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This Template was created by [Bancroft Gairn]], thank you for making something so awesome!
This Template was created by [[Bancroft Gairn]], thank you for making something so awesome!

Revision as of 05:15, 23 December 2014

 Ludivine Goultard
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship Former Ul'dahn citizen
Age 28
Marital Status Single
Occupation Hired help
Height/Weight 6'2" / 184 lbs
Orientation No sexual interests
  • Severin (Father)
  • Amandine (Mother)

Ludivine Goultard (pronounced /ˈLud-iv-een Gool-tard/) (27th Sun 6th Umbral Moon (Dec 27)) is a former Ul'dahn citizen and Immortal Flames soldier. Leaving her isolated home and (rather influential and high-class) family at the age of sixteen to seek glory for herself, she prospered in the wilds of Thanalan, working on simple and unrefined swordplay which would earn her the notice of several commanding officers in the Immortal Flames. Quickly ushered inside the gates of the city, she was sworn in oath and continually proved herself in the harshest of conditions. Placing herself on the front lines frequently, Ludivine took a mission to lead a group of recruits through Southern Thanalan, hoping to bolster support around Little Ala Mhigo. On one day patrol, her group was ambushed. Instead of fighting to the last, her recruits panicked and restrained her, offering her to the Amal'jaa in exchange for their lives. Betrayed and beaten Ludivine thought her life over, instead she was forced through the cruelest hell possible, used as a toy by the Amal'jaa and their war-beasts. Three years of violent abuse and rape broke Ludivine's mind, leaving little remaining of her former proud self. As the Calamity came nigh, Ludivine was able to manipulate the minds of a group of influential Amal'jaa, beginning a feud where many died believing she promised herself to them - yet as the blood-soaked sands calmed, the subdued Amal'jaa found that she had slipped her bonds and escaped into the wastes. Hunted as she fled the heartlands, she made her way back to what semblance of protection and civilisation she could find, gathering her strength and learning the ways of the desert once more, before returning to Ul'dah. Her mind and heart was ruled by only one thing - madness.

Basic Info


Children with smiles on their faces


Lecherous men or women
The Immortal Flames and any divisions of it
Lovey-dovey couples
The Amal'jaa


Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Previous jobs: Barmaid; Recruiter; Farmer; Gatherer.
Favourite animal/pet: Small birds
Favourite Drink: Hot Chocolate
Personal hero: Raubahn

Appearance & Personality

Rarely seen without a slouched posture and lazily-dressed appearance, Ludivine believes in function before fashion. Feeling no need to impress, she wears what's best for the climate she's working in, and rarely changes out of it. Without the coin to support herself not only does she sleep on the streets, but she also has little opportunity to buy new clothes. With her current life she has come to terms with her appearance and lack of good clothing, and doesn't show any disdain to how she looks. Her most common outfit is an open-chested shirt, baggy pants, long gloves and simple, sturdy boots.
Ludivine acts how she needs to fit in, coming across as friendly and shy, maybe teasing and joking if she knows the person well enough. Always passive and nervous-looking, she manages to make many friends without effort, willing to listen and lend a shoulder to people's troubles. Her speech is relaxed and free, heavily changed from the prideful and gently flowing speech she once had. She is incredibly quick, able to figure out peoples' dispositions and troubles just by studying them for a moment. On top of this, she can read and write due to her upbringing, though the skill rarely comes in handy in her selection of jobs of manual labour.
Underneath this exterior, Ludivine's mind is constantly turning, searching for ways to hurt and abuse others. Completely ruled by chaos, she has no qualms about siding with the Empire, the resistance, murderers, thieves or most that normal people would fear. As expected, she despises beast tribes and The Immortal Flames, and will rarely work for them. Her true self is cold and callous, dispelling the shy and nervous illusion she wears when in public, though the only times she reveals this part of her is when she needs to hurt others, or when she finds someone who feels the same way she does about the world. To hide her identity, she often wears a dark cloak, though often than not prefers to manipulate events through less physical encounters, so it is rarely seen on her.







1561 - 1577



1577 - Present

(... Backstory RP currently in progress, will update as it continues.)



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Who? That Duskwight? Yeah, did some jobs for me, almost forgot about her for a sec'." -- Busy farmer
"Aye, showed up on time, did her job an' left, barely a word out of 'er." -- Ul'dahn peddler
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Never liked 'aving her in the city, scum Duskwight can't even find work most nights." -- Irritable Brass Blade
"Kept coming to the gates for the better part of two years before anyone would let her in, lookin' like a rag doll. Dunno where she got the gil to earn her way inside." -- Ul'dahn gate guard
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"You seen those eyes? She looked at me once an' I ain't ever felt so 'fraid for myself in ever. Was like I felt nothin' could save me or my fambly, and all she did was look at me!" -- A stall owner
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing





This Template was created by Bancroft Gairn, thank you for making something so awesome!