Hohenheim Van Junius

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 Hohenheim Van Junius
Purifier of Garlemald
"Nothing to do but let it go, Enjoy the ride."
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): • Monk
Main Tradeskill: • Blacksmith
Preferred Role: Melee Dps
Server: Balmung
Alignment: Neutral
Reputation: None
Occupation: • Blacksmith
Education: Self Taught.
Marital Status: Widow/Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Guardian: Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Free Company
Unshakable Faith
Items Carried
Race: Miqo'te
Clan: Seeker of the Sun
Age: 36 Years
Height: 6 fulm
Weight: 132 ponz
Eyes: Red
Hair: White
Complexion: Brown
Physical Build: Slim
Notable Features: Scar over Right eye
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Basic Information

Hohenheim Van Junius (pronounced /Ho-en-hime Van Ju-knee-us/) is a down to earth individual with charisma that is as Potent as his punches.A few words that could be used to describe him is Player by the Females, Smooth Operator by the Males, and just generally cool. Once beloved Legatus of the XII Legion, Hohenhime gained the Title " The Purifier " by Solus Zos Galvus for recognition of his skill and

Hohenheim wielding Aeolus against Livia

drive to cleanse Eorzea of it's Impurities. He's not completely bound by rules of Society as displayed by his personality itself. Even with being of High Rank, he is the guy to High five a child on the streets and give thumbs up as a congratulatory gesture to those serving under him, despite how odd it was. A great deal of bloodshed came with the rank of Legatus, but he was no Monster in mindset on the battle field. He Valued Speed over Power, though possessed both in great amounts and wasn't one to kill an already defeated Combatant unlike his Adopted Sister Livia Sas Junius. He never took Prisoners of War, and was considered a Strong and Honorable person by his friends and foes alike. In His time as Legatus of the XII Legion, Hohenheim wielded the Vortex Talons "Aeolus".

Chapter I| House Junius At a Young age, Hohenheim was held in high regards for his Excelling skills in Hand to Hand Combat. Potential was seen in him, and so in the coming of Age Ceremony he was gifted a Pet in the form of a Test and a Friend. Being able to effortlessly resist the Dark Influence of the Pet, the Family decided to enlist him in the Imperial Army. Around this time, Gaius Van Baelsar Adopted a Young girl Orphaned by War and though he raised her, she was Placed in House Junius. Having an outsider in the House Junius didn't sit right with Hohenheim at First, but he eventually came to love his Sibling, which made the following events of his life that much harder.

Missing Chapter| Siblings at Ends Sed sollicitudin interdum nisl ut varius. Vestibulum sollicitudin nec ligula ac pretium. Donec in mauris a urna aliquam lobortis. Phasellus non est ut risus accumsan sagittis vel sit amet libero. Praesent congue lacus in felis efficitur rhoncus. Maecenas iaculis urna non tellus vehicula faucibus. Praesent mi mi, interdum at odio ut, laoreet ullamcorper justo. Aliquam quis mollis mauris, ac suscipit sem. Fusce nec tellus purus. Ut vel nunc libero. Ut tristique erat ipsum, ut semper erat mollis vel. Aenean volutpat massa eu sem tincidunt, id interdum quam blandit. Duis velit urna, dictum nec nisl sit amet, porta tempor erat. Suspendisse lobortis interdum purus id molestie. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Missing Chapter| Legatus of the XII Legion: The Purifier Ut ultrices augue in quam ultrices consectetur nec sit amet erat. Vivamus at massa pharetra, efficitur neque at, tempor ex. Mauris vulputate dui mi, sed posuere dui pellentesque ac. Etiam laoreet bibendum tortor, vitae semper dui fringilla et. Proin vestibulum velit nisi, nec pellentesque lorem sollicitudin sed. Vivamus id mollis diam, sit amet suscipit dolor. Sed tempor vulputate libero, ac vulputate dolor tincidunt non. Mauris ut congue eros. Proin condimentum sem a odio faucibus tempor. Pellentesque id dapibus est, ut rutrum leo.

Missing Chapter| Love Tainted in Blood Duis nec turpis at lectus posuere egestas ac ac dui. Sed pretium dui sit amet luctus commodo. Morbi euismod consectetur eros sit amet tempor. Praesent nec vulputate purus. Cras interdum ligula ante, vel volutpat nunc porttitor et. Ut malesuada vulputate ante pharetra interdum. Aliquam nec diam efficitur, ultricies nulla eget, venenatis est. Proin semper porta augue, at molestie eros scelerisque nec. Sed sit amet purus nisl. Nam id porttitor magna. Sed elementum, urna molestie malesuada auctor, neque arcu ultrices nisi, pretium congue augue velit sed magna. Sed at eleifend quam.

Chapter V| The Aether Room

Hohen in "The Aether Room" Entering a Contract with Empress Margaret

The Fall from the Bridge between Castrum Meridianum and Castrum Centri Led everyone to believe Hohenheim Van Junius was Dead, though that wasn't too far from the truth. Hohenheim's body was found afloat in Silver Tear Lake being pulled by what appeared as a small succubus. While Unconscious, Hohen would "Awake" in The Aether Room, a location between consciousness and subconsciousness. This Room was the Home to a being Known as Margaret, Emissary of the Unknown, and could only be visited by Special individuals under special conditions like being at Death's door which was the case for Hohen. Margaret offered Hohen a chance to regain his life, but in exchange for it, Hohen would have to enter a contract with her...a Contract in which he had to fulfil by the end of 1591. He didn't understand the finer details of the Contract, but He signed it anyways.

Chapter VI| Unexpected Swap Hohenheim Awakened in a Home in Mor Dhona, belonging to an individual who was unaware of who he was. His memories in a state of Fragments within his mind, being able to recall very few instances in his life while many others were huge Blanks. One thing he was able to recall was the encounter between him and Margaret, as well as certain details of the Contract itself. He now Roam the Lands with his companion; Not being led with a clear goal in mind, but with Determination for the Unknown. He lived life on the down low, not bringing attention to himself and getting by on the streets of Ul'dah. On the 22nd Sun of the 5th Astral Moon, on the outside of Ul'dahs walls, Hohen encountered refugees who were actually former soldiers of Gridania who had once went up against Hohenheim in battle, keeping him in memory due to him sparing their lives those many years ago. They looked at him as if they were looking at a Ghost, filled with fear...and the simple utterance of a name from the survivors would strike Hohen with shock... Delilah Sas Charis. They called him the name of his deceased Wife and former high ranking Soldier of the Garlean Army. When he was made aware, he was revealed his true current form, that of the body of his dead wife. A Cruel trick by the Emissary of the Unknown, though the reason for it is much like the caster.




Senseless Death
Avoiding Responsibility
Livia Sas Junius


Alignment: Unknown
Favorite Food: High-Quality Flint Caviar
Favorite Drink: High-Quality Grape Juice
Favorite Color: Pure White

Noteworthy Details

The Succubus always flying near him is a Childhood friend of his by the name of Aegis. She was given to him by the head of House Junius at the coming of age Ceremony. It is said to be a symbol of great Evil, and only those who possess the sheer Strength and Will-Power can effortlessly resist it's Dark Influence and possess it as a Companion. While not having any noteworthy battle capabilities, she does possess a knack for scouting and passing along information to her Master.
Hohenheim is Classed as an Close Quarters fighter (Pugilist) but is always seen with a Weathered Bastard Sword as his choice of Weapons. The reason for this is because in escaping Castrum Meridianum, Hohen's Primary weapon Aeolus became loss to the sea. The Weathered Bastard Sword was the first sword he obtained in his training in the Imperial Army, and due to Basic sword training, he wields it with Borderline Average skills. It's enough to fend off lowly sellswords and thugs.
The Attire he wears was something Gifted to him by Margaret. It seems to be the Only thing he wears, cleaning it whenever he can. The Ribbon he Occasionally wears around his neck is a gift from his late Wife.


" Empathetic Amplification " a unique passive ability that sovereigns over Hohen's fighting capabilities, and the sole reason he was capable of reaching the rank he had within the Garlean Empire. The Bonds that he creates with other individuals acts as a Stimuli for the Aether housed in him. Depending on the Bonds he possess with those who are in his presence during battle, his Physical capabilities [Strength/Agility/Endurance] increases by a %. There are different Types of Bonds which dictate which of his Physical Capabilities is increased.
♥ = Romantic = Str + Agi + End
♠ = Friend = Str + End
♣ = Ally = Str + Agi
♦ = Acquaintance = Agi + End
In the case where he is fighting alongside multiple individuals whom he have a bond with, The Bond in which the Aether reacts to is dictated by the Relations, as it will be affected by the Bond with the Highest relation.
" Reverse Empathetic Amplification " a unique Active ability that is envoked by focusing Aether through a point on the Body, expelling it outwards to be embedded in another living being, Increasing their battle capabilities based on the bond between them, and thus acting as a Support ability. Aether disperses the further away it is from the point of being expelled, so Hohenheim have to be within 20 yalms of the person he is amplifying when utilizing the ability. (At this point, he cannot actively access this ability, only having been able to when under great emotional duress)



In-Love/100%     Passionate/80%      Close/60%     Friendly/40%      Comfortable/20%     Indifferent/0%      Uncomfortable/-20%
Empress Margaret : Being one of the few things he do remember, Hohen don't hold any deep connection nor knowledge of this individual. He do appreciate her giving him his life back, despite not truly understanding the Costs.
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Nameday: 22nd Sun of the 5th Astral Moon, 1542
Hohenheim's OST
Purifier/Crimson Vs Livia: Blue Destination
Purifier's Lament: To Zanarkand
Dangerous(Outnumbered) Battle: I Burn!
Dangerous(Primal/Coil-esque) Battle: Mist
In His Memory: Memories of the School
Template: Stolen from Bancroft Gairn. Greeeeeeat job on the template!


I really don't believe that he's a Bum...He's far too clean for that and carries himself well. There is a story behind that Face...


He's good people. He helps out whenever he can even though he can't remember anything about himself


They never found That Traitor's body. Some say he may still be alive out there in the world...Crazy

-Imperial Soldiers (NPCs/PCs)

Important RP Update

- ????