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<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #000000;font-size:14px;color:#ffffff;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black"><center>'''CHARACTER TIDBITS'''</center></div></span></h3>
<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #000000;font-size:14px;color:#ffffff;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black"><center>'''CHARACTER TIDBITS'''</center></div></span></h3>
<div align=justify><div style="padding:0px 10px; font-size:16px;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;">'''Potential Plot Hooks'''</div></div>
<div align=justify><div style="padding:0px 10px; font-size:16px;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;">'''Potential Plot Hooks'''</div></div>
<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">''Honestly, I'm completely open to a someone just approaching me and roleplaying to begin and establish a connection, but of course it's nice sometime to have a hook to grab onto! I've got a few.''</div></div>
<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">''...''</div></div>
:<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">■ ''Resident of Pearl Lane 3-5 years after the Calamity. If your character lived in Pearl Land (Ul'Dah) at any point three to five years after the Calamity, that can serve as a way for them to have known Berrod, given that he lived there as well.  ''</div></div>
:<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">■ ''Resident of Pearl Lane 3-5 years after the Calamity. If your character lived in Pearl Land (Ul'Dah) at any point three to five years after the Calamity, that can serve as a way for them to have known Berrod, given that he lived there as well.  ''</div></div>
:<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">■ ''Refugee in Southern Thanalan during the years leading up to the calamity. Berrod was a member of a refugee camp in Southern Thanalan -- it's simple enough to foster a connection with anyone else who experienced the same.  ''</div></div>
:<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">■ ''Refugee in Southern Thanalan during the years leading up to the calamity. Berrod was a member of a refugee camp in Southern Thanalan -- it's simple enough to foster a connection with anyone else who experienced the same.  ''</div></div>

Revision as of 22:20, 29 September 2018




Originally hailing from The Holy See of Ishgard, Bertram spent the first 20-something years of his life as a knight in the House of Luxaerion. Although the family had never reached a level of extreme notoriety, the House of Luxaerion was still a well-established family that had produced generations of loyal, steadfast, and obedient knights. Bertram was no exception to this, and he was praised by his fellow knights for his stoic temperament and skill with the sword. He was never arrogant, but he was certainly prideful to be respected and admired by his family members and peers. However, that entire illusion would eventually be shattered. Some time during his mid-twenties, Bertram had been given an order from his father to apprehend a few thieves that had caused a disturbance at a food stall in Ishgard's Jeweled Crozier. Upon discovering the thieves, a young woman and a teenage boy, Bertram seized them and returned to his family's estate, his father waiting in the courtyard. Because something like this was an everyday occurrence for Bertram, he expected the typical scene of his father praising his swift work followed by a pair of other knights taking the criminals to prison. But this time it was different. Yes, his father did indeed praise Bertram's work, but the young knight was immediately told after to execute the two, young thieves. Caught off-guard, Bertram asked his father why they couldn't be sent to prison and later judged, only to be told the excuse that the prison cells were at maximum capacity and "alternative punishments" needed to be dealt. Bertram had indeed slain many violent criminals in his career, but the pair in front of him had put up absolutely no resistance, and he would later discover they were long-abandoned siblings trying to feed themselves while living on the streets. In his singular act of defiance against his father, Bertram refused his father's order and boldly denounced the barbaric, cruel act. Of course, this was a grave mistake. Enraged by the defiance, his father drew his own sword and quickly cut down both thieves, their lifeless eyes staring directly at Bertram. Afterwards, he was seized by a pair of knights, his own cousins, and strapped to a chair inside the manor. There, his father, the man he had respected and admired for all of his life, declared Bertram a disgrace to the House of Luxaerion and the knights, and that he would be punished for his defiance. Schooled in Magick along with the sword, Bertram's father held his open palms directly in front of his eyes, where flames burst forth. Any other sounds inside the manor were drowned out by his agonizing screams. Days later, Bertram could be seen wandering the snowy lands of Coerthas. Disowned by his family, he was thrown into the wilderness with only a set of ragged clothes, a dulled sword, and the ring he had since he was a young child bearing the Luxaerion crest in hand. His left eye was covered with bandages, damaged so beyond repair by his father's punishment that he was forced to gouge it out. Although his other eye was still intact, the burns severely impaired his vision, and his formerly amber-colored eye became a foggy white. In his mind, he somehow managed to remain as stoic as he always had been, but his thoughts were also filled with plots of vengeance, or rather justice towards his family. Several weeks had passed, and through that time, Bertram was met with dangerous encounters with beasts and bandits. He miraculously managed to survive each encounter, despite the injuries received. He was also met with unexpected kindness from strangers that the House of Luxaerion would probably consider to be "deviants", "dogs", and "whores". Although stripped of his knighthood, Bertram's loyal disposition and skill with the sword remained. Months had passed, and the knight-turned-vagrant had successfully managed to stowaway on an airship, not even caring where he would be taken to. Dismounting the airship once it had finally landed, Bertram was introduced to a scenery and environment that he had only read about in books. The city was warm and by the sea, and its architecture was completely foreign. The people were dressed in unusual clothes, with some holding parasols made from paper and others with an unusually-shaped sword sheathed in its scabbard at their waist. He had arrived in the city of Kugane in the Hingashi region, and although he had occasionally read about it, witnessing the city in person was a greatly different experience. However, because of his scruffy and foreign appearance, it didn't take long before he was arrested by the Sekiseigumi. Although they were in many ways similar to the Ishgardian knights, the Sekiseigumi sympathized with Bertram's story, and they were equally impressed with his displays of swordsmanship. While several officials were reluctant, Bertram was asked to be a temporary officer with the group. For his services, Bertram received food and shelter as well as meager pay. He was even taught how to wield the katana used by the Sekiseigumi's samurai, something he was unusually quick and adept at learning. Despite being a foreigner, Kugane had eventually become Bertram's new home. Several years had passed, and in that time his swordsmanship had improved even further to the point that he had managed to make something of a name for himself among the townsfolk. With enough Gil saved, Bertram eventually decided to end his services for the Sekiseigumi, where the officials who were reluctant to lose such a skilled and loyal officer were also relieved to finally be rid of the foreigner who boldly stood out among the others and unwillingly began overshadowing them. He managed to afford a small apartment in the Shirogane area, and Bertram soon offered his services as a guard, sellsword, and instructor to anyone in need of him. In the following years, Bertram had wandered through the entire Hingashi region, meeting friends, lovers, rivals, and enemies who came and left smoothly and quickly like the passage of time. Now in his 50's, Bertram has also been a victim to the passing of time, not that he paid it much mind. Despite his age, his skill with the sword has only improved along with his wisdom and knowledge of the world around him. His thoughts of vengeance that had plagued him for the first half of his life are far forgotten, and he had only discovered in the past few years that the House of Luxaerion had dissolved entirely, not too long after the Calamity occurred. Although his vengeance was far behind him, the older man still felt a great weight lifted from his shoulders. To this day, he still possesses his family's crested ring along with the dull sword given when he was thrown into the Coerthian wilderness that fateful day. Acquiring a good amount of wealth and notoriety through the decades, Bertram Luxaerion currently spends his time occasionally mentoring people in swordplay and traveling through Eorzea's regions as a wandering swordsman, further expanding his knowledge and wisdom of the world around him and still finding it difficult to completely escape the thrill and excitement of battle.


Despite his age, Bertram still maintains an impressively fit body. Standing at six fulms and three ilms, his height is quite noticeable in a crowd but not enough to make him clearly stand out. In his 40's, he decided to grow his hair similar to some of the other samurai in Hingashi, keeping it tied up. The peach-colored complexion on his face and body have several noticeable scars, ones that appeared shortly after being thrown into the wilderness of Coerthas. His face has a rather rugged look to it, and his facial hair only exaggerates it. His eyes clearly stand out to most people, especially with the dark eye patch covering his (missing) left eye. Meanwhile, due to being somewhat blinded in his right eye, the eye's maintained a foggy, white color instead of the original, dark amber hue. While both of his ears are pierced, he currently wears one earring on his left ear ehich bears a resemblance to a popular symbol in Hingan culture. In terms of his clothes, he became enchanted by the ornate patterns on some Hingan clothing, so he's typically seen wearing an ornately-designed haori and hakama that also don't restrict his movement in battle compared to other Hingan outfits. Compared to most men in their 50's, Bertram's physique is extraordinarily fit and muscular but in no way daunting or imposing to other people. But, some people may find the numerous scars on his face and body a little bit intimidating...
Aspects That Stand Out:
The inconspicuous eye patch covering his missing left eye along with his severely blinded, foggy-white right away.
The numerous scars on his face and body, all mementos from his past battles.
His hands appear very scarred, rough, and calloused. However, he has an unusually gentle and careful touch.


Staying (mostly) true to his upbringing, Bertram is first and foremost a steadfast, stoic, and loyal person. However, while he may be a remarkably loyal person, Bertram refuses to blindly follow and swear loyalty to simply anyone. His knighthood stripped after being cast out from the House of Luxaerion, it did not take Bertram long to truly understand how the firmly sworn loyalty of the Ishgardian knights indirectly created a system of corruption and manipulation. As a result of this, he has firmly understood that his loyalty is something that must be earned by others, and even then, Bertram cannot help but keep something of a distance from most people. With this minor yet still noticeable wall created, some may perceive him as aloof or cold towards others, but he simply chooses to use the word "on-guard" instead. At the same time, this guarded nature paired with his stoicism allows Bertram to be quite calm and collected in battle. Even with his severely impaired vision, Bertram's concentrated temperament helps to at least somewhat alleviate his disability. In some sense, Bertram can be a bit of a paradox with the subtle contrasts/quirks to his personality. While he may be an older man who has acquired enough wisdom and knowledge to know when to engage in battle with someone or not, a part of him still holds a fiery passion and thrill for combat. The heat of battle ignites a powerful flame in the man's soul, and he continuously yearns to encounter a worthy opponent to hone his swordsmanship even further. Furthermore, while Bertram typically maintains a collected, well-composed disposition, he can, on occasion, become easily flustered in certain situations, much to the surprise of others. Although he is homosexual, Bertram chooses to keep his sexuality mostly discreet. However, this has nothing to do with him being shameful of his sexuality, and he instead simply enjoys keeping that part of his personality private. But, it should go without saying that if he's met with an attractive man, he will do his best attempt at flirting and expressing interest, despite it appearing a bit awkward. Just as he would with any friends or comrades, Bertram is devoted to whoever his lover(s) may be, and he enjoys expressing his fondness or love of others through actions rather than words.


Combat/Battle. Bertram is a man who lives for thrill and excitement of battle. While by no means bloodthirsty or even a violent person, his true passion for combat allows him to feel the most free and in tune with the environment around him. If anything, he views all engagements as personal learning experiences. His movements precise and exact, while remarkably graceful and fluid at the same time.
Hot Foods/Drinks. Some habits and favorites truly last through one's entire lifetime. Warm food and drink in any environment provide Bertram with the bittersweet experience of comfort and remembering his younger days inside the cold walls of Ishgard, a period of innocence, curiosity, and youthful optimism.


Injustice. While his definition of "injustice" varies somewhat differently from those like the knights of Ishgard, Bertram sees those scenes of unfairness or injustice as unacceptable. Those who manipulate and deceive other as well as take advantage of young, elderly, or weak will be dealt Bertram's personal justice in one way or another.
Insects. There are a few, particular things that Bertram dislikes, and insects are placed near the very top of that list. He finds most if not every of those creatures repulsive, and he has no issue slaying them without much hesitation.


Reading. Newfound knowledge or wisdom are always appreciated by him, and Bertram can be seen spending a good amount of his free time lost in scrolls or tomes. Although he would't be described as a bookworm, he believes reading keeps one's mind consistently sharp and aware.
Gambling. With Ishgard's strict environment, Bertram had never experienced any sort of vices during his younger years. However, with his travels around the other regions of Eorzea, he has gained an appreciation games involving gambling. The idea of taking a risk while also planning one's moves very carefully greatly appeals to him. If anything, gambling has taught Bertram the fine balance between making quick, spur of the moment decisions with little time to react and more thoughtful, planned actions.


Swordsmanship. According to some acquaintances, friends, and rivals, Bertram's skill with the sword is considered peerless. However, the man himself is much more humble about his abilities, yet he still maintains a level of pride for his skills. He doesn't consider himself a master of the sword but rather someone who is simply very disciplined.
Planning/Tactics. Whether it was during his time in the knights, the Sekiseigumi, or his sellsword days, Bertram was admired for his cunning just as much as his skill with the sword. Although he believes it's important for many actions to be well-planned and contemplated, he is well-aware that split second decisions can be equally important, and in some sense, require an even higher degree of skill and talent to execute.


Vision. This is a rather obvious weakness of his. With one eye completely missing and the other suffering from severe but not total blindness, Bertram's vision can be considered his Achilles' heel in combat. While at times he may curse his eyesight, he also sees it as an opportunity to hone his focus on other elements of combat and to look far beyond what one can see into what one can sense.


Justice - As mentioned earlier, the very concept of "justice" shares a very close relationship with Bertram. In some ways, he views himself as a victim of injustice and hypocrisy, blindly following the orders of the knights and his father until his singular act of defiance changed his entire life. Adopting his own, personal "justice", Bertram believes this in some way to be atonement of his past sins. He wishes to correct the various injustices of the world all while knowing he can't call himself an immaculate saint who can stop every injustice that occurs in the world.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.

Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Add your own rumor here!" — Rumormonger.



Player Note
Personal RP Limits
I will play ...
I won't play ...


Potential Plot Hooks
Resident of Pearl Lane 3-5 years after the Calamity. If your character lived in Pearl Land (Ul'Dah) at any point three to five years after the Calamity, that can serve as a way for them to have known Berrod, given that he lived there as well.
Refugee in Southern Thanalan during the years leading up to the calamity. Berrod was a member of a refugee camp in Southern Thanalan -- it's simple enough to foster a connection with anyone else who experienced the same.
A member of the Pugilist's Guild. Berrod is a member of the Pugilist's guild -- and the instructor of a class that runs two days a week. Whether your character is simply another member or someone who attends those classes...we can use either as a hook!
A member of the newly reformed Fists of Rhalgr, under Widargelt Beake. Berrod has thrown in his lot with Widargelt's revival of the Fists of Rhalgr. It's quite an easy hook if your character has done the same, or happens to be an independently training monk who at least knows of them.
Adventurers, members of the Eorzean Alliance, and members of the Ala Mhigan Resistance situated in Rhalgr's Reach, Ala Gannha, Ala Ghiri during the Gyr Abanian campaign. Berrod decided to fight alongside the other factions during the push into Gyr Abania, despite Widargelt's abstinence from the conflict. He was also present during the battle in Ala Mhigo, helping clear the streets and causeways of Imperial fighters. An easy hook for characters who were also involved in any of that!
Residents of the Ala Mhigan Quarter. Berrod spends quite a bit of time there helping out however he can. Characters who do the same, or live in the Ala Mhigan Quarter have an easy enough hook to work with.
I'll add more as I think of them, but feel free to contact me and ask if there's anything unlisted you had in mind!

Character Lore Adherence
Oh, this ever-so-sticky topic. I like to think of myself as lore-compliant (and some would laugh at that declaration). However, I enjoy taking some of the blank spots and extrapolating in order to flesh out the small corner of the world my character lives in. Of course sometimes I have to make little changes based on information that's released, but -- honestly I think that just drives the whole 'lore compliant' thing home. There are times when I apply more bombastic elements to what already exists in order to provide intense roleplay experiences in line with what a Final Fantasy universe should feel like -- but even during those moments I do my best to stay within the bounds of what has been provided. I do not view the lore as a cage -- and I never will. If there is something that can be made reasonably plausible by following certain threads in the lore, I tend to be up for it. Please note the use of the word REASONABLE. Granted, it's rather easy when the majority of what I do on Berrod is MONK FIGHTING. If you wish to discuss any of this further with me, I'm open to being contacted.
Changes/additions will be made as needed.

Name - Bertram Luxaerion
Race - Hyur - Highlander
Age - Mid-50's
Name Day - 29th Sun of the Third Umbral Moon
Deity - Oschon, the Wanderer

Alias: n/a
Citizenship: Kugane (formerly Ishgard)
Occupation: Swordsmanship instructor, Wandering swordsman
Hair color: Silver-white
Eye color: Originally dark amber, only working eye now a foggy white
Piercings: Both ears
Marks or tattoos: Scars on face and other parts of body, no tattoos
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Sexuality: Homosexual
Key Items: Ring with family's crest, eye patch covering left eye
Favorite Food: Soups and stews
Favorite Drink: Hot teas and ales
Favorite Color: Light blue, silver
Template made by Abagail Graves and free for use!