Szhiid'ir Molkot

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Szhiid'ir Molkot
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age Late 20's
Marital Status Single
Occupation Bounty Hunter, Dancer
Orientation Bisexual
Nameday 21st Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon

"Curiosity hasn't killed this cat yet."

Szhiid'ir has seen his fair share of hardships, such as slavery, loss and a handful of battlewounds; he's a magnet for trouble whether he's seeking it or not.

Basic Info


Hidden Blades
Mechanical Bow and accompanying arrows
Leather Armour
Brass Knuckles

Items of Interest

Mother's Earrings
Numbered Collar from his time in Slavery
Yhabi's shoelace (wrist)
Zihla'to's Rings (Finger - Left and Right Index)


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Nicknames: Hiid, Sid, Silver Devil*
Vice(s): Alcohol
Hobbies: Street performance, reading steamy romance novels.

Appearance & Personality

A tall and muscular male with unusually tanned skin for one of his kind. His eyes have an age about them which does not quite fit his physique, suggesting that his live has been a hard one. He has short, dark hair accompanying his darkened, long ears, a few strands often curling over into his face.
Should you have the opportunity to see below his armour, his back is covered in lash-scars, presumeably from a whip, as well as a few left from sword wounds across his ribs and midriff, suggesting a lifetime of punishments in his past. Though, due to the colour of his skin, these blemishes are not necessarily as noticable as they would have been in his natural pale state.
His eyes are pale and piercing inside blackened eyelids, his pupils wide and inviting. He has an angular face with masculine features and slight age, suggesting that he is entering if not firmly planted in his prime.
Quite cocky with all things considered - whilst he might have his quiet half hours, he tends to enjoy butting into conversation to ensure that he is always a part of the situation.
He's also a bit of a ladies' man, or at least he believes so, tending to flirt in the most obscure of times.
He is usually incredibly focused in battle, usually tossing his surrounding companions aside to concentrate on enemies.
His time as a slave has given him an overwhelming sense of "I survived that - I can survive anything!", even to the sense where he feels as though he might just rule the world for the moment.

<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;"*The Silver Devil

Given the fact that a majority of his years were spent as a slave, Szhiid'ir has taken on a more vengeful route in recent times. He's often been caught attempting to harm slavers, and nobility who choose to keep their servants unpaid, as a means of freeing these people, whilst taking all that he can get from their 'owners' as possible in the matter of riches. Most would assume that he would keep his identity a secret in such a business, however, he dons the same type of mask as he does when dancing - the only difference is the colour. With the same decorative etchings, it isn't hard to make the link, however, in changing his mask from a black-and-gold mix into a solid silver, he has managed to evade too much of a confrontation as a result.

The Devil is usually armed with many blades hidden on his person, however, the two most would recognise on sight are those which he likes to name his 'fangs'. These blades are his primary form of attack, and defense, when his strong dancing legs aren't quite fast enough.

He's often left one of these blades behind when the heat has become too much in battle, only to reclaim it days forth as he returns to complete his task.

The name was originally given to him by Yue'la Lavoie, after many'a meeting with her without giving his name. Why he chose to change it into that of a persona within itself, only he knows.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Gridania Rumours
"He likes to play with hearts and toss 'em aside like they're nothing - always on the look-out for the next silly chase."
"I saw him once, sat on his lonesome with a brooding look on his face. I've been around when he's been cheering and drinking in the Wench - seems to me like there's some kind of underlying persona beneath all of the extroversion. Whether good or bad, who knows?"

◢ Ul'dah Rumours
"I could see him baking in the heat of day, and when I'm called up in the late hours of the night - that man never seems to sleep."
"Cocky as he may be, he's proven that he's not to be messed with, if you count the amount of inner-city brawls he's taken a part in."
"He's a good dancer, when he gets into it - dances for money, food, anything."

◢ Limsa Lominsa Rumours
"He came in with a bunch of liberated slaves. The minute he branched off from them he was pushing his luck, causing trouble."
"Once saw him alone, late at night leaning over one of the more isolated ridges of Limsa, lowering something into the water. Whatever it was, the rope he was clutching was flailing around quite a bit - I didn't see anything more; I left before he could turn around and take me for a swim too."
"I've heard some pretty bad things he's done - but apparently he's bounty hunting now. So... he's effectively hunting down his own kind of people and ratting them out, if not killing them, for the sake of money. Doesn't sound very honorable to me."

◢ Word of Mouth

◢ Notable Achievements
Dance-trained the concubines in Malikh Aghrava's estate.
Former record holder in one of the many Underbelly brawl clubs of Limsa Lominsa. Hush Hush.
Responsible for the recovery of the Moon's Eye - a beautiful, black crystal littered with white specs resembling stars. Returned to its owner, the Patriarch of the Lavoie bloodline.


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
Khuja'a Molkot: "He's the oldest of my brothers, which means he tends to think that he has a god-given right to be a force of tyranny over the rest of us. It doesn't take long to learn whether or not you'll butt heads with Khuja'a - it all depends if you're easy to manipulate, or indeed not."
Zihla'to Molkot: "Zihla'to is kind enough to me, when compared to Khuja'a, even though he is the eldest beneath him - he's been gone for a while but it's so easy to slip back into standing with him - I don't need to worry about being lectured for failures which I haven't committed, and he treats me like an equal, as any friend would. Now if only I could get him to understand my relationship with Alcohol as much as he understands my relationship with women."
Ezrhil'li Molkot: "Ah.. I was never too close with Ezrhil'li. I couldn't see myself hating him, because he's family, but he's not my favourite sibling. There isn't much more I can say about him."
Hawu'sae Molkot: "He's got an issue with Khuja'a as well as I have, however, he has some kind of past with him, which to me seems like a far-fetched tale. He's kind, and sees me for my personality before my age."
Kheda'ra Molkot: "Kheda'ra, if I was to describe him, the first word that comes to mind is 'Brother'. That sounds strange, doesn't it? I have lots of brothers, and yet he is the one who I see as my closest, strongest relation. We've had many-a-night drinking in Limsa as friends, and as of late, in his new business he's offered to supply me with his creations for my work, as if he were a colleague. I can't remember a time when he has not been there for me, whether it's for company, finances or emergency."
Yhabi Molkot: "Yhabi is the youngest of our family, and that means that she's constantly loomed over by the rest of us. Whilst I try to treat her as equally as I can in order to set an example for my brothers, I've been known to be one of the worst when it comes to intervening in her life, breaking a few noses here and there. She's often excluded from our outings due to her age, and.. well, her gender, unfortunately."

Friends and Acquaintances
Yue'la Lavoie: "No surprise here - she's from a long line of pretty faces, but she was brave enough to leave her old life, hedging her bets on the fairytale of a man who snook into one of her family's affairs. I'm glad she came after me; whilst I'm not all that sentimental, and I'm certainly not a poet, having her around has given me a new outlook on things. I suppose it's nice having a little bit more of a purpose than gil and ale."
Fafrung Bhaleghust: "I've not known him for very long at all, however, I can tell he is going to be a good companion. He and I are in the same line of work, through the same organisation, though we lead very different lives, and both have very different reasons for doing what we do - maybe that will make up a good team."
Taka Vhasa: "This tribeswoman was in danger, and so I offered to help by keeping her safe - whilst my brother Khuja'a thinks that it is an act of false heroism, I know what it is like to be running from somewhere, or someone, and never wanting to return, whilst at the same time being flung into new and strange experiences with all sorts of strange people - I figured I was doing what was right."
X'caizhen Tia: "He was the man who helped me decipher what exactly had happened to Taka when she was hiding in the Quicksand - he healed her wound and translated our conversation together so that she could understand what I was trying to say. I probably came across as a little rude to him to begin with, which I kind'a regret but, in the end he seemed to trust me."
Nazzhund Solkbyrtsyn: "You can't miss Nazzhund in a room. As he put it, he looks as though he's strapped a pink chocobo's rear to his head, and he isn't wrong. Normally, friendly faces are just waiting for the right time to take what they want from you, and leave. However, Nazzhund defended me and my friends, when a group of poorly educated Au Ra decided that it would be a brilliant idea to pull weapons on us in the Coffin. Even still, with the humour comes a heavy heart with Nazzhund, and I hope that someone, someday can help him through his internal battles."
W'mine Mihata: "She's a woman with far more wanderlust in her veins than I think I've ever had in my entire life. She may be shy, delicately so, but she is no damsel - I keep finding myself at her heels, and I hope that we'll have plenty of stories to tell, assuming she doesn't get sick of my company. She's almost had me killed three times, the least I can do is throw a few near-death excitement her way."
Emreg Belthen: "I don't meet many'a Hyur that leave a lasting impression. Emreg managed, perhaps because of the mouth on him - he's certainly not quiet about his thoughts. Whilst I know so little of him, I get the feeling that we'll make quite good friends as time goes on, even if I have to pin him to a chair to get a long enough timeslot with him - he's always on the run!"
C'mahiin Tia: "A skilled hunter, no doubt. Whilst I've never seen him in action, he seems to know what he's talking about. Even if the majority of our initial conversation was the pair of us pointing out our differences, I think that if I were in a spot of trouble, I could depend on what most might consider an unlikely friend in C'mahiin."
Vera Tala: "The woman with the wolf..- She's quiet, and perhaps a little bit isolated, but she is not one of those anti-social types. Hopefully as I get to know her, she'll spark a bit more of my interest - so far, she's a pretty face with a very strong protective urge for nature, from what I gather."


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