Sechen Mankhad

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 Sechen Mankhad
"Quote Here."
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Mankhad
Citizenship Othard
Server Balmung
Nickname 'Guppy'
Nameday 17th Sun, 2nd Astral Moon
Guardian Dusk Mother
Occupation Huntress
Marital Status Single
Family Ghoa (Mother)
Mahamu (Father)
Khalja (Brother)
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Basic Information

Sechen hails from Touktai, a small coastal village to the north of the wilds of Othard. Despite recently taking leave of her village on a journey to find the 'fabled' Sahagin spear-master, the Au Ra keeps her home and tribal traditions close to her heart. Sechen is fond of fishing, but not in the traditional sense. The Au Ra prefers a more 'primitive' method, and has often been seen spearheading herring with a feathered pole along the banks of the water. Likewise, the youth also enjoys the thrill of a good hunt alongside her companion and best friend - a couerl named Altan. Before she left, Sechen was tasked to help paint the other tribe members before they set out to hunt. Since then, the Au Ra has recently discovered sketching as a suitable alternative to this; though she finds the strange material called 'paper' to be a less enjoyable canvas.


Height: 5 fulm and 1 ilm || Weight: Average || Body Type: 'Hourglass' || Measurements: 38-26-32 || Age: 19

Build: Cresting at a height of 5 fulm' 1 ilm, this sun-soaked seafarer is notably tall for a female Au Ra. Due to an active lifestyle, Sechen maintains an athletic, lithe physique; baring modest muscle depending on her attire. The bottom of the Au Ra's feet are worn from walking, and occasionally her fingers and claws show hints of red and blue pigment from picking wild berries that she uses for painting.

Markings: A polished coronet of indigo scales crowns Sechen’s features, curving down to stop just above the breadth of her chest. These natural markings continue along the helix of her body and meet at the small of her back; cascading to form the length of a pointed, whip like tail.

Facial features: Waves of cerulean blue and sea green hair frame Sechen’s youthful visage; a pair of wide, starry magenta eyes peeking out from behind of curtain of bangs. A small, elegant nose, curls up at the tip, giving her a regal appearance; further complimented by the yoke of soft, rich lips.


Tribal knots of red, black and blue ink in the shape of a large fish following the curve of the back of her right shoulder.


Upper navel, golden gem
Right nostril, golden studded gem
Nipples, golden barbell with studded gems on both sides


Two rows of (teeth) marks encompassing the right side of her left calf


When in the company of other members within the Mankhad tribe - or those select few that understand the tribe's native language - Sechen's voice carries an air of confidence, pride, and strength; tempered by the low and soft tone of a huntress patiently waiting for her prey. Although she understands a few simple 'common' words gained through the knowledge of a close friend, the Au Ra still struggles to express herself and convey her meaning in the presence of most non-tribal members; often leaving her feeling embarrassed and frustrated because of the language barrier.

After the festival


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After joining a traveling caravan, Sechen befriended a Xaela named Caolan, who offered to teach her Eorzean. Since then, she has begun to understand some basic concepts of the language. When she cannot express her thoughts with words, she communicates through body language, hand gestures, and mimicry.

Sechen is fascinated by the world around her. She is a curious girl, quick with questions and eager to learn. This passion for learning goes beyond scholastics, and can sometimes lead her into trouble. …. (WIP)




Body art
Hot chocolate


Bitter foods
Loud noises
Cold weather
Most alcohol


Losing her family
Forced commitment
Growing old


Gentle nature
Friendly to most


Language barrier


Collects shells and stones
Prefers to be barefoot
Is allergic to coconut
Has befriended Sahagin
Is extremely ticklish
Adores 'petite' things


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Vice(s): Daydreaming
Favorite Food: Soft-shell Crab
Favorite Drink: Pineapple juice
Favorite Color: 'Cool' - Greens, blues, purples
Favorite Treasure: A sketchbook given to her by a friend
Favorite Jewelry: A shark-tooth necklace


It has been several suns since Khalja left for the hunt. Mother hid her own concerns for the sake of mine; she offered words of comfort with a strained smile. I accepted her words, but I feared the worst for my brother still. Both mother and father have forbid me to search for him. if I leave at night, I will return before I am missed - at least that is what I thought. Now I question the wisdom of my decision in the eyes of a very disappointed chieftain.

At least now I know Khalja is home, that he is relatively unharmed - save for the loss of vision in his right eye. Such is the price for freedom; one I would gladly pay if given the chance. Father's voice sounds distant. I raise my hand to my own eye in sympathetic pain, glancing to my brother past the fire pit with a relieved smile. The chieftain's sermon has finally come to an end.

A rough tongue brushes against the back of my hand. Then comes the bite. I can only hope the cub will grow out of this bad habit with age. I collect the young couerl in my arms go inside the tent. Altan, a gift from Khalja's hunt, brought back from the wilds of Othard. Brother will not tell me how he obtained the beast no matter how much I ask. I think he is ashamed. *Where is the mother?* I ask myself. The answer is clear to me now and I go silent. I feel the warm embrace of Khalja's arms as we fall asleep together.

Morning comes too soon.



◢ Common Rumors
◢ Moderate Rumors
"That dirty little wild child showed up in front of my stand naked as a buzzard's head!" - Street merchant in Ul'dah
"I've never seen someone get so excited over such a simple delight as hot chocolate." - Barmaid in Coerthas
◢ Rare Rumors

◢ PC Rumors
"She seems intelligent, but the language barrier is holding her back - I wonder if she has any more piercings." - Caolan Achaius
"Apparently she's friends with Sahagin? She seemed very adamant about teaching...something." - Faolan Donne
"I'm not entirely sure where she's from, but I hope she doesn't lose that sense of herself while everyone else is trying to teach her 'our' ways." - Khyran Oisin
"She has a good heart, but she's a bit hard to read at times." - Connor Tavarin


Yesuntei - WIP
Jikam Constans – 'Caravan Master Jikam' as she calls him, a Miqo'te she met within the shroud. Shortly after she crossed paths with him again in Coerthas; finding the Keeper severely wounded. She brought him back to the caravan, and since then she has been travelling along side them in hopes of someday meeting the Sahagin of this continent. Sechen doesn't know a lot about Jikam, but considers him a figure of authority to be respected within the caravan.
Caolan Achaius – A tribeless Xaela Au Ra she met within the caravan. The rough exterior, shielding a kind heart reminds her of her brother back home. In time, she has come to see Caolan as one as well. He has been teaching her to speak Eorzean and is somewhat protective of Sechen. If not for the arranged marriage waiting for her back in Touktai, Caolan might have been a suitable mate.
Khyran Oisin - WIP
Ghoa - Sechen's mother, a survivor of the Hotgo tribe, and wife to Mahamu; a strategist and adept in the art of painting and tattooing. With the help of her mother's guiding hand, Sechen learned to appreciate the importance of aesthetics at an early age. Ghoa is understanding and welcoming of other cultures, and encourages Sechen to be open minded of what the outside world has to offer.
Mahamu - WIP
Khalja - Sechen's older step brother, the light of Sechen's life. She holds her brother in the highest regard, admiring both his martial prowess and his tempered heart; she has emulated him for as long as she can remember. From an outsider's perspective, the nature of the relationship Sechen shares with her brother might be considered somewhat questionable.
In a relationship
Romantic Love
Platonic Love
Friendly Acquaintance


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