms, Joyous set out to find a proper tutor in swordsmanship. Her time in Zazaro's care ('care' being used rather loosely) had all but made it clear that magic would only be half of her strength.
:Balking at the idea of returning to Ul'Dah, and having no money on her person by this point in her life, Joyous elected to find a teacher within the pirate city-state of Limsa Lominsa. Surely, her thoughts went, someone in a place full of cutthroats would be a worthy and willing teacher to help her see through her vengeance.
:While money spoke better in Limsa than it did in Sharlayan, Sandstone was quite lacking in it now. Having no desire to wallow in more unsavory means of acquiring funds, Joyous offered herself up to any captain that would have her as a healer—a move which eventually landed her in the  roster of the Sanguine Sirens.
:Thankfully Joyous had been of the right sense to visit Sharlayan first, rather that Lominsa—it might well have been her undoing had Zazaro had not taught her so well. Now more of a practical and blunt creature under the Lalafell's watch, the Hyur had little problems blending in with the other members of the crew...and in fact, rather relished her time with them. The Sirens were curt, never mincing words, and always putting power behind each one; what a pirate at their caliber said, they surely meant, and if it came to violence they were certainly not without means to do so. Joyous admired their captain, Rhoswen Leach, and her laid-back, devil-would-care attitude and thoroughly enjoyed her time plundering aboard some of the swiftest ships of the pirate armadas. Serving as their medic for six summers straight, eventually Sandstone found herself wealthy enough to make off on her own.
:The excitement and fun of her life as a pirate had all but satisfied her lust for fighting and revenge, however...Having both participated and taken care of the aftermath of violence and near-war, blood and guts and the screams of agony having stuck with her, fighting the Empire by the side of rebels no longer fueled her passions. Joyous now found herself woefully empty. Knowing full-well she would never be happy returning to the tables of nobility and wealth, she was at a loss of what to do next. Her coffers would only be full for so long, she admitted, and her only skillset in which she had full confidence was the tutorship her mother and father had given her on the matters of business. With few other options on her platter, Joyous used her funds and began a small but humble trading company based off the Isles of Umbra—the Onyx Pyrolisk Trading Front.
:With renovations on Pharos Sirius underway at that present time, the need for materials was at an all-time high—Sandstone could not have picked a better opportunity or a better place to begin her little empire. Independent sailors began flocking to the isle looking for employment, hearing word of a new company that would overlook past acts of piracy and one's past, so long as they earned an honest living. Joyous began with shipping to and fro from Limsa Lominsa to the Isle, but soon even that became small popotoes to her—she sought out far more reputable prey, and so struck a deal with the incredibly seclusive nation of Ishgard to begin shipping out lumber—a move that caught the attention of competitors far and wide. To this day, it's entirely uncertain what it was Joyous did to persuade them into business...though speculation only adds to the fantastical rumors that quickly piled up around Joyous's presence.
:With the grim shadow of war looming over Eorzea however, profits began to slow. Once again, the Sandstones' enemy had reared its ugly head, and she began to feel the pang of hatred spark back up within her. Knowing full-well that throwing herself into the fray would cause further chaos for those under her employ, most of whom she had come to think of as a second family and a good many more of them being former Sirens, Joyous did what she could to aid the Alliance's cause, sending supplies their way when they could be spared. This, of course, would not satisfy her newly kindled thirst for blood...and upon the Garlean Empire's attempts by sea to take Limsa Lominsa, Joyous found herself upon the Brygot's Creed—a vessel mimicking the Lady Infernal and crewed by nearly every former pirate within the Onyx Pyrolisk's ranks—on their way to strike at Doma in hopes they might break the Empire's hold upon it.
<div align=justify><div style="padding:0px 10px; font-size:16px;color:#5F5F5F;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;border-bottom:1px;border-bottom:1px dotted;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-variant: small-caps;">===After the Calamity, Seventh Umbral Era===</div></div>
Nobody, however, could have predicted Bahamut. Even pirates, creatures prepared for near-about everything, could not have been less caught off guard by the sudden appearance of a primal far more powerful and far more vicious than any ever seen before. Having but just made it past the Rothlyt Sound, their journey was abruptly cut short when pillars of ancient rock began to rain from the heavens. With the new Calamity now upon them, the Brygot's Creed was tossed and turned upon the now broiling and raging seas, before being swallowed whole. Torn to splinters in a mere instant, a great many of the Creed's crew would never live to see the next morn.
:Joyous was, to say the least, extremely fortunate. Where the waves had been unpredictable in whether they would carry their victims to safety or see them as corpses, she had been of the former category. Washed up upon the shores near Gridania, the world being a bit worse for wear with the latest Calamity having just passed, Sandstone found herself within the care of a stranger's home...A residence that belonged to a native of the area, a dragoon by name of Osrich Arkwright.
:Osrich was by no means a talkative man, largely silent as he tended to her wounds and bombarded with questions from a near-hysterical Joyous. He felt it best to allow her time to heal before presenting the state of the world as it was...a decision that was rather well received later on. With several broken bones and a liver pierced by debris, it was a small wonder that Sandstone had survived at all, and it took some several moons to fully recover.
:By the point in which Joyous was able to walk on her own again, she and Osrich had become close companions. Loathe to leave the quiet peace of the Shroud and the company of her new friend, the former Siren begged him to come with her to Limsa Lominsa, to which he denied. His place, he told her, was here to help Gridania heal, and hers was in Lominsa. Arkwright informed her that he would sent her post, and visit when he could find the time, promising that once he felt the Shroud was back in order, and his home on its feet, he would reconsider coming back with her to Vylbrand.
:Joyous returned to Limsa Lominsa, now with a fire in her heart to not only see her home restored but to be with Osrich once again. With passion unlike she'd ever demonstrated after leaving the Sanguine Sirens, Sandstone began using the Onyx Pyrolisk Trading Company as a means to rebuild her city-state. Where many would have believed the impact of the Brygot's Creed's disastrous voyage might have ruined her reputation and marked a black pall over the company, it instead had come to inspire many common sailors to join up into the ranks, swelling the number of ships overnight. Changes to the landscape had not gone unnoticed by Joyous either, trade routes by way of land around the island severely disrupted and changed entirely; so it was that she commissioned a series of mechanisms be created in order to better passage of goods from Lominsa to the main island hub—a system that would later be known to folks as the Skylift.
:Strangely, the Onyx Pyrolisk Trading Company took very little hits in spite of the Creed's misfortune, an opportunity Joyous took full advantage of. With the bulk of her competitors having suffered massive losses in the Calamity's wake, what merchant sailors remained flocked to the company for work and aid. Other companies collapsed in on themselves, or went bankrupt entirely, with Sandstone picking up the pieces and adding them to her already growing expanse.
:Eventually, things began to normalize in Limsa Lominsa, and Joyous found herself atop the pinnacle of wealth and influence within her city-state. Once again, she extended her invitation to Osrich Arkwright, whom she had continued to keep in contact with over the summers. This time, he accepted.
: Osrich was a proud man, a Dragoon raised and born in Gridania who had taken up the lance to defend his home from Ixali threats after his brother had been stripped of his sanity through exposure to Garuda. A hunter of beasts by nature, a boastful man who relished in fighting things for the sake of the thrills, his personality meshed perfectly with Joyous, who had been longing for something to fill the void she'd harbored since leaving the Sirens. Together, they made a near-perfect couple.
<div align=justify><div style="padding:0px 10px; font-size:16px;color:#5F5F5F;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;border-bottom:1px;border-bottom:1px dotted;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-variant: small-caps;">===Seventh Astral Era===</div></div>
: Eventually, Osrich and Joyous were wed, and settled down together within the Onyx Pyrolisk Estate. Joyous continued to fund Osrich's campaigns to hunt and travel, while managing affairs of her company from the privacy of her home. However, as time went on, the Lady Arkwright was beginning to become restless once again...she needed something...but what? All of the wealth and influence in the world didn't seem to give her any satisfaction, and the creeping shadow of boredom hovered over her constantly. Travel and combat had sated her for a brief time, but with her family still unavenged, a hole lingered in her heart that even her husband could not seem to keep filled. Discontent with her situation and emotional conundrum, the lady Arkwright sequestered herself from the public and nearly all of her employees for nearly an entire summer.
:Eventually, Osrich had become fed up with her pouting, and returned home one day after a long hunting trip in the Dravanian Forelands. Among the many trophies he had claimed for himself during the escapade lay the pelt of a rare coeurl, which he presented his wife. Amazed by the purity and quality of the beast's fur, and impressed by its rarity, Joyous was struck with an epiphany. Money and power were nothing without something to focus it upon. Instead of throwing her fortune towards the rebellions of Doma and Ala Mhigo (a move that would likely as not be traced back to her with severe consequences to follow suit,) and investing in petty revenge, perhaps putting it towards something much great was in order. Anyone could donate goods and services...but few people had the connections, the intelligence, and the ability to pave the way for future generations. Gazing at the pelt, Joyous began to formulate what she could do to not simply give something wonderful to Eorzea, but the means of the whole world. It was a mere matter of time that it would be united...whether under the banner of the Garleans or the free nations, nobody could be certain of, but neither side would dare openly destroy a collection of rare and valuable items...but both sides would most definitely be interested in preserving the nature of something so extraordinary. <br>
: Joyous loathed the idea of calling such an establishment a museum. A museum was dull, and disinteresting. Museums were where one could look, but not experience...a dull matter, to be certain. No, the Onyx Flower was keen on making something far greater than any one museum...a research center where advances could be made from exploring the past, a hunting hub where the greatest could present their rarest finds, a hall of adventurers in which only the bravest and boldest could serve, a place where things could live on in infamy standing the tests of time, where things that were dead could return back into the light of day...an Emporium of Wonders.

Revision as of 19:27, 2 July 2017


"You will be quite happy to know that where I'm sending you next is fraught with danger! Exciting, no?"
Vital Information

The Onyx Flower, Joy, J.B

Hellsguard Roegadyn



15th Sun, 5th Astral Sun

In a Relationship: Osrich Arkwright [Present Status...complicated]

Other Statistics


Limsa Lominsa

RESIDENCE... Ward 12, Plot 32, The Goblet

C.E.O of the Onyx Pyrolisk Trading Company – Consultant of Magickal Artifacts M.I.N.D

Thaliak, the Scholar

83 ilms, 245 ponze

ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Good.

General Information
Confident, powerful
Powerful, but hostile Ambidextrous Several, but none too troubling
Hair & Eyes
Joyous has blue-green eyes, from her mother Singing River. Many have described them as being able to see through a man into his soul, so many wishing for her patronage tend to avoid her direct gaze. They seem to carry a knowing twinkle in them whenever she speaks to someone...

While Blossom has the same hair color as her father Rogue Ox, a healthy black hue, Joyous has had it cut quite short—another measured testament of her distancing herself from her wealthy Ul'Dahan past, as the fashion among the well-off is typically to keep it at length.
Physique & Markings
A woman who prides herself on being as alluring and disorienting as humanly possible for the sake of an advantage, Joyous does everything she can to keep her hourglass figure and obsesses over how she appears to others. She is adamant about wearing just enough makeup to look beautiful, but only just so much as to make it appear natural.
The only marking of note is the lengthy tattoo of a Sanuwa, a creature often found in the Sea of Clouds, trailing from her ankle to what most would assume is her stomach along her right leg. It is entirely uncertain how or why she carries this art on her person.
Hygiene & Attire
If nothing else, Joyous is known for her...unique appearance in terms of clothing. Electing to wear only the most outlandish of outfits, gossip circles are often abuzz after she has made a public appearance. While she relishes in the attention, Joyous also balks at the idea of wearing 'common' clothing.
Joyous insists on being as clean as possible, unless her situation absolutely requires otherwise. Whenever she passes, a strong scent of fruits can be gleaned, wafting off of her in every direction.
"If we continue this conversation I am like to lapse into a coma. Go away or say something worthwhile."

To a person looking from the outside in, Joyous Blossom is a poised, imposing, elegant, intelligent, and alluring creature. Her presence is powerful; when she enters a room, one can most certainly notice it, and once she is there, it's difficult to cast your attention elsewhere. Rumors of her exploits might suddenly surface their way to one's thoughts—how she could talk a wild chocobo out of all of its feathers, or perhaps the missing merchant who once wronged her was never seen again, or her shady past as one of the Sanguine Sirens. A fierce, powerful, cunning being with hidden, dangerous claws that could strike out at any sight of something not going the way she wants. Painfully blunt, impatient to a fault, and hells on earth should you earn her scorn, most walk on eggs around her to avoid her wrath.

These sorts of emotions are precisely what Joyous wants people to drown in when confronted with her. Wild tales of things she has (mostly) never done circulating fantastical rumors to give her a much larger-than-life appearance to her allies and enemies alike are what she aims for; the more extreme and unbelievable, the better. To further this, she is strangely absent from most social events, electing to keep to the confines of her estate, which are rather heavily guarded and kept quite secretive.
Joyous is dizzingly confident in herself—she's quite aware of her features, and what people think of her—she knows she is attractive, she knows she is intelligent, and she knows she is powerful in both wealth and combat alike. All of these points are tools for her to use to get what she desires, when she desires it, and most around her are keen on keeping her happy for fear of her temper. In much the same way that her mentor Zazaro Zulzazo was, Joyous is a pragmatic woman—she is quite willing to do whatever she needs to in order to achieve her goals, regardless of what that something happens to be. In spite of that moral grayness, it does seem that she takes pains in order to minimize damage to commonfolk and innocent people when she can, and takes compassion in others who are in need of succor.
Eccentric is hardly the word to begin with Joyous, as her escapades are considered an oddity among the well-to-do, her fashion choices are mildly questionable at best, and her hobbies are outlandishly bizarre. The former Siren's newest passion has become collecting the rarest and most valuable items in all of the world, going as far as to hire mercenaries, adventurers, hunters, and pirates to obtain trinkets for her growing assortment. She is not above and beyond putting them into harm's way, stating that sacrifices must be made in order to achieve great things, and has strangely mentally removed herself from the concept of danger entirely, often brushing it off as a minor inconvenience. However in spite of that, it is quite clear she cares for those who dedicate themselves to their work, in her own strange little way. Joyous does not tolerate the weak or lazy, and is quick to become icily cruel to get a point across—she is not entirely without pleasure in making the foolish look even moreso, and seems to delight in tormenting people who have wronged others in her eyes. She does, however, appear to become bored very easily if doing so does not give her satisfaction, and is quick to cut conversations with people she considers wasting her time short, no matter how rude she seems or who she is speaking to.

❄ The Color Black
❄ Vylbrand.
❄ Fine Foods
❄ Making a fool of others
❄ Expanding her collection
❄ Chewing on things (has an oral fixation) such as sugarcane, chopsticks, and unlit pipes.
❄ Liars
❄ Extremists
❄ Disrespect
❄ Far Eastern Foods
❄ People who dismiss education
❄ Business-oriented
❄ White/Black Magic
❄ Healing.
❄ Lithovivimancy. (Small-Medium objects. No smaller than a minion. No larger than a karkul.)
❄ Excellent Tactician

"I am a trite bookish...and you are incredibly boorish. Get out of my sight; I feel ill of stomach simply looking at you."
Basic Statistics
High: Aether, Mind
Above Average: Intelligence, Charisma
Average: Dexterity, Speed
Low: Defense
'Skills & Abilities
Mastery: Black/White/Arcane Magics
Expert: Swordsmanship, Business-sense
Average: Disciple of the Hand/Land
Novice: Everything else

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use freely!
"The Onyx Lady? Richest person in Limsa, probably." -- A Pirate
"She hardly ever leaves her estate anymore...makes a person wonder what she's doing in there." -- Rumormonger'
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I hear she doesn't employ any servants. Strange for a house so large, don't you think? What kind of person that rich doesn't have any maids or such?" -- A fisherman's wife
"I wouldn't mess with any one lass from the Sirens, let alone the Onyx Lady." — Bumbling Pirate.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"The Onyx Lady? I hear she's a...collector. She's been shippin' in all sorts of things since the Calamity happened. Sends her husband, that Dragoon, off to find things, but lately other folks've been showin' up. Strange lot, those sorts. Would keep my distance." — Loitering Pirate.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

Relationship Status Legend


Osrich Arkwright:

A Gridanian-born Dragoon who saved Joyous's life, nursing her back to health after the Calamity sunk the ship she was on. He is a man of few words, electing to speak only when he has something to say. Arkwright has spent many years studying and hunting down elite monsters, priding himself as one of the forefront members of Clan Centurnio. He is a warrior of exceptional skill, known more only for his candid nature and sharp intellect. Astonishingly, he seems to excel at everything he puts his mind to...


Singing River: Ever-present when Joyous was growing up, River was a large impact on the more sensual and womanly mannerisms in which she displays now. When speaking to the polite, calm, and casual businesswoman, chances are you're looking at a reflection of what Singing's parenting style and overall idealism was—to be a pinnacle of beauty, grace, and sophistication. While the matriarch of the household was as much that as she was rich, Joyce's family disowned her when she dreamed of being a musician. It was by planned marriage that River was “saved” from her passions, and while she loved her husband dearly, melodies drifting through the halls of the family home were not uncommon.

Rogue Ox'': Joyous's father, a shrewd businessman. A man quick-witted only in the manner of doing business, most people who ran across him would often have mistaken him for an idiot who had somehow lost his village. Forgetful and clumsy, Ox was often described by his competitors as all brawn and no brains...only to have him pull the rug out from under them within a moment's time. While not the brightest man outside of the realm of managing his company, Rogue always meant well in everything he strove to accomplish, and was an honest businessman whenever possible. A jolly being with a rather contagious laugh, a magnetic personality, and a delightfully fresh sense of humor, it was difficult not to like him. Many a number were present to mourn both he and his wife whence they'd passed on.

Stone Elm'': Head of the Sandstone Sorority, and Joyous's older brother by some thirteen or so summers, Stone Elm was timid growing up, and rather insecure. However as he became older, his confidence, shrewd business-sense, and overall demeanor underwent a major shift after the death of his parents. Seeing the Empire as a threat and his family's legacy dangling by a thread, Elm sacrificed all that he could to see it afloat. He has long thought his sister dead, and has no interest in dealing with the Onyx Pyrolisk Trading Company after hearing of their stance on employing former pirates. Stern, hard, and objectively cold, few people compare him to the man his father before him was in positive light.

"Everything always moves forward. You'd be an idiot to think you can stop progress."
Early Age, Sixth Astral Era

8O Nothing here?!

Glio coinpurse.png
Mind your headphone volume! Links to Youtube!
Spiders' Canzone
Artist: 平野 義久
Origin: HunterxHunter
Stalwart's Glaring
Artist: 平野 義久
Origin: “HunterxHunter
Boys, be Courageous
Artist: 平野 義久
Origin: HunterxHunter'
Requium Aranea
Artist: 平野 義久
Origin: HunterxHunter


Glio coinpurse.png

She has made a number of connections across the world in her travels.
Sharlayan: Joyous spent almost 7 years in Sharlayan learning their unique brands of magic. She is familiar with the mainland.
Sanguine Sirens: A former of their numbers, Joyous knows many of the Sirens' present and past members.
Lominsan Wealth: Few words hold more sway than that of one of the richest souls in Vylbrand.

IC Inventory
The following items are things that Joyous carries on her person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Glio coinpurse.png

Coinpurse: It's a coinpurse. Has about 300 gil in it.

Smoking pipe...with nothing in it: Joyous does not smoke, but her habit of chewing on things while bored does follow her no matter where she goes. She keeps this pipe to sate her issue, and will become incredibly cross if she loses it, it becomes dirty, or is damaged in some way.
