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She has a very low self image in all things, which makes her surprisingly accepting of others, regardless of their flaws. This can also make her superficially generous, since she cares little for her own material possessions or happiness.
She has a very low self image in all things, which makes her surprisingly accepting of others, regardless of their flaws. This can also make her superficially generous, since she cares little for her own material possessions or happiness.
== Combat ==
Blub blub

Revision as of 09:50, 3 April 2015

Gridania-transparent.png Temariah Evylenne Dawnsong
"Wouldn't it be beautiful..."
Temariah Portrait.png
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): White Mage
Main Tradeskill: None
Preferred Role: Support
Server: Balmung
Alignment: Neutral Good
Reputation: Wasted potential
Occupation: Student of Conjury, also in temporary employ with the Night Blades
Education: Limited, mostly self taught
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Straight
Guardian: Nymeia, the Spinner
Free Company
The Night Blades
Items Carried
An unadorned linkpearl, a smattering of herbs with various scents and functions. Sometimes a worn leather-bound book.
Race: Elezen
Clan: Wildwood
Age: 26
Height: 6 fulm
Weight: 138 ponze
Eyes: Left: sapphire, Right: violet
Hair: Golden
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Average
Notable Features: Petite for an Elezen
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity


Born to a loving mother and father, both of whom were humble Wood Wailers in Gridania, Temariah grew up wrapped in safety and compassion. From a young age, she dreamed of following in her parents' footsteps and becoming a Wood Wailer herself. Thus, on her fifteenth Name Day, this was the gift she begged of her parents: to be allowed to join them on their ventures and become a recruit of the Wood Wailers. She spent the next three years devoting herself to the Art of bowmanship, and though she was not particularly gifted, she became an Archer of some skill through determination and practice.

While receiving a lesson in herblore and alchemy from her mother, Temariah mistakenly concocted a mixture that produced noxious fumes, searing her eyes. Her mother prayed to the Elementals for a token of their power, that she might heal her daughter. Her mother, not a Conjurer or Hearer, was unable to focus the tithe of power she was granted to undo what damage had already been wrought, though she did manage to prevent anything further. While Temariah's left eye remained mostly unscathed, Temariah's right eye was stained dark purple (a mixture of the bleeding and poor healing). She later realized that vision in that eye was diminished and blurry. Without the acute vision the Wildwood Elezen are known for, or even the keen sight of a trained eye, Temariah found her ability as an Archer reduced to hazardous, and she dismissed herself from the Wood Wailers. She distanced herself from those around her; only her childhood friend Alduin was able and willing to spend much time with her. Books became her truest companions, and solitude her strongest shield.

No more than a year after this event, Temariah's mother was fatally wounded on a mission, and a year after this, the Calamity struck, claiming her father's life as well. Temariah closed herself off completely, secluding herself in her home until she was forced to sell it for coin. Homeless and aimless, she applied to the Conjurer's Guild, digging into her studies with an attention born of desperation.

Approximately one year after Temariah became an Acolyte of Conjury, Alduin left Gridania to do some soul-searching, thinking Temariah stable enough in her new routine. Without Alduin's steady presence, however, Temariah found herself falling ever deeper into the pits of hopelessness. Her thoughts drifted more and more frequently to leaving the Twelveswood, perhaps to find Alduin, or perhaps to find her own path. A chance encounter with the Hyur Piaras Wolfwood offered Temariah a glimpse of purpose. He was the leader of a Free Company, and he sorely needed a strong healer at his side. Infatuated with him and blinded by the promise of coin, Temariah hastily signed up with the Company.

Alduin returned to Gridania as quickly as he had left, claiming to have come back due to his intimate feelings for Temariah. Shortly thereafter, Temariah discovered that Piaras was romantically involved with a Miqo'te woman. Besieged on all sides by troubling emotion, and ever threatened by depression, Temariah succumbed easily to the thrall of the narcotic, Somnus. It was C'lantaa Shenn, a recently-met but true friend, who uncovered Temariah's growing addiction and forced her to seek help. With the assistance of Alduin and Umi Kanzato of the Night Blades, Temariah slowly recovered her strength of body and mind. Over the course of her recovery, Temariah involuntarily began to care for Umi in a way that she hadn't cared for anyone for several years. Temariah revealed some of her fears and weaknesses, and Umi steadily believed in her even when she did not. It was inordinately upsetting, then, when Umi left the Night Blades' manse for a highly dangerous mission, alone. Following this, Temariah left the Night Blades' house, disillusioned with her attempts to strike out and find a meaning for her life.


Temariah comes off as a cool, aloof woman. She hides her emotions behind a polite facade, often seeming agreeable and pleasant at a surface level. Her naturally expressive face sometimes gives away her surprise or dismay, and she tends to blush easily and beyond her control, though her deepest and most secret thoughts are locked tightly inside. She redirects any piercing questions addressed to her with quick changes of subject or counter-questions, which can make her seem rather abrupt. She rarely asks questions of others, because, as stated, she won't answer questions about herself.

She has a very low self image in all things, which makes her surprisingly accepting of others, regardless of their flaws. This can also make her superficially generous, since she cares little for her own material possessions or happiness.



  • Solitude
  • Learning
  • Chocobos
  • Wandering


  • Questions
  • Pity
  • Condescension
  • Potions or poisons of any kind


  • Singing (to herself)
  • Herblore, tending to plantlife


◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"O-App-Pesi says she's one of the most talented Conjurers he's seen in ages, but I've never seen her call the elements once." - Student of Conjury in Gridania
"Pity she isn't more like her mother." - Gridanian Wood Wailer
"She has the strangest eyes. One of 'em is purple!" - Gridanian child
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Heard her father died in the Calamity." - Gridanian Wood Wailer
"Temariah? Aye, she stays at the Conjurer's Guild. No home or family to speak of, that one." - Gridanian citizen
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"She keeps a cot in the catacombs here. Sometimes I wonder if she will ever step out to find her way." - O-App-Pesi
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters of other players)

Please feel free to add your own rumors!


Romantic Interest     Sexual desire      Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing

Umi Kanzato: A fair-skinned, plum-haired Keeper of the Moon who believed in Temariah and helped her recover from her run-in with Somnus. Temariah involuntarily let this Miqo'te see her vulnerabilities and fears, which led to the strongest emotional attachment she has felt since her mother. Temariah denies her feelings for Umi to everyone, including herself.

Formatting borrowed from Barnabaix! <3