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This section will detail things have have happened to N'hadiya since arriving in Ul'dah. Many of these sections may contain links to stories & character journal postings.
This section will detail things have have happened to N'hadiya since arriving in Ul'dah. Many of these sections may contain links to stories & character journal postings.
::==== N'hadiya's Arrival in Ul'dah ====
==== N'hadiya's Arrival in Ul'dah ====
::After some time spent traveling around outside of the city's walls in search of leads on her sister, N'hadiya finally arrived in Ul'dah. She immediately delved into trying to track down anyone who might have a clue about what happened to her sister. However, she found a number of people very tight-lipped about the less-than-savory aspects of the city. After prying a little too deep on one occasion, she was even set upon by a few thugs to 'send a message' to keep to herself. Thankfully she suffered nothing more than a few bruises and wounded pride, but neither her determination nor curious were quite snuffed out. Now, she's being much more careful about how she pursues things, and has simply taken on more of the adventurer's role in the meantime.
::After some time spent traveling around outside of the city's walls in search of leads on her sister, N'hadiya finally arrived in Ul'dah. She immediately delved into trying to track down anyone who might have a clue about what happened to her sister. However, she found a number of people very tight-lipped about the less-than-savory aspects of the city. After prying a little too deep on one occasion, she was even set upon by a few thugs to 'send a message' to keep to herself. Thankfully she suffered nothing more than a few bruises and wounded pride, but neither her determination nor curious were quite snuffed out. Now, she's being much more careful about how she pursues things, and has simply taken on more of the adventurer's role in the meantime.

Revision as of 19:39, 11 March 2014

 N'hadiya Khei
Nhadi updated bust.png
A long ways from home and further yet to go.
Gender Female.
Race Miqo'te.
Clan Seekers of the Sun.
Citizenship Ul'dah, Aldgoat Tribe (former).
Age Twenty-four.
Guardian Azeyma, the Warden.
Nameday 13th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon.
Orientation Two on the Kinsey Scale.
Height 5 fulm, 2 ilm.
Occupation Adventurer, Huntress (former).
Pronunciation & Nickname Notes! ]  N'hadiya's full name is pronounced as follows:  "NAH - dee - yah KAY". However, her given name by itself -- Hadiya -- is pronounced "AH - dee - yah". The initial aitch (H) is silent, save for to other miqo'te, who would likely pronounce her name the same albeit with a slightly throaty, hissing tone added onto the initial stressed syllable. As such, in terms of nicknames, she is commonly called "N'hadi" or "Adi" by those close to her.

[OOC Note!] This page is under heavy construction. I'm also generally new to wikis, so please be patient while I do my best to flesh out N'hadiya's character page. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message!

Character Information


N'hadiya is of an average height and build for her kind, standing at around 5 fulm 2 ilm and weighing in around 110 - 120 ponze. She inherited a number of her mother's attractive features -- a soft facial structure, full lips, and wide, bright green eyes. Her skin is considerably tanned from a marriage of genetics and a life lived in the Sagolii Desert, which goes beautifully well with her long and dark brown hair. Yet despite her attractive features, she doesn't quite come off as 'dainty' or 'delicate' as some would perhaps assume. She has an air about her that gives the impression that she can very much hold her own. Notable amongst her possessions is a dark garnet pendant on a long golden chain that she always wears, though is typically tucked under her shirt. On one side, the garnet has a sun inlaid in gold. On the other side, Azeyma's symbol. It was a gift that her brother purchased for her in Ul'dah and sent home to her some years ago, and she greatly cherishes it.




Formerly, N'hadiya was a huntress for her tribe back in the desert. However, since leaving home, she had adopted the mantle of the adventurer for hire. Since arriving in Ul'dah, she's used her talent in pugilism and her hardworking personality to take up odd jobs here and there - cull troublesome beasts outside of town, retrieve much needed materials, even delivering messages from one place to the next. Essentially, any job paying a bit of coin is enough for her currently, as she figures building up a rapport with the citizens of Ul'dah and surrounding areas will serve her purposes better in the search for her siblings.

Currently, N'hadiya works alone or - occasionally - in groups as assigned by the employer. She's found that she greatly enjoys the dynamic of working with others, though the fact that each of these assignments pairs her with strangers rather than familiar faces is not ideal for her. She entertains the thought of finding a like-minded group of individuals to join, but simply hasn't found the right fit just yet.


Fighting Style

While still living with the tribe, N'hadiya was given the standard education in how to hunt, chiefly with shortbow and spear. Though proficient enough to hunt with either weapon, she dropped both in favor of hand-to-hand weaponry upon leaving the tribe. She simply prefers the more up-close way of fighting, not to mention that she finds the art of pugilism to be more 'elegant'.

Armor & Weaponry

As a pugilist, N'hadiya favors light armors that do not restrict her movement. Leathers are particularly favored. Likewise, she favors bladed hand-to-hand weapons over blunted, but is equally proficient with either. 

History & Background

Tribal Origins

N'hadiya comes from a small, close-knit subsect of the N' tribe of Sunseeker Miqo'te of the Sagolii Desert. Their tribe was formed long ago when one small group of Aldgoat tribe members branched off from the main tribe to expand their territory, yet ended up traveling so far in their search that they eventually lost contact with the main branch of the tribe and eventually developed their own off-shoot culture and customs. They became a highly isolated group, not only from the main N' tribe itself but from other Sunseeker tribes as well after being scorned by a number of not-so-friendly tribes whose territories they had to pass through to find their new home. Therefore, they adopted the policy very early on to keep to themselves, to keep everyone else at arm's length. The only exceptions were the occasional miqo'te who came from the original N' tribe to refresh the gene pool and keep family lines from becoming crossed and the even more rare travelers and adventurers passing through to do trade - a necessary evil to get some of their needed supplies.

In a nutshell, N'hadiya's former tribe was strictly traditional, conservative, and isolationist. Those who thought and acted different from the tribe as a whole were ostracized, if not punished by exile. Whereas many other Seeker tribes consider it fine for their members to explore the world to learn in order to enrich their tribe, anyone who leaves the N' tribe's borders is considered to no longer be part of the tribe - no exceptions.

Before the Calamity

N'hadiya was the middle child of three borne to N'hakara Rhalo and one of the previous Aldgoat tribe breeding males, N'khei Nunh. Three years before her came her older brother, N'hazir. A year after her own birth, her younger sister N'hamira entered the family. There was never a time that the three siblings weren't close. Growing up, they were practically inseparable. N'hazir doted on and protected his two younger sisters and, in turn, they practically worshipped the ground that their older brother walked upon. Yet for their closeness, their personalities began to diverge a bit as they grew older. Intrigued by the stories of traders and adventurers passing through their territory and a general disinterest in aiming to become the next Nunh, N'hazir became practically obsessed with the world beyond the dunes of the Sagolii Desert, much to his mother's chagrin. On the opposite end of the scale, N'hamira, though interested in the world, refused to even entertain the idea of ever leaving home. Those grand stories were just that - stories. However, N'hadiya fell somewhere in between her two beloved siblings. She loved her extended tribe family and their way of life - the clear skies, bright sun, windswept dunes, and the thrill of hunting. Yet their penchant for isolation and strict prohibitions against leaving and returning never settled well with her.

When N'hazir became an adult, he had had enough of the tribe and made the difficult decision to leave. He begged his sisters to come with him, but N'hamira outright refused. Torn between her two siblings, N'hadiya finally decided to remain behind with her sister to make sure she was taken care of. When their mother found out about N'hazir leaving, she disowned him on the spot rather than shame herself and her family in the eyes of the tribe by supporting a tribe deserter. However, neither sister could bring herself to do the same, and chose to bear the shame and ill-regard of their peers instead.

Over the next four years, N'hadiya and N'hamira both trained diligently as huntresses, though the former showed much more promise than the latter, who herself showed much more promise in the tribes social circle. Letters and parcels arrived periodically from their brother, speaking of faraway lands and peoples. He regaled them with his life as an adventurer and all of the things he had done, encouraging them all over again to leave the tribe and see the world. They were forced to hide these letters and gifts, naturally, thinking it best that their mother never see nor hear about them. But they cherished every note and trinket, as they missed him terribly. Their clinging to these things only grew as the red moon Dalamud become ever more swollen in the skies and their brother's once amazing and mystifying accounts of exotic lands shifted to worried, grim tales of the Garlean invasion, the suffering of the people, and the fate of Eorzea itself.

Unwilling to let herself worry too much, N'hadiya threw herself even deeper into her training. Other than the usual bows and spears her people hunted with, she picked up the art of pugilism, inspired by her brother's mention of the famed Pugilists Guild of Ul'dah and how amazing the fighters were to behold. Just as she had proven herself to have an aptitude for hunting, so too did she possess a talent for the wielding of hand-to-hand weaponry. Though it wasn't quite the same as Ul'dahn pugilism, she was very much able to hold her own using the N' tribe style of hand-to-hand combat.

After the Calamity

The Calamity brought widespread destruction to the N' tribe's hunting grounds, killing much of their prey and warping the land beyond belief. They were lucky not to lose many lives, but it quickly became apparent that they could not sustain the tribe on their devastated hunting grounds. The tribe spent the next few months finding and securing new hunting grounds, finally securing a much smaller plot of land rather far from home. However, this new territory brought them very close to a settlement of non-miqo'te refugees that had likewise lost their home and had been forced to move further into the desert to start over. Unsurprisingly, the tribe was uninterested in having any contact with them, and made such very clear very early on.

Despite this, N'hadiya often visited the small settlement while out on her hunts, as she was quite curious about them. She was shocked to find just how much worse off they were. As opposed to the N' tribe, who had been living off of the desert for generations, there were few amongst them that could even begin to hunt. Their food supplies was running short, and with a number of orphans, there was a great number of mouths to feed. Finally, unable to idly watch them suffer and slowly starve themselves to death, N'hadiya went to the tribe elders and pleaded with them for an alliance between the settlement and tribe. They could help feed the others, and in return, the could provide the Seekers with trade and knowledge. Yet, of course, the elders would have none of it and chastised her for involving herself with them. Not so easily deterred, N'hadiya stubbornly chose to disobey their orders to leave them be, secretly sneaking off whenever she could to the settlement to teach those willing and able how to hunt and fend for themselves in the cruel desert.

Over the following few years, the settlement - with N'hadiya's help - was able to get back onto its feet and even establish itself as a small scale trading hub. In return, she was able to get her hands on much more information about the lands beyond the seas of sands she was so accustomed to. But as more information became available to her, the more acute the realization was becoming that she had heard nothing from her brother since the Calamity. While at first she chalked it up to their tribe moving, she became more and more concerned over time. When she first heard of the Warriors of Light and the other brave soldiers who fought at the Battle of Carteneau, she couldn't help but get a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Given her brother's worries just months before the Calamity, it wouldn't have surprised her if he had joined into the fray.

As if the potential loss of one sibling wasn't enough, a hunt brought about the disappearance of her younger sister. The two of them went out for a hunt and decided to split up to track the prey whose trail they were following. However, when N'hamira did not return, N'hadiya was quick to report back to the tribe and organize a search effort to scour the desert. While the tribespeople searched, N'hadiya went to the nearby settlement to see if her sister had shown up there. While there was no sign of her, her friends and acquaintances there were quick to offer their assistance as well. Grateful, she had accepted their help. However, hours later, the two groups collided and the matter almost came to blows. Luckily, N'hadiya was there to step in between the two sides and put an end to it. Unfortunately, it was also the end of the search effort for her sister. After a few more days had passed without sign nor word of N'hamira, N'hadiya resigned herself to the probability that her sister had become lost and perished in the desert. Her and her mother mourned her greatly, taking the loss very hard.

A little over a month later, N'hadiya was in the non-Seeker settlement when one of the local merchants sought her out. He told her of a rumor that he had overheard during his business, of a group of captured Seeker of the Sun women who had been smuggled out of the Sagolii Desert. He hadn't heard exactly where they were headed or who was behind it. Yet it was a glimmer of hope for N'hadiya, who thanked him profusely and hurried back to the tribe to plead with the tribe elders to let her leave, to seek them out and find out where N'hamira had been taken. Much to her shock and disgust, her pleading was denied. As she was far beyond the tribe's lands by now, the only thing that they could do, as they said, was to pray to Azeyma to watch over her and to remember her in honor rather than shame. Infuriated, N'hadiya quickly returned home to her mother to ask for her blessing in the search. However, the staunchly traditional woman, as much as it pained her, would not leave the tribe nor condone her last remaining daughter doing so even if it was to rescue the daughter taken from her. Feeling betrayed and heartbroken, N'hadiya made the decision to leave the tribe, regardless. She joined in with the next caravan leaving from the neighboring settlement, traveling with them to Ul'dah where she would begin her adventuring career and her search for not only her sister, but both of her siblings.

Recent History

This section will detail things have have happened to N'hadiya since arriving in Ul'dah. Many of these sections may contain links to stories & character journal postings.

N'hadiya's Arrival in Ul'dah

After some time spent traveling around outside of the city's walls in search of leads on her sister, N'hadiya finally arrived in Ul'dah. She immediately delved into trying to track down anyone who might have a clue about what happened to her sister. However, she found a number of people very tight-lipped about the less-than-savory aspects of the city. After prying a little too deep on one occasion, she was even set upon by a few thugs to 'send a message' to keep to herself. Thankfully she suffered nothing more than a few bruises and wounded pride, but neither her determination nor curious were quite snuffed out. Now, she's being much more careful about how she pursues things, and has simply taken on more of the adventurer's role in the meantime.



  • Unsurprisingly, N'hadiya highly enjoys being outside in the sunlight.
  • Tracking and hunting are not only things that she is good at, but also enjoys. Likewise, practicing pugilism is another favorite of hers.
  • The familiarity of other Sunseekers comforts her, especially after having left home and reaching the mixing pot of Ul'dah.
  • Due to the scarcity of water in her homelands, N'hadi considers large bodies of water and swimming to be luxuries that she enjoys whenever she can.


  • While she's not exactly nervous around other races usually, Keepers of the Moon make her a bit uncomfortable. She's not met too many of them, but find them strange and hard to relate to in general.
  • Large crowds of people have a tendency to make N'hadi very nervous.
  • Very strong scents and noises make her very nervous and / or irritable, as they impair her senses greatly.
  • Overly pushy people brush her the wrong way, and overly submissive people make her feel awkward.


  • N'hadiya's chief desire is to find her older brother and younger sister, N'hazir and N'hamira. It drives practically everything she does.
  • In the same vein, N'hadiya also wishes to become more like the example of selflessness and helping others that her brother set. 
  • N'hadi also wishes to become more proficient in the art of pugilism, specifically of the Ul'dahn variety. To her, bows and polearms are simply hunting tools. Yet she finds the intricate, high-disciplined fighting style of pugilists very intriguing.


  • N'hadiya fears that her brother, N'hazir, was lost during the Calamity. Likewise, she is terrified that her sister will meet a similarly awful fate if she is not found.
  • Occasionally, N'hadiya blames herself for the disappearance of her younger sister.
  • Due to an incident in her younger years where she became lost for hours amongst the dunes of the Sagolii Desert, N'hadi has a fear of becoming lost and thus never explores a new area without proper precautions.
  • As a social creature, she is very afraid of being alone. Growing up in a tribe and surrounded by her siblings for most of her life, the lack of both that she has found herself in has become a source of both sadness and anxiety.



  • [ N'hazir Tia  - Older Brother (Unplayed) ] . . . Location and status currently unknown. Her adventurous, worldly older brother who left their tribe when they were young. N'hadiya loves him dearly and has missed him greatly ever since he left the N' tribe's borders. Only after the Calamity when his letters and packages stopped coming did she truly begin to worry about his well-being. Now that she has left home, N'hadiya is eager to find out what has become of him.
  • [ N'hamira Khei  -  Younger Sister (Unplayed) ] . . . Location and status currently unknown. Her much more timid, homebody younger sister who disappeared a few months ago. At first, N'hadiya assumed that she had been lost to the desert, but later heard rumors of abducted Sunseeker women being smuggled out of the Sagolii Desert by an unknown person or group for unknown reasons. Now, even without the help of her strict, isolationist tribe and her own mother, N'hadiya hopes to find her.
  • [ N'hakara Rhalo  -  Mother (NPC) ] . . . A very strictly traditional former huntress and matron of the N' tribe. Their relationship has always been one that was rather strained due to N'hadiya's much more open mindset regarding outsiders and the rest of Eorzea. It saddens her to know that her mother has likely disowned her now, too, after leaving their tribe. However, it hurts her even more to know that the woman would place her values in the tribe above her own daughter, refusing to leave the comforts of home and the tribe to rescue her own abducted daughter.
  • [ N'khei Nunh  -  Father (Deceased) ] . . . There was never much of a relationship between this man and none of the three siblings, given that they were borne of a union of duty rather than love or family. The only exception was N'hazir, who spent some time with the man in his younger years, training under him. However, when they were all three fairly young, he was killing when challenged for his position as nunh.


  • None yet.


  • None yet.


  • None yet.


Common Rumors

  • "I asked 'er what it were tha' could bring a Seeker girl like 'er outta the desert. Lookin' for 'er sister and brother, she says. Won't say too much more'n tha', though.."
  • "If you've got some errands in need of running, N'hadiya will take care of them for a bit of gil. And her help's a lot cheaper than most of those other 'venturers, the greedy sods."
  • "She's been taking odd jobs with groups of adventurers to make some coin lately, but I overheard her saying one day that she'd much prefer the company of familiar faces than strangers."

Moderate Rumors

  • "I heard she's from that tribe. You'd never guess, considering she's as friendly as she is."
  • "It's a good day to see her comin' down the street in the market wards. She's as gullible about trade as a newborn babe. Guess they don't teach you 'bout markets in the desert, eh?"

Rare Rumors

  • "That one's bound to end up in some trouble, poking her nose around where it doesn't belong. I don't exactly know what a nice girl like that could want with the seedier side of Ul'dahn trade, but I hope she takes care not to cross the wrong person."

PC Rumors

  • None yet.

Player OOC Information

N'hadiya's Player

Hi! I'm a long-time forum RPer (for over 10 years now) but a newbie MMO RPer. That said, N'hadiya is my first real attempt at breaking into the FFXIV RPing community on the Balmung server. I'm also a long-time FFXIV player in general, having joined in patch 1.19 back in version 1.0 of the game and playing ever since. My strictly OOC, game progression character is located on Excalibur. For the sake of keeping this short and sweet, I'll just say that if you're curious about me or want to chat OOCly, just send me a tell!

RP Style & Preferences

  • [ Chat Modes ]  I'm equally comfortable with private modes of RP (tells, party, etc.) and open RP in /say. Therefore, if you have any specific preference, just let me know beforehand!
  • [ Walk-ups & Tells ]  Generally speaking, I very much welcome walk-ups! However, there are times when I'm busy or otherwise pre-occupied and may miss your posts at me in /say. Therefore, if you see N'hadi around with the busy symbol, I would prefer if you send a /tell to ask for RP before posting so you can be sure that I'll see your post and that I'm up for RP. Likewise, there are times when I just don't feel up to RPing. If you see N'hadi rocking the AFK symbol, that means I am currently either AFK or OOC and not interested in RP at that point in time. However, that doesn't mean you can't /tell me if you're interested and set up something for later / chat!
  • [ Family Relationships ]  N'hadi has two unplayed siblings. While I wouldn't be opposed to them being played later on, I'm preferring to leave them as NPCs for now. I'm not actively looking for other family relationships at the moment, but I'm always willing to consider ideas!
  • [ Romantic Relationships ]  I'm not opposed to romantic relationships cropping up in RP, nor am I content with romantic relationships being the sole focus of all of my RPs. I am also not a huge fan of pre-planning romantic relationships and forcing them to happen. Basically, I see it as we RP and if the characters start going that way, I'm cool with seeing where it leads.
  • [ Mature Themes ]  Much like with romantic relationships, I follow the rule of 'If sexual-themed RP comes up in the natural course of the plot, it's fair game'. However, the majority of the time I may not be up for roleplaying out scenes of an explicit nature and would prefer to Fade-to-Black. In terms of other mature / dark themes, such as extreme violence and questionable morality, I'm totally okay with. Just let me know if you have anything drastic planned!
  • [ Combat ]  Admittedly, combat isn't my favorite thing to RP, but again.. If it comes up naturally in the flow of the plot, I'll play it. Combat RP for the sake of combat RP, though, is not my cup of tea. Not with this character, at least. But if combat-oriented RP does come up, I expect us to operate on the expectations of realism and courtesy. Don't auto-hit / godmode / metagame, don't control my character, and basically just don't be a jerk about it! 


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea