Lautrec Krios

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Ishgard.jpg Lautrec Krios
I will take to the skies, and should I fall I will bring my enemy with me.
Dragoon Of Ishgard
Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship Ishgard
Age 25
Height 6 Fulms 7 Ilms
Weight 190-200 ponz
Profession Dragoon
Patron Deity Halone
Server Balmung


Lautrec is about the standard height of most elezen and maintains a healthy weight. He has a refined and compact muscle structure due to his training as a dragoon. He has faint white eyes and short white hair, his skin complexion is quite dark due to his duskwight descent. He has scars on his face due to the volatility of his profession and also has a jet black tattoo on his face, maybe not to intimidate dragons but perhaps any others who may threaten Ishgard. His voice is rather baritone and his speech holds a rather minor Ishgardian accent but can be suppressed easily.


Lautrec Was orphaned at the age of 5 due to a dravanian attack which sparked his initial hate and drive for the dravanian, he was placed in an orphanage but since he was lowborn he was often passed over. At the age of 10 he ran away from the orphanage and went to a knights barracks asking to be trained to fight, as one would expect they laughed at the child seeking to train and some even ridiculed his duskwight blood. Despite that he remained outside the barracks day in and day out and always requested the knights to train him, soon the knights became impressed with his determination and while they could not train one so young they could have him help maintain the barracks and become familiar with the arms he would soon don one day. For 3 years he worked in the barracks, cleaning the weapons and armor, cooking the food for the knights and observing ever keenly their training sessions and absorbing every movement and every strike. At the age 13 he was officially recruited into the Ishgard military and began his training. Due to his still young age he was placed in a program that helped cultivate young youths to become to soldiers, they were taught various strategies, given rigorous physical training, and was also trained in the usage of various weapons as well as hand to hand combat. For another 3 years he trained in this program and created a bond with some members of the program. At age 16 he completed the program and was quickly placed in the regular military to begin his real training as were the others of that program, he chose the lance as his weapon of choice and promptly trained in the ways of its usage. Along with that training he would be assigned to various squads and regiments to who were often sent out on excursions to further his development in field combat as well as observer leadership qualities of the leaders of such squads and regiments. Given his already ample training he quickly became a soldier and a squad leader in 2 years time, he quickly selected the friends he made during his times in the youth program, soon after they were assigned a myriad of assignments and completed them with great success. During his many assignments he caught glimpses of the dragoons leaping in the air and looked at them in wonder. Still at the age of 18 Lautrec and his squad was tasked with the investigation of a small village that had gone quiet, they promptly moved out and went to the village. When they arrived it was desolate but more so than that there were scorch marks scattered all over the village a sign of dravanian involvement, during his may assignments he had come across some lesser dravanian and promptly slayed them with a vigorous hate in his eyes often forgetting himself in it. Seeing signs of dravanian influence Lautrecs comrades and friends implored him that they should return and report their findings but with hate already consuming him he payed no heed at their words and went further into the village. They soon stumbled upon a dravanian lieutenant, its size, appearance and stature clearly indicated its status among the horde, but still consumed by hate Lautrec tossed himself into battle resulting in a terrible outcome. Severely underestimating the dravanians speed and power Lautrec was stuck by its claws and tossed forcefully aside, bleeding from the wounds and suffering broken bones he lay there consigned to his fate as the lieutenant approached to finish him off but in the next instance his comrades and friends attacked the beast yet was quickly overcome. One of them impaled upon the lieutenants claws and died instantly while the other was scorched by its breath, seeing his them die before his eyes Lautrec realized the folly of his hate all too late, such blind and uncontrolled hate leads only to unnecessary loss with that in his mind and sorrow in his heart he rose before the beast with lance in hand thrusted it with all his might towards the beasts head. A mysterious feeling surround his lance and in the next instant his lance had run through the beasts head cleanly killing it instantly however the power used was unfamiliar to him and shattered his arm due to the sheer stress of the attack, soon after he passed out. Awakening in the medical ward of an Ishgard hospital a letter was on the desk next to his bed he opened it and it read "Your loss is great but should you wish to keep others from such loss travel to the upper wards carrying the emblem on that has come with this letter, You have the strength to make a difference do not squander it". Lautrec thought very long on this matter and decided that in order to atone for being consumed by his hate and costing others their lives he would live through any hardship and protect the people with all his strength. It took Lautrec some time to recover by the time he actually traveled to the upper wards he was 19 years of age, no sooner did he enter the upperward he was approached by a robed figure who carried the same emblem and lead him to a quiet isolated temple, within that temple were many others who also had the same emblem. Soon another figure appeared on the upper floor of the temple and stated that those who wish to serve ishgard to prove their resolve, he pointed below him to a single door in the temple and that one by one they were to enter. As instructed they entered uniformly, after the first person entered it was silent but then a scream of terror could be heard followed by silence. Their were many wary glances among the crowd yet they still went through the door. A great number of screams were heard as the day progressed yet ever so rarely not single scream was heard from some who entered, finally Lautrec walked through the door and before was a pit whose bottom covered in darkness and on the other side of the pit a another door. The were words engraved on the floor before him "Leap towards your destiny", the trial was clear, he must jump from where he is to the other door yet the distance is unreasonable large. However Lautrec decided he would face all hardships with that in his mind he jumped with all his might yet did not even make it a respectable distance, despite that his gaze remained on that door until his vision went black as he descended into the pit, he did not scream in terror while falling. No sooner did he begin falling he was stopped and then in a blinding flash was back in the temple but this time on the upper floors with only a handful of other people confused he looked around for an answer but to no avail none was provided until the one who spoke to them earlier came into the room congratulating them on completing the first trial and that they all had taken the first step to becoming a dragoon, all were shocked yet at the same time a fire was lit within them however the figure spoke cold words "Do not think just because you have passed the first trial you will succeed in the others, your numbers will continue to dwindle until the best are chosen". With those words in mind Lautrec as well as the others followed the figure to begin trials into becoming dragoons. When the calamity struck although aware of what happened he continued in his trials to become a dragoon and after 7 years he emerged from the temple with very few others as a dragoon, with lance in hand and resolve and strength in his heart he took to the skies.


Due to his upbringing and experiences as well as his dragoon training is a rather calm and calculating individual both on and off the battlefield. He speaks his words with care and in a way so that most will be understand his stance on certain matters. He is still privy to spurts of anger or discontent but nothing to the degree that would cause volatile situations. He has a rather stoic expression when on duty but sometimes his emotions do show on his face depending on the situation, outside of duty he maintains a calm demeanor but is a bit more free with his expressions.

Affiliations and Known Associates

((None so far))


  • Nicknames: (None right now)
  • Age: 25
    • Nameday:
    • Sexuality: Heterosexual
    • Marital Status: Single
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Subject to change)
  • Clothing: When on duty in the Ishgard region he dons the drachen mail, when off duty he wears military casual wear. When sometimes tasked with recon and or assignments dealing with dravanian or heretics in other regions he wears a black trench coat with red streaks, lightweight sabatons, black gauntlets and a various helmets.


  • Order
  • Calming Music
  • Books
  • Military
  • Reason


  • Dravanian
  • Heretics
  • Betrayal
  • Discord
  • Dishonor

Areas of Expertise

  • Martial: A master of the lance and is adept in the art of hand to hand combat as well skilled in the use of daggers.
  • Crafting: Has practiced the art of blacksmiths but is by no means skillful in it, just enough to maintain his own gear
  • Other: While not as great as mages he has a degree of manipulating his own aether to sometimes give him a slight edge in combat.


  • Resolve
  • Combat ability
  • Calculating thought process
  • Open to differing opinions
  • Reliable


  • Self Sacrifice
  • Shouldering too much responsibility
  • Working alone at times
  • Can become too focused on one task
  • Not relying on others (To clarify others can rely on him to get the job done but he is not keen on relying on others to get results the way he can)

Other Notes

Theme Song: Vogel im Kafig-

Battle Music: Old Dragonslayer-


The following rumours can be heard about Lautrec, predominantly in the Ishagard region but sometimes in the other regions as well. (If your character has an opinion about him, feel free to add it here.)

Common rumours

  • I do not know of it is the same dragoon but if it is does he never rest?
  • He saved me when a dravanian descended upon me... he rightfully descended upon it in an instant
  • I sometimes see one leaping towards the steps of faith

Uncommon rumours

  • He protects the lower wards more than the upper wards
  • The knights speak on how one is adverse to giving them orders
  • I see him alone at times

Rare rumours

  • I remember some dragoons are sent to the unbelievers lands
  • I heard he favors the adventurers

What PCs are saying

Known Haunts

You might have run into or otherwise know Lautrec from:(Will update once I figure it out)