Cerelaut Levesque

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 Cerelaut Levesque
Ffxiv 27022016 062036.png
"I dont lie- I'm an awful dancer."
Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship None
Nameday 23rd Sun of the 4th Astral Moon (Aged 60)
Height / Weight 6'3 / 138lbs
Relationship Status Single
Orientation Good question.
Server Balmung
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[Profile will improved and expanded on at a later date... when I remember.]

Basic Info

Cerelaut is a little shorter than the average elezen, similarly his naturally slim physique seems even more sharp- to the point that those observant would note him being borderline underweight. His dress is often on the more casual side, though almost always as clean and pristine as the silvery white hair that sits just above his shoulders. The two constant things about his appearance however is that is legs always seem to be armoured to a certain extent- primarily his legs, and that his torso, neck and arms down to part way down the forearm seem to be blackened from something resting under the skin. Though the race typically have a very youthful look to them despite their age, for him the years seem to have a less kindly effect with a more dull complexion to his skin and his sharp, pale eyes being surrounded by dark circles that look as though he hasn't slept properly in moons.

Sometimes he will appear overly energetic and often somewhat twitchy compared to his usual self, followed by the opposite shortly afterwards- suggesting some kind of regular stimulant use. On top of all this, those who are sensitive to aether would be able to note that his has a charred, almost burnt out quality to it.


Though they seem unkeen on divulging most of their history, there are small pieces that people have been able to glean of his past- providing what he speaks is the truth and not some peculiar amalgamation of what could have been. The fairly reliable extracts however seem to consist of him being born to the Ishgardian middle class, an often overlooked group that seemed to sit neither here nor there most of the time. Though it was of course typical for sons to adopt the lance or blade, his skill with magical healing allowed him a means to follow a differing path and travel south to become a student within the Shroud. This point however is where the details become especially vague or just missing entirely, but it is at least partially let onto- albeit unintentionally- that the stress of the constant wars may have been a considerable factor in what sparked off the change into what he is today.

==Personality== [To be updated] In general he comes off as overly confident and sure of himself- often bragging about his skills and "always getting what [I] want, in one way or another"; something that he has surprisingly managed to prove the majority of the time-- especially given the otherwise peculiar nature of some requests. His primary source of entertainment and enjoyment seems to be watching people and things, claiming that he sees life and its events as a "performance" and is not shy in telling people- especially strangers- what he thinks of their "work" whether it be bad or good. Those he finds particularly interesting he tends to follow around in order to "watch and learn further" which very often leads to improper and just as often overly personal questions. Ironically enough however, he is often guarded about his own past and circumstances and will either glide over a topic completely or make it vague and warped enough from the truth that it holds no discernible relation to the real answer. He claims he cannot lie, and though there is no true way to tell it seems so far that it could in fact be the case, considering his preference for answering unwanted probes into his own private and personal life.

All these thing of course are an act within itself- a performance put on for the masses as he makes his way through the day to day. His true self is hidden away- locked off to all but those who are less able to find the key, but pry it open by force. Individuals who manage this are rewarded with a demeanor very different- the pinnacle of subservient and devout as though starved from direction and rule.



Other Notes