U'ndae Tia

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U'ndae Tia

"Remember the moment you know exactly where you're going

'Cause the next moment, before you know it

Time is slowing and it's frozen still"

[Currently Under Construction as I flesh out the character.]

A promising black mage who could probably have anything he wanted if he gave into his darker side. But all he really wants is attention and sex. Promised to a voidsent before he was even born, U'ndae is not like most other Miqo'te from the U tribe.

Race Miqote
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Age 29 Cycles
Nameday 7th Sun of the Third Astral Moon (May 7th)
Deity Llymlaen
Marital Status Single
Occupation [Resident poser]
Height 5 Fulms 8 Ilms
Weight 160 Ponz

General ✧

Though he might be a bit tall for a Miqo'te U'ndae is also rather thin. He never grew up learning to fight with his fists and so muscle mass never set in. Though he's more than okay with that. He rather likes being thin as he feels it helps with his "style" and "look."

In his "normal" look he would look like any other Miqo'te. To a point, anyway. Sporting blond hair bleached from the sun of Thanalan his ears seem rather large for a male Miqo'te. Aside from their natural size, U'ndae sports large gauged holes near the base of his ears. These are usually filled with obsidian disks for earrings. The tips of his ears are split as well, looking like they had been cut right down the center with a pair of short scissors. His eyes sport the usual Sun Seeker slit pupils, his face sporting the usual male Miqo'te face markings. Adorning his nose are two nose piercings connected with a chain. Below that is a septum piercing, usually just a simple hoop. When U'ndae smiles one is met with a mouth full of sharp teeth, similar to a shark's mouth.

His skin is tanned from the Thanalan sun and marked with magick circles to help him better control his own aether. On his left shoulder are circles for fire. On the right, circles for ice. On his chest two circles relating to breath to help keep him calm and in control.

Venturing further down we find his tail - bobbed down short and fluffy rather than long and full of emotion. Though that is not to say he is unable to display emotion with his tail alone.

When he is able to release his glamours U'ndae's true form comes to light. large horns sprout from his forhead and the glow in his eyes become more apparent. His tongue is uncomfortably long. His arms turn black from the tips of his fingers to his elbows, as if dipped in ink. The same goes for his legs from toes to knees. His tail grows long, thin, and covered in scales.

Clothing ✧

He prefers looser fitting shirts when he has to wear them. Otherwise he will go for something with a more tribal aesthetic. Bones and masks, tons of beads, some fur, and the more of his chest he can show off the better.

Voice ✧

Smooth and sultry. At least until he gets excitable. He can be loud but never grating.

Habits ✧

Despite what most people think when they see him U'ndae can be found studying. Reading books, who knew! Though the subjects he reads most people want nothing to do with, such as black magic and the Void.

U'ndae means to be a good friend but sometimes ends up becoming a bit overly friendly. Probably due to his succubus roots. He is very outgoing and will often say hello even if it seems you are not interested. He will go with you to parties and have a blast, but will also protect you - so long as you make a good impression on him first.


Drugs, sex, and rock & roll music
Body modifications
Night time city lights


Party Poopers
Being alone
The ocean


Alignment: Chatoic... something
Faults: Tactless
Favorite Flavors: Spicy!
Favorite Color: Purple

Childhood ✧

One of the few Nunhs of the U tribe, U'zhil tried time and again to grow the U tribe. However after multiple failures to impregnate any of the females he was dubbed infertile, and nearly lost his title. That was, at least, until he found and made a deal with a questionable figure. U'zhil Nunh would be able to produce children, for the cost of his first born son. U'zhil took the deal without hesitation, and it was revealed this figure was a succubus from the Void. Still, U'zhil thought not much of his bargan. Sacrifices were necessary, sometimes. For the good of the tribe. He went on to reproduce then, never telling a soul about his arrangment. His nunh status was no longer threatened, as he had successfully impregnanted a small number of females given to him. His first born was to a U'rhanri Vhev, as well was his first son, U'ndae Tia.

Knowing of his little deal U'zhil waited for the day someone, or something, would come for U'ndae. He was unsure of when or how, or if his son would even survive or would be killed in some fasion. U'zhil waited up nights for some sort of voidsent to come and take his son to complete the deal. All the while he did his best to not grow attached to U'ndae. He was only the payment for his half brothers and sisters. Unfortunately for U'zhil, nothing ever came for U'ndae. The boy grew up healthy - though he seemed a little odd at times in his actions, he was otherwise a normal baby and toddler. It wasn't until he was able to speak that others began to really notice something was not right about him.

It began with his words. U'ndae seemed far more interested in the void than any child should have ever been. He always had questions about it, and his parents ever wondered where he had even learned of the void in the first place. He claimed to have always known about it. At an age he was learning to hunt, he came home looking as if he had been beaten by some sort of animal... or another child. His tail was losing fur, though no one ever saw signs of confrontation. It seemed to just be... falling out? Two bumps on his forhead began to form as well. They were too symetrical to have been accidents, and there were no signs of brusing. His lips and tongue where the only signs of a struggle, as they would bleed often. Upon closer inspection, his teeth were beginning to sharpen. All of them. U'ndae also complained about not being able to completely hold his tongue in his mouth, but never admitted to ever getting in a struggle with any other children or beasts. He also did not sound or act ill, there were no signs of him being ill other than fur falling from his tail.

U'rhanri grew increasingly worried, especially as U'ndae began to complain of a pain in his lower back and asked if there was any kind of void magic that would make it all stop. Though finally she broke and hid her son away when she found him the bath unable to wash the black off his hands and feet, and small wings sprouting from his back. U'rhanri finally confronted U'zhil, questioning "What in the Seven Hells did you do to my son?!" It was then U'zhil realized what his deal so many years ago had meant. His first born son was not his at all - U'zhil was just a temporary carrier for the half-succubus, half-miqo'te child the Voidsent had barganed for.

U'zhil created glamours for his son then in an attempt to make him look normal. U'ndae was made to wear a glamour prisim at all times. This prisim hid his growing horns, sharp teeth, tainted skin, hairless and pointed tail, and most importantly those wings. U'ndae hated it. As a young boy he didn't understand why he was different or why he needed to hide what he really looked like. Sure, no one else looked like him, but... why? All he really understood was that both his mother and father, who was never really there in the first place, now looked at him like some sort of monster.

"Don't tell anyone," he was told. "Don't you ever tell anyone! No one must know what you really are!" But what was he?

Teenage years ✧


Present ✧



(easy to overhear)


(moderately difficult to overhear)


(very difficult or rarely overheard)


(rumors from the characters of other players)
Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing


Notes ✧


In-Game ✧


Outgoing Links ✧


Template Bancroft Gairn
Layout reference D'lyhhia Lhuil
Other fiddling Misik'a Rahsi