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1552: Born during the fall of Doma to Garlean Rule. Raised in a clan of hunters, taken in at an early age for her Echo.
1552: Born during the fall of Doma to Garlean Rule. Raised in a clan of hunters, taken in at an early age for her Echo.
1562: Arriving at Silver Tear alongside the Agrius on their way to Thanalan to converge with an Ala Mihgan refugee convoy. Caught in the explosion and starts to suffer from chronic pain and memory loss.  
1562-1576: Lives in Limsa Lominsa, holding odd jobs, taking training up in the Bismark in her free time. Graduates as a chef de pastire
1562: Arriving at Silver Tear alongside the Agrius on their way to Thanalan to converge with an Ala Mihgan refugee convoy. Caught in the explosion and starts to suffer from chronic pain and memory loss.
1562-1576: Lives in Limsa Lominsa, holding odd jobs, taking training up in the Bismark in her free time. Graduates as a chef de pastire.
1576 (A Realm Awoken): Travels to Ishgard after finding work with the House of Montique until the suicide of the head of the household for illicit relationships with underage Burme citizens. Scattered memories begin to puzzle together in dreams.
1576 (A Realm Awoken): Travels to Ishgard after finding work with the House of Montique until the suicide of the head of the household for illicit relationships with underage Burme citizens. Scattered memories begin to puzzle together in dreams.
1576 (Through the Maelstorm): Joins a Doman Resistance and fights along side her people. Resumes her ninjutsu training with the master of the house, excels due in part to her muscle memory. During a skirmish against Garlean infiltrators in the Ryuga Household, dissent among her ranks. Pain becomes unbearable, effecting her vision.
1576 (Through the Maelstorm): Joins a Doman Resistance and fights along side her people. Resumes her ninjutsu training with the master of the house, excels due in part to her muscle memory. During a skirmish against Garlean infiltrators in the Ryuga Household, dissent among her ranks. Pain becomes unbearable, effecting her vision.
1577: After regaining her true identity she returns to Eorzea with the aide of a companion. No longer able to return to her old life in Limsa Lominsa, but maintains contact with those that had come to know her, she settles in Ul'dah where she takes work in the Basin as a Chocobo Handler. She starts breeding Chocobos and takes a part time job at a cafe in the Mists.
1577: After regaining her true identity she returns to Eorzea with the aide of a companion. No longer able to return to her old life in Limsa Lominsa, but maintains contact with those that had come to know her, she settles in Ul'dah where she takes work in the Basin as a Chocobo Handler. She starts breeding Chocobos and takes a part time job at a cafe in the Mists.

Revision as of 07:03, 23 July 2018

 Tatsu Torioi
Tatsu Avatar.png
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship Yanxia
Server Mateus
Age Twenty-Five
Orientation Polyamorous Heterosexual
Partner(s) None
Namesday 21st Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Guardian Kami
Free Company Maid's Basin


♦ General

Born to the Torioi family, native to the Othard region the young Doman was born under the 21st Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon in 1552. This Yanxian born was raised as a citizen to a crumbling empire. She learned their laws, their ideals, and the dissent of the foreign ideology of those who sought to wretch the throne from the old Emperor. Under the watchful eyes of her clan she was raised under the traditional values of a Doman. Learning to hunt fowl before she could walk, the young Raen would be conscripted at an early age for her -- unique display of spatial mapping. While natural to all Au Ra hers was especially strong and something the empire felt they could use to secure their foothold in Eorzea. Under her proctor she was taught all of the basics expected of a lady of the Doman Empire, with values that aligned with Garlemald. As soon as able she was trained as not only an assassin, but as an experiment for the new ideals of the empire, which crept ever closer, strangling the values of the old.

These experiments sought to use the basic concept from an Imp’s Glamour ability to alter a soldier’s outward appearance to allow spies to blend into certain groups as sleeper agents. Tatsu was one of many experiments that were implanted with devices that would generate a field of controlled aether, with the support of batteries implanted along the spinal column, to invigorate and alter the natural aether of non-Garlean soldiers to create a false image.

She was only five when she was brought into surgery. She was given a false identity and name during her training. Using a guise that would allow even her tail to be hidden she was given the form of a Miqo’te. Her name: D’ragan Kins. Along with her invented history she would be sent into the ranks of Eorzean military or government. The Garlean vassal would be indoctrinated into her role through her training until they felt the child ready to be sent on her first mission. A child was much easier to train, to send into the fray for though they viewed Eorzeans as savages they were assured they would take in a child with ease. Much of her life since taken in was spent on a boat or at port. There was not a day she could remember ever being on land. Trained in Ninjutsu and the local Taijutsu: a bastardization of the Ala Mihgan’s teachings of the Fist of Rhaglr. She was educated in both the customs of the Old Empire and Doman politics. She could write, read, and speak both her native Doman and Hingan. She was also tutored in the Eorzean style of writing and reading with relative ease.

Over time she adapted the story of her Miqo'te history to memory: they were refugees of Ala Mihgo who eventually made it to the deserts of Thanalan to settle. For her first mission she was slated to be merged into a group of refugees known to be crossing through into Thanalan via Mor Dhona. The science vessel, she had called home for a number of years, had been moved after the Confederacy discovered it crossing their waters. They quickly set off to join the Agrius’ armada as soon as possible, under the orders of Gaius van Baelsar. But before the vessel could part from the convoy and reach at their location down the coast: the fleet at Silver Tear faced a catastrophe with the Agrius against Midgarsormr’s assault. The ancient Dravanian leveled the whole of the coastal region turning it to a barren waste of Crystal and Cereleum.

The remains of her ship eventually sailed adrift in the Merlthor Strait where it would eventually cross the Rhotano sea, carried by the waves. The altered Rean was picked up by a pirating vessel who had learned of the scraps of vessel that had been scattered to the five winds. With the aether controller damaged by the cerelum laced explosion at Silver Tear they would begin to leak pure cerelum into her body eventually causing her memories to fracture and mix with the false background given to her by the Empire. She was only ten at the time. The true epitome of a sleeper agent her memories would stay locked away as she settled among the Lominsans until she was, by sheer chance, eventually picked up by a Doman resistance group years later. Over time her memory would piece together, strengthening her romantic desire to restore the old ideals of the empire. She would aide the resistance and deserters to destroy this false empire raised by a false emperor and, perhaps one day: save Eorzea from herself.

For her it began at in Yanxia on scientific vessel somewhere off the coast of what was once the proud nation of Doma in the Bay of Yanxia. For the purpose of publication the data had been redacted to allow for printing. As an addendum only high ranking science officers may officially access these documents as written by her handler [Redacted]. The following commentary was added as official observations as subject was lost somewhere around the Carteneau Flats at the edge of Cinderfoot River.

Tatsu Torioi, as was her given Yanxia name, was an experiment of the Empire hidden for years from superior officers until she was completed. One of many: their goal was to plant sleeper agents in the Eorzean Grand Companies as collectors of intel. It has been seen that if these sleeper agents were already part of structured families born of Eorzean households they were more quickly received into trusted position. It seemed the perfect way to climb the ranks of Eorzean politics without untold resources and time wasted on inefficient means of gathering intel.

What we sought to do was to change the outer appearance of a person without detection. Eorzeans, by their very nature, were sensitive to changes in aether. By manipulating [Redacted] honed with [Redacted] they were able to produce specialized magitek devices that were surgically installed inside the body, at key points known as [Redacted]. They found it possible to project an image throughout the entire body by distorting the very aethher around and inside a being using a method similar to how many suspect ghosts from the past are able to manifest in aether rich regions. They called it an [Redacted]. And it was to be a key tool in the Empire’s war against the savages with as little use of the Empire’s resources possible. She was not the only one experimented on, upon this vessel, but as far as we can surmise she is the only one to have been observed as long as she has. Only time will tell if she resurfaces again.

It seems a type of alcoholism was used to cope for the extreme pain caused by the implants, which likely malfunctioned after the disaster in Mor Dhona. It seems she was exposed to the high concentrations of aether after the Cereleum tank explosions which in the destruction of the Agrius could have caused the implants to deteriorate, releasing doses of poison into her system. But that is mere speculation for now. No research exists on the objects as the ship and its scientists were destroyed utterly at Silver Tear and much of the research was highly secretive, lost in the Calamity. In the end the subjects in question still retains leveled clearance into Imperial posts ever should their implants malfunction.

They are trained to return home like messenger falcons.

Who was the real savage at the end of it all? Those who experimented on these youths or those who failed to recognize their own family amidst the changes? After all no amount of coaching could ever account for the minute differences in personalities. There are things even the Empire cannot control.

♦ Appearance

Standing at 144cm (4'9") the young woman can be caught in anything from ninja-yoroi to a simple tafetta shawl. With a toned frame the Au Ra sports fierce looking horns, a mask often sat atop her head with horn-like extensions that arc up and back as opposed to her natural horns which curl forward and down. The ends of her fingers are tipped with small claws, her mouth filled with tiny fangs she is a fearsome predator driven for the hunt, despite her size. Her eyes are a deep, crimson red with her left standing out with a single, blue glowing limbal ring. Her aether is corrupted so those with aether-sight will see it edged with a green hue mixed with its natural orange.

With a striking, caramel tone the Raen's white scales do to stand out. With a hood of scales shielding her neck and the underside of her chin she is guarded against the common vulnerability found in those without the natural armor. The covering of knitted carapace continue down to her collar bone where they fan out across her shoulders, thinning out into smoother, more flexible covering before becoming like freckles painted along her biceps. From the top of her wrist and spread out over the back of her hand are more scales of hardness similar to her neck and throat. Scarred scales run down the length of her spine until the base of her tail where they arch over her hips and around her pelvis before they become soft again against the tops and inner portions of her thighs. From her knees, down the front of her shins the remainder of her scales wrap around her ankles and back over her heels.

♦ Behaviour

The Forthright Direct and outspoken Tatsu is seen as an individual honest with her words which comes to an ironic contrast to her position as a mistress of the art of Ninjutsu which is steeped in lying, deception, and secrecy. She is scare gentle with her words and will give her opinion even if you did not ask for it.

The Gregarious. Fond of company the Au Ra is seldom alone and when she is the bells tick by like a snail on the march. She can be oft seen in a crowd, mixing among them. Though not always a talkative sort when she is, she is like a sparrow in the wind, singing her tales and going about with jokes and jests.

The Enigmatic. However forward she seems to be she has lived a life of loss and rarely speaks of herself in a tone one could consider serious. She has manners and ways about her that speak of mystery and intrigue. Despite her abrasive manners she seems to welcome the challenge of her company and is difficult to impress with shows of power, or deter with flights of weakness. It is hard to say what it is she truly believes in, simply that she -- believes.

The Analytical. Her mind is the sharpest weapon in her arsenal. A strategist by her nature the cunning Raen keeps aware of her environment and argues with those of highly opinionated views and who spirit away their weaknesses under the guise of faith: she is quick to employ logic to fight all topics from war to love.

The Affable. Easy to talk to she has no problem sitting and drinking with you or lending an ear to an ally or stranger. She is quick to laugh and quicker to friendship. While easy to make an ally she is ever more difficult to avert as an enemy.


† Ninjutsu

Yanxian Ninjutsu A distinct type of Ninjutsu that mixes Doman ninjutsu with Yanxian hunting techniques stemming from the traditional hunting clans that migrated to Yanxia from Doma, following flocks of prey. This ninjutsu uses not only the classical hand signs but various taijutsu skills that take advantage of an Au Ra's natural spatial awareness to stalk and pounce prey or spring traps.

† Taijutsu

Ul'dah Pugulism A lesser technique of the arts to carry from the Ala Mihgan refugees this art of fighting originated in the Coliseum and bolster using power to crush an enemy over speed. As such many of these skills provide the small Raen with a deadly strength when mixed with the athleticism of her Ninjutsu.

† Mounted

Calvary Traveling a great deal in her youth she is no stranger to riding long distances on Chocobo-back. She can sleep, eat, and ride a Chocobo in the foulest of weather having a capacity over others for long distance travel and combat. Her Chocobo is fully combat bred with mythril and cloth barding suited for mobility and protection.


† Armor

Kakushi Chainmail: A light, flexible traditional Doman chainmail shirt she wears to blend into her surroundings. She looks an ordinary Doman soldier, but the gear is always combat and stealth ready. It is sturdy and impenetrable by most projectile weaponry.
Bolero Robes: Light robes woven from Arachne silk, worn for semi-formal and formal functions. They are enchanted to quell her aether, hiding it from prying eyes.
Leather Corselet: Ala Mihgan styled leather, form fitting armor made for movement and breathable. Normally work during her training sessions. Informal and suitable for long, physical trials such as travel or close quarter combat.
Armor Type: Details

† Weapons

Dragon Bird: A pair of wakizashi forged for her when she was conscripted. They are kept in sheaths on her lower back.
Dragon Tamer: A nodachi granted to her for her service under the Ryuga Household. It is kept on her hip.
Dragon Fang: A tanto kept in her boot.

† Companions

Gaelcat: A companion animal she received in Quarrymill. It was smuggled into the Shroud from The Sea of Clouds. She adopted it and named him Barnacle.
Destrier Chocobo: A blue-feathered Chocobo of war. Wears a mixture of Doman barding and Parade Armor. Answers to Outlaw.
Draught Chocobo: A red-feathered Chocobo meant for heavy work. Wears light barding. Answers to Green Tornado.
Palfrey Chocobo: A black-feathered Chocobo bred in Ishgard, Outlaw as his sire. Wears light barding. Answers to Blue Thunder.

† Misc

Chocobo Reigns: When her Chocobos are stabled, or otherwise left to their own devices she always makes sure to carry the leather reigns n her person.
Gryphon Eyepatch: She usually wears it to conceal her right eye from view, but it also assists in dark places to allow her to switch between light and dark vision.
Item: Description
Item: Description

Echo Power

Echo Power:


★ Recent RP events ★

Moon 1-5: After searching for more members of the Dodo Tribe, the only known remaining daughter of Kins wanders Eorzea in search of a tribe. She temporarily settled in a halfway house where both Seekers and Keepers searching for a place to belong. Taking in some life skills she moved on and soon joined arms with a lesser Ishgardian House looking to make a name for itself. The household looked to be her ticket up and closer to learning about her past. In the time with them she undertook missions to retrieve relics from distant regions. One day a group of arms returned from Hakkue Manor with a creature of which took the guise of a child, from the Void. With little more warning the Miqo'te departed from the house to Ul'dah. Though she occasionally returned to Ishgard territory, a recognized faced due to always trading at the Jeweled Crozier. It was not until a week later she received word of the head of the house leaping to his death, a trained Dragoon by right of birth. Taking up training in Ul'dah's arenas to better prepare herself for such dangers, a first in setting sights on a creature from the Void. She had taken temporary employment with a mercenary company to earn some gil and experience. After two months of training she returned to Lominsa and took to the kitchens, making use of the beasts she slew regularly in her training. Traveling the mists she came upon a halfway house, but that unlike any other group she had met. She currently trains with the Gekokujo Clan, a group of Au Ra who face regular trials and tribulations living in a world where Garlean might had scattered so many.

Moon 6-7: Weeks of pain she would wake up no longer in the body she had known for the last six months she was in Eorzea, at least so she had thought. All she could recall were the vivid nightmares of being caged up, tied down, and experimented on by Garlean scientists. Implants had been forced into her vertebra column and clipped into her horns, which caused extreme duress, pain, and memory loss over time as the experiment to alter her aether came to a disastrous end in an explosion. That is where her memory ended and began. What remains of these implants cannot be removed or risk deafening her or paralyzing her. Because of the aetheric and neural interference: much of her memories are broken and distorted. She cannot tell what belongs to her past and what was given to her to use for infiltration as a sleeper agent and now must piece together the context clues. What she does know is that, whatever this is, began in Ala Mihgo. No longer finding solace among the Resistance group she was meant to infiltrate and destroy she would move on. Without word she would pack up her possessions and move along, back to Lominsa. After struggling to explain her strange situation to her former employers, and they not caring to listen: put her back to work. For someone who had just had surgery on her back, though, such work was exhausting and painful. The pay was menial and degrading when compared to working in a Doman household. After a time a pair of Lalafell approached her, offering her thrice the pay of her current position to become a blade for them and theirs. She returns to the shores of Shirogane to a small town of hunters feeling, perhaps, she had found herself a home again. The healer of their group had began work on the scars left behind by the Garlean experiments. She had worked as a hunter in the the town hidden deep in the Bamboo Thickets of Shirogane. Battle after battle she found herself becoming more skillful with tracking the forests of Yanxia and the areas surrounding Kugane.

Moon 8: No sooner had she felt at home did her chances to recover from the damage dissolve again. The city shrouded by bamboo had vanished. With no place she wandered a time. Soon finding herself in the slums of Ul'dah, fighting her way through the confines of the coliseum. She struck up a conversation with a Roegydan in the Adventurer's Guild while out for a drink. Once again she finds herself hired, under the curious leadership of a self-proclaimed Sharlyan. But they always said Ghost Ships were a myth... After a short time among them she found their ways primitive. For all the endeavors Sharlyan had brought to Eorzea this group seemed nothing more than a band of pirates looting their old technology and relics. She moved on, these pirates somehow fitting among the dreg of Ul'dah. Lost, alone and feeling the pain further dig into her flesh, like a parasite feeding from her aether. She had been wandering the Goblet and had come upon a large property with a lovely stable of Chocobos. It as not by chance, though. She had seen the flier for their needing hires. With no source of coin, no house to claim: the clanless Yanxian would approach the head Mistress and request a job. She landed work at the stables, taking over as stablemaster. The job paid well enough that she could start saving again and continue her training at the Pugilist's Guild.



Eating & Drinking
Gil & Treasures


The Shroud
Undead & Spirits


Chocobo Racing
Chocobo Breeding
Cooking & Baking
Combat Training


Favourite Food/Drink: Fish Pasty & Doman Tea
Favourite Place: The Sea

♦ Related Images

♦ Footnotes

Timeline: 1552: Born during the fall of Doma to Garlean Rule. Raised in a clan of hunters, taken in at an early age for her Echo.
1562: Arriving at Silver Tear alongside the Agrius on their way to Thanalan to converge with an Ala Mihgan refugee convoy. Caught in the explosion and starts to suffer from chronic pain and memory loss.
1562-1576: Lives in Limsa Lominsa, holding odd jobs, taking training up in the Bismark in her free time. Graduates as a chef de pastire.
1576 (A Realm Awoken): Travels to Ishgard after finding work with the House of Montique until the suicide of the head of the household for illicit relationships with underage Burme citizens. Scattered memories begin to puzzle together in dreams.
1576 (Through the Maelstorm): Joins a Doman Resistance and fights along side her people. Resumes her ninjutsu training with the master of the house, excels due in part to her muscle memory. During a skirmish against Garlean infiltrators in the Ryuga Household, dissent among her ranks. Pain becomes unbearable, effecting her vision.
1577: After regaining her true identity she returns to Eorzea with the aide of a companion. No longer able to return to her old life in Limsa Lominsa, but maintains contact with those that had come to know her, she settles in Ul'dah where she takes work in the Basin as a Chocobo Handler. She starts breeding Chocobos and takes a part time job at a cafe in the Mists.

Chaotic Neutral

Theme song: