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Mazin Khin is a wildwood elezen of Ishgardian descent, exiled for crimes of both blood and family. Raised to be a lancer in a middle class family and meant to serve one of the High Houses as a bannerman alongside his twin brother, circumstances eventually altered his fate drastically and forced him into fleeing his homeland. A mage with heavily lightning aspected aether, Mazin is a potential red mage, but remains largely undisciplined in his abilities. Even his minor healing magicks leave something to be desired and normal spellcasting has a tendency to go wildly awry - failure to cast one spell often leads to the accidental miscasting or casting of a different spell in its place.


The most prominent feature of Mazin's appearance is his mint green hair and bright, almost sea green eyes, traits of his family line and while not suspected at first, eventually became associated with the possibility of heretical blood in their veins. Other than that, Mazin's appearance is one of a former lancer and wanderer- a lean but muscular build, a slightly tanned complexion from days wandering under the sun, and various scars, both old and new brought on from fights, failed pickpocket attempts, miscast magicks, and past incidents, both accidental and intentional. He dresses himself to the best of his abilities, wearing various robes, armor, and light clothing as he sees fit and keeps a generally clean, if slightly dusty, appearance. He keeps his hair long and likes to keep it tied back, rarely letting it down unless grooming and maintaining basic hygiene. Mazin has a fondness for leather pants and tough, road worthy boots.
Aspects That Stand Out:
Often wears floral scented cologne- roses or lily of the valley.
Generally keeps a rather blithe expression on his face.
Lightning aspected aether sometimes makes him smell like ozone or burning.


Mazin is a man who enjoys simply gliding through life, doing what he wants and is generally of a somewhat lazy, easy going mindset. Not much can motivate him to fight or argue and insults rarely phase him, often times just outright ignoring most thrown his way or blithely turning the situation around into one of joking, self deprecation or ridicule at the expense of his detractors. He is, by his own admission, a bit of a sarcastic asshole and mouths off at times where he would best be served at keeping his mouth shut. There are times, however, that he shows an extremely serious, darkly angry side and he never forgets a wrong or injustice, especially if it is someone he considers precious or innocent that is on the receiving end of such things. What does phase him, however, is pressure to actually cast magicks or attempt to heal someone, considering his own skill to be wildly unpredictable and a risk to himself and others. And for all his joking around and acting the fool, Mazin expects the absolute worst of everyone he meets regardless of their intent- past experiences having colored his point of view to the point of being jaded. He just doesn't let it show until driven to do so.


Magic tricks and performing. Mazin is extremely fond of his work as a magician, performing illusionary magic with various types of prisms and card tricks.
Sweets. Candy, chocolate, various types of cakes and other sweets are one of his favorite ways to enjoy the day.
Travel. Mazin is a wanderer at heart, finding it difficult to stay for terribly long in any one place. He also deeply enjoys exploring old ruins, interesting landscapes and seeing new sights.
Sleep and relaxation. Enjoys naps and taking things easy.
Weapons and combat training. Though a non-confrontational sort, Mazin enjoys practicing and maintaining his lancer training and swordsmanship. He often begins his morning with routine practices to get in the mood to work or travel for the day.


Pressure. Expectations on his spellcasting and being forced to perform at the demands of others is something Mazin deeply despises and fears.
Familiarity. Mazin is someone who prefers to keep a distance from others and people who get too close or express an unwarranted interest in him or use cutesy nicknames often earn his complete ignoring or rarely, his annoyance.
Confrontation and violence. Belligerence, arguments, and general violence are things Mazin prefers to avoid or just outright ignore if possible. He considers such things a waste of time and energy on his part and doesn't like the risk a fight brings in making him cast magic. However, if driven into a corner or seeing someone precious or innocent at harm will often motivate him to take up their defense or fight back.
Imprisonment. Due to past experiences and trauma, Mazin has a mild fear of imprisonment, of losing his freedom and at times, grows anxious in confined spaces if left alone in one too long.
Identity. Having been given a new name, Mazin considers his old name and identity a thing to be forgotten. Being reminded, forced to acknowledge or generally confess to his past is something Mazin hates deeply.


Illusions and Tricks. Mazin practices sleight-of-hand, the creation of various prisms for different effects, and other types of tricks.
Archaeology. A ruins enthusiast, Mazin enjoys learning about different histories and lands as well as personally exploring ruins, whether undiscovered or not.
Aetheric Research. Due to his own aetheric composition and untapped magic abilities, Mazin looks into various aetheric research and spellcraft books on how to control and further expand his knowledge and abilities. His ultimate goal is to temper or master his potential at last and reduce his risk for miscasts and accidents.
Martial Training. Mazin enjoys the practice and discipline of swordsmanship and his lancer training, keeping himself at the very least prepared to defend himself on his travels and in his research.


Adaptability. One of Mazin's greatest strengths is his ability to simply roll with whatever comes his way and adapt to his circumstances. He is a fast learner, capable of picking up and putting to use most information and circumstances that comes his way.
Insight. Intuitive and an eye for detail, Mazin is good at picking up and gaining an understanding of his surroundings and most people, which often saves him when things go awry from one of his tricks or spells.
Empathy. Mazin is often willing to do what he feels is best for others and expresses empathy and understanding as well as kindness to those who he feels deserve it.


Avoidance. A terrible habit of Mazin's- often he'll simply walk away from others and their problems or his own problems. Finding most forms of confrontation a waste of his time, he'll simply ignore people who are angry with him or attempt to run away.
Alcoholism. Not often an issue but when pressure gets to a breaking point, Mazin will often find himself at the bottom of a bottle or 10 to try and assuage his anxieties.
Obliviousness. Due to keeping his distance emotionally from most people, Mazin is often unaware of other people's feelings towards him or what he says or does to them, considering his own actions or words inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Unless confronted point blank, Mazin will often blithely go about his business, unaware of anyone's feelings but his own.


Self Improvement - Mazin's greatest motivation is to improve himself by any means necessary. He's willing to work for, train, and hunt for the means to make himself a better mage. He considers it his main goal and promise to his former teacher.
Knowledge and the Truth - The other motivation to Mazin's endless wandering is to learn more about himself and his family line and if the truth his father found has any weight. He seeks the being behind the name from the notes left behind from his father's final research- Embla.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Valentin Lemarquis, Father. () - Valentin the Learned, Valentin the Consumed.
Character's Thoughts: "Eternity? Miracles? Such things lead to madness and death."
A record keeper, scholar and genealogist for the High Houses and prominent families of Ishgard, Valentin Lemarquis was a descendant of an old, if somewhat declined line of Ishgard, tracing their family from around or even before King Thordan and his Knights Twelve. A once loving father and devoted husband, Valentin changed after the death of his beloved wife, becoming entirely driven by the thought of immortality, of something eternal to make his mark on the world. Paranoia and suspicion along with his personal research drove a deep wedge between him, his social circle, and his twin sons and eventually led to his downfall at the hands of several nobles and the Inquisition. Mazin's last memory of the man is a broken, slavering lunatic, trapped in his room and abandoned by his few servants. It is unknown if the man himself yet lives, but Mazin has no deep desire to find out, considering his family entirely dead and gone.
Eleonore Lemarquis, nee Bardorba, Mother. () - A Kind Astrologer, Beloved Mother and Wife.
Character's Thoughts: "I often wonder what she would think of me now..."
Eleonore was a sweet, sprightly and otherworldly wildwood Elezen that caught Valentin's eye during one of his research trips in the Dravanian Forelands. A fond stargazer and student of the Athenaeum Astrologicum upon Valentin's suggestion to his colleagues, she was ever an energetic presence in the lives of her husband and eventually their twin sons. A lot of her fondness for humor, jokes and magic wore off on both of her sons, but especially Mazin. Her death came swiftly and mysteriously and left Valentin deeply disturbed and devastated and her twins without a mother at the age of 6. Of his parents, Mazin remembers her the most fondly and often bases his decisions on what he feels would've made her happiest.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. ."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Personal RP Limits
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
I will playLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
I won't play Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Little Tidbits.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.


Potential Plot Hooks
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Character Lore Adherence
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
No changes required.

Name - Mazin Khin
Race - Wildwood Elezen
Age - 28
Name Day - 14th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Deity - Rhalgr, the Destroyer

Alias: Mazin the Magician, Mazin the Redeemed, that knife-eared bastard
Citizenship: Exiled Ishgardian/Unaffliated
Occupation: untrained Red Mage, travelling magician, former lancer
Hair color: Mint Green
Eye color: Sea Green
Complexion: Light tan
Piercings: Left ear piercing
Marks or tattoos: Scar on right cheek, several scars around the chest and hip area.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Key Items: Pack of cards, various glamour prisms, half of a broken soulstone, astral silk robe
Favorite Food: Spriggan Chocolate, Boscaiola
Favorite Drink: Liquor, Mulled Tea
Favorite Color: Rolanberry Red, Turquoise, Celeste Green, Black
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