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<div style="border-style: dotted; border-width: 0px 0px 1px 0px; border-color:#686560;color:#cf472d;">'''Backstory Relations'''</div>
<div style="border-style: dotted; border-width: 0px 0px 1px 0px; border-color:#686560;color:#cf472d;">'''Backstory Relations'''</div>
<div style="margin-bottom: 30px;">
<div style="margin-bottom: 30px;">
<div style="float:left; line-height:120px; margin-top:12px; margin-right:15px; width:120px; height:120px; background-color: #EFEFEF;"><center>[[File:ghoa_no_image.png|x120px|frameless]]</center></div>
<div style="float:left; line-height:120px; margin-top:12px; margin-right:15px; width:120px; height:120px; background-color: #EFEFEF;"><center>[[File:ghoa_no_image.png|x120px|frameless]]</center></div>
<div style="color: #000; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px white; letter-spacing: 0em; text-align: justify; height:120px;">'''FIRSTNAME LASTNAME''' '''(''' symbols here  ''')'''  -  '''short descriptor''' <br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non fringilla neque. Praesent at sem et sapien mattis consectetur. Praesent at posuere nibh. Nunc aliquam semper nunc consectetur posuere. Phasellus porttitor libero sed bibendum ornare. Praesent euismod, augue quis consectetur luctus, lectus sapien lacinia eros, a pulvinar eros turpis id metus. Donec malesuada porta tortor quis tincidunt. Duis in dui non velit iaculis molestie. Nulla eu ligula ac nisi efficitur pretium et vel felis.</div>
<div style="color: #000; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px white; letter-spacing: 0em; text-align: justify; height:120px;">'''Kharlu Husband''' '''(''' <font style="color:#d63d17;" size="2"></font> <font style="color:#000000;" size="2">⧖</font> ''')'''  -  <b><i>unpleasant memories of a name unspoken</i></b><br>Only barely having passed into adulthood, Ghoa was chosen by her clan's Kharlu protectors to become one of their own -- specifically, to become the seventh wife to their clan's khan. Yet their marriage was far from a happy one. While not an especially sadistic or cruel man, Ghoa's husband treated his non-Kharlu wives as if they were his property -- objects whose only purpose was to tend to his home and give him children -- rather than his lovers. There was no affection there, much less any sort of love, but only an expectation that she would do as she was bid.<br><br>
Unhappy with her new way of life, Ghoa took steps to keep herself from becoming pregnant, hoping that if he thought she was barren that he might allow her to leave. However, as weeks grew into months, he only tried more and more.. and the more frustrated and demanding of her he became. Ultimately, the plan backfired altogether when Ghoa learned that he planned to offer her to the Junghid after their rival tribe had won control of the eastern coastlands that year -- and that he cared little and less of what they would do with this 'worthless gift'.<br><br>
Unwilling to allow herself to become slave to yet another tribe, Ghoa stole a horse and supplies and fled the Kharlu camp under the cover of night. Though roughly half a decade has passed since that night, she is still fearful of being found and returned to her husband. It is a fear so strong that she refuses to even speak his name aloud to this day, a superstitious worry that breathing his name even in a whisper might set the fates into motion to deliver her back to him one day.</div>
<div style="margin-bottom: 30px;">
<div style="float:left; line-height:120px; margin-top:12px; margin-right:15px; width:120px; height:120px; background-color: #EFEFEF;"><center>[[File:ghoa_no_image.png|x120px|frameless]]</center></div>
<div style="color: #000; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px white; letter-spacing: 0em; text-align: justify; height:120px;">'''FIRSTNAME LASTNAME''' '''(''' symbols here ''')'''  -  '''short descriptor''' <br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non fringilla neque. Praesent at sem et sapien mattis consectetur. Praesent at posuere nibh. Nunc aliquam semper nunc consectetur posuere. Phasellus porttitor libero sed bibendum ornare. Praesent euismod, augue quis consectetur luctus, lectus sapien lacinia eros, a pulvinar eros turpis id metus. Donec malesuada porta tortor quis tincidunt. Duis in dui non velit iaculis molestie. Nulla eu ligula ac nisi efficitur pretium et vel felis.</div>
<div style="margin-bottom: 30px;">
<div style="float:left; line-height:120px; margin-top:12px; margin-right:15px; width:120px; height:120px; background-color: #EFEFEF;"><center>[[File:ghoa_no_image.png|x120px|frameless]]</center></div>
<div style="color: #000; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px white; letter-spacing: 0em; text-align: justify; height:120px;">'''FIRSTNAME LASTNAME''' '''(''' symbols here  ''')'''  -  '''short descriptor''' <br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non fringilla neque. Praesent at sem et sapien mattis consectetur. Praesent at posuere nibh. Nunc aliquam semper nunc consectetur posuere. Phasellus porttitor libero sed bibendum ornare. Praesent euismod, augue quis consectetur luctus, lectus sapien lacinia eros, a pulvinar eros turpis id metus. Donec malesuada porta tortor quis tincidunt. Duis in dui non velit iaculis molestie. Nulla eu ligula ac nisi efficitur pretium et vel felis.</div>
<!-- SUBTITLE -->
<!-- SUBTITLE -->
<div style="border-style: dotted; border-width: 0px 0px 1px 0px; border-color:#686560;color:#cf472d;">'''Especially Notable Relations'''</div>
<div style="border-style: dotted; border-width: 0px 0px 1px 0px; border-color:#686560;color:#cf472d;">'''Especially Notable Relations'''</div>

Revision as of 22:22, 29 October 2017

Please check out this post for more info in the meantime!

Ghoa Mankhad 03.png


BIRTH NAME : Ghoa Mankhad of the Restless Seas.

ALIASES : Ghoa Kharlu, various other tribal names.

SEX : Female, cisgendered.

RACE & CLAN : Au Ra, Xaela.

AGE : Twenty-four winters.

HEIGHT : 4 fulm, 10.5 ilm.

BUILD : Petite, soft and subtly feminine.

PATRON DEITY : The Dusk Mother.


BIRTHPLACE : Othard, the Azim Steppes.

CITIZENSHIP : No affiliation with tribe nor country.

COMPANY : No affiliation with a free company.

MARITAL STATUS : Unattached / open.

ORIENTATION : Pansexual, demi-romantic.

OCCUPATION : Potion- and poison-maker. Discrete healer for hire. Professional gildigger and small-time con artist.

ALIGNMENT : Chaotic Neutral (The Hedonist type).


"The ocean is everything I wish to be: beautiful, mysterious, wild and free..”

Such are the aspirations of Ghoa Mankhad, a tribal-born Xaela who has long since left the lands where she was raised to follow whatever path her heart sets her upon. She has traveled far from the eastern coastlands of the Azim Steppe where her clan resides, experiencing the world that lie beyond the borders of their territory in a way few Xaela ever do. Her pursuit of freedom and new experiences has taken her through the Imperial-held lands of Yanxia, the bustling port of Kugane, and even so far as the vibrant, exotic lands of Thavnair. While it is rare for her to linger in one place overlong like the adventurers so common of this age, she is more akin to a traveler and wanderer drawn to the thrill of the unknown and the of the new.

Still, true adventurer or not, Ghoa is not without skills that fund her ventures abroad. She is a capable mage well-versed in her clan’s traditional arts, able to soothe and mend or bring down a fierce storm of lightning, wind, and water upon would-be enemies. As one who once trained to become a Mankhadi shaman, she also learned to make potions and poisons – a skill which only continued to grow as she traveled and learned more of the world outside the steppe. These services she offers to those with coin to trade; particularly, those who seek a degree of discretion from their healers and dealers and are willing to pay extra for such.

With the sea routes westward finally cleared in the wake of Yanxia’s liberation, Ghoa’s ever-restless soul set its sights upon the continent of Eorzea. Without hesitation, she secured herself passage to this distant land brimming with new people and new experiences. After many weeks on the sea, she has finally set foot upon foreign soil once more – and she is certainly wasting no time in seeing what it has to offer.



  • THE OCEAN : Given that Ghoa was born and raised by a coastal, often seafaring tribe, this should come as no surprise. Doubly when considered that her magicks largely stem from her connection to the sea.

  • THUNDERSTORMS : Likewise with the above, thunderstorms were special to her people and are closely tied to her magical ability. Besides that, she also just enjoys the thrills of a raging storm and the relaxation after they pass.

  • NEW PLACES, NEW EXPERIENCES : Ghoa is not the type to stay still for too long, nor the type to suffer a routine become stale. Once she grows bored of a place or activity, it's quickly onto the next exciting new adventure.

  • LUXURY : After leaving the Azim Steppe, Ghoa quickly learned that she had a taste for the finer things in life like nice clothing, jewelry, food and wines. To say she has expensive tastes would be putting it lightly.


  • STRICT TRADITIONS, LAWS, ETC. : Ghoa is free-spirited to a fault and follows her own unique, often flexible sort of morality. Therefore, any sort of strict rule trying to govern her is very likely to rub her the wrong way.

  • WORKING : Even if she's a skilled healer and potion-maker, it doesn't mean that she enjoys spending all her time tending to her crafts. She works only as much as she must to continue her travels and lifestyle, and cuts whatever corners she can.

  • DEPENDENCY : Children, pets, especially clingy lovers.. Ghoa tries to actively avoid anything or anyone that clings too desperately to another person. Especially when they try to rely too heavily upon her.

  • INACTIVITY : Ghoa is the type of person that always needs to be doing something or going somewhere. Staying still or having little or nothing to keep her attention for overly long irritates her and quickly wears down her patience.


  • SOCIABLE : Ghoa excels at being sociable and friendly. She's a people-person at heart, whether she's actively looking to strum up conversation or approached by others or even in the middle of a crowd.

  • OPEN-MINDED : Unlike some Xaela who seem to be wholly fixated on their own ways, Ghoa has no problem keeping an open mind when it comes to the ways and beliefs of other people. (So long as they're not a detriment to herself, of course.)

  • CURIOUS : Ghoa has a curious mind, never content to just accept that something is the way it is without figuring out the why or how. That self same curiosity also largely drives her traveling, leading her to new places to learn about them and the peoples that call them home.

  • RESILIENT : Ghoa might not be the most physically hardy, but she's much more mentally and emotionally resilient than one might suspect. Even when her bravery fails or her strength lapses, she always eventually picks herself up and carries on.


  • MORALLY AMBIGUOUS : Ghoa decides what she considers right and wrong herself, rather than letting society define it. As such, her morals are hard to pin down and, ultimately, rather fluid and flexible in the grey areas.

  • SELFISH : Ghoa is not driven by some higher calling or bigger purpose, but mostly her own wants, needs, and whims. Unless she is very close with someone, she will almost exclusively act with herself in mind first and foremost.

  • CAPRICIOUS : Being a free-spirit that follows her whims above all, Ghoa can be hard to pin down. Whether it's backing out of an arrangement she had agreed to for some superficial reason or even packing up and leaving town without a word, she can be highly unreliable.

  • MANIPULATIVE : Lies and charm come easily to Ghoa, and she is certainly not opposed to using either to get what she wants. Luckily her motives are not malevolent on a grand scale, but she'll readily use her wiles to get people to do things for her.


  • ANYONE WHO'LL BUY HER THINGS : Ghoa is truly shameless when it comes to people buying her things: drinks, food, clothing, jewelry, board.. Anyone who will pay her way will find her readily sticking close to their company.. until their generosity runs dry.

  • INTERESTING STORIES : As an overly curious person, anyone who has an interesting story to tell and is willing to share it with her will catch her eye. She loves hearing about the exciting lives and adventures of others..

  • CRIMINALS : Perhaps it's her thirst for thrill and adventure, but Ghoa is often drawn to the criminals that she meets on her travels or sells her wares and services to. Her sense of self-preservation generally keeps her from getting too deeply involved with them, but she finds them especially exciting to be around.

  • FRIENDLY LOCALS : Ghoa travels by throwing herself head first into a new place with little preparation or forethought, choosing to learn by experience -- and with the help of locals willing to teach her the ropes and show her around.


  • MENTALLY WEAK : For Ghoa, this means anyone she finds to be too dependent on others, pushovers, cowardly, and so on. They just do not hold her interest. Unless she can use them to her own benefit, she generally avoids them.

  • OPPRESSIVE TYPES : Those that try to exert undue control over Ghoa find that she'll quickly try to slip through their fingers. Dominating personalities are one thing, but those who actively try to order her around or hold her too tightly are another.

  • MOPEY / ANTISOCIAL : As mentioned, Ghoa is a people-person. She enjoys striking up conversations and doing things with others. However, if a prospective conversation partner is absorbed in their moping or clearly uninterested in being social after she puts in some effort to draw them out, she'll leave the conversation.

  • STRICTLY GOOD / BAD TYPES : Anyone who falls and stays on either end of the morality spectrum, good or bad, are types she tries to avoid. The wholly righteous are boring, and the morally bankrupt are dangerous.


  • BEING RETURNED TO THE KHARLU : It has been around half a decade since Ghoa fled, but she still actively fears this. She knows that if she were ever to be returned to her Kharlu husband, the reunion would be very unpleasant and likely fatal.

  • THAT HER CLAN IS GONE : Ghoa fears that even if she did not return to the Shuurga Mankhadi that the Kharlu took out her betrayal upon them. She tries not to think about it and certainly makes no attempt to find out, but it is there in the back of her mind and occasionally her dreams.

  • LOSS OF FREEDOM : Whether it's being arrested or abducted, Ghoa fears any sort of captivity and the subsequent loss of her freedom the same way: with abject terror. She'll go to great lengths to avoid this.

  • CONFINED SPACES : Related to the above, Ghoa is severely claustrophobic. Stick her in a small room with no windows and a blocked exit, and you'll see her quickly turn very anxious, if not outright aggressive in trying to get out.


  • FAVORITE FOODS : Seafood, sweets, or anything bought for her.

  • LEAST FAVORITE FOODS : Red meats, most heavy meals.

  • FAVORITE DRINKS  : Wine, spiced rum, or anything bought for her.

  • LEAST FAVORITE DRINKS  : Anything from the bottom shelf.

  • FAVORITE COLOR  : Deep blues, white, gold and silver.

  • FAVORITE ANIMAL  : She always had a fondness for seabirds.

  • HOBBIES  : Exploring, attending events and gatherings, dancing, music, socializing, convincing people to buy her drinks.

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

It is clear by a single glance alone that Ghoa is not a woman made for the swinging of swords and the donning of armor. Slightly below average height even for an Auri woman and just as petite in build, she is possessed of as much physical strength as one would likely expect; that being very little, of course. Shortcomings in physicality aside, she also has no training or knowledge of any type of weaponry. Truly, she is a person meant for the safety of the backlines -- or off the battlefield entirely, if she has her choice in the matter.


Physical forms of combat might be far from Ghoa's true strength; however, she is capable of holding her own better than one might expect of someone of her slight, unimposing stature. While she lacks in both physical prowess as well as a vast and varied knowledge of weaponry, she is a somewhat skilled mage trained in the magical tradition of her clan.

Her people, the Shuurga clan of Mankhad, were particularly reverent of the sea and storm, and thus their magicks reflect this. Udgan were trained in both healing arts that draw upon the soothing powers of the calm ocean, as well as the destructive arts of the raging storm. Elementally, their magicks are aspected towards water, wind, and lightning. To wholly compare them to either Eorzean conjurers or thaumaturges wouldn't be entirely accurate. Rather, their magical tradition seems to fall somewhere in between with individual udgan sometimes excelling in one area more than the other.

Ghoa displayed obvious magical talent early on in her training, and seemed to hold equal promise for both the healing and destructive aspects of their magicks. Still, her removal from her tribe as a young adult had cut her training short. As such, it has left her as a passable and naturally apt mage, but not an exceedingly well-learned or disciplined one. She is far from a master healer or battlemage, her weaknesses manifesting in different ways: limited effectiveness or strength of her spells cast, lack of control, casting sometimes taking a great mental and physical toll upon her, and a general lack of knowledge of the more complex or difficult spells.


For the purpose of her casting, there are two primary forms of 'weaponry' that Ghoa uses to channel aether. Most commonly, it takes the form of two ringbands she wears on her hands -- basically strappy pieces of white leather that affix a polished, aetherically conductive gemstone across the backsides of her hands. This allows her to cast using primarily her hands to guide and shape the aether channeled by the gemstones. However, when Ghoa is attempting either a bigger spell or is wanting for more control, she opts to use a staff for channeling.

Outside of her choice of magical focii, Ghoa also carries a small, thin dagger on her person. This is a weapon of last resort as she truly is no skilled knife-wielder. However, the blade is coated in a thin layer of the same poison that the Mankhadi are known for using to coat their traditional blowdarts -- a strong paralytic made from a type of pufferfish venom. She may not be able to carve someone up with the knife, but so long as she can at least manage to knick an attacker when she's in a tough spot, the paralytic ought to buy her enough time to escape.


As a part of the Mankhad tradition, particularly for one who trained most of her life to become udgan and was thus entrusted with learning and mastering her clan's arts, Ghoa is a rather skilled maker of many types of potions and poisons. This is a knowledge that has only been compounded since leaving the Steppe, picking up new bits of knowledge and techniques along the way as she travels the world, experiences new things, and meets new people.

What this has resulted in is a woman who has a notable knack for figuring out how to tinker with tinctures to get exactly the right effect she or a customer wants. This can range from your standard everyday fare such as basic restorative potions, all the way to poisons whose deadliness is matched only by their illegality in the open markets. As such, Ghoa does a lot of her dealing on the black markets where people tend to pay a high price to get their hands on concoctions hard to come by, as well as her silence.

Considering the nature of her work and just how poor her work ethic is, Ghoa doesn't typically maintain any sort of stall nor publically advertise her skills unless she's in truly dire straits for funds. Rather, most people who come to see her services have heard of her through the grapevine or have been recommended to her by someone who she had done work for or networked with in the past. Thus, if you're interested in having your character approach her for such an interaction, feel free to say that they've heard talk of her or been referred by an underground contact!


Similar to Ghoa's work with potions and poisons, she can also offer up healing in both naturally medicinal and aetherical means. She isn't the most highly skilled healer or medicine woman out there, so the more advanced and complicated conditions might fall out of her range of skills. However, if your character has gotten a hole poked in them or sliced open, she's excellent at stitching them up and/or healing them back together. Also, just the same as above, she won't ask too many questions outside of what she has to in order to treat someone.


As mentioned before, Ghoa's work ethic is.. questionable. Some might say that it is borderline non-existent. She would say that her favorite phrase in regards to her potionmaking work is "work smarter, not harder." And by that, she means that if she sees a way that she can make a living off of someone else's dime, she will absolutely attempt to do so.

Most often this comes in the form of her cozying up to men or women that she knows to be well-off financially, doing her best to endear herself to them. She's not above trading her time, attention, affections, and sex in exchange for a comfortable place to stay, good food and drink, nice clothing and jewelry, and so on. Most of her wealthy lovers understand that her affections are simply bought and far from permanent. However, when Ghoa finds that a person is seemingly becoming too emotionally attached, she has no qualms with forsaking their money and leaving. As much as she loves her luxuries, nothing is more important to her than her freedom.

Yet sometimes, there are no rich men or women out there in search of a companion to dote upon and spoil. During those times, it's not unusual for Ghoa to resort to less-than-honorable means to fill her pockets before she resorts to actually working. She's been known to lie, manipulate, and con people out of their money, goods, or even just a free meal or place to stay with a well-crafted lie and her big, watery eyes. That isn't to say she feels some sort of cruel, mean-spirited joy out of the act of deceiving people; simply that to her, it's just another form of 'survival of the fittest'.

Life in the Azim Steppe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.

Traveling the Near and Far Eastern Lands

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.

Arriving Upon the Shores of Eorzea

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.

💗 Committed Relationship
Casual Involvement
Lost contact

Backstory Relations

Ghoa no image.png
Kharlu Husband ( ) - unpleasant memories of a name unspoken
Only barely having passed into adulthood, Ghoa was chosen by her clan's Kharlu protectors to become one of their own -- specifically, to become the seventh wife to their clan's khan. Yet their marriage was far from a happy one. While not an especially sadistic or cruel man, Ghoa's husband treated his non-Kharlu wives as if they were his property -- objects whose only purpose was to tend to his home and give him children -- rather than his lovers. There was no affection there, much less any sort of love, but only an expectation that she would do as she was bid.

Unhappy with her new way of life, Ghoa took steps to keep herself from becoming pregnant, hoping that if he thought she was barren that he might allow her to leave. However, as weeks grew into months, he only tried more and more.. and the more frustrated and demanding of her he became. Ultimately, the plan backfired altogether when Ghoa learned that he planned to offer her to the Junghid after their rival tribe had won control of the eastern coastlands that year -- and that he cared little and less of what they would do with this 'worthless gift'.

Unwilling to allow herself to become slave to yet another tribe, Ghoa stole a horse and supplies and fled the Kharlu camp under the cover of night. Though roughly half a decade has passed since that night, she is still fearful of being found and returned to her husband. It is a fear so strong that she refuses to even speak his name aloud to this day, a superstitious worry that breathing his name even in a whisper might set the fates into motion to deliver her back to him one day.

Especially Notable Relations

Ghoa no image.png
FIRSTNAME LASTNAME ( symbols here ) - short descriptor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non fringilla neque. Praesent at sem et sapien mattis consectetur. Praesent at posuere nibh. Nunc aliquam semper nunc consectetur posuere. Phasellus porttitor libero sed bibendum ornare. Praesent euismod, augue quis consectetur luctus, lectus sapien lacinia eros, a pulvinar eros turpis id metus. Donec malesuada porta tortor quis tincidunt. Duis in dui non velit iaculis molestie. Nulla eu ligula ac nisi efficitur pretium et vel felis.

Common rumors & quotes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non fringilla neque. Praesent at sem et sapien mattis consectetur. Praesent at posuere nibh. Nunc aliquam semper nunc consectetur posuere. -- Some Guy, Somewhere.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non fringilla neque. Praesent at sem et sapien mattis consectetur. Praesent at posuere nibh. Nunc aliquam semper nunc consectetur posuere. -- Some Guy, Somewhere.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non fringilla neque. Praesent at sem et sapien mattis consectetur. Praesent at posuere nibh. Nunc aliquam semper nunc consectetur posuere. -- Some Guy, Somewhere.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non fringilla neque. Praesent at sem et sapien mattis consectetur. Praesent at posuere nibh. Nunc aliquam semper nunc consectetur posuere. -- Some Guy, Somewhere.

Rare rumors & quotes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non fringilla neque. Praesent at sem et sapien mattis consectetur. Praesent at posuere nibh. Nunc aliquam semper nunc consectetur posuere. -- Some Guy, Somewhere.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non fringilla neque. Praesent at sem et sapien mattis consectetur. Praesent at posuere nibh. Nunc aliquam semper nunc consectetur posuere. -- Some Guy, Somewhere.

Players rumors & quotes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non fringilla neque. Praesent at sem et sapien mattis consectetur. Praesent at posuere nibh. Nunc aliquam semper nunc consectetur posuere. -- Some Guy, Somewhere.

Potential RP Hooks & Backstory Connections

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non fringilla neque. Praesent at sem et sapien mattis consectetur. Praesent at posuere nibh. Nunc aliquam semper nunc consectetur posuere. Phasellus porttitor libero sed bibendum ornare. Praesent euismod, augue quis consectetur luctus, lectus sapien lacinia eros, a pulvinar eros turpis id metus. Donec malesuada porta tortor quis tincidunt. Duis in dui non velit iaculis molestie. Nulla eu ligula ac nisi efficitur pretium et vel felis. Nunc laoreet dapibus commodo. Cras facilisis mattis ligula, non interdum neque fringilla in. Proin condimentum arcu nisi, a semper arcu pretium ut. Vestibulum scelerisque nunc at lorem eleifend fringilla. Vestibulum libero odio, ultricies tincidunt justo tempus, gravida sodales diam. In accumsan, elit a vestibulum accumsan, mauris ante ullamcorper risus, et suscipit est tellus sit amet est.

Vivamus cursus purus turpis, ac varius turpis fermentum gravida. Donec interdum mauris ut condimentum porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed tortor mi, tempor vitae posuere vitae, sodales eu purus. Aliquam rhoncus elementum justo, et laoreet nibh placerat semper. Duis felis mi, posuere ut ex at, bibendum posuere mi. Aliquam vel leo est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec ullamcorper pharetra diam vel tincidunt. Aenean finibus ligula et libero tempor, eget iaculis dui malesuada.

In quis bibendum libero. Nunc bibendum orci at lectus pretium, at cursus tortor vehicula. Morbi eleifend augue sed libero tristique, ut ornare dolor iaculis. Curabitur mollis, mauris at blandit scelerisque, ligula justo tempor tortor, id congue nisl metus at metus. Quisque eget sem quis metus imperdiet sollicitudin ut sit amet lectus. Mauris tellus tellus, egestas eget odio at, dignissim bibendum massa. Donec interdum rhoncus odio nec hendrerit. Proin consequat placerat vulputate. Integer a lacus orci. Etiam a felis a risus hendrerit viverra. Donec et pretium odio. Ut fermentum sapien id sapien tempor bibendum. Ut rhoncus enim dignissim leo consectetur posuere.

Artwork & Edits


Personal RP Limits
Below you will find a general list of things that I will and won't do within the context of roleplay. I ask you to please respect it to the best of your ability. If there's anything not on this list that you're unsure of, please don't hesitate to ask me first! I don't bite, I promise!

I will play . . . Mature, dark, violent, psychological, and/or criminal themes. Sexual themes (though I exclusively fade-to-black through the actual sex). Coarse and explicit language. Mild injury and incapacitation without prior notice.
Ask before . . . Long-term and/or permanent significant injury and disfigurement. Captivity or imprisonment, either long or short term.
I won't play . . . Permanent character death. ERP / writing out sexual scenes.

All of this said, your comfort and limits in RP are also very important to me. If an aspect of RP or certain themes make you uncomfortable, please let me know so that I can avoid them. Likewise, if something that happens in the midst of a scene makes you uncomfortable, please tell me immediately. I won't be offended at all, I promise! I am absolutely, 100% concerned with your comfort and enjoyment in our RP and would never want to make someone upset with pretendy-times.

On Walk-Up RP
I'll be the first person to admit that I can be hard to pin down for spontaneous RP. I wouldn't say that I'm not walk-up friendly. However, even when I'm out and around, most of the time I'm alt-tabbed working on something and not keeping up with my chat log. That said, sending me a tell before you post at me is usually recommended. This lets me know to redirect my window to the game if I'm available, and it saves you time in writing up a post if it turns out that I can't -- and it allows me to try and set up a raincheck with you if possible!

Important Notes for Prospective Long-term RP Partners
If you'd like to set up a more established, long-term RP partnership with me, I'm definitely willing to take on more partners! I love the chance to play Ghoa off of more characters and get in more delicious character development! However, PLEASE take note of the following things first to make sure this really is what you want to sign up for in an RP partner. Make sure you read and understand these points well if you're thinking about trying to set up something long term with me.

I'm being open and honest about what you can expect from me as a long-term RP partner, and this will not change magically overnight. So if any of this doesn't sound acceptable to you, then we will likely not be compatible. Likewise, if anything covered here becomes an issue during our time RPing together anyway (i.e. if someone starts trying to pressure or guilt trip me into daily RP when I clearly state that I am unable to do this), then I very well might excuse myself immediately from the partnership.

Sometimes I can't offer you spontaneous RP at the drop of a hat. Occasionally it works out that I can, but don't rely upon it. The best way to make sure we have the opportunity to RP regularly is to plan ahead for it, at least a day in advance. That gives me time to adjust my schedule around our RP and make time for you best!

There are multiple people that I roleplay with. If you are easily made jealous OOCly by the prospect of me RPing with someone else or having to politely decline your offer for RP sometimes because I have promised someone else RP, then I am not the partner for you.

That said, I may be roleplaying with someone you personally dislike. Feel free to mention it to me so that I can avoid putting you two in a situation where you have to interact. But I don't want to know all your drama, dirty laundry, or sordid history with this person. And absolutely do not try to police who I choose to RP with, please.

Links Out
These links lead off of the wiki, but are still relevant to Ghoa as a character. If a link is potentially NSFW, it will be denoted!
Character Development / Inspiration blog : Far From Home (Multi-muse)
NSFW Character Development / Inspiration blog : Steel & Lace

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Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template and my layout is inspired by Rixo and Nanagi's template for its simplicity and clarity. Thanks to the authors!

You can use this wiki page layout at will and I will be glad if people actually do, but please try to change the colour theme at least - yes, mine is not just gray...! Thanks.