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{{Ash's Profile Template
{{Ash's Profile Template
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Revision as of 16:27, 20 October 2018

General Information
Full Name Ashleigh Forsythe
Aliases Ash, Red, Longshot
Race Garlean, pure-blood
Gender {{{gender}}}
Age 27
Birthday 13th Sun of the Third Astral Moon
Citizenship Garlemald
Occupation Engineer Decanus, Griffon Legion
Alignment Neutral Good
Faith Atheist
Orientation {{{orientation}}}
At a Glance
Height 6 ft. 2 in.
Physique Gently toned
Hair Naturally fiery, copper red
Eyes Light ocean-blue, flecks of gold
Complexion Pale, dense freckles
Facial Features Thin surgical scar just beneath her left eye, gunmetal studs up the sides of her ears, smart rimless glasses
Clothing Dark leathers, lots of pockets, messenger bag
Key Items Bag of TricksTM, Tinkered-to-hell rifle, pack of thin cigarettes, spice canister

General Information

From a young age, Ashleigh had an affinity for mechanics - much to the chagrin of her mother, who ended up being the one having to deal with small fires and disassembled appliances more often than not. In fact, as soon as the chance was given, Ash found herself shipped off, bound for a military boarding school before giving her poor mother any more anxiety. From there, she coasted, riding the grades of her engineering classes until she was rewarded with nothing less than conscription into the Garlean military. The righteous cause wasn't lost on her, particularly due to her back-line involvement in it all. Bloodshed from afar spared the redhead from facing many of the harsher realities of the ongoing war, leaving her to truly believe that it was all for the good of Eorzea, that the shells and bursts of plasma rained down at her hands were poised to quell nothing more than active rebels that would see this world snatched by the Primals.

It would be a shame, if the truths she'd known throughout her life were to become unwound like an old tapestry - what shall she make with the thread that remains..?

Detailed Description

A mess of curly red hair tops this befreckled Garlean's face, framed in a pair of smart rimless glasses that mask the isle-stricken oceans of her eyes. Her skin is on the paler side, not quite shy to the sun - as readily denoted by the myriad of freckles strewn across her features - but certainly not its biggest fan. She wears simple jewelry, symmetrical hoops and studs of gunmetal cresting below her ears, and dresses in darker clothing when not donned in the black leathers and toolbelts of her service.

Aspects of note:

  • Blue, oceanic eyes, dotted with isles of pale gold.
  • A warm, kind smile, whenever it makes its presence known
  • A fierce swarm of freckles covering her face - and the rest of her, for that matter.


Ash is rather good-humored, with no trouble taking a laid-back approach in places she feels comfortable. Such is her curse - for one so enlisted in the black-garbed regiments of Garlemald, 'comfort' does not appear to be present on the menu.

Optimistic - sometimes to a fault - and stubborn as can be, she often finds herself with a latent regret for her position, despite any illusion of choice she may have had in the matter. Her highs touch the sky, but her lows lay hidden, masked by the silence between her words and the maelstrom of thoughts that crashes against the shores of her eyes. She often grows distracted, flitting from one thing to another, though it's unclear if she lacks focus, or does so out of the necessity to avoid sitting alone with her thoughts.


OOC Notes

Hi there! First, thanks for reading the profile! Feel free to steal the template, though it's very much still in-progress. I was aiming for more of a simplistic approach, making for easy adaptation while leaving some air of mystery around instead of slapping every last little detail on this here wiki.

That said, I do have a few notes. First, Ash is currently an engineer in the Garlean military. I say currently, because instead on handwaving backstory and all that, I've decided to run a small series of story arcs meant to, in the end, result in Ashleigh's defection. If you'd like to get involved in such a plot, feel free to drop me a line! For Ash, while she's beginning on the side of the antagonists, I'm taking a victim-of-her-own-upbringing approach. I mean to tug at peoples' heartstrings with this character, make them hate that she's in with the enemy.

If I do step on any toes, lore-wise, please let me know. I'm doing my best to perform all the research I can for this story series, so if there's some glaring thing missing or wrong, I'd definitely like to hear about it.

Cheers, and thanks for taking a look~
