Luha Dalaan

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Luha Dalaan

"Coin's what bore me; figure it'll be the thing to kill me, too."


Name: Luha Dalaan
Gender: Female
Age and Nameday: 27; 32nd, 4UM
Height and Weight: 4'10, 100 ponze
Orientation: Pansexual


Place of Birth: Limsa Lominsa
Citizenship: Undeclared
Patron Deity: Oschon the Wanderer
Occupation: Smuggler/Information Broker
Race and Clan: Miqo'te, Keepers of the Moon

The Basics

From the very moment Luha Dalaan's existence was conceived, her life has revolved around the exchange of coin for unsavory services. Born to a Lominsan prostitute as the result of an evening spent with sailors, soldiers, and brigands, it can hardly be wondered as to how she became the woman she is to today. A well known cog in the machinery of Eorzea's seedy underbelly, she's made a reputation for herself as being efficient, discrete, and dangerously open-minded regarding her employer's requests. She has a vast network of "friends", reaching to the farthest corners of Eorzea, and is always ready to accept or request a few favors for the right price. While her deeds speak to a darker nature, Luha is known to be an accepting, even-tempered sort with a lazy grin and penchant for warm conversation with strangers. Often found in taverns weaving tall tales, drinking men three times her size under the table, or playing Triple Triad suspiciously well, she's been sighted in every city-state and nearly all major settlements not controlled by the Empire. A traveler, story-teller, miscreant, and sure sign of either merriment or trouble, many know either to arm themselves or break out the fine wine when they spot the Miqo'te downed in blue from the corner of their eye.


Terrible puns
Expensive liquor
Telling and hearing stories


People who are morally stringent
Stigmas against the 'unwashed masses'
Hot weather
Unnecessary violence.


Laid back attitude
Street smarts


Difficulty trusting others
Transient loyalties
Relies on emotional detachment
Poor reading and writing skills


Talks in her sleep
Hums and sings to herself when she thinks no one's watching
A very well-hidden snort laugh


Acquiring wealth
Feeling something, anything


Alignment: True Neutral
Vice(s): Drinking, gambling, stealing, somnus
Favorite Food: Shepherd's Pie
Favorite Drink: Lavender Tea
Favorite Color: Dark Blue

Appearance & Personality

Luha is a lithe-framed Keeper who stands on the shorter end of the average height for her people. Spending a good two hours of each day focused on her physical training, she is trim with visible muscle tone beneath her light gray skin. Her dark red hair is almost always pulled back into a long pony tail, which is usually tucked under her signature hat; an item of clothing she is scarcely seen without. Her wide, almond eyes of aquamarine stare out into the world with a playful look of amusement, accompanied by her darkened nose and smirking painted lips. She dresses almost exclusively in blue and wears light clothing that is easy to move in, cool, and comfortable, favoring function over fashion. Her ears are adorned with three piercings each and her throat with shining necklaces, though with no piece of jewelry resembling anything expensive. While she rarely carries any weapons openly, she'a never without a concealed knife or two. What truly ties her aesthetic of "just the girl you weren't looking for" together, though, is her unique assortment of scars. One across her right eye from a drunken bar brawl; another slashed down the right side of her jaw from a particularly feisty bounty; a small chip out of her right ear from a miscalculated dodge; three from Carteneau alone, one slashing into the front of her left hip, the second a round mark of a gunshot in her left shoulder, and the last a burn along her lower right calf and ankle; several slashing across her upper back, hinting at talons; the most recent a gash matching on the front and back of her left hand from pissing off the wrong somnus smuggler just after testing his product.

Personality wise, Luha is extremely relaxed, almost too much so for her own good. She avoids becoming attached to anything for the sake of keeping her emotional investment at a minimum is all aspects of her life. That being said, she often acts as a mother hen to those working for or with her, claiming that resources are precious and must never be wasted. She's been caught wagging her finger at contacts on more than one occasion and has even gone so far as to have some of her best people followed, if only to make sure they don't get themselves killed. This behavior stems from a big sister complex she had growing up, feeling the need to protect the other children in the brothel as best she could. She may try as hard as she can to portray herself as a ruthless criminal kingpin, but her passionate concern for her "investments" says otherwise. While this may show a somewhat softer side to her, it doesn't mean she's unguarded. Luha has spent her entire life building up walls for the simple sake of survival. While she may look after a contact, it is extremely rare for her to feel a true emotional connection with them. She keeps them from knowing anything of import about her and makes a point to know very little about them. "Bonds like that will break you, sooner or later." If on the off chance that someone does peel away at her layers, it will easily be seen that she's still that fragile little girl from Limsa, clawing her way to the top on some mission to prove that she is more than anyone ever expected her to be. She is perpetually mentally exhausted and has simply mastered the art of portraying herself some someone much stronger, more mentally sound, and unstoppable. And, if she portrays these traits efficiently, who's to say that they aren't true?

Combat & Weaponry

Luha's preferred combat style is ranged and she will avoid melee combat as much as she possibly can. Skilled in archery after training for the majority of her life in a mercenary company, she's able to dismantle squads of men from yalms away. That's not to say she can't hold her own while scrapping, but it's through no manner of skill. With a dagger in her hand, Luha will result to any means to walk away alive, which can lead to a great deal of dirty fighting. Shots below the belt, hidden weapons, dirt throwing, biting and clawing only scratch the surface of how low she's willing to sink. Needless to say, she usually refuses to accept duels or challenges.



Luha was born in a brothel to one of Limsa Lominsa's many prostitutes, a woman named Shi'ata. It was that simple beginning that would define her childhood. As soon as she was able to walk and talk, she would take to the docks to pick-pocket sailors and beg for food. Should neither of those activities bear fruit, she would take to chasing down rats and attempting to catch fish with her hands. When night would creep around, Luha and the other brothel children would be locked in a room with several blankets and pillows and nothing but their imaginations to entertain them. They would spend their time like most children do, playing pretend and dreaming of what their life would be like if they had been born to different parents, all while ignoring what they knew was happening in the rooms outside. Luha wasn't naive, she understood what it was her mother did for a living, even if she wasn't aware of just what exactly that meant. Her relationship with her mother was complicated, to say the least. Shi'ata wasn't a cruel woman and, more often than not, was a very loving and dutiful caretaker. Still, given her line of work she made a point of sending her daughter away as often as possible in hopes of keeping her innocence in tact. This forged a rift between the two, leaving Luha to believe that her mother resented her.
When she wasn't being punished by the brothel's owner for souring transactions or being dragged around the city by Yellow Jackets, Luha would spend her time racing around La Noscea, every day pushing the boundaries of the world around her. She would sit on hilltops and wave to the ships coming into port, dreaming of the day when she would be able to leave on one of them herself. That dream never faded; the fantasy of wanting to buy a ship and sail into the unknown world past Eorzea would be something to stick with her through adulthood.




The Fall of Dalamud




"I don't deal in flesh. Well, live flesh anyway."
"Hells bells!"
"I don't have a drinking habit, I have a habit of drinking."
"Call that boy a whoreson one more time and you'll lose your tongue."
"There are absolutely no words in existence that could properly express how little I care."
"Ah, Limsa, with its unmistakable smell of piss, fish, and shame."
"The problem with Seeker males is that they were gifted with two heads, and yet actively choose to only think with one."


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

Common Rumors (easily overheard)
"Never play cards with that girl if yer 'oldin' or wearin' anythin' valuable. She'll leave ye walkin' 'ome stark naked." -Disgruntled Gambler
"She'd sell her own mum if the coin was good." -Shady Smuggler
"Lass definitely 'gets around', if you know what I mean. Probably doesn't even know whose bed she crawled out of this morning." -Awkwardly Shifting Mercenary
Moderate Rumors (moderately difficult to overhear)
"Luha? Such a sweetheart, comes in here a lot, and not for the reason you'd think. She pays us just to talk to her! Gives us a nice break from the usual scum." -Ul'dahn Prostitute
"Savin' up for somffin' big, she is. Saw 'er 'andin' over some ungodly amoun'a coin t'a retainer once. Then she wen' an' tossed a few coins t'me!" -Wide-Eyed Lominsan Street Urchin
"Used to run with The Black Bloods, I hear. Bunch of murdering outlaws who call themselves mercenaries. Can't trust people like that." -Black Shroud Tavern Waitress
Rare Rumors (very difficult or rarely overheard)
"She thinks no one here remembers her, but I know that girl. Brothel brat who used to harass the sailors and pickpocket merchants. She's the bastard child of a whore and not much else." -Retired Yellow Jacket
"Saw her kill a boy out in Coerthas some years back. Could never forget the face of someone who does somethin' like that. Don't think she woulda, were it not for that captain of hers; she spilled her guts right afterwards." -Solemn Sellsword
PC Rumors (rumors from the characters of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
Name : Description


Template by Bancroft Gairn with a few edits by me.
Theme Song:
Song on the Beach; Photograph
The Parting Glass
TV Tropes:
Hidden Heart of Gold
Loveable Rogue
Only in It for the Money
Even Evil Has Standards
Combat Pragmatist
Nice Hat