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'''One-Hand Sword''' - '''Main Weapon: Katzbalger'''  -  The single hand sword, often paired with a shield is the well-known choice of ul'dahn Gladiators. A versatile weapon in nearly every way, sometimes said to be the perfect mediating point of any weapon. It has equal flaws and equal strengths muchly dependent on the design of the sword itself. Basically a dagger with more reach, though not too concealable. These weapons are greatly at advantage against humanoid foes or other mortal races & beastmen tribes as opposed to beasts. As well as for training. Zazi's blades very on differing uses from the wide arrangement of different one hand sword types. His most commonly used however is his Katbalger. Not named himself, but colloquially known as ''Lovely'' - as Zazi has an ability to make it dance like a captivating Dancer.
'''One-Hand Sword''' - '''Main Weapon: Katzbalger'''  -  The single hand sword, often paired with a shield is the well-known choice of ul'dahn Gladiators. A versatile weapon in nearly every way, sometimes said to be the perfect mediating point of any weapon. It has equal flaws and equal strengths muchly dependent on the design of the sword itself. Basically a dagger with more reach, though not too concealable. These weapons are greatly at advantage against humanoid foes or other mortal races & beastmen tribes as opposed to beasts. As well as for training. Zazi's blades very on differing uses from the wide arrangement of different one hand sword types. His most commonly used however is his Katbalger. Not named himself, but colloquially known as ''Lovely'' - as Zazi has an ability to make it dance like a captivating Dancer.
'''Eastern Blade/Katana''' -  '''Main Weapon: Althyiak Blade  '''  -  
'''Lance/Spear''' -  '''Main Weapon: Shellsplitter Halberd '''  - The halberd or poleaxe is fantastic for reach, piercing thrusts, and ability to zone out enemies as well as take on large quantities of minor enemies. Able to be wielded like a polearm or staff aswell as having an axe accompanied by lance tip. The main con of such a weapon is it's cumbersome length, but with momentum and right situations this weapon can be deadly.
'''Lance/Spear''' -  '''Main Weapon:  '''  -
'''Eastern Blade/Katana''' -  '''Main Weapon: Althyiak Blade '''  - The eastern blade, known as a katana, is a quick precise blade with medium reach. Well regarded as versatile blade against fleshy enemies, but not ideal against harder or heavily armed foes. Speed and deadly precision can be the best ally. However, this weapon is fairly new to Zazi and after taking a blade for a spin he purchased a straight edge cavalry style katana to work and practice with. For now, this is his only eastern blade until he can determine better the tactful grace that comes with this weapon.
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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Person Name,</b> <i>relationship</i>.  <b>(</b> <b>)</b> - <b>Title.</b></div>
! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Cynthia Silverlaine</b> <i>Mother</i>.  <b>(</b> <font style="color:#54b5eb;" size="2">♥</font> <b>)</b> - <b>N P C - Deceased</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>" ."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>" ."</i></div>

Latest revision as of 01:04, 10 December 2018

Currently Under Construction - Thank you




A roughly Middle-Aged wandering hunter, who travels from job board to job board and rumor to rumor to offer his services. A man of the land and ally much to himself and those who either offer him pay for his services or he finds a liking in. Zazi's premier profession is that of a beast hunter. Often taking contracts and gil to hunt down troublesome beasts that plague the local civilization. This tends more often than not to be beasts of the Voidsent, in which he has a very high expertise in. His trademark red shades even being a tool against the petrifying stares of Ahriman and Succubi. As a result he's grown a loose reputation for being a voidsent expert. Taking his job seriously and taking any chance to learn more about these strange beasts from his connections with morally grey mages and scholars. His experience and matured personality give him a real aire of authority and professionalism that he prides himself on. Tracking abilities are a bonus to his repertoire, and as comes with his age and experience, a healthy proficiency in weaponry. With this proficiency, he uses what he's learned and his experience to Mentor up and coming adventurers and those in need, usually for a fee as well. Essentially Zazi is a man of many paths seeking more travelers on the road to enrich said path.


Average height of 5"11, A stocky Highlander as is common place. His muscular body is defined by his travels and the wild. Often dressed down in rather unassuming attire he doesn't mind getting torn or dirty. Often in a dark wine red or shades of brown. His tanned skin tone on his weathered and sturdy flesh is interrupted and marred by a decent amount of scars gained from his lines of work. His face is a sturdy and defined one with a thick jawline covered by a wild black beard. Dark black hair falls to his shoulders and down the sides of his face to meet his beard wildly. The tips and various strands turning an off grey to show his late 40s age. His deep black eyes are often covered by a trademark pair of ruby shades that not only hides where his eyes look but also cancelling the magic gazes of voidsent and naer-do-well mages. Two scars are on his rugged face only giving a sample of the rest that map his muscular frame usually hidden behind long sleeved worn tunics. His physical appearance changes rarely, though his attire tends to be based on what he's oft to explore. While he has a healthy enough gil flow to dress nice, he often finds more comfort in his worn and tested wares. Weaponry also sits on his back or waist at most times. His weaponry can change based on what is more effective for the hunt he is currently on, but is more often than not a fairly decorative two-hand blade, or a blood stained great axe.
Aspects That Stand Out:
His Ruby Shades that adorn his face at most times.
His large two-hand weapon on his back.
Scarred and rugged features.


A sorted History with vague details of when and where, most of which kept tight lipped by the rogue wanderer. While it is always alluded to that the warrior had some training in his past to help facilitate his skills, it's never explicitly told. Apart of a band of armored squadron in his earlier years mixed up and sorted in Voidsent affairs. Zazi belonged to a loose band of bodyguards who sought to help the Scholars of Eorzea better understand the various types of Voidsent. Mingling with some other well known families and masters in the art, he managed to pick up quite a few pointers. Still a green rookie at the time, Zazi donned scale armor and heavy weapons to help protect against his liege. Though this mercenary life didn't last for more than a few cycles as the expeditions began to wane in the days of the encroaching Garleans. Seeking not to wrap himself up in the burgeoning chaos that would soon come with Ala mhigo, the naturally Thanalan born Highlander split off from the established Voidsent hunters for a time where he dabbled in other professions to make gil to earn his way.

A working man with adaptability, his early 20s were spent improving his martial skill and diversity in the Flames and as a freesword to adventurers and the like. It wasn't until the Garlean encroachment and Dalamud forced him back to his roots. Reigniting with his band of voidsent hunters and resistance fighters, forming a small regiment, he traveled into battle against Garlean forces for several days before the Calamity. From the ashes of the event, the war going cold on both sides, he once again took his leave with more knowledge, experience, and scars. He felt himself needing of improvement and soul searching. Wandering as a lone wolf, he began to put his skills and knowledge to the test and to his benefit. All the skills and knowledge he learned in his expeditions he put to use as a wandering Hunter and tracker. Going from Tavern to Tavern, picking up hunt bills and helping various farmers and other land workers rid themselves of pests and beasts for a minimal charge. This would account for many of his years - as well as solitary training of his body and mind in the desolate and harder regions of the world to better facilitate his mastery and mind. Reaching his early to mid 40s, he continues his wandering. Earning gil by his services as well as trying to pass knowledge onto the younger adventurers and freeswords of the post calamity age. His senses and expertise being honed to a razor sharpness, he also now takes it upon himself to train those in need if possible.

His thirst for knowledge and enlightenment does continue as well, as he learns of tip offs for improving, he follows said leads as well as occasionally keeping up with old comrades and friends. Especially those within the old circle of Voidsent hunter families. Becoming something of an 'old master' and a good friend to those who still seek to rid Eorzea of the continuing invasion of Voidsent. He can usually be found now, travelling upon his grey feathered chocobo from homestead to homestead. Seeking out hunts and opportunities to pass on skill and learn. Usually the one to be sought out than to do the seeking, any of such who wish to search for the illusive yet well-respected Silverlaine name, need only look in the right place.


While well versed and in several bands of several causes in his lifetime, it is oft naught that Silverlaine was a lone wolf at heart. Always a respectable gentleman and rugged hunter. Many old acquaintances remain friends for life and can oft speak glowing reviews of the loyalty and conviction of Zazi. Always joking that his work is more a friend than a human, Zazi can usually challenge any such perception on a whim. Though it would not be alien of concept to say he can be stalwartly reserved much of the time, like a figure of wisdom and respect. Speak to older friends of his that have shared a drink or two with him and you may get another tale. Many things stay secret to the man, including any flings, fleeting romances, or passions of the heart. It is rumored he once shared a deep understanding and care for a beautiful Ishgardian Elezen Woman. Noble of blood and fair of heart, it is uncertain why the woman never became more. There was also a known incident in Voidsent expedition logs that struck a chord quite hard with him and other hunters... the frailty of life in a dangerous profession. Where does Zazi seek companionship then? Only time and the right woman may tell. For now he is his own man, committed to his mission in life and the joys of life before him. Perhaps even an up and coming charge may elicit paternal feelings as well.


Notable hunts and Achievements. UNDERCONSTRUCT


Logs of the expeditions and Voidsent beasts Zazi has encountered.

-Notable infusion of dark aspected aether. Common among the voidsent hunting families. Caused by Void portal incident. Black burns on hands that have since mostly healed and are muchly unnoticeable.


Professional, straight forward, a bit blunt, but also capable of joking about. He is quite often the mentorly type, not exactly talking down to others, but coming across as professional in his words and actions. Being a wandering man of his stature and skill, he has had many encounters with different personalities. He can usually keep up with most and often offers words of advice or encouragement to those who deems needing of his help. To those who would try to cross him, he can be stern and threatening easily. His whole demeanor is usually that of a mature and spoken expert. Collected and nearly always clam even in predicaments of great stress. He gives off the impression that he has seen quite a lot and weathered quite a many hardships that he has learned to deal with in a collected manner. He has low tolerance for thieves and fast talkers. He has an old style of charm when it comes to a woman that catches his eyes, and is much like the roguish knight archetype. He seems to know a lot more than he ever lets on, and seems to have an uncanny ability to catch on quick to certain situations or character intentions. This comes hand in hand with his tendency to keep out details about himself in many conversations unless wanting to bond a bit more to that character. He tries to lead others to conclusions rather than guiding them whole handedly.


The Coastline. The cool sea air, the smell of salt, and the crystalline waters as well as a refreshing dip.
Learning. Training, Learning, Gaining new experiences, and travelling the world to learn it and the people in it is a joy in itself.


Thieves. Sticky fingered thieves who try to circumvent working to earn their keep.
Fast Talkers Those who try to pull a fast one over him or others.


Working A workaholic to some, but someone who enjoys his profession to others.
Drinking & Socializing. To travel is to meet others, share drinks, and converse. Whether things take a turn for better or worse, who can tell.


Experience. With age is wisdom and experience. Zazi has a myriad of tools and experiences to prepare him for certain situations. As well as knowledge and tactics to face certain foes..
Weapons Diversity. Able to conform and use a different variety of weapons to a well honed (but not expert) level, he has multiple options when approaching combat problems.


Weak to Magic. Zazi tends to try to befriend Mages as he has not the ability to face them. He has no magical capabilities and struggles against casters.


Improving - Always improving and moving forward.


Center Dahlia is a 3rd pedigree race chocobo discarded from breeding stock years and years prior as her traits were undesirable for the racing circuits. Initially sold to a stable owner for a cheap price as a work bird, her escape from captivity into South Thanalan was were she came across Zazi and company in hot water with Amalj'aa. Though the tale is always spun by Zazi to be more ostentatious than it actually was, while Dahlia's presence spooked and distracted Amalj'aa raiders long enough for Zazi and company to fight and escape. Zazi would account that she infact saved his life. Furthermore, the fact she did not flee from the approaching Zazi ever more cemented their bond. Working for a solid month to pay the hapless stable owner for the bird, Zazi and Dahlia have been a duo ever since. Dahlia is a thoroughbred Chocobo, though heavy on bulk, speed, & cunning, her low acceleration doomed her to mediocrity in the eyes of Chocobo breeders and racers. However, under the reigns of Zazi, she has proven a chocobo he would have to the very end. His bond stays true to the grey feathered bird, as her plummage has begun to turn grey from age and her speed and stamina have dropped in olden age. Zazi will ride with her until her final steps and Dahlia seems keen on such as prospect as well.

Used primarily as his transportation, Dahlia is also the key to Zazi's large arsenal on the hunt. Loaded up with different weaponry and other provisions. He will call her to his side to re-quip certain weaponry or change his tactics. Despite her old age, her strength is quite impressive. The work load and weight never seeming to bother the stocky mount, and her cunning has evolved to a point of near symbiosis with Zazi's thoughts. Apparent to be capable of reading Zazi's mind at times and acting instantly, as well as having learned many things from their travels. She's a very dependable bird and the cornerstone to Zazi's success on the road.


Great Sword - Main weapon: Lockheart - The two-handed blade a staple weapon of choice for both power and relative precision. It is most effective for it's reach and ability to slash at quick returns. Well regarded and almost hand in hand with Dark Knights and there-to-fore, the Voidhunter families. This weapon is arguably Zazi's most proficient of his collection and will most oft adorn his back. Though it is noted clunky in close quarters, as well as against beasts of hard exterior. Zazi's detailed blade, made specifically for him many years ago in his time with the voidhunters was crafted with such care and passion that it became Zazi's favored weapon. However, out of respect for the hard work that was put into what could be considered his first gift, he keeps it constantly cleaned, shine, and uses it as to make it's legacy deeper. At times affectionately named Viola. ♦♦♦♦♦

Great Axe - Main Weapon: Bloodied Bravura - The two-handed Great Axe, almost a universal option for pure unbridled aggression, run down, and raw savage strength. Immense weight focused on an edge makes for a savagely effective weapon against hard carapaced creatures or those with a very high constitution. The Great Axe is heralded for proving the strength and constitution of its wielder. The warrior that can wield such a behemoth of a weapon with ease earns respect mostly among the barbarians and warriors of Eorzea. The Bloodied Bravura - affectionately named Delilah by Zazi is a rough-hewn axe caked and stained with blood from countless hunts before, so much that the weapon is stained with the reddened stains of blood and rust, however the edge is ever sharp as obsidian. ♦♦♦♦♦

One-Hand Sword - Main Weapon: Katzbalger - The single hand sword, often paired with a shield is the well-known choice of ul'dahn Gladiators. A versatile weapon in nearly every way, sometimes said to be the perfect mediating point of any weapon. It has equal flaws and equal strengths muchly dependent on the design of the sword itself. Basically a dagger with more reach, though not too concealable. These weapons are greatly at advantage against humanoid foes or other mortal races & beastmen tribes as opposed to beasts. As well as for training. Zazi's blades very on differing uses from the wide arrangement of different one hand sword types. His most commonly used however is his Katbalger. Not named himself, but colloquially known as Lovely - as Zazi has an ability to make it dance like a captivating Dancer. ♦♦♦♦

Lance/Spear - Main Weapon: Shellsplitter Halberd - The halberd or poleaxe is fantastic for reach, piercing thrusts, and ability to zone out enemies as well as take on large quantities of minor enemies. Able to be wielded like a polearm or staff aswell as having an axe accompanied by lance tip. The main con of such a weapon is it's cumbersome length, but with momentum and right situations this weapon can be deadly. ♦♦♦

Eastern Blade/Katana - Main Weapon: Althyiak Blade - The eastern blade, known as a katana, is a quick precise blade with medium reach. Well regarded as versatile blade against fleshy enemies, but not ideal against harder or heavily armed foes. Speed and deadly precision can be the best ally. However, this weapon is fairly new to Zazi and after taking a blade for a spin he purchased a straight edge cavalry style katana to work and practice with. For now, this is his only eastern blade until he can determine better the tactful grace that comes with this weapon. ♦♦

Bow - Main Weapon: -

Daggers - Main Weapon: -

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Cynthia Silverlaine Mother. ( ) - N P C - Deceased
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. ."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
Always looking for RP contacts to build my character's story as well as others. I enjoy ALL types of RP and won't shy from some 'odder' plots as long as they have purpose or further a narrative or character. Mentor RP, training RP, or various meet up and styled RPs are all open to me. I don't RP in open public places such as main cities and definitely not Quicksand unless in Party chat. If I'm online I'm up to RP. If my character interests you and you'd like to discuss or set up RP, you can contact at ratedr4retarded via Skype. Or find me in Game. Server: Balmung.
Personal RP Limits
There Aren't many Limits to be honest. I don't RP in high traffic public places such as Quicksand or in Cities unless in Party Chat. I prefer story lead ups to anything, plots, and long-semi-long term character arcs and relationships are my ideal. I do ALL RP.
I will playAny sort of Plot revolving around my character's professions, meetings, and other such. I tend to like: Mentor Meet ups, Hunt related RPs, socializing RPS, or networking styles - such as meeting with a witch or mage to learn more about certain voidsent. Add me to your story, I enjoy webs of character involvement. I will do ALL RP. I prefer /tells first to set up anything and answer any concerns and do direction as opposed to WUs.
I won't play Depends on what is wanted in a plot. Just be open and honest and discuss.
Little Tidbits.
I Do all RP and prefer people to be upfront with RP intentions and what they'd like to get out of it.


Potential Plot Hooks
A fledgling character who seeks a mentor. Someone who needs assistance hunting a troublesome beast - whether it be for evil or positive gain. A fellow seasoned hunter who seeks out his knowledge or assistance. A mage or witch with vast tomes and knowledge of the Voidsent for Zazi to seek out, whether it be by deal or exchange. A voidsent inhabiting someone. There are countless plot ideas that sound great to me, I'm just seeking the other to RP it with me.
Zazi is loosely inspired by Geralt from the Witcher Series mixed with a bit of Auron from Final Fantasy X. If any of those characters speak out to you, then that's me! In the same vain, rogue mages and lost adventurers seeking guidance. I like to have that wandering working man fantasy as well as the mysterious mentor lore. Interested? Let me know!
Zazi is Midaged, though his age can be changed a bit based on the RP. It isn't set in stone, but he is meant to be more mature than the typical.
I just really want RP contacts to message on my friendslist, more than anything.
Character Lore Adherence
Looking to make some.
No changes required.

Name - Zazi Silverlaine
Race - Highlander Hyur
Age - Midage - Mid-Late 40s
Name Day - 16th Sun of 5 Astral Moon
Deity - Rhalgr, the Destroyer

Alias: Silverlaine
Citizenship: Wanderer - Home in Goblet
Occupation: Hired Hunter - Tracker - Mentor. Voidsent Hunter by profession
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Complexion: Rugged and Scarred
Piercings: Ears
Marks or tattoos: Various Monster Claw Scars
Alignment: Neutral
Key Items: n/a
Favorite Food: Aldgoat Steak
Favorite Drink: Aged Ale
Favorite Color: Wine Red
Template made by User:Abelia Kir Armiger and free for use!