Pema Jawantal

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 Pema Jawantal
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Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
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Physical Parameters

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Build: Short and Slim

Hair: Blue with Stripes of Golden Orange

Right Eye: Indigo Left Eye: Amber

Complexion: Fair

Weight: 115 Lbs

Age: Approximately 24

Clothing: Stylish but practical robes, custom leather boots and gloves. When foraging or mining she tends to wear clothes that are more practical than stylish.

Voice: Soft, smooth and warm which carries a gentle british-esque accent.

She always has a bounce in her step and a song on her lips and her good cheer can be quite infectious. Though quiet and diminutive, when given the option, once she begins to speak she becomes intensely animated; her face is extremely expressive and she's known to speak with her hands. Her eyes twinkle when she's happy and her visage almost always reflects her true feelings.

Tiny and compact she moves with fleet feet and assured grace. She spends at least an hour a day in meditative exercise which she developed while living in congress with nature. This provides the basis for her exceptional physical condition paired with her unusually exceptional nutrition encouraged by her hunter-gatherer lifestyle. So while she is certainly not going to be swinging an axe anytime soon, she is nimble, flexible, graceful and well-toned with exceptional muscular control and agility.


When Pema was between the ages of three and four, her mother and other members of the tribe (she cannot remember who exactly) were traveling. She can not remember the exact intended destination, though she does remember that they were moving to a new home. They stopped for a mid-day meal and while playing in a meadow Pema remembers that a great, green mist surrounded where she played. Being small she paid it no mind and simply continued weaving the crown of flowers for her mother. Once finished, she stood and called out happily to her mother, only to discover that she and the rest of her tribe had vanished. She wandered the woods for days calling out to them, searching for them; but she's never seen them since.

Much of her childhood and formative years simply blurred into one another. After losing her family, she simply remained in the forests and began to eek out a meager living. She watched the animals to learn what was safe to eat and what was not, slept on the forest floor and began to learn the ways of conjury intuitively from nature. Of course, her skills were rough and rudimentary, but usable. The first incidence of Pema drawing upon nature's power occurred within her first year in the wilderness. She came across a wounded snurble who was in mortal peril and would soon pass from the world. When she saw the poor, doomed critter she picked it up, hugged it, wept and wished for it's recovery. She wished so hard, as she tells it, that nature heard her heartfelt cry and answered. A soft glow materialized in the air, surrounded her hands then sunk into the snurble. In no time the wounds began to heal and the creature came back from the brink of death. She later was named 'Sticky' by the little Pema who loved and treated her as a friend and equal until the day she died almost a decade later.

In the winter of her roughly seventh year, she was caught attempting to steal a meat pie from a frail looking traveler. She was caught by the traveler, an Elezen named Elimar. Elimar took pity on the girl and noticed her connection with nature and over the course of several years he would come to visit her camp in the forest and taught her proper conjury and other survival skills. This time of learning was the most stationary she had been for her entire life. Indeed it's not certain how she came near Gridania at that time, even she admits she has no idea just how far she has wandered over Eorzea. It should be noted that her name was also given by this Elezen.

If not for the calamity she would likely still be in the woods, living a simple life and appearing only to offer aid to the wounded before disappearing back into the vert. However, she found her strongly-opinionated mentor dead at the hands of bandits taking advantage of the following chaos. This sparked not a light of hatred of vengeance inside of her, but fueled her desire to aid others that Elimar's lessons would not be in vain and that she might help them from suffering his fate. And while she still lives deep within the woods, moving around the Black Shroud mostly these days, she has largely come out of the woods; blending in with adventurers where she can.


What you see is what you get. She doesn't have the capacity for treacherous guile and deception. Her lack of socialization has left her bereft of many social nuances, cultural differences and then some. However, her lack of knowledge and experience with others is tempered by the manners which were instilled in her Elimar. So while occasionally she makes observations and commentary that are blunt and innocent, much like a child, it is unlikely that she will offend others; though she often finds the more colorful behavior of others perplexing.

She is tolerant, caring, generous and genuine. She owns nothing but the clothing she wears and whatever she happens to be carrying at the time. When she looks at the world, she sees a world of abundance and plenty, which leads her to share her bounty freely.

Though she is a bit naive, she has a extremely good intuition and reads people well.


Combat Skills

Her combat skills are largely limited to magical spells. This is not to say that she is not extremely fit and with an unusually high degree of control over her body through exercise and meditation; but if unable to use magic she is far more likely to rely on fleet feet and quick wits to end the situation without violence.

As for magical abilities, her normal defensive and offensive magics are as you would expect from any other conjurer. However, she's been seen taking lessons at both the Arcanist and Thaumaturgy guilds respectively and practicing her skills in the field. So it is clear that she has a thirst for knowledge and a desire to continue growing.

In combat, she prefers to fight in group and far from the melee. Her greatest strengths lie in weaving aether into powerful healing magics to restore and renew her allies in the midst of combat.

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Domestic/Survival Skills

Used to living off the land, she's a natural botanist. Used to a life of foraging and living from the goodness of nature's bounty she knows all the best places to gather specialty items across Eorzea. She is a skilled cook and can perform many intricate tasks to care for herself such as leather working, weaving, and she possesses minor skills in carpentry. She has been known to frequent both guild headquarters for many of these skills as well as skilled craftsmen working in various villages.

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Trade Skills

Because of her meager dealings with others, hard currency is in short supply with Pema. To this end, she uses what she does have as currency in trade; be it herbs, fruits, ore, lumber, pastries or cloth. She uses all resources at her disposal to gain the things she needs in life, which makes everything she has (and her enormous generosity) all the more meaningful.

She has been known to sell cloth, clothing, dyes, foodstuffs and potions (or offer them as payment.)

Rumor has it she's been seen at the forges in Limsa Lominsa a few times, trying her hand at armor and weapon smithing and at the Goldsmithing guild in Ul'dah. No word on quality or ability.


Currently Affiliated with the Order of the Rose and Sword. She has been seen spending an large amount of time with them of late and is believed to have joined their ranks.

Other Notes

Guardian: Thaliak, The Scholar

Favorite Treat: Ripe Pixie Plums

Favorite Color: Ocean Blue

Frequently Seen at...: The Black Shroud; all over, it's rumored that this is the area in which she makes her camp. But no one is quite sure exactly where.

Likes: Honesty, Music, Singing, Reading, Swimming, Star-gazing, Tolerance, Balance

Dislikes: Senseless waste/suffering/destruction, Dishonesty, Disloyalty, Bigotry, Thieves