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: ■ Please take note! Everything in history tab is to be kept in OOC, unless my character states it IC. His "information broker" occupation is also OOC unless stated otherwise.  As well as Y'sebe being FtM.  Male pronouns please and if there's any question please don't be afraid to inquire.
: ■ Everything in history tab is to be kept in OOC, unless my character states it IC. His "information broker" occupation is also OOC unless stated otherwise.  As well as Y'sebe being FtM.  Male pronouns please and if there's any question please don't be afraid to inquire.
: ■ When approaching him for the first time (depending on your character), his tone might be a bit cold or uninterested. He can be wary around knew people and is generally feeling things out.
: ■ I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use, dubious consent, blackmail. kidnapping, ect) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment.  
: ■ I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use, dubious consent, blackmail. kidnapping, ect) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
: ■ Most walk-up encounters though I prefer IC/OOC tells first. All types of RP welcomed be it short term or long term.
: ■ Artwork Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/cQwDk
: ■ Artwork Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/cQwDk
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: ■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.  
: ■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.  
: ■ Balmung Server
: ■ Balmung Server (EST)

Revision as of 23:36, 1 January 2018


— Y'sebe Tia —

"What shall I sing for Thee?"

Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Age 25
Nameday 15th Sun of the 5th Umbral Sun
Deity ??
Marital Status Single
Occupation Escort/Bard (Information Broker)
Height ~5 fulm
Weight ~??

General ❧

Rather pale for a Seeker of the Sun, Y'sebe's fair skin had often taken to burning more than bronzing in the desert's harsh sun. Nor did it help that his white hair made him rather easy to spot among his fellow tribe mates along with a thick, spotted tail and ears similar to a snowleopards hardly of use in a desert terrain. While his Father is unknown there's been rumors it may have been a Keeper given his very non-Seeker like appearance. Y'sebe also is rather fussy about how he presents himself, taking care to be well groomed as all times not only for himself but for business as well.

His form is just as lithe as the next Seekers, having invested his time in Archery rather than any sort of melee combat finding it far more elegant both in aesthetic and ease. It was far easier to assess the situation from afar with precise shots than barbarically beat on one with a sword or axe.

Green eyes are almost always framed by a pair of glasses, not being able to see well more than a foot or so past his face. While unfortunate to his looks, in his opinion, he'd would rather not have an operation or alteration performed on them, having reservations about such techniques even if it made his dependence on glasses non-existent.

Clothing ❧

Y'sebe is usually seen wearing free flowing and light fabrics over heavier ones and armor. His usual style is various shades of blues and greys, often adorned head to tail in jewelry and precious gemstones. However when out and about in Ishgard, he can be seen donning a heavy, wool coats to protect him against the city's bitter climate.

Voice ❧

Years of traveling and living in Ishgard has caused him to suppress his Seeker accent, making his voice smooth and thick as honey that will sing praise for the right price. It's normally laced with confidence, although some would argue it's arrogance instead, but under certain circumstances he may slip into old habit's with rough, rolling 'R's.

Habits ❧

Grooms himself for long periods in the morning before leaving his residence for the day.
Will often touch his tail when nervous, anxious or stressed.

A charming Seeker who judges those by their gil and their manners, or lack there of. Has a voice smooth like honey, yet the under tone is laced with a rather smug arrogance. He has a strong distaste for water and cannot swim, often self grooming himself or using damp cloths. Can be rather lazy most of the time, preferring to leisurely take things at his own pace when not accompanying one for the night. His curiosity is a blessing and a curse, often getting the Seeker a large sum of gil or into trouble. Uses his silver tongue to get himself out of situations as when it comes to combat, his lithe form being no match for a more built opponent and relies on his Miqo'te reflexes and senses to aid in his flight. Isn't afraid to bend the rules on occasion if it will benefit him.


Tea with milk and honey


Loud and crass people
Bitter foods


Alignment: Choatic neutral
Faults: Narcissistic, Greedy when it comes to gil
Favorite Flavors: Anything sweet, spices and meat
Favorite Color: Various hues of blues and greys

Childhood ❧

Y'sebe was born into the Jaguar tribe and it was clear at young age that the female Miqo'te did little to catch his attention. Instead it was the males wanting to be Nuhn he preferred to fancy. He was trained in various hunting and trapping techniques, his love and skill with the bow a natural fit. However, his eye sight is rather poor and without his glasses the best he can see is a foot in front of his nose. Any further and the world becomes a blurry, distorted collage of shapes but his ears are sharp to compensate for it when they are not being worn. He also possesses a strong dislike for water, since there was very little in the desert and he hates the way it makes his fur feel. Being a rather curious feline and unable to stand living in his isolated tribe and their stagnant traditions, Y'sebe decide to leave at the age of fifteen to travel the realm.

Teenage ❧

It wasn't easy when he left his tribe, being unaccustomed to social situations and other race's and city's etiquette. The first year was a rough adjustment period, stealing what he could to survive until he learned information overheard could get himself a meal that night. His accent too slowly faded into a more common tongue, the rolling'R's leaving his speech altogether. It wasn't until the age of eighteen that Y'sebe bumped onto a traveling Elezen bard, Ethos, at a tavern one evening and fell in love with his music. After much pestering and following after the other, the man agreed to teach him how to sing and perform. Ethos told him of Ishgard in the far North, the frigid city under siege from dragons but boasting a wealthy economy and market trade. It was a hard parting but after having traveled the three main city states several times, at the age of twenty one he made his way North to the isolated country in hopes of a rich and lavish lifestyle.

Present ❧

Presently Y'sebe resides in Ishgard where under the guise of a humble bard that charms Ishgardian Elezen (and other unfortunate clients or those lucky enough to catch his fancy) out of their hard earned gil. While his escorting services aren't cheap, warming one's bed for the night could make even a shy man demand a raise as he looks forlorn at his wallet.


(easy to overhear)
"That's that odd Miqo'te who stays with those frigid Elezen up North yeah?"
"I saw him perform at the tavern a few weeks back, and what a voice he has."
"I wonder what he looks like without those glasses on. Maybe he wears them just for show like all that jewelry?."


(moderately difficult to overhear)
"I wouldn't trust that one. Rumour has it he knows many secrets and loose lips around him is bad news"
"I heard he 'sings' a different tune if you've got the gil."


(very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Rumor has it he's been seen on the Head of House Durendaire son's arm quite a few times. And we all know how well off they are..."
"I heard there's a special reason he's so sought after, but it seems none will speak of it for fear of a blacklist. I wonder what makes that annoying Miqo'te so special?"


(rumors from the characters of other players)
"Y'sebe is a delight and a joy. If you're stupid enough to only appreciate him superficially, then you are truly missing out on where his true talents lie." Vado Mercier
"--." --
Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing

Xihk'ra Yashu to be updated
Kivi Azale to be updated

■ Everything in history tab is to be kept in OOC, unless my character states it IC. His "information broker" occupation is also OOC unless stated otherwise. As well as Y'sebe being FtM. Male pronouns please and if there's any question please don't be afraid to inquire.
■ I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use, dubious consent, blackmail. kidnapping, ect) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment.
■ Most walk-up encounters though I prefer IC/OOC tells first. All types of RP welcomed be it short term or long term.
■ Artwork Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/cQwDk
■ Main page Artwork by: http://highberry.wixsite.com/commission
■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
■ Balmung Server (EST)

Template Bancroft Gairn
Layout reference D'lyhhia Lhuil
Other fiddling Misik'a Rahsi