Crowe (Numsgil Mcminnar)

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Character Profile

Glass-circle.png Character Profile


   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity
Ul'dah-transparent.png "Crowe" (Numsgil Mcminnar)
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'Dah
Age 21
Nameday 8th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Occupation Freelance Black Mage
Sexuality Heterosexual
Relatives Kaia Heart - Mother (Deceased)

Alric Mcminnar - Father (Deceased)



Appearance & Personality

Glass-lips.png Appearance & Personality



"Arise, Crowe."

The words echo'd from wall to wall as Numsgil arose from being knelt down in what it seemed to be a dark room lined with candles that seemed to be lit for hours due to how short the stims were, along filled with a variety of dark robed others of every other race. With a quick glance at his surroundings, the young Hyur took a glance down at his gloved hands, silently pulling his left hand to his only exposed eye. Foot steps slowly became louder and louder as if they were getting closer. Picking up of his head, a Lalafell that seemed to have the same robes the others were wearing, the only difference being the ash-brown color of his scarf; would stand face to face with the boy himself. With a desperate tone in his voice, Numsgil opened his mouth as his head dropped softly, without being able to murmur a word, he stared at the ground. "W-Where am I...? Who are you people...?" The boy pleaded for answers desperately in his head over and over. A small hand found it's way to the bottom of his chin, forcibly but softly pulling Numsgil's head up to meet eye to eye. "As a final chapter of your training, you must sacrifice something of importance to channel your full potential power." Eyes shaking in fear and not knowing where he was, the Hyur would continue to plead and try to move, yet through his best attempts to escape, some sort of force held him kneel'd to the ground. "Let us begin." As the last word escaped the Lalafell's lips, the small hand would move slowly from Numsgil's mouth to his exposed eye. "PLEASE STOP. NO. NOOOOOO!!!!!" Ran through his head and before he knew it, a burst of light filled his vision completely almost as if looking and being blinded by the sun above.

Unable to open his mouth to speak or cry for help, the now Hyur layed knelt down in a vast open body of water that seemed to connect an ocean to sky the more he looked out into the distance. Water dripping down the black leather on his coat, the boy pulled himself to his feet and took a glance down into the water to stare at his own reflection off of the water itself. Black leather robes would look back, maroon red pieces of cloth lined the flare of the coat's flared collar, topped off with a coned magician's hat. Pulling his attention back to his surroundings moments later, a woman in the distance caught his eye. Brown flowing hair would sway with the flow of wind as a familiar song being hummed set his heart into deep pain. Before Numsgil knew it, he took a step forward. The step forward turned into a small pace as the humming became louder and louder. With each step closer the hums became more and more familiar before it finally hit him. "Mother...?" Water stayed stagnant around the black robed boy's ankles as the words escaped his lips. It seemed as if time flowed in slow motion. The woman turned toward him. "Numsgil?" A feminine voice would ask before meeting eye to eye. Tears began to roll down the Hyur's cheeks, under the leather face mask that lay on top of his face. It couldn't be. A moment passed before dropping to his knees. Familiar soft, warm arms would wrap around the boy's shoulders before pulling the cone shaped hat off his head, placing it softly on top of the water to the side of her, floating yet not moving an inch. "It may seem the storm is roaring hard, but with my hand in yours, we'll make it through. Push forward my love, for we will conquer everything together as one." Ever so softly whispered to him, Kaia's skin grew cold as night.

A sharp pain would pierce the back of his neck. Through a cough in pain, blood sprayed across the water below, floating in the still water. Long, white fingers formed their way around the Hyur's neck as the boy was risen out of the body of water. Through extreme pain, Numsgil managed to open his eye. What before him was no longer the woman he once knew as his loving mother, it was a demon that seemed to run through his nightmares ever since his mother passed away. "EheheheEHEHEHEAHAHAHA! Pathetic, worthless boy! You think your mother would ever come back to a weakling like you?! HAHAHAHA!" Through the raspy, daemonic voice that echo'd yet almost as if a male and female were talking at the same time, the black robed Hyur would glance down as the last bit of pain in his heart would completely fade. "HAHAHA- Huh?" The pale skinned, long black haired yellow glowing eye'd Void Creature would ask before setting eyes to the boy. Face completely black, a yellow glow would shine from the eye exposed before the Void being would be forcibly pushed away. Their body flopping and skidding across the water, the Void Creature would manage to get back to their knees to only look up to find the once caring boy just walk toward them ever so slowly. "Was... WAS THAT ALL?! EhheheheheHUAAHAHA-" Cut off from the brown glove that now gripped the mouth of the creature, Numsgil's firey yellow eye would stay staring at the raspy, daemonic woman. "I'm tired of you haunting me. I'm tired of running. I'm tired of you TAUNTING ME ALL THESE YEARS!" As the last word escaped the Hyur's lips, a grand flame would form all around his hand before an explosion would immediately detach the creature's jaw from it's socket. Falling to it's knees, the creature would lung at the dark robed boy. "I'LL KILL YOU-" As the creature striked, the last words would be cut short before a ball of dark energy would form around the creature, pulling it into the air, smashing it into the bed of water the two occupied multiple times. Laying motionless, the now angry Numsgil would walk to the creature, throwing the front of his boot directly into the side of it's head before using the same dark energy to move it a few feet away. A few moments passed before the yellow flame peeking it's way through the black void of the boy's face would look skyward, hands raised. Elements of void would and flame formed around the boy's hands as a Meteor that seemed to be channeled from another realm. Using all his might, the boy would quickly change his the motion of his hands, almost as if pulling something down as hard as he could. As the creature pulled itself to it's feet and cracked it's neck, tongue dangling, it began to dash toward the boy. Crushed under the weight of the giant rock, the creature would instantly vanish into a puff of black void, fading off into the air.

The battle had been won. The anger and adrenaline calming in Numsgil's body, face shifted from a black abyss to the green eye'd boy he once was. The last bit of yellow flame shooting from his eye faded away slowly as he dropped to his knees. Exhausted, the black robed Hyur picked up his head the best he could before opening his eyes to an environment that once was occupied by a beautiful sky turned pitched black as the water would run from a clear blue to a blood red. A booming voice echo'd all around him. Pulling his hands to his ears, Numsgil would clinch his teeth in pain. "Thou. Art. Ready." Would be said over and over until the boy couldn't have enough and screamed at the top of his lungs, up into the air. Not being able to take all of it anymore, the Hyur passed out dead cold into the water.

Groggy and not knowing where he was, Numsgil would open his eyes to find himself standing in a crowd of a cult of black robed people of all races yet again. Taking a glance down, the Hyur would notice Dragoon uniform would occupy his body before taking a glance back up. Not being able to say a word, he watched as all the others bowed, exposing what there were all gathered there to do. A Hyur with a green exposed eye would look down at the crowd in a blank stare almost as if his soul was completely gone. A moment later, a Lalafell would stumble up the few steps infront of robed man. "Crowe. You have given your eye to the Dark Arts of the Black Magic and furthermore finished your last chapter. I, Grand Master Yotanona proudly announce you as title of Black Mage. May your path lead to further destruction." As the last words slipped the little man's lip, clapping would commence and echo through out the room. With a step forward through the crowd, time stopped completely. The man that was being congratulated would step forward and stare directly into the eyes of the young Dragoon. Something was familiar about this robed figure. It was off and gave Numsgil a terrible gut feeling. A moment passed before the Black Mage would remove the cone shaped hat along with the leather face mask. It was as if looking in the mirror. A sinister smile formed onto the face of the doppelganger as a flash of yellow would run through the green of his eyes. Unable to move or speak, Numsgil stood helpless as he watched the same face in black robes pull his arms up, elements of flame and void forming at the hands. Terrified, the young Dragoon looked up to watch as a meteor falling onto him.

Waking up in a sweat, Numsgil found himself panting as hard as he could as he ran his hand to his right eye. "What in the Ifrit's Hellfire...?" He asked himself before staring outside the rainy window of the Inn he was occupied for the night.


Notable Features

Notable Features

Common Appearance: Stands at 5'9", 170 pounds, and despite being lean, he has a toned body layered with lean muscles. Facial features consist of chin hair along with twin scars lined along side his cheeks.

Personality: Completely silent, Crowe's personality is consisted of Numsgil's anger. He thrives off of the pain of others.

Clothing: Lined with black, leather robes, Crowe wears a cone shaped hat ontop of a leather mask that only allows one eye to be shown.




  • Making People Smile
  • Sparring
  • Exercising
  • Pretty Girls
  • The Outdoors


  • Extremely Hot Weather
  • Dancing
  • Rude People
  • Politics
  • Slackers


  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Cares For Others More Than Himself
  • Loud Mouth
  • Almost Always Smiling


Glass-sword.png Abilities



Loyal to those who are nice to him. Also fighting baddies that seem to give people a hard time especially Monsters.



Numsgil seems to have a really big weakness when it comes to a pretty smile and nice eyes from a girl. He's a ladies man after-all, but when he falls for someone, he tends to do whatever he can just to see them smile again and make them laugh despite making himself look stupid.


Skilled and trained in the ability to wield a lance with a high level of skill, having been praised for his abilities in The Order of Dragoon which allowed him to promote himself in rank. He also has moderate ability in manipulating with White Magic due to his mother's blood in his veins, but seems to push more away from it to keen his skills in Combat rather than support.

People & Places

Glass-people.png People & Places
Romantic Attraction Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Relations (NPC)

Relations (NPC)
Kaia Heart Family Deceased
Relation / Backstory: Numsgil's Mother. A female Hyur practitioner of the dark arts known as Black Magic, Kaia was an orphan that grew in the slums of Ishgard, fending for herself for as long as she could remember. At the age of 15, Kaia met an orphan Hyur boy with light green eyes, dark brown hair and the smile that would take her from a world of hurt to a place of no fear and happiness. The boy's name was Alric. It wasn't until the spark between the two lit before Kaia found herself being unable to control elements such as Fire, Frost, and Thunder that would form at her hands. Scared to death and crying, Alric reached his arms around the girl and whispered into her ear, "It may seem the storm is roaring hard, but with my hand in yours, we'll make it through. Push forward my love, for we will conquer everything together as one." Her head pressed against the young Alric's chest, tears rolled down her cheeks with a smile for she knew she found the broken link that was needed to link her heart together. With practice of the dark arts, Alric and Kaia set off as adventurers setting their life to mercenary jobs, forming their life together through the little bit of Gil they would scavenge up to support themselves. By the age of 19, the couple found themselves expecting a baby. With the news, Alric set forth to enlisting into the Ishgardian Order of the Dragoons. By the time of the birth of their new child, Alric had already saved enough money for the family to move away to Gridania to make sure their new son, Numsgil would have a better start at life in a new country.
Alric Mcminnar Family Deceased
Relation / Backstory: Numsgil's Father. A male Hyur of Ishgardian military background, Alric's father, a high ranking Azure Dragoon would fall by an attack of Dragons on a patrol through the Coerthas Central Highlands, orphaning the young Alric at the age of 7, forcing him to grow up in the slums of Ishgard. At the age of 15, Alric met the love of his life. It was love at first site. Her name was Kaia. She was an orphan Hyur girl with eyes as blue as the sky and such a beautiful smile that Alric couldn't help himself but push forward to doing anything to get the girl's attention. The two fell madly in love with each other not more than a year later. Despite Kaia's uncontrollable dark magic outbursts at the time, and many waking hours of holding the girl when she was scared from elements forming at her finger tips, burning and freezing almost anything she touched, Alric looked into her eyes and brought her into a world where fear and loneliness didn't exist. Many years the two ventured through out the land together, forming their life together through the little bit of Gil they would scavenge up to support themselves through their adventures. By the age of 19, the news was broken to the young Alric. Kaia was pregnant with his child. Shocked yet happy, Alric picked up his lance and set forth to enlisting into the Ishgardian Order of the Dragoons. By the time of the birth of their new child, Alric had already saved enough money for the family to move away to Gridania to make sure their new son, Numsgil would have a better start at life in a new country.

Relations (PC)

Relations (PC)