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| stat_4_value = Bisexual
| stat_4_value = Bisexual
| stat_5 = Relatives
| stat_5 = Relatives
| stat_5_value = <ul><li>W'sier Nunh <small>(Father)</small></li> <li>W'twia Serho <small>(Mother)</small></li> <li>W'hadeij Sier <small>(Elder Sister)</small> ☠</li> <li>W'kesse Tia <small>(Elder Brother)</small></li> <li>W'mysrin Sier <small>(Younger Sister)</small></li></ul>
| stat_5_value = <ul><li>W'sier Nunh <small>(Father)</small></li> <li>W'twia Serho <small>(Mother)</small></li> <li>W'mysrin Sier <small>(Elder Sister)</small> ☠</li> <li>W'kesse Tia <small>(Elder Brother)</small></li></ul>

Revision as of 18:47, 28 November 2018

AlaMhigo.png W'osei Tia
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Ala Mhigan
Server Balmung
Age 26 (10th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon)
Occupation Envoy / Trade Negotiator
Height / Weight 5'7" / 165 lbs.
Orientation Bisexual
  • W'sier Nunh (Father)
  • W'twia Serho (Mother)
  • W'mysrin Sier (Elder Sister)
  • W'kesse Tia (Elder Brother)

I'm still working on this!

Basic Information

“The young Miqo’te man stands straight-backed and rigid, the circuitous nature of his thoughts seeming to carry their energy throughout his body; it seems at odds with him, as each step of his pacing was utterly aimless and yet each movement was clipped, efficient. His features mark him for young and yet his eyes seem different, carrying a weighty gravitas and wisdom far surpassing the years he has spent upon Hydaelyn. Some manner of premature responsibility, perhaps—one which has also caused parts of his hair to streak gray well before his thirtieth nameday. He keeps his ears pinned back against his skull ever-so-slightly, his jaw clenched as he pours over a set of documents kept strapped to a small writing board. This is W’osei Tia, or how one is most likely to find him. He is a man defined by his terse and curtailed way of speech, directness and severity of thought, poise and exactness of action, and the (unfortunately) soft and swayable nature of his heart.”


W’osei Tia does not necessarily cut an imposing figure, and upon looking at him closer, it’s almost strange that that’s the case—he stands fairly tall for a Miqo’te man, broad-shouldered, set with impeccable posture, and possessing a physique which speaks to a life accustomed to harsh physical labor or training. What undercuts all of these traits is the way he carries himself: W’osei does not call undue attention to himself, minimizing the impact of his own presence so that he can best observe and consider how best to speak and act.
With a medium brown skin-tone and orange-brown hair (that is beginning to go gray, in certain places), there is a very earthy aspect to him—something which seems to reflect his down-to-earth nature. Like many of his clan, W’osei has a short tail, measuring only about five or so ilms; it is genetic and he has had it since birth. He has several traditional tattoos inked onto his face, namely at the corners of his eyes, along his jawline, and on the bridge of his nose, though the color has begun to fade over the years. His eyes are a bright, startling green.
Like nearly all of his tribe, W’osei tends to wear several pieces of their specially-made jewelry. For him personally, it is less for personal ornamentation or religious devotion as it is an advertisement for his tribe’s wares. He prefers jewelry that is deceptively simple in structure, yet inlaid with intricate design. He typically wears a simple circlet, heavy bracelets which have exquisite carvings of the symbology of Azeyma on one hand and Byregot on the other, and decorative clasps with which he binds the braids on either side of his face.




Martial Skills

Never called upon to be a hunter or a ranger of the mountains, W’osei is instead a trained pugilist. Though martial skill and command of a weapon is highly valued among his tribe, the ability to defend oneself with nothing but their fists (and claws and teeth, if need be) is even more highly treasured. Having trained from a young age, W’osei is a capable fighter and daunting opponent in hand-to-hand combat. He typically fights with a set of unique, custom brass knuckles—he crafted them himself, and they are intricately made with a great deal of engraved ornamentation and orange gemstones set in the knuckles. These gems are often charged with fire aether, causing his punches to also leave a nasty burn.

Tribal Information

The branch of the W tribe that W’osei hails from split from the larger body of the overall Wolf tribe several hundred years ago, moving up to settle deep and secluded within the Gyr Abanian peaks in Ala Mhigo. Though geographically this makes them Ala Mhigan citizens, all members of the high-mountain W tribe would identify themselves as such before taking on the mantle of their Eorzean city-state.
Due to their isolation and unique situation, the tribe has developed certain cultural markers that are slightly different from the everyman’s internal perception of a tribe of Seekers of the Sun. With this having been said, these changes in tradition and structure are entirely a part of them and are not assumed to be reflected elsewhere in different tribes.
  • Geography: Upon entering the mountains to find a place to settle, eventually they came across a natural cave system cut deep into the peaks. Over their hundreds of years living there, the W tribe has partially excavated the portion of the cliff-face around these caves, widening them and carving from them homes and buildings which seem to naturally be part of the mountain itself. They also explored the caves deeper into the heart of the mountain, finding rich stores of beautiful gemstones and precious metals. The geography of their home is very important: being difficult to find and difficult to get to, it has naturally insulated them from others, which proved both useful (in the case of the Garlean occupation) and harmful (in occasions of disaster in which they would need to reach for outside help). It also made members of the W tribe very self-sufficient, as the extreme elevation naturally limits resources available, particularly in harsher and colder months.
  • Tradeskills: Cut into the cliff above the overhang leading into the village are the symbols of Azeyma, the Warden, and Byregot, the Builder. The trades of mining, stone-cutting, sculpting, goldsmithing, and gem-crafting are very important to the W tribe not only as a piece of their tribal identity, but as a labor of praise to the gods. Individuals from the tribe usually wear a few pieces of jewelry (to varying degrees of extravagance) as a form of personal devotion. Though many members of the tribe take on more traditional roles, such as those who hunt and gather food or those that patrol the territory, nearly all are expected to learn at least one additional craft which has to do with the natural resources given to them.
  • Culture: Their long geographical seclusion has caused this particular W tribe to have a few interesting quirks in their culture. Though the core system of a Seeker of the Sun tribe is largely the same, some of the processes through which it is established are slightly different. First and foremost, the tribe sees itself as an extensive family unit. Prolonged infighting is considered unseemly to the point of blasphemous, and often personal feuds are brought to public council for the overall good. Wisdom of age is also heavily valued: there is an informal circle of elders (regardless of gender) who bring their thoughts and opinions to the Nunh in order to educate and influence his judgment.

    The Nunh of the W tribe is the tribal leader and only male with rights to siring children, as per normal of Seekers, though the process by which he is chosen is what is different from many tribes. Though challenges and fights do sometimes occur, the W tribe’s distaste for fighting and strife within their number heavily dampens how often they occur. Therefore the Nunh is typically suggested for appointment by the judgment of the council of elders, agreed upon by the populace at large, and then either accepted or rejected by the individual appointed. Strength is not the only factor that goes into this decision; due to the severity of their way of life, the Nunh is expected to be the ultimate decision-maker when it comes to all foreign and tribal affairs. Therefore someone with a keen mind, fairness of thought, and calmness of demeanor is also seen as just as important as one with strength and tenacity. Because of this importance to their day-to-day function, the Nunh’s personal freedom and ability to travel is highly limited, as they are seen of having devoted their lives to the tribe. The process by which a Nunh is removed is similar—outside the occasion of death, the Nunh either announces his intention of stepping down or the council puts forth the decision of having the Nunh step down (or otherwise be removed).

    It should also be noted that, due to their currently-limited resources and distance from other civilization, the rate at which children are born into the tribe is strictly controlled. This is, perhaps, a reason why the role of Nunh became more extensive as tribal cultural leader rather than the figurehead focused on siring children. (Though the disease aforementioned in the history section cut the population to a dangerous level, meaning that the need for children to be born is now higher than it would be typically.)

    Their method for deciding Nunh means that there is a slightly higher number of Tias to the clan than one might expect (though it is still fairly common and natural for sons of the W tribe to leave to try to find their own fortune). What role an individual of the tribe performs is entirely up to their own personal strengths—outside the singular stipulation of the Nunh being male, gender does not play a factor. It would not be strange for a Tia to be raising and educating children or a woman to be cutting stone from the quarry.
  • Genetics: For some reason, one in three children of the high-mountain W tribe have short tails (four to six ilms, not completely bobbed). This is thought to be due to a recessive gene that was allowed to grow to local dominance. It also plays into the identity of their offshoot of the wolf tribe, and in certain rare occasions, individuals will opt to get their tails shortened to match others who come by it naturally (though there is no cultural pressure to provide this impetus).


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Feel free to add to this!)


( romantic platonic positive relationship negative relationship uncertain )
Name : Information


I need to draw something for him tbh


Character Playlist: Link goes here when I formalize it.
Template by Bancroft Gairn