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spacing:0.2em;"><center> About  </center></div></span></h3>
spacing:0.2em;"><center> About  </center></div></span></h3>
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Hailing from a secretive tribe of warriors, although more akin to an order. Harsh trainings were to be endured. Learning from a young age to study and live from the land, how to wield various weapons and daily trials of fitness. The tribe known as the 'Order of the Thorn' although refering to themselves as 'Sisters of the Thorn' or 'Brothers of the Thorn'depending upon gender. Only though who have passed certain trials are allowed to bear offspring, in hopes that only strong children will be born to one day replenish the ranks, as outsiders are not usually permitted to be part of the Order. The Order of the Thorn are guardians, fighting to preserve peace and rise to the challenge of high threats. Taking a sense of honour in not backing down from such a fight. While having a code of honour amongst their order, out in the world is where they become more individuals. Some might become gladiators of renown, some sellswords, others mere cutthroats to earn gil. Selfish or selfless, protector or murderer. Just like anyone else can be. Only when back in their tribe do they all follow the same path. Coming together, united under their Orders banner to form a small army. The Order of the Thorn is settled somewhere within the lands of Paglth'an, east of Thanalan and south of the Black shroud.With scorching deserts to the west and dense forests to the north, those of the Thorn are capable wilder land warriors. Knowing how to survive in harsh enviroments, how to fish and hunt and build shelters. Although their main dicipline is, of course, battle. Born to fight, bred for war.
Hailing from a secretive tribe of warriors, although more akin to an order. Harsh trainings were to be endured. Learning from a young age to study and live from the land, how to wield various weapons and daily trials of fitness. The tribe known as the 'Order of the Thorn' although refering to themselves as 'Sisters of the Thorn' or 'Brothers of the Thorn' depending upon gender. Only those who have passed certain trials are allowed to bear offspring, in hopes that only strong children will be born, to one day replenish the ranks. As outsiders are not usually permitted to be part of the Order, only the preceeding generations are left to keep the Order numbers high. The Order of the Thorn are guardians, fighting to preserve peace and rise to the challenge of high threats. Taking a sense of honour in not backing down from such a fight. While having a code of honour amongst their order, out in the world is where they become more individuals. Some might become gladiators of renown, some sellswords, others mere cutthroats to earn gil. Selfish or selfless, protector or murderer. Just like anyone else can be. Only when back in their tribe do they all follow the same path. Coming together, united under their Orders banner to form a small army. The Order of the Thorn is settled somewhere within the lands of Paglth'an, east of Thanalan and south of the Black shroud.With scorching deserts to the west and dense forests to the north, those of the Thorn are capable wild land warriors. Knowing how to survive in harsh enviroments, how to fish and hunt and build shelters. Although their main dicipline is, of course, battle. Born to fight, bred for war.
Like many of her Order, Nuala endured a tough childhood. Taking to facing combat with light armour to allow speed while using a shield to defend against most blows. Deft precision with a one handed sword to parry, ripost and exploit an opening on her enemy. Secondary choice of weapons are the spear, using it to withstand mounted opponents or simply for hunting. During times of peace, many of the Thorn often peel away from the main body of their groups. Going out into the wilds, and indeed civilizations to integrate themselves into the rest of the world. Fortunately while enduring harsh trainings, the children were also fed knowledge of the rest of the world. Learning to read, understand how other races and factions are. So that when they go out into the open world, they do not fall prey to ignorance.
Like many of her Order, Nuala endured a tough childhood. Taking to facing combat with light armour to allow speed while using a shield to defend against most blows. Deft precision with a one handed sword to parry, ripost and exploit an opening on her enemy. Secondary choice of weapons are the spear, using it to withstand mounted opponents or simply for hunting. During times of peace, many of the Thorn often peel away from the main body of their groups. Going out into the wilds, and indeed civilizations to integrate themselves into the rest of the world. Fortunately while enduring harsh trainings, the children were also fed knowledge of the rest of the world. Learning to read, understand how other races and factions are. So that when they go out into the open world, they do not fall prey to ignorance.

Revision as of 10:15, 6 March 2018

Thanalan vista.png
Nuala Locke Nualaportrait.png
Personal Data
Real Name: Nuala Locke.
Known Aliases: Nua.
Race: Hyur.
Age: 24.
Eye Color: Green.
Hair Color: Jet Black.
Occupation: Sellsword.


The woman warrior is selfless
She’s so majestic and she’s so strong
She stands with her shoulders held erect
She’s been overlooked for so long
Give thanks to the women warriors
Just like you do with the mighty men
Remember that we serve without reservation
And all the lives, we most gladly defend

Little Tidbits/Offsite Fun


Not as tall as most of her race, standing only at 5 fulms and 1 ilm (157cm). However she does possess a lean, toned form which boasts a mix of both strength and agility. While somewhat strong, her muscle tone does not take away from her feminine apperance. A full bust gracing her chest and keeping in proportion to the rest of her body. Seemingly neither small or large. Hips flare out gently, almost giving Nuala' a soft, hour-glass figure. All supported on long, toned legs.

The most noticeable thing about this Hyur would be her dark, ebony skin and jet black hair, which often remains tied back. Underneath the silken strands which form Nuala's fringe, peircing green eyes possess a keen watchfulness. While she possesses some measure of strength, Nuala's face is soft and gentle.

Aspects That Stand Out:
Dark ebony skin, no doubt has spent alot of time under the sun.
Emerald green eyes a stark contrast to everything else.
Seems to always carry a weapon of some form, usually her sword.


Hailing from a secretive tribe of warriors, although more akin to an order. Harsh trainings were to be endured. Learning from a young age to study and live from the land, how to wield various weapons and daily trials of fitness. The tribe known as the 'Order of the Thorn' although refering to themselves as 'Sisters of the Thorn' or 'Brothers of the Thorn' depending upon gender. Only those who have passed certain trials are allowed to bear offspring, in hopes that only strong children will be born, to one day replenish the ranks. As outsiders are not usually permitted to be part of the Order, only the preceeding generations are left to keep the Order numbers high. The Order of the Thorn are guardians, fighting to preserve peace and rise to the challenge of high threats. Taking a sense of honour in not backing down from such a fight. While having a code of honour amongst their order, out in the world is where they become more individuals. Some might become gladiators of renown, some sellswords, others mere cutthroats to earn gil. Selfish or selfless, protector or murderer. Just like anyone else can be. Only when back in their tribe do they all follow the same path. Coming together, united under their Orders banner to form a small army. The Order of the Thorn is settled somewhere within the lands of Paglth'an, east of Thanalan and south of the Black shroud.With scorching deserts to the west and dense forests to the north, those of the Thorn are capable wild land warriors. Knowing how to survive in harsh enviroments, how to fish and hunt and build shelters. Although their main dicipline is, of course, battle. Born to fight, bred for war.

Like many of her Order, Nuala endured a tough childhood. Taking to facing combat with light armour to allow speed while using a shield to defend against most blows. Deft precision with a one handed sword to parry, ripost and exploit an opening on her enemy. Secondary choice of weapons are the spear, using it to withstand mounted opponents or simply for hunting. During times of peace, many of the Thorn often peel away from the main body of their groups. Going out into the wilds, and indeed civilizations to integrate themselves into the rest of the world. Fortunately while enduring harsh trainings, the children were also fed knowledge of the rest of the world. Learning to read, understand how other races and factions are. So that when they go out into the open world, they do not fall prey to ignorance. Upon reaching the age of twenty one, Nuala set off to find her own course. Finding her prowess gave her a knack for making coin as a sellsword. As with everyone of her order, a small amount of her earnings is sent back home. Assisting the Order to stay well funded.

Yes, Nuala's tribe/order is something that I created myself for backstory purposes. It is Hyur only.


A varying personality graces Nuala, able to shift her ways to adapt to those around. Making it all the more likely to blend in and take whatever jobs come her way. She will not murder in cold blood or for coin, she see's herself as a protector..for a price. She will often gravitate to those with an easy going personality, fun and playful, ways she is not overly used to from her harsh upbringing. Loves to trial herself in combat, though would never make a show of it and fight in gladiator pits.

Despite the almost sellsword mentality, Nuala is generally kind and compassionate if not trying to blend in with others. Enjoying her time out more in the wilds than within towns or cities.


Always seeking to better herself in martial ways.
While not caring much for material things, the coin she sends home serves to increase her standing within the Sisterhood.
The wilds.


Being taught humility as part of her upbringing, she finds Boasting and ego feeding to be a sign of weakness.
Although her whole life revolves around battle, Nuala hates to see wars or fights caused out of the most tedious of things.


Archery - Nuala never managed to dedicate time to learning the ways of a bow, so instead took to practicing on her own and finding it quite a relaxing sport.
Living free - Simply enjoying life and trying out new experiences. As the saying goes: You only live once.
Swimming - While coming from the desert wastes mostly, the lack of deep rivers makes this hobby a rare indulgance.


Sword and shield - Having most of her training dedicated to this weapon set, Nuala has a great skill in using it. The shield not often used to absorb a full impact blow, but angled to deflect a blow..
Speed - Knowing she is not overly strong, Nuala relies more upon agility and speed. Dodging and weaving through attacks and positioning herself on an enemies flank.
Clear headed - While not the best tactician around, during the thick of things, Nuala can keep her mind free. Watch as a battle unfolds and react to it. Preventing herself from falling prey to tunnel vision. This applies in everything she does, always seeing the bigger picture.


Strength - While stronger than most, she will often be surpassed in strength by soldiers and other warriors. If actually grappled, she would have a hard time breaking free
Magicks - Has no affinity at all for magics, while her endurance permits some resistance, overall it would be her downfall.
Ranged Attacks - Due to being a melee specialist, ranged attacks can prove more than bothersome. She is no warrior of light nor epic hero, and therefore is unable to precisely deflect an arrow or catch it midflight. She might, of course, get lucky and block a few shots while using her shield for cover.


Self enlightenment - Seeking to perfect her body, mind and spirit.


Relies on agility, her movements almost like a fluid dance. Blade and shield used to deflect/parry blows.
Weapons of Choice
Sword and Shield.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors -
"Place Rumor here " — Rumormonger.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Place Holder.. ( ) - Place Holder.
Character's Thoughts: "Place Holder."
Place Holder.



Player Note
I have a very clear distinction when it comes to OOC/IC. They must remain separate at all times if we are to RP together, especially on an extended basis and I reserve the right to end interactions should this be impeded upon. I've been burnt heavily by people mistaking IC care and OOC friendship and attention with romantic regard and honestly I don't wish to go through another such debacle once more. If my character dislikes yours that does not mean I hold the same sentiment. If my character loves yours that does not translate to me feeling the same for you, though I might feel a platonic equivalent. I am not my characters and they are not me. Respect this and we shall get along famously.
Personal RP Limits
I don't have very many hardcore limits honestly as I feel consequences must be adhered to when RPing any character regardless of whom they might be. However there are a few exceptions to this and they are as follows.
I will play Almost anything that isn't described below.
I won't play Death or Maiming.
Little Tidbits.
If you're ever uncomfortable, tell me! I don't bite! I can get pretty into RPing out consequences however and while I do my best to make sure permission is had and everyone is comfortable I'm not perfect. If you have a problem speak up.


Potential Plot Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP.
■ Hunting parties.
■ Needing to hire a guard/guide? Nua will take job..for a price.
■ Looking for people to go on an adventure? If the rewards and challenges are worth it, Nua will go.