Ashemmi Yarkul

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Asehmmi Yarkul

"It's a simple thing, really..."
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Under Construction




ESTJ: Executive

~Personality Type~ Ashemmi is a planner, and facilitator. Generally considered stoic and unbending on the exterior, those who become close to her understand a different picture. She is a soft, caring, and gentle woman who cares more for the comfort of those under her 'protection' than her own welfare. Ashemmi will listen, however expect to be provided an answer, or a solution as problems are meant to be dealt with and not endured.


~Loyal~ The world spins around her closest friends, and allies.

~Charity~ Ashemmi will donate her time to those less fortunate and encourages the use of her home to individuals or companies with limited means, as had been done for her.

~Tribal~ Though she was not raised in the tribe, her mentality is that she takes care of her own. In return, she expects others to follow the same path and give of themselves for the betterment of those around them.

Concept: Ashemmi is an original character, loosely fit around a 5e warlock concept within Eorzean lore. Promising from birth, her life has been a a conglomeration of events, which typically are seen to her as misfortune. In truth, these events are plays by potential 'patrons' to guide her path and secure her service.


~Hard Working~ Coming from nothing, she favors hard work and effort.

~Mothering~ In the absense of her own mother, she's 'learned' that righting a moral compass, or solving the problems of others 'will' come from the hand that is present.

~Chameleon~ Though she herself does not like the behaviour, her default reaction in uncomfortable situations is to blend in.

Notable Features

Notable Features

Common Appearance: Ashemmi wears her pink-hued hair up, tossed and braided. When worn down, it falls below her waist. Typically she will have a flower in her hair, and her nails will be precisely manicured.

Voice: Ashemmi is a practiced Soprano, who speaks clearly with no discernable dialect.

Clothing: Typically seen in pure white, Ashemmi has an affinity for a long skirt, jet black boots, and a top which displays her abdomen. When visiting clients, or for an evening out, she may wear other items with the intention of displaying her work. All clothing is of the finest, or newest materials, and are meant to instill desire in potential buyers.

Social Status: Ashemmi is a revered tradeswoman, known for her intricate work with cloth. She owns, and maintains a custom goods service, where she secretly employs top artisans to fulfill 'orders' for her clients. Those involved will refer to her as 'The Lady', for the security of herself and her clients her given name is not used in this context.




  • Under Construction
  • Under Construction


  • Under Construction
  • Under Construction


  • Color: Sky blue
  • Drink: Whiskey, moderately aged
  • Place: The Burning Wall


Glass-sword.png Abilities


  1. Strength - Under Construction


  1. Weakness - Under Construction



Common Rumors

  • "The 'Blades' provide security to her envoy."
  • "She was left in Ul'dah, by her own mother, to the care of a seamstress."
  • "She changes the flower in her hair, based off mood."

Rare Rumors

  • "The Sultana was seen wearing one of her dresses."
  • "Her hands are so quick, that she once sewed an archers arm to their waist, mid-draw!"

PC Rumors

  • Add one? :D


Glass-hourglass.png History
OOC: If you take knowledge of Ashemmi's past from this without her telling you IC I will blacklist you. Much is still story in development.

Childhood: Under Construction.

Before the incident: Under construction.


To Be added

OOC Information

Glass-heartlock.png OOC Information

Hard Limits

Hard Limits
Under Development - Self Introspection
  • RP that bothers me … List, under construction

Hooks & RP Favorites

Hooks & RP Favorites
Character introspection
  • Why she may take interest, yes, under construction

External Links

External Links
  • None at this point...