Nagelia Ejinn

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 Nagelia Ejinn
Ffxiv 09152015 092056.jpg
"But why?"
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Tribe Ejinn
Age 20
Guardian Nymeia, the Spinner
Nameday 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon



Height: 58 ilium

Weight: 107 ponze

Skin: Very, very pale

Hair: Rose and violet. Long but just a bit wild

Eyes: Violet with blue limbal rings

Distinguishing Features:

Noticeable scars:

  • Scar on either side of her left shoulder
  • Thin scar under her left eye
  • Jagged scar across her chest

Other marks:

  • Birthmark on her hip that vaguely resembles a spider


"Why can't I have a robe that is pretty AND warm?" Nagelia usually dresses for the weather of the area in which she currently has business. More often than not, that calls for something warmer, given the lingering about places such as Ishgard. When weather is less of an issue, one may find her in some kind of "pretty" dress.


Nagelia at first glance may appear fairly reserved. She stands out of the way of large crowds, little gloved fingers grasping against the back of the opposing hand tightly as if she's trying so very hard to avoid offending anyone. Despite the efforts, or perhaps adding to them, she ever-dons a demure little smile. Perhaps it is that she has a secret, something she knows that none of those in the crowd would be terribly interested in hearing. Further from the crowds, left to her devices, Nagelia fancies herself still rather subdued.


Nagelia isn't a bad person. That said, she isn't a good person entirely either. She is neutral to an extent. There are things she wishes to achieve or obtain and achieving that goal requires tip-toeing on the wrong side of common morals standards. She prefers to avoid being too terrible, but lying and stealing and other such things are necessary from time to time.


  • Will more often than not stop to feed minions and other animals
  • Has a difficult time not answering questions. (Truth in answers is subject to her discretion)
  • Has a tendency to touch things that are not her own
  • Hordes ether


  • Encountering more than one Yarzon at a time
  • Becoming an animated skeleton
  • Figgy Pudding



  • Stormy weather
  • Ether
  • Sweets
  • Feeding small animals
  • SNOW
  • Triple Triad


  • Being yelled at
  • Unanswered questions
  • Yarzon
  • Large crowds


  • Cooking
  • Following strangers
  • Climbing on things


The matter of combat is something of a sore subject. Nagelia waffles between shying away from the heat of battle and running blindly and headlong into danger. Truthfully the deciding fator is how much larger the enemy is. Given her slight height, more often than not, the girl is traipsing across the tundra, explaining to who or whatever is in pursuit, that she is just passing through and didn't really mean to attack it.

In the event there are others taking and dealing the damage, her magics are readily offered from an assumed safe distance. It is easier to focus on helping those helping her than trying to dodge terrible attacks.



Nergui Ejinn

The sister for whom Nagelia is searching. She vanished with very little evidence left to tell anyone where she'd gone.



A stick affectionately refereed to as Barry. Barry does not speak. Barry is just a stick.


Dust storms



Teenage Years



This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea