Ashley Kirine

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Revision as of 07:53, 3 August 2015 by Ashley Kirie (talk | contribs) (General)
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Ul'dah-transparent.png Ashley Kirine
"I just don't understand, what potential? I'm just a whore with stabbers..."
The Dancer
Gender Female
Race Mi'qote
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Ul'Dah
Grand Company Maelstrom
Free Company Area of Effect
Age 18
Guardian Bryegot, the Builder
Nameday 22nd Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon
Server location: Gilgamesh



Name: Ashley Kirine

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Sexuality: ???

Relationship Status: Single

Class: Ninja (Rogue)


This is a sample

5"5 A tall, curvy miqo'te, with Natural Jet Black hair, though she may change her hair color constantly through dyeing. She usually has her hair in pigtails, preferring her Foestriker coat, she typically wears it for her hunting gear and mixes and matches her other parts of her gear depending on the mission, favoring lightweight gear over heavy gear. When in casual wear, she typically wears a Tabard, and shorts, with cockcrows. Overall she prefers rather loose or skimpier clothing so don't be surprised if she's found in cascade uniform top. She has a black butterfly Tattoo on her Right cheek, which is the brand of her former owner.


Prefers to use stealth as opposed to upfront combat. When slaying monsters, she will sometimes attack an enemy other than the party's focus of attention, only if she knows she can handle it. Otherwise, she tends to use her stealth abilities to bypass needless battles at all possible. When in hunting parties she's very impatient, wanting to rush through the area rather than waste time on lower tier enemies.


Ashley Kirine is an 18 year old Mi'qote adventurer who grew up on the streets and, post calamity, in the brothels of a small city outside Ul'dah. She's rather brash, and unforgiving, not very kind to those who cross her or betray her. Due to her harsh upbringing, she has a strong distrust and dislike of people. She'll use her stealth abilities to help her hide herself when nervous and attempt to dodge the question should it prove too personal for her. She tries to keep her upbringing a secret, for fear of judgement, and worst of all: fear of being outcasted by her own Free Company. She often tries to hold her true ways away from the public doing what she can to change her lifestyle of thievery and murder.

Originally being a pugilist she became a Rogue upon visiting Limsa, and became what she calls: "a full time rogue". She loves hunting, and when killing monsters goes into a sense of battle high, almost becoming completely different in personality, when enraptured by the thrill of battle, her shy, worrisome personality drops completely no longer considering the concerns of others. When she's into her relapse state, from her earlier days of her childhood, she becomes extremely submissive, and open to suggestion though it rarely happens. She hates and loves Anba, a paladin who took her in and trained her, not seeing her as a mother or older sister, but more like a close companion she's come to care greatly for, while also wanting to cause extreme harm at the same time.

Ashley, due to her way of life prior to Ul'dah, desperately craves forms of affection, especially for a loving eternal bond partner, poor or rich. Occasionally she will relapse into her previous mental state, slipping away from her companions to regain her sense of self. She continues her work in the daily slaying of monsters, trying to find a reason to her life as she slowly adjusts to a life no longer filled with thievery to survive.

Running Heavensward Arc

By this time, Ashley has become more mature, and less naive. After a vicious battle against in a transformed Dravanian that her and her fellow company mates took part in, she was trained by her friend, love interest to be able to use her mudras back-to-back in a longer string before her body wears out. Due to her feelings being revealed about her former love interest, she's become less trusting, and more angry towards others. She still uses her Rogue and ninja training in her day-to-day life. After her former love interest had told her she did not feel the same way about her, she had gotten her own room and opted to become more independent, preferring to work and be alone most of the time rather than be involved with anyone. Now she's become more of a drinker, preferring to drink herself to forget her troubles. Though she's still happy to help her fellow company mates and friends without hesitation.

She's decided it would be best for her to start helping out with events to take her mind off things, which she does well despite her shyness. Now with even more friends and allies, she's become a bit more open to people, and was convinced by her friend Saber to start reading more so she could improve her vocabulary. unfortunately, she still has a hard time saying the new words she's learned and still speaks with a rather crude dialect. Due to her time training with her love interest, and her and the ninjas, she has come to know a lot about Doman culture and has even more love than before for it altogether. She still regrets the day she broke Vic Valcrist's heart, as she stopped a relationship from getting too serious due to her feelings for him not being solid enough, and tries to avoid talking to him, or even being around him at all costs. She still cares greatly for him though, and will watch after him to make sure he doesn't get into trouble or get hurt.

Due to a variety of people, she's given up her previous profession, still plagued with relapses, she struggles to maintain her withdrawal from the lifestyle. Becoming very aggressive and hostile when affected by it. Nowadays though, she still works as a assassin for hire and a hunter, if she's not busy with her voluntary work. While trying to come up with a way to drown out her anger, she decides to take up the art of Axe-wielding. Though he still prefers her daggers, and always trains to be a better ninja, she does practice her swipes every now-and-again.

Bent on no longer focusing on her older life, and the troubles that befell her, she continues to live-on, trying to adjust to a more simple life.


Ethical Slut

Hooker With A Heart of Gold

Covert Pervert

Heroic Seductress


Brutally Honest

Cannot spit it out

Culture justifies everything and anything

Cute outside the field, Psycho on it


Occasional Deadpan

Desperately craves affection

Wonders about her purpose in life

Unhealthily Indecisive


  • Hunting and Assassinating
  • Life of thievery per being a Rogue
  • The oldest [Pastime]
  • Her FC and family: AoE


  • Manipulation
  • Stealing from friends and allies
  • Repression of her needs
  • Groups of people
  • Ul'dah
  • Paladins
  • Heavy clothing/suits of Armor


  • The oldest Profession
  • Stealth
  • Monster slaying


  • Has been involved in the oldest profession for the last 3 years of her life.
  • She will not openly talk about her work in the brothels, often referring to it as her "previous profession", she tries her hardest to hide her lustful ways, often referring to them as her "needs".
  • Her Tattoo is the brand placed on her by her owner after she was bought from her Brothel, of which is a grim reminder of her past.



Blood Family is Deceased.




Common Rumors

  • "A rogue is commonly seen in Mor Dhona during Aetherial Storms, or in the South Shroud during the night every full moon."
  • "A mysterious Mi'qote can be seen hanging around the drowning wrench, scantily clothed every few cloudy moons."

Moderate Rumors

Rare Rumors

PC Rumors



  • Ashley Kirine is indeed related in a form to Ashley Kirie
  • She is the [reincarnated form] of A'Ashelia Kirie, a previous attempt at her current character, completely reworked, she is the third attempt.

This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea