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[[File:yukistargazing.png|left|thumb|<i> "Everyone is under the same sky, even him."]]
==== <div style="padding:10px 0px 15px 30px;font-size:14px;color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">Ala Mhigan Refugee</div> ====
==== <div style="padding:10px 0px 15px 30px;font-size:14px;color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">Ala Mhigan Refugee</div> ====

Revision as of 14:49, 21 December 2014

 Kurenai, Yuki
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa (Formerly), Doma (Refugee)
Name Day 21st Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Age 20
Height 5 fulm 3 ilm
Occupation Mechanic, Tender, Hunter
Employment Tailwind Tavern




With her petite form and naivety, some wonder how Yuki [Pronounced Yu-KEY] managed to live for this long. Even though she seems like a rather open person, there are still a number of things that remain unknown about the woman such as if she holds any living family members, how she came Limsa Lominsa and if she holds any other professions aside from ones that are commonly known, due to having questionable attire and, seen on rare occasions, markings.


With chocolate colored hair cut in a medium length hairstyle and parts of it falling over her shoulders from the back, bangs side swept to partially cover her right crystal blue orb and holding a petite, slender figure with an ivory skin tone similar to one of a porcelain doll, it's hard not to believe she isn't a midlander woman who hails from Doma. While her looks might be a rare one, she doesn't see herself to be high in the department of beauty compared to other women she has seen.

Yuki isn't one to wear make up, quick to swap out eyeliner and make up brushes for grease and a screw driver. However, she can be seen wearing a few pieces of jewelry; A silver band with a single emerald forged within, a beaten leather collar and silver band which wraps around her neck with a purple gem.

The clothing she wears ranges within color but usually remaining in the same department and items such as a hempen top, kecks made of different material and boots is what she commonly wears, feeling most comfortable in the choice of clothing. She does wear skirts on the occasion but usually with a longer type of top, not use to showing much skin. A common item seen is goggles that usually hang around her neck or on top of her head, used as a hair band.


Yuki is generally a cheerful caring and a rather comedic girl with her beloved smile yet perhaps a bit clumsy at times. She tries to look at the brighter side of things and keep those around her in good spirits, especially her friends, whom mean much to her. While she has only a few close friends, she tries to place their safety, goals and needs before her own. With crystal blue orbs, the left being a few shades darker then the right, keeping from behind her bangs and slender brows, and a smile to help calm others, some may find it hard to remember why they were angry before.

Of course, just like anyone else, she holds her own type of fears and problems but when questioned, she will brush it off and give the person questioning a soft smile. She is one to fight her battles on her own and doesn't like to depend on others, trying to avoid causing them issues even further.

As kind as she is to her friends, she isn't a force to be reckoned with. While it is unknown how skillful she is with weapons so far, she has been seen wielding a bow and throwing knives which rest in a side satchel on her hip. The few times others have seen, they will state that for a clumsy woman, within the heat of the battle, she can be quite graceful and fluid in her movement yet none speak of her skills with her weapons.

While she does wish to remain with her metal works, others will state that she holds quite a singing voice and a keen eye for weapon crafting. She can even be seen tinkering with random items.


"Everyone is under the same sky, even him."

Ala Mhigan Refugee

Born the youngest of three children into an upper class Ala Mhigan family steeped in a long warrior tradition, Aya was born into what should have been a life of relative luxury. All hope of such fortune was washed away among the flood of refugees fleeing the Kingdom ahead of the Imperial conquest. Living as refugees the family moved from city to city in a vain effort to call in old favors to find permanent settlement. After being turned away from every hope, including an extended stay near Limsa Lominsa, Aya's father finally made the decision he had been so loath to consider in the past: to call upon distant relatives who had settled as sellswords in Ishgard several generations in the past, the black sheep of the once prominent and proper family.

Unaware of their fortune to gain entrance to the city shortly before the gates were sealed to the outside world, their long lost relatives welcomed the family with the grudging acceptance of blood relatives. Unable to leave their past behind, Aya's parents adopted only the minimal necessary trappings of Ishgardian society. Refusing to abandon his pretensions her father quickly became a burden, followed by the eldest son intent upon claiming the trappings of an inheritance that had evaporated before his eyes. Loyal to a fault Aya's mother served her husband's every interest, pressing the children to accept his desires and command as they became ever less realistic. The two younger children grew closer to one another, as both proved more capable of adapting to their new social status.

The younger of Aya's brothers chose to become an apprentice weapon smith, planning to open his own shop and provide support for his parents, and if possible to repay the relatives to whom the entire family owes their survival. Aya meanwhile was drawn toward less productive, but equally rebellious endeavors. Despite their poverty, Aya's parents set her on the path to be schooled as a proper Lady befitting her station. Of the arts and manners she studied as a child, her favorite quickly became dancing. As an adolescent she embraced a social circle that skirted the edges of "acceptable" society, preferring the fun, excitement, attention, and notoriety to be found in the world of taverns, and underground clubs. Finding that she could earn gil as a dancer and entertainer Aya completely abandoned her ties to the social circles her parents still clung to in their vaingloriousness.

Flight, Gridania, and the Hungry Wolf

Text Here

Facing increasing pressure from her parents, and feeling a general alienation toward the accepted culture of Ishgard, Aya made the life-changing decision to escape from the city. Once in the outside world she made her way to Gridania with a purse that rapidly grew bare. She managed to find employment at the Roost as a barmaid, where she was able to rent a room on a long-term basis. With an eye on greater prizes (and a blindness to the risks) she embraced the opportunity to find work as a sellsword with a Free Company she had come to know through work, thus Aya came to the Hungry Wolf.

Although she had mislead the Company on her experience and capability, Aya proved a quick study, albeit it a tentative combatant. Over the course of her several months long employment by the Hungry Wolf, she took part in a small number of actual combat operations, while generally avoiding dangerous assignments. Focused primarily on patrol and sentry work, she finished her time with the Company overseeing patrols that covered the Gridania to Coerthas road, stationed at Fallgourd Float. The work was mild, and she supplemented decreasing pay by entertaining at the local inn. As the company floundered financially, the remaining members were released from their employment.

Ul'dah: The Quick Sand

Floating about without work, Aya returned to Gridania where she lived at the Roost, trying to make up her mind about what to do next, until expelled for failing to pay for her room. Desperate to find work again, and deciding it better to not further pursue her career as a mercenary, she decided to return to her previous employment, that of a barmaid. Deciding it unlikely that the Roost would turn around and offer her work so soon after the messy issue of her eviction, she opted to try a new city. Intimidated by Limsa's pirate culture, Aya opted to instead test the oppressive heat and culture of Ul'dah.

Momodi, the matron of the Quick Sand, the busiest drinking hole in the city of Ul'dah, and a hub of activity adventurous, legitimate, and illicit, saw potential in the young woman (perhaps believing that the tall blonde from the north might bring in business with her exotic looks) and quickly offered her a position as a barmaid. Along with a pittance of pay, she was provided with a small room (in the least desirable part of the building), board at discount, and the opportunity to keep any tips she would earn.

Aya's primary responsibility is tending to patrons sitting at the Quick Sand's tables, but she also sometimes assists customers at the bar itself, and can pour and mix some drinks to make things easier on Momodi. She's also been quick to help with the Quick Sand's menu, adding a variety of mixed fruit drinks (which she has come to consider something of a specialty), a variety of dishes, and nearly tripling the volume of Gridanian Mead sold with her frequent recommendation of the import.


Show text


Please feel free to place anything you might think, good or bad, here! Rumors, Opinions, etc.


Note that some of these rumors maybe be untrue or simply stretched.
◢ Common Rumors (Easy to overhear)
"Yuki? Sweet girl. I see her here often and she is always working on something new." - Forgemaster H'naanza, Guildmaster of the Armorer's Guild
"Seen her trying to catch fish but.. I don't think she is really good at it. Usually comes back empty handed. Haha, gotta hand it to her for not giving up!" - Fisher within the Mists
"Hard worker and a girl with her mind more into the things she creates than with friends. Makes me wonder if she has any.." - Forgemaster Brithael, Guildmaster of the Blacksmith's Guild
◢ Moderate Rumors (Difficult to overhear)
"Didn't she use to have a violet eye? The left one?" - Woman passing by within Ruby Road Exchange
"Says she has two mothers. Makes ya wonder where her real parents are, if they are alive." - Unknown gossiper within the Bismark
"Tryin' to start her own business with metal. Wouldn't suspect it lookin' at her. Some say they see her crafting all different types of strange weapons." - Client of the Blacksmith's Guild
◢ Rare Rumors (Nearly unheard)
"I've heard stories of a woman who perches herself up on a hill in Costa, says she as a voice of a Siren." - Fish Monger within the Ferry Docks of Limsa Lominsa
"She was born of blood and snow. That isn't natural. Heard her name means somethin' else in Doman." - Older Man within Aleport.
"Yuki? Does she have any connection with this woman that runs about the outskirts of the City-States. Have similar figures but always hidden and sometimes people wonder if they actually seen the figure or not."
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from other player's characters)
Looks to be a little empty..
Why not..
Add your own here!

Opportunity for Employment

Aya's primary work is at the Quick Sand, but she remains ever on the lookout for other opportunities for employment to supplement her income. While no longer interested in mercenary work, she would still consider a wide variety of opportunities (especially if the gil were good).

  • Entertaining
  • Modelling
  • Barmaiding/Bartending an event (though she would probably rather attend!)
  • She might consider any other non-violent opportunities that come her way!



  • She can be seen usually smiling or focused on something.
  • She will occasionally switch between Eorzean and Doman.
  • She tries to usually be polite.
  • When it comes to her duties, she becomes quite stern.

  • Weapons
  • Meeting New People
  • New Tools
  • Sweets
  • Sleeping
  • Being Alone [Although she won't admit it.]
  • Weapon's Breaking
  • Breaking Things While Tinkering
  • Unnecessary Violence
  • Rude People
  • Tinkering
  • Crafting
  • Trying To Cook
  • Training
Quotes and Common Phrases
  • "Oyoyo?"[Meaning 'Wha-..?']
  • Siiiigh~
  • "It doesn't matter if the world loves you. If you don't like yourself, you need to become someone that you do like."
  • "Even if we forget, memories remain within us silently."


Aya's Shotgun Shuffle Twin

Yuffie Kisaragi


Everyone's Aya

Aya pose.png Aya 002.png Aya 005.png

Aya Working

Aya Quicksand 01.png Aya 008.png


Aya collage.png Aya cheer.png