Z'jai Kha

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This tall and perpetually grumpy looking Xaela may seem intimidating, but fear not, that's just the way his sweet little face looks. An ex-assassin, blade for hire, and participator in sinister avenues of skullduggery, Z'jai now finds himself leading a quiet and less and perilous life of gardening, carpentry, and bladesmithing, to name just a few of his hobbyist endeavours. He is an accomplished botanist and can often be found traveling far and wide to harvest herbs and spices to use in making tea.
((Balmung server//Eastern Time))


~ Introduction ~

This tall and perpetually grumpy looking Xaela may seem intimidating, but fear not, that's just the way his sweet little face looks. An ex-assassin, blade for hire, and participator in sinister avenues of skullduggery, Z'jai now finds himself leading a quiet and less and perilous life of gardening, carpentry, and bladesmithing, to name just a few of his hobbyist endeavours. He is an accomplished botanist and can often be found traveling far and wide to harvest herbs and spices to use in making tea.

Z'jai is quite extroverted and sociable; he can be quite charming and has a knack for making connections with people rather easily. He is however still a true calculating tactician at heart, and is skilled at keeping sensitive matters close to his chest and reserved for those very close to him. While it may seem so at times, he is certainly not an open book, and at times he seems to struggle with the life - and the endeavors - that he's left behind.

~ Disposition ~

Given the proper context and social setting, Z'jai can be an absolute delight to interact with. He is generally very composed and quite affable, but can be prone to capricious outbursts in unexpected social situations. Like an animal, the subtle swishing of his tail will always tell the true story. Tends to use his hands to embellish while talking; can get quite animated and excitable if he feels strongly about the subject matter.

~ Strengths ~

Steadfast, resilient, companionable, charismatic. Always up for an adventure, spontaneous or otherwise planned. Able to adapt to most any circumstances, and is great in a crisis situation. Loves to learn and has a hunger for knowledge. Generally quite savvy in social situations, he is easy to talk to and hold a conversation with.

~ Weaknesses ~

Confidence can sometimes come off as self-importance. Moody; can sometimes come off as flippant and petulant. Has the tendency to throw himself headfirst into new endeavors and can become blinded with obsession. Struggles with empathy towards others emotions and can come off as cold or aloof in some, usually delicate, situations. Has a temper, but is generally mindful enough to funnel his fury into non-reckless behavior. Can hold a grudge to the grave.

~ Mannerisms ~

Z'jai is always quite aware of his physical self and his actions. Most of his words and mannerisms are well-thought out and quite calculated. He is quite social and charming and this can sometimes take others by surprise, however underneath it all he is still Xaela and can come across as somewhat sinuous and predatory without even realizing it.

~ Tea ~

Z'jai truly enjoys traveling far and wide to harvest particular spices and herbs to concoct his own loose-leaf tea blends. He is a seasoned botanist and herbalist moreso than any other trade he dabbles in. His tea preferences are for anything anise, clove, cinnamon, and fennel.

~ Pets ~


~ Likes ~

Building and repairing things with his own two hands.
Camping in the desert, often for long spans of time.
Spiced teas, and creating his own blends in particular.
Most any type of food, seafood being the exception to the rule.

~ Dislikes ~

Sugary treats; anything with excessive sugar is strong on his palate and will lead to other negative consequences.
Boats; he gets seasick very easily.
Cold weather. Miss him with that Coerthas stuff~
Extremely loud noises or crowded noisy venues.

~ Quirks ~

Likes to sleep in trees, also, a good nap in a sunbeam is a delightful thing.
Has a habit of stargazing if left on his own outside at night for too long.
Tends to exude a childlike glee and wonder when exposed to new things or ideas he finds particularly fascinating.
Often wears glasses for aesthetic purposes only; his vision is just fine.

~ RP Hooks ~

You're lost - Z'jai has a very keen directional sense. He's spent many years hunting and tracking as well as orienteering and is quite skilled at finding his way out of a jam.

You're searching for a rare item/plant/tree - Ex-treasure hunter extraordinaire, at your service! Z'jai has a knack for extracting hard to find items, informational or otherwise. He's also a pretty savvy botanist and has traveled far and wide in search of many kinds of flora.

You have tea - Z'jai loves tea and will rarely turn down a mug. Unless it's of poor quality. Then he might just berate you a little...

You need a bodyguard or accompaniment - For his friends he will do this willingly, but for acquaintances, it may take some bartering. (But frankly, not much, as he enjoys a good bit of a dangerous situation every now and then.)

You need something repaired - Z'jai is a quietly proud and rather skilled handyman. (Er, handylizard.)

You're an accomplished bladesmith - Z'jai is very interested in advancing his current bladesmithing techniques, and will likely jump at the chance to talk shop.

~ Gallery ~

~ OOC Notes ~


Yo! I'm Sami and I've been doing this roleplay thing for a long time, like a LONG time, like AOL Red Dragon Inn a long time. (I may have just dated myself there, huh. Whatever~) I'm fairly versed in everything from chat RP to journal-style games and in-game MMO style, obvs. I thoroughly enjoy creating characters and fleshing them out through interactive play - fun fact, Z'jai is probably one of my favorites I've ever played!

I won't tell you the first video games I ever played 'cause that'll hella carbon date me too, but I'm a huge fan of the FF series as a whole, and JRPGs overall. If I had to pick a favorite game ever it'd likely be Suikoden II. I've played a fair amount of MMOs, from World of Warcraft to Guild Wars to SW:TOR and Secret World (which I preordered way back when and still enjoy lately, NGL, I'm a sucker for Eldritch lore-stuff) Other favorites include but aren't limited to the Persona series, Danganronpa (2&3 mostly), Skyrim, HL2, Civ V, or just give me a SNES with Super Metroid and I'm a happy lizard. <3

RP Relationships

I'm open to anything that may provide potential quality RP with my character. If you are interested in my tol lizard and have any ideas to make them accidentally bump into each other or initiate contact, don't be afraid to reach me! :) I'm happy to roleplay in-game or over Discord (Sami#6248) most anytime. I'm not a shy person at all but I also want to respect other people's personal and social limits by not being too overbearing and "hi hi hi" all the time. Just know you can message me anytime; I'm never bothered and welcome the interaction. <3 I thoroughly enjoy plot-building with others and creating meaningful storylines; I also truly love writing for Z'jai and will always jump at the opportunity to do so. Similarly, I have a very thick skin and not much offends me, but please don't be a dick. Let's all play nice~


The Ever Expanding Time-Life Collection of Lizardsongs can be found here. Tracks in no particular order or arrangement, but they all mean something in some aspect. (What can I say, I'm a sucker for a good character playlist.)


Nights and Weekends, Eastern Time Zone. (Discord times more flexible!)

~ Z'jai Kha ~
Pronounced :: jai ka (soft j; the z is just for looks)
Nicknames :: Yeah, no...
Race/Gender :: Au Ra (Xaela); Male.
Age/Name Day :: 34; 21st Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon.
Deity :: Althyk, The Keeper.
Orientation :: Pansexual.
Relationship :: Quite enamored with Pyotyr Ilych.

Hair color :: Silver with crimson highlights.
Eye color :: Amber with bright gold limbal rings.
Complexion :: Ashen with deep black-violet scales.
Height :: Just over 7 fulms.
Weight :: 195 ponze, give or take a few.

Residence :: Owns a home in the Lavender beds. Can often be found at Pyotyr's clinic, fixing something or napping by the ocean.
Occupations :: Ex-combat specialist and assassin. Ex-treasure hunter.
Hobbies :: Bladesmith, carpenter, builder and botanist.

MBTI :: ENTJ - The Commander
Alignment :: Chaotic Good with a strong Neutral streak.

=== Base template by User:Abelia Kir Armiger and free for use! ===

♥♥♥ Template edits by Mzeo Gynzhe and also free for use ♥♥♥