Koen Stone

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AlaMhigo.png Koen Stone
Koen Stone
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Ala Mhigan
Age 49
Marital Status Divorced



Born to military parents, Koen was trained to be a soldier from a young age, and served in the military up until the Garleans took Ala Mhigo. He travelled a lot after leaving Gyr Abania, trying to better himself in preparation for the day he helped take his home back, assuming he'd live to see that happen. He's seen Mor Dhona before and after the Battle of Silvertear Skies, visited Ishgard, wandered Abalathia's Spine with the Warrior tribe, and worked in La Noscea for three years as a mercenary. Most recently, he can be seen drinking water in various taverns, training his body in Thanalan, or walking around Little Ala Mhigo, immersing himself in the nostalgia.


Koen isn't a visually pleasing man by most people's standards, and he doesn't make any attempts to be so. His face is harsh and his usual expression scares off most children who see it. The only cosmetic part of his morning routine is shaving, although the process no longer includes his eyebrows. He has two small scars on his face, but both are long since fresh and are mostly faded. His hands are calloused from gripping a sword for as long as he's been doing it, and his knuckles have grown out to above average lengths, clearly a sign that the bone has been hardened somehow.

His age shows in both the grey hair crowning his head and the growing amount of creases decorating his face. He keeps his hair short, so it doesn't get in the way of his vision during a fight or give any enemies something to grab should he be without a helmet. If he's expecting a battle, he'll wear the armour he escaped Gyr Abania with, helmet included. Otherwise, he'll wear whatever will fit comfortably over his large frame, and while he isn't fussy about colours or designs, he prefers clothes that don't show his body too clearly, wanting to keep the appearance of someone too old for fighting. If someone were to ever see his body underneath the clothes, they would see a battered mess of scarred muscle. Gunshot wounds, long slashes, and too many marks of blunt force trauma to count show that this body has been through war and worse.

It's rare that he isn't seen without one of his two swords, both of which are very clearly old and worn, especially the larger of the two. Its cutting edges have been dented, and an experienced eye might recognise the spots where its flat sides have been used to deflect gunfire, or where the edges have slammed in to the joints of a magiteck mech and been dulled as a result. The thinner sword is still as sharp as the day it was forged, however, and the man swings it as if it were a part of his arm, betraying the decades he's used it. Both swords have been cared for as well as possible, but time has clearly left its marks on both. It's known only to him how he decides which one to take out for the day.


Koen during his military years was everything you'd expect from a trained soldier. Disciplined, respectful, confident, and pragmatic. While most of these traits have carried on in his travels, he's also relaxed somewhat and has been more laid back, especially after his years in La Noscea. He especially has a soft spot for young children, and treats them like any doting parent would, an unusual thing to see from a six and a half foot soldier. However, when dealing with people he'd consider adults, especially his countrymen, he treats them with respect at first, and then changes depending on how they come across. Otherwise, he's a firm believer of the idea of respect being earned, not given. That being said, he tries to be polite and friendly to people when he first meets them.



Koen uses a mix of his military training, experience and things he's picked up in his travels to his advantage when he fights. His main weapon of choice is a sword; while he prefers his own weapons, he can easily pick up another and use it with as much expertise. If fighting magiteck armour or a monster with hard skin, he'll use his thicker greatsword. If it's monster that's easier to cut, he'll use his thinner zweihander. When fighting a person, he'll usually use his hand-to-hand combat skills, or his zweihander if it's a difficult opponent and the fight isn't friendly. That being said, he tries to avoid getting in to trouble with other people, and mostly only fights out of self defense.



  • Killing Garleans
  • Hot baths
  • Children


  • Garleans
  • Technology
  • Loud noises


  • Training
  • Climbing
  • Maintaining his equipment


(These may or may not be true, and Rare Rumors should only be used after being discussed OOCly.)

Common Rumors

  • "Pretty sure I hired him for a job in La Noscea a couple years ago. Was with another guy, though."
  • "Looks like a Mhigan if I've ever seen one. Prime example, that man."
  • "That mister has a scary face!"

Moderate Rumors

  • "I swear that big sword's just for show. Saw him get mugged by bandits and he didn't even use it!"
  • "He only ever drinks water at my tavern, the cheapskate."
  • "Why does he pretend to be weaker than he is? Don't make sense to me."

Rare Rumors

  • "Most soldiers reach a point where they start to get worse. I don't think age has slowed the Commander down one bit."
  • "I heard him talking to himself about a daughter, once. Shut up as soon as someone came near, though."
  • "He's a master with those swords. Gods know how long he's been swinging them."

PC Rumors

(Feel free to add your own if you interact with the old guy.)



This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea