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::*'''[[D’amein Tia]]:''' Alyeis’s dead mate. Best partner in crime, teacher, and ultimately who she looks up most to in life. A lot of her reactions to things now are somehow in honor of him.
::*'''[[D’amein Tia]]:''' Alyeis’s dead mate. Best partner in crime, teacher, and ultimately who she looks up most to in life. A lot of her reactions to things now are somehow in honor of him.
::*'''[[Ririn’to Talecoss]]:''' Alyeis’s second in command to the Lunar Veil. He is currently the one who understands her the most, and in turn secretly (somewhat) loves her dearly. She’s very territorial of him, as he is her 1st main member in her organization. However, she cannot return the feelings he has for her.
::*'''[[Ririn’to Talecoss]]:''' Alyeis’s second in command to the Lunar Veil. He is currently the one who understands her the most, and in turn secretly (somewhat) loves her dearly. She’s very territorial of him, as he is her 1st main member in her organization. However, she cannot return the feelings he has for her.
::*'''{[Una Zehlin]]:''' A woman who at 1st was a large figure in the good and faithful to the law. In an atherical experiment Alyeis drew another’s existence into her. This eliminated her as a threat and temporarily turned her into an ally. Over time she disappeared, her whereabouts nowhere to be found. It is suspected she was driven mad and left to her own destruction.
::*'''[[Una Zehlin]]:''' A woman who at 1st was a large figure in the good and faithful to the law. In an atherical experiment Alyeis drew another’s existence into her. This eliminated her as a threat and temporarily turned her into an ally. Over time she disappeared, her whereabouts nowhere to be found. It is suspected she was driven mad and left to her own destruction.
::*'''[[Aalriya Rose]]:''' A peculiar Midlander female (originally a Keeper of the Moon) who seems to have a great fondness for Alyeis. She has shown loyal friendship and followed Alyeis in her development of the Veil. She is Alyeis’s messenger, and most loyal tavern worker.
::*'''[[Aalriya Rose]]:''' A peculiar Midlander female (originally a Keeper of the Moon) who seems to have a great fondness for Alyeis. She has shown loyal friendship and followed Alyeis in her development of the Veil. She is Alyeis’s messenger, and most loyal tavern worker.
::*'''[[Grey Argentum]]:''' Originally a man that Seia, Alyeis’s other half, found quite a fondness to, but in the event of his own memory loss, and change in character, their relationship continues to mold back into friendship. He has a strong loyalty to Alyeis, indebting his life to her, and working as a protector of a sort for Alyeis and the other figures of authority in the Lunar Veil.
::*'''[[Grey Argentum]]:''' Originally a man that Seia, Alyeis’s other half, found quite a fondness to, but in the event of his own memory loss, and change in character, their relationship continues to mold back into friendship. He has a strong loyalty to Alyeis, indebting his life to her, and working as a protector of a sort for Alyeis and the other figures of authority in the Lunar Veil.

Revision as of 19:44, 20 February 2014

 Alyeis Daimeiris
Mistress of the Market
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Half Keeper of the Moon, and Half Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Tribe N/A
Age 23
Height 5 fulms
Date of birth 13th sun of the 10th Umbral Moon
Server Balmung
In game Monday- Sunday typically times between 5:00pm EST- Early morning hours



Alyeis Daimeiris (Al-eese Die-mere-ess), is an outgoing, driven Miqo’te with an elegant attire. When people first meet her they may often find her very alluring, but mistrustful. She has professionalism about her over all with the pleasant mix of a mischievous demeanor. She’s exceptionally sly, and most certainly seems to hold her own independence as a high priority. She lives on the fine line between being a caring business woman, or being selfishly, and criminally, independent.


Alyeis is much curvier than the average Miqo'te. She’s built very slim, but toned, much like that of a belly dancer. She’s just above the average height of a female Miqo'te, standing at 5 fulms. Her hair is voluminous, pin straight, and is very shiny like ebony silk. It falls down to almost her butt, but she is often seen wearing it up in a classy, polished fashion. Her face is very chiseled, and it always seems like the perfect lighting is on her complexion at all times, highlighting the subtle and unusual tan she has. Her lush blush wine colored lips almost steals away the focus of her face, if it weren’t for her eyes. Her right eye is a pale ice blue and stilted like a Seeker of the Sun, while her left eye is a rich sapphire hue with a round pupil as a normal Keeper of the Moon's eye would be. When first meeting her many men (or women) have found her appearance alluring, and hard to resist. Seia (Alyeis's rarely seen split personality): While Seia looks nearly exactly like Alyeis she has a few differences. Her hair has a slight wave to it, and although it is the same length she fashions it differently, usually in pigtails. Furthermore, her hair takes on a bright blue color as Alyeis changes over to becoming Seia. This fades down gradually into a lighter white, icey like hue where Alyeis used to have the deeper black hue. Overall, rather than Alyeis's seductive elegant appearance, Seia takes on an adorable feel to her appearance, and her features make her look much like an Ice Princess. Her face seems to be a bit lighter with a milkier complexion, making her appear more innocent, and her lips are a light, sweet pink, rather than the wine hue of Alyeis's.


Alyeis is extremely secretive with people she 1st meets, or when in public. She may have some kind of act put up at times if she feels that it fits the situation at hand, and she’s very good at it. This side of Aly is very polite, held back, and nonchalant. The real Alyeis is very very different. She’s an animal, and by that I mean in all ways. She’s mischievous, a party animal, cruel, very flirtatious, devious, and sadistic. She cares very little about anyone due to how she was brought up, unless they are one of her boy toys, someone she has hired as her own, or who she considers family. If there isn’t something for her to gain, most often she will find her way out of it. She is very sly, and manipulative, and a bit of a genius (though she won't admit it up front), and she has relied on it for her survival. She’s also very curious, and because of this she makes an excellent information seeker. She dedicates most of her spare time doing research on anything and everything she can get her hands on, and may often even be found taking notes on the people she is around like they are constant experiment subjects, benefiting her knowledge of the world. Seia (Alyeis's rarely seen split personality): This side of Alyeis is not only different in appearance, but quite different in personality as well. Seia, as she is refers herself by, is a complicated mix of preciously sweet, curious and rude woman. She's overall a very happy, giddy individual, and expresses her emotions very clearly. Seia enjoys playing games with people, and often will make a game out of hunting others down. She loves the company of others, and will not be found doing research of any kind, although she may collect things for her other dominant half. She talks in riddles often, which take place of the original Aly's metaphorical inquiries or statements. She also speaks differently than the Original Alyeis, having a slightly Limsan laden accent, and she refers to herself as "we" or "us" rather than "I" or “me”.



Alyeis tends to be stealthy or very aggressive in a fighting situation. She has a very unusual gift for all of the magical arts, seeming to be able to use them interchangeably. By relying on the manipulation of crystals, her favorite weapon, she is able to control her abilities with utmost accuracy. Since she was born her atherial gift had been apparent, making her valued by multiple hungry criminal organizations, craving her potential. If lead to a situation where she needs to eliminate a target she often will float people right off their feet, burn them cautiously from the inside out, or strangle them by freezing the liquid in their throat, all of course after playing games with her victims for a while depending on her intentions, never leaving the evidence behind. She may use trickery to her advantage often, and had concealed weapons on her at almost all times, many of which may even hide in plain sight. Furthermore, for a magic caster, while her melee abilities are meek, she is very acrobatic and agile; sneaking around over the years only polishing this skill. She lastly takes great pride in poison crafting, not only to sell it, but to use it as a tool. There are even rumors that she has gradually used poisons on herself to build and immunity.



  • Great bread paired with a finer cheese
  • Wine
  • Unusual and Intelligent Company
  • Clever conversation
  • Romance (though she will deny it with a sterness)
  • Money
  • The Ocean, and other forms of naturally occurring water
  • Cooking
  • Dancing/ Partying/ Singing
  • Summer time
  • The study of ather


  • Talk of her former Mate
  • People who stick their nose where it doesn’t belong
  • Authority figures of the Law
  • Running out of a good glass of wine
  • Being unwealthy
  • Being trapped
  • Others being in her personal space, unless it was her idea


  • Poison crafting
  • All atherial/magical arts
  • Manipulation of others
  • Cooking
  • Information Gathering
  • Working the Market (mostly black-market)
  • Acting
  • Problem Solving and Statistics
  • The Echo, and what she likes to call the Reverse Echo


  • Seia is actually a huge weakness, and one of Alyeis’s biggest secrets
  • Bringing up the topic of her dead Mate
  • Lack of skill melee
  • Her tendency to get territorial
  • Stubbornness



Alyeis was born to a Seeker of the Sun mother and a Keeper of the Moon for a father. Upon her mother finding out that she was pregnant she was forced to leave, knowing she would have been killed by the furiously jealous Nuhn of her tribe. Over time other tribes refused to take them as part of their family, seeing her parents actions as a disgusting betrayal to their cultures. This forced her father to start to lead his family into more criminal activities. Overall the course of unfortunate events led to her parents’ ultimate death, and Alyeis being taken for the potential she possessed atherically when she was only 5 years old.

Other Relationships

"This change… I know he knew it would happen. He always said I would lead one day." Alyeis would have a sad and thoughtful expression, “He’ll just have to watch through Hydaelyn.”

  • D’amein Tia: Alyeis’s dead mate. Best partner in crime, teacher, and ultimately who she looks up most to in life. A lot of her reactions to things now are somehow in honor of him.
  • Ririn’to Talecoss: Alyeis’s second in command to the Lunar Veil. He is currently the one who understands her the most, and in turn secretly (somewhat) loves her dearly. She’s very territorial of him, as he is her 1st main member in her organization. However, she cannot return the feelings he has for her.
  • Una Zehlin: A woman who at 1st was a large figure in the good and faithful to the law. In an atherical experiment Alyeis drew another’s existence into her. This eliminated her as a threat and temporarily turned her into an ally. Over time she disappeared, her whereabouts nowhere to be found. It is suspected she was driven mad and left to her own destruction.
  • Aalriya Rose: A peculiar Midlander female (originally a Keeper of the Moon) who seems to have a great fondness for Alyeis. She has shown loyal friendship and followed Alyeis in her development of the Veil. She is Alyeis’s messenger, and most loyal tavern worker.
  • Grey Argentum: Originally a man that Seia, Alyeis’s other half, found quite a fondness to, but in the event of his own memory loss, and change in character, their relationship continues to mold back into friendship. He has a strong loyalty to Alyeis, indebting his life to her, and working as a protector of a sort for Alyeis and the other figures of authority in the Lunar Veil.
  • Yew’li: Alyeis’s Eos, and her most trustworthy companion. She is mute, and only communicates in images. She is a unique and most useful companion, their relationship as odd as the fairie itself.
  • Zohie Jurai: A sassy, kind Keeper of the Moon, rescued by Alyeis. She may be one of the 1st Alyeis learns to love in a motherly, very platonic way.


"What’s that? You think I’ve done all these toxic things, but you have nothing but your own words to back it up? You ought to be hung for slander. Don’t let me catch you insulting my people ever again or legal action will be taken."

Common Rumors (Easily Overheard)

  • "Oh her? She’s just this wealthy woman who seems to always be snatching up new people to work for her. Her clothes always show the money she makes off them." - jelous Ul'dahn waitress
  • "She’s always writing in that notebook. It’s like the world is just an experiment to her." - A Limsan Scholar
  • “That lass? Ye don’t want to try fer her, she’s a tough one to swoon.” - Drunken Limsan male

Moderate Rumors (Uncommonly Overheard)

  • "She knows her way around a spice rack. Shame she only buys enough ingredients for one person." - Gridanian courtesan
  • "That harlet? She’s alive? She took me for all I had years ago." - Angry Nuhn
  • "They call her the Mistress of the Market. I’ve never seen a face to connect the dots, it’s only a rumor that she’s made a return to business." - Ul'dahn Sultansword

Rare Rumors (Very Difficult to Discover)

  • "I once saw her collapse... It’s like she became a different person. She just got up and skipped on like nothing happened. Strangest thing." - Gridanian merchant
  • "Some say she’s the one. Oh you know, the girl who single handedly murdered a third of the gangs in Limsa at the age of only eight! If she really is her, I’d like to meet her." - Black market enthusiast
  • "Oh her? I ‘member that face. Hadda lover back then, pregnant an’ everythin… I wonder what happened to ‘em." - Limsan Sailor

PC Rumors (Feel Free to Add IC Rumors)

  • "There are rumors of her supernatural abilities, of course. But what intrigues me is that she seems to always stay one step ahead of her accusers. I'd like to meet her." - C'kayah Tia


History/ Timeline

Starting off, Alyeis was set to have a rough life. Her parents came from two different tribes entirely, each a different sub race as well. Both parents were forced to run away after finding out that Alyeis was to be born to keep her mother, which was a Seeker of the Sun, from being killed by the head Nuhn of her tribe. Once Alyeis was born, any other tribes refused to take her and her family in as their own, once they learned about Alyeis being a half blood, feeling that it betrayed the gods that they followed. After a while, about at the age of 2, her father began deals with pirates within Limsa, gone multiple days at a time. After a while her parents became overly involved in illegal matters, which lead to their death, leaving Alyeis an orphan at the age of 5. The same organization that killed her parents also took Alyeis in as their own, only wanting her for the potential they saw in her, thus why they murdered her parents in cold blood. After a while, Alyeis slowly began to catch onto her strangely accepting, and loving family. By the age of 7 she began plotting the death of the entire organization, finding out what they had done. Before she turned 8 she successfully took revenge, wiping out every member in the organization, except for one which escaped. As she grew up, she furthered her skills in thievery and manipulation to survive, never going to an orphan’s shelter due to her lack of trust in the world. After a while she learned that her appearance was a valuable tool, and she would use it on men (or willing women) to gain food, and/ or shelter throughout her nomadic life style. One day, when she was about 18, she picked the wrong, or in her case the right victim, a Seeker of the Sun named D’amein who had abandoned his tribe due to a hatred for his tribe’s culture. He played along with her games, thinking she was unique, and he was intrigued by her cleverness. She stayed with him for up to a week, due to his abundant amount of wealth and attention. After the week was up she ran away, once again in the night, still unaware that he knew her game all too well, only to find that he hunted her down by dawn. Once she was found, he pleads with her to stay, explaining he knew her financial state, and told her that there could be a better way of life. Alyeis eventually agreed to become his partner and travel with him to make a living. Several years past as he taught her various other skills, and tricks, showing her the ways of the black market. Working together they were the perfect pair. A romance ignited as fast as the money they made, eventually leading to Alyeis becoming pregnant at 21. With great money however, it wasn’t long till the two made a name for themselves, and started to become hated by other organizations who were involved in the black market. Within the same year they were tracked down, captured and tortured, all leading back to the very 1st organization that killed Alyeis’s parents. In desperate attempts, D’amein sacrificed himself, to ensure the escape of Alyeis and his unborn child, Alyeis realizing moments later what he had done. In her shock, her guard was let down, and she led herself into the last ambush staged for her, and her now dead mate. In her anger, and adrenaline, she survived, barely. A spell had been cast on her, and without her control, her body did what any immune system could do to survive, and the child was terminated so her body would have the strength to recover. Alyeis spent days in a horrendous mental break down, such pain filled her mind that it too began to change. She started having visions, not only of the past, but also as the future. By this, she obtained what was commonly known as the Echo, and what she sometimes refers to as the Reverse Echo. After her gifts became apparent to her, she sought to bring everyone who ruined her life to an end, and by the time the year was up she succeeded. Now left to wander the rest of her future in utmost mistrust, she continued her nomadic lifestyle with the skills D’amein had taught her, and learned the art of remaining concealed, leading to the Alyeis known today.

Recent History

Alyeis spent much time recovering and growing off the little amount of money D’amein left behind. In desperate attempts to find a way to reach the social status she had a few year back she joined the Harbingers of the Dawn, but only for a short while. Well aware they would not serve as an efficient cover up for herself she cleverly left with a group of their members who no longer wanted to be affiliated with the leaders of the Harbingers. This Free Company became known as the Grand Watch, however instead of fully joining them, she kept a safe distance. In secret fondness for its members and how they treated one another she distanced herself, not only for her own good, but for theirs. Shortly after to create an organization that was known as the Rose Syndicate, readying the arrival of a woman she foresaw changing into a criminal leader. However, the future is always changing and it moved faster than she could predict, leaving the Syndicate to fall apart. After a while Alyeis, along with a circle of trusted friends decided to leave the Syndicate to form their own Organization, The Lunar Veil, where they could live out the lifestyle they always wanted. Now, she continues to live as she did, making her living in the black market, and for the 1st time in years, has brought herself to work with others. Will her connections continue to grow? The Lunar Veil is only the beginning to a newly turned leaf. http://lunarveilroleplay.enjin.com/aboutus


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea