Gideon North

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 Gideon North
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"I am the young master's second in all things. As long as I yet retain duties to perform, young sir, I will perform them."
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah / Gridania
Occupation Valet / Butler
Age 27
Sexuality Heterosexual
Height 5 fulms 10 ilms
Guardian Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Server Balmung

Deposed valet to a once-wealthy and distinguished Roegadyn family, and professional gentleman’s gentleman. Skilled in a great number of disciplines, and obliging in all things, with a natural inclination towards competent and dedicated servility. Very conscious of class distinction, although largely unbothered by it. Intensely loyal, fiercely principled, and dependent. Most often called by his surname.

Wears a golden pin over his breast pocket in the shape of a maple leaf.


Build: Lean, coltish
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 168
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Straight
Eye Color: Brown
Skintone: Pale
Features: Immaculately-trimmed facial hair.


Gideon North is, in many ways, the ideal steward: years of practical training - and studying of social graces and etiquette - have prepared him well for a life in service to the noblest of patrons or houses. Ever unflappable, and ever calm and polite to everyone he meets, North strives to be a model valet and assistant in all ways. He treats all strangers and passersby with the same genuine respect and deference that he would offer an assigned master - always with the perpetual knowing smile of the prepared servant.

He is loyal to a fault, though only to specific people - he seems to take a rather rigid view of what constitutes his duty and what does not; certain individuals seem to be closely associated with this. However, he appears to be slow to actually trust, and slower still to allow himself to rely on the goodwill or strengths of others.

Despite his calm, mostly emotionless demeanor, he has been known to display a mildly sarcastic streak; he has a tendency towards being briefly, dryly acerbic, and then immediately returning to his ordinary gracious and sincere demeanor, leaving most in doubt as to whether or not he was actually joking.


House Aerstorn

It was only a few short years ago that the humble House Aerstorn was established in one of the lesser manses available within Ul’dah’s stonewrought walls. Fresh from the Calamity, and determined to make a change, the Sea Wolf Fyrhaez Holskfhisyn cast off the name of his father, brought his family to Ul’dah, and through sound investments of his seafaring spoils, established a traditional family name fit for the upper class: Aerstorn… “First Maple”: signified by a golden maple tree perforated by three holes.

Fyrhaez and his wife, Niustyr, dreamed of a future where the autarkic mindsets of upper Ul’dah would be swayed to help return peace to those of all classes, that a much-missed sweetness could be subtly slipped back into the atmosphere of the city. For this, they took on the Aerstorn name; built upon the fond memories of the sugared syrups drawn from the grand trees remembered from their childhoods.

And it was in the midst of this uprooting of their lives that House Aerstorn took on a young, highly trained butler and valet to help tutor and prepare the young son of the household, Dynitar Aerstorn, for high Ul’dahn social life.

Young Gideon North took to his job with a fierce dedication, determined to do his duty in service of the family and to do credit to his teachers and training, while the young master's parents began dividing and assigning their wealth into various business ventures - aiming to make a difference among the small businesses seeking a foothold in the better-known markets, aiding commerce and making deals where necessary. The young Roegadyn grew into a fine young man, and so too did North - learning as much from the young scion as he did from North, though always ready to supply his expertise and worldly knowledge where it would help the young man set his correct course.

The peace would not last.


Servant of no Master

After alerting the authorities to Dynitar's body - knowing full well there was little they could do - North fled Ul'dah at once. Slipping into coarse adventurer's clothes and heading for the verdant nation of Gridania, he abandoned the manse with the full intent of keeping his head low and biding his time, until he could once again slip back into Ul'dah and determine who truly was behind the fall of his House - his home...


Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love    Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing;    Rivalry     Emnity     Hatred


- Dynitar Aerstorn (deceased NPC): North's devotion to his Roegadyn master was remarkable; a shared bond of trust between the two, a confidence and reliance without peer among the young master's social circles. Hardly a mere servant, North assumed the role of the young Aerstorn's second; backing him in any venture or course of action to the best of his ability, with little objection other than calmly dispensed advice when prudent - which the young Roegadyn always took to heart. The young master's death hit North quite hard, but - grief being another luxury he could not spare time for - he has thrown himself wholly into the pursuit of those responsible for the fall of House Aerstorn.
- Byron Iosaphonn (NPC): Meek young Hyuran member of upper-class Ul'dah, and once friend to Dynitar. Somewhat weak-willed, he dared not risk his family name or social status when scorn or distrust was cast on House Aerstorn, though was quick to offer his support in private. After Dynitar's death, he has withdrawn wholly from the sociopolitical twistings of Ul'dah, keeping mostly to his family's manse... though he worries for North's safety.


- The Assassin: The one directly responsible for the death of Dynitar Aerstorn. North knows they were likely simply following orders; nevertheless, this is one case in which his rationality loses out. He seeks their identity...
- The Patron: The one who ultimately gave the order for House Aerstorn to be struck down. Assumed a member of Ul'dahn upper-class. Likely concealed behind a veil of Ul'dahn sociopolitic, and doubtless wealthy beyond measure, North has very little to go on, and barely any means to take any first step. Nevertheless, he seeks their identity...


Common Rumors

■ - "What a nice young man! A dab of that bottle of his, and a simple pile of leaves becomes a delightful luncheon. We ought to look into this 'vinaigrette' business."
■ - "Posh, ain't he? Talks at e'rryone like they're worf a million gil. Dun't seem like 'e's taking the piss..."
■ - "Ah, the healer I've seen around. A good fellow, but rather... curious, don't you think? He doesn't seem to appreciate anyone looking at his face for too long..."

Uncommon Rumors

■ - "Oh, he certainly pays lip service and does his studies, but he's not healing out of devotion to those elementals of theirs. He's after something, I'm sure, and I hope for his sake it's something within mortal reach."
■ - "Fella reminds me of a - you know, what're they called, sword-canes. Blade hidden in a walkingstick. All nice, dignity and elegance on the outside, but there's something nasty hidden under all that, mark my words..."

Rare Rumors

■ - "Bloody spook's going mad. Talks to himself out in the gardens, and in Roega tongue at that! Stay well clear of that one. Some things just aren't worth the trouble."
■ - "Nice enough man, but inquire after his own well-being and the walls go up like (snap) that. S'pose he's not one to let other folks get concerned over him... or maybe he just doesn't trust anyone."

Player Character Rumors

■ -

RPC Connections

You might know Mr. North if...

-You spent time among the upper-class in Ul'dah
-You follow the social webs of Ul'dahn wealthy
-You have a mercantile presence in either Ul'dah or Limsa Lominsa, with potential for Aerstorn investments
-You spent time in Gridania, particularly at the Conjurer's Guild or around Ursandel's domain
-You or your family ever required the services of a valet placement organization or academy
-You are known for particular skill in investigative or information-gathering ability, especially regarding crimes of foul play



The Blue Room
Possente amor mi chiama
The Daily Grind




Skype: wordsmithrefl
Forums: Banquo Viaquo